[FM] my oldest sister had sex with the Chinese Communist Party official in charge of the One Child Policy just so my mother can give birth to my youngest brother

This happened many many years ago when my family was still living in China and so I have to give you a lot of background on my family and I hope you will bear with me.

Well, so my family came from rural Jilin province in China, the economic backwater of China, and for those of you who don’t know, the one child policy in China forbids any family to have more than one child in urban areas, but two children in rural area (because rural families need more children to work on the farm), and so if you lived in rural areas and you didn’t have any young men to work on the rice field, it was a huge problem.

After my oldest sister was born, my father’s first wife became pregnant again, but she kept on becoming pregnant with daughters, and had to have four abortions. Yes, four abortions. After my oldest sister was born, gender testing became widely available and so she was able to see the gender of the baby while it was still inside her tummy, she became so distraught and frustrated that all her pregnancies were girls so she committed suicide. And so my dad remarried his second wife, my mother, who was ten years younger than his last wife (women are very cheap in China) and after marriage, well, I came out, and well, I’m no boy. I would have been aborted but by the time I was born gender testing was banned in China so lucky me I guess.

Anyway, my dad was very disappointed that I was not a boy and by then my family had already had hit their quota and there was no way they could have more babies. If they did, and if the officials found out, my mother would have been given an involuntary abortion, and then, my parents would be involuntarily sterilized and will never be able to have babies. The official came to visit our house almost every month just to check if we were having more babies, because by the time we had two children, and both female, our family became critically alert target. Many family by then would be very desperate to get pregnant again.

But there weren’t absolutely no options. You can bribe the official to have a third try, but it was so expensive and my family simply couldn’t afford it. Well, by that time, my sister had already dropped out of school and was working outside. She … well, she worked as a prostitute in Weihaiwei, also known as British Weihaiwei. It was a top destination for rich foreigners and a lot of rich japanese, Europeans, and middle-easterners travel to there for business and sex.

Prostitution is supposedly illegal in China but it’s literally everywhere and literally every Chinese girl from rural province goes to big cities to work as prostitutes, including my oldest sister who didn’t go to college. She said because she wasn’t able to go to college but she wanted me to go to college and she said she was working hard and saving money for me to go to college.

Anyway, so my oldest sister said to my parents, well … there’s a way. I could blackmail the official. Invite him to dinner and have him so drunk … Then the next day I say he raped me and force him to give us a waiver for a third baby.

My dad was very angry with her when he heard it but my mother was skeptical. Well, my oldest sister is not her biological child and so she didn’t really care for her as much as she did for me. So my mother said why not give it a try. Even though we didn’t discuss it in the open, my family already knew what kind of job my sister was doing in Weihaiwei. When she came back to visit us, she was dressed so provocatively. She dyed her hair blonde. She had beautiful makeup with fake eyelash, and she was wearing jewelry and bright red heels and she had so much money. Everybody in the village knew what she was doing.

But my dad was having a lot of pressure from his parents also. They said to him “filial piety can compromise three times, but not having a son is the gravest.” Not having a son meant not being able to pass down his lineage and basically it was like he was rootless, a word that was synonymous to being castrated. So reluctantly he decided to agree to this shenanigan and invited the official over to dinner and my oldest sister sat next to him around the dinner table and make him drink rounds and rounds of moonshine, a type of alcoholic beverage. My oldest sister had lily white skin like me and plus all the makeup and smart dress she was like a hip urbane Chinese woman and she was very sexy and so it was very easy for her to seduce the rotten official. Soon he was drunk and my sister took him to her room and laid on bed with him.

The next morning my dad took a meat cleaver and rushed into the room and yelled “how dare you sleep with my daughter.” The official was butt-naked and was scared shirtless. But he kinda knew he was set up and so he said basically what do you guys want. He said it very calmly too. He was intimidated initially but after a few exchanges he knew what was going on.

So my dad gave him the demand and he agreed to it without even a second thought. Later on he even gave my family what was worth a thousand dollars just so they could keep it quiet. He was a party official and he would lose his party membership if it became known to his supervisors, not to mention his very jealous wife.

So that was how my youngest brother was born.

But our family was never the same again after the incident. My dad became very taciturn and very seldom spoke to my oldest sister. Even though she did this to help him, he knew what she was doing outside and was always ashamed. She had so many foreign boyfriends, Japanese, Korean, European, and Middle-Eastern. My father had lung issues due to pollution and died from cancer just a few years after my brother was born. That was when my mom decided to go to work in the city as well, well, as … you guessed it. But she didn’t do it in China. She and my sister went to Japan.

Years later my oldest sister married a rich Japanese man and became a Japanese citizen while my mom married an American men and came to live in America. I have one older sister, one brother and two younger sisters. We are all a big happy family.

And thanks for reading! =)

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/itvdzm/fm_my_oldest_sister_had_sex_with_the_chinese


  1. Hot story, but what was the CCP official in charge of the one child policy doing in Jilin?

  2. Not the typical gone wild story but being chinese and this doesn’t surprise a bit.

    Happy to hear everyone is happy. Life works it self out.

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