How i fucked my own cousin[F] and she fucked me[M] back

English is not my native lang. so, sorry about that beforehand. İ just had to get this out of my system…also not a naughty story, actually its kinda sad one.

She is my real cousin(my aunts daughter), kinda chubby with the most beautiful and angelic face i’ve ever seen. İn every way she is the most beautiful girl in the earth for me. Enough details.

Me and my cousin had a really fucked up past. we were stupid to fall in love each other when we were really young and we were in a hopeless long distance relationship for a long time. She was in a different city 600miles away and we didnt get to chance to get together.

Ofc everything was a big secret between the two of us cuz if our families find out it would definitely be the end of us.
After 2years of texting and webcam sessions we grow up finally.
At some point we agreed together that it can’t go on like that and than we broke up, never have seen each other for was really hard for me.

İ’ve never been able to get her out of my head…

İ married 3years ago and i have a really happy marriage.
Last year my cousin and i started to talk again after 10 years cuz she is going to a university near my city now. İt lead to sexting real fast and we dated couples of times in the past months.

First one was beautiful and fun was our first date actually. That night we slept in my car. We kissed,she gave me bj and i returned the favor. she offered me herself complately in that passionate moment but i had to refuse cuz she was a virgin. We both are open minded people but in my country virginty still an important thing unfortunately. Anyway, we stoped after that but it Was a beautiful night.

Second date, we were in my grandmom’s house. she was away for couple days and we took that chance. We had anal sex cuz she really wanted it. Ofc i wanted to and it was mindblowing. After that we do that again 4 times in 4 months.

Ofc it was not just sex, we’ve talked a lot about our lifes. İ listened her school problems and dreams.she listened my personal problems etc. We talked about me being married just 1time and she said she was ok with that. We have never talked it again after that.

1 month ago she said that she want to do it(lose her virginty).she said that it is her decision to make and i should not refuse her for her sake. And i said ok.

We rented a house for 3 days. İ can’t even describe how incredible those days was. We had sex so many times that i couldnt even count. We watched each other for hours. talked about nearly everything. She said that she loves me and will love me no matter what for the rest of her life.

Every moment was heavenly…

After those days our relationship went down real quick.
1 week later She suddenly started to act diffently and very cold to me although i was complately charmed by her spell and i could do anything for her. And 1 week ago she gave me some speech about she need some space for university stuff and ignored me complately after that… like all the things we did was nothing… And it doesnt even make sense cuz yes, all those years i was in love with her but i know she loved me more like a overly attached gf. Suddenly she decided to ignore me?

İ think she is with someone and this is her way to dump me in our secret relationship.
İts ok if she is with someone else but her attitude really broke my hearth…

İ dont know what to do.

And İ still cant get her out of my head and i never will i think…

Fuck, i have to work up on my english really…



  1. Good incest story.

    Your English is solid.

    My guess is that your cousin got scared by how much she enjoyed fucking you and freaked out so she decided to stop talking to you completely.

  2. Never a good idea to fall in love with a cousin unless you’re in a country where you are allowed to marry and/or its socially acceptable.

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