Friend turns my wife into a hotwife, The Neighbor heard! part 2 (MFM)(cons)(interr)(oral)(piv)(wife)

After the evening activities Ben and Patricia had with Tommy, the couple woke up the next morning, a little moonstruck at what happened the night before but also satisfied in a strange new way, Ben felt like Patricia had emerged from her cocoon and seemed more comfortable with herself, and Ben isn’t going to start lying to himself now, even though it had made him uncomfortable at first, he really did enjoy seeing his wife let her hair down so to speak.The morning rolled on like any other morning, they both seemed to have a little spring in their step, Patricia got busy straightening up the house and Ben went out to get the yard taken care of for the week. Their neighbor Terrence was out doing the same and they swapped waves to each other as they continued their work.

Ben had finished up and was putting his tools away and he heard Terrence yell out his name, there was nothing unusual about it, they had often talked after getting their yard work done, they knew each other like neighbors do nowadays they just didn’t hang out. He walked over to Ben and they were doing the usual thing, talking about what all was going on with the world and joking around about who’s yard looked better.Patricia had looked out the window and saw them talking, and it was hot outside by now so she poured a couple glasses of ice water to take out to them. Besides she liked Terrence, and since he was going through a divorce she kind of kept her distance so people wouldn’t talk like they do but since Ben was out there too it would be okay.

She walked out and handed them the water and Terrence thanked her, she couldn’t help thinking how sexy he was with the sweat running down his skin, he was a good looking, fairly tall African American man, and well mannered, she knew a little about him, he was a engineer with the city, and he had moved in next door about six months ago when he was going through his divorce. He pretty much kept to himself, she never saw any women over there and she would see him going out for a run pretty often and sitting out on his patio reading when he was home.

They continued their “fixing the world” conversation and then Terrence brought up that he had heard something last night, and asked if they heard it also? Well this caught Ben and Patricia off guard and they looked at each other in shock with a million things running through their heads, Ben recalled how loud Patricia had been last night, he even remembered thinking that the neighbors would here, and Patricia was also remembering her cries of passion last night, and she thought, oh my gosh! Terrence must have been out on his patio last night!He continued and said I really have to apologize, I heard what I thought was someone screaming last night while I was out on the patio, Ben and Patricia are just looking at him wide eyed and their mouths open in disbelief, wondering just what does Terrence know!

He kept on with his story, and said so I got up to investigate, and when I heard that it was coming from your house I decided to look in your window in between the curtains to make sure you were okay. Ben and Patricia are shell shocked and have no idea what to say, Terrence again said I just wanted to apologize for looking into your window and invading your private moment, but in my defense he said, looking at Ben, when I saw it wasn’t you with your wife on your bed, I was concerned that she was being attacked, but then I saw you to the side watching so I assumed that everything was okay and you all were into that kind of thing.

They didn’t know what to say, they both had red faces from embarrassment, Ben blurted out, no problem man, because he just didn’t know what else to say, Patricia just stood there her mind racing with thoughts of him seeing her like that, the thought that he had seen her doing that last night had her heart racing, she had never been an exhibitionist but it excited her to know he had watched her, Terrence went on and said I have to admit I watched for a while till I couldn’t take it anymore, you see he said, I haven’t had any in six months, and seeing you all enjoying yourselves last night was almost to much, so I had to walk away and try to forget it or I would of had to take care of it myself and I told myself a long time ago that I wouldn’t do that, that’s why I run so much! He laughed and Ben and Patricia smiled not really knowing what to say, so he said to them again how sorry he was for his intrusion and that it wouldn’t happen again now that he knows nobody is being hurt, and he kind of half laughed and told Patricia thank you again for the water and said I guess I’ll get back to my work.Ben and Patricia just looked at each other in disbelief and hurried back into their house.

Once they got inside Patricia let out a OH MY GOSH! he saw us last night! Ben replied Seriously! what the heck are we going to do! Patricia just rolled her eyes and they both were running this information through their minds in silence. Ben then said, maybe he didn’t really see anything and just like trying to see what we would say, Patricia put a end to that thought when she told him, he said he looked through the gap in the curtains, I noticed that this morning myself, the curtains were apart about 4 inches! And how would he know you were standing off to the side watching, How would he know that unless he was there at the window, tell me, how!

Then she looked out the kitchen window and saw Terrence leave out on a run and watched as he ran down the street, wondering just what was on his mind.Ben and Patricia thought about it all day just running it over and over in their minds talking with each other about what they could do or should do, should they just act like nothing was said and go on with life? It was driving them crazy, and as the day went on Patricia saw Terrence come back from his run. She went on about her business, after about thirty minutes she had went outside and was getting in her car heading to the grocery store and she saw him come out again, he waved at her, and went out for another run, and she wondered again, but with some idea, what was on his mind.

She had been gone about an hour and had just gotten home and carried her groceries inside and she saw him come back from his run, this guy is putting in the miles today, she thought, she was starting to feel guilty for what he had seen and how hard he was trying to deal with it, but she kept putting everything away and put it in the back of her mind for now.

Later on closer to the evening Ben and Patricia had just finished supper and cleaning up the kitchen and she saw Terrence go out again for another run, “That’s it”! She said and Ben asked her “what”? She said she had seen Terrence go out running three times since we talked today, Ben answered so what, he likes to run, and she reminded him what Terrence had said, he said he promised himself that he wasn’t going take care of himself in that way, Ben said what do you mean, he isn’t going to beat off? She said yes, that’s how I took it, didn’t you? He just looked at her, then she said remember he said he hadn’t had sex in six months, Ben said yes I remember him saying that, but what has that got to do with us? She said, don’t you feel bad that we are responsible for the torture the guy is going through, I mean could you imagine seeing what he did last night and not doing anything to take care of yourself but running trying to keep it off your mind, Ben said yes I see what you mean, but what can we do about it?She told Ben that she feels like they should talk to him about it and apologize for putting him through what we did. Ben said “seriously”, she said yes, and he told her okay but it’s just going to embarrass him more, she told him to go wait for him to get back and tell him we want to talk, and Ben agreed reluctantly and went outside on their porch to wait.

Ben had been waiting for about 20 minutes when he saw Terrence coming down the street and started walking over to meet him at his porch, Terrence said hey, what’s up, a little surprised to see him there, and Ben said that he and Patricia wanted to talk to him for a minute if he had time, he said okay, and he would be over after he got cleaned up, so Ben headed back to his house and Terrence went in to get a shower, wondering what they wanted to talk about, neither of them seemed upset when he told them what he saw last night, he knew he had good intentions cause he thought something was wrong, but they did seem shocked, he was hoping they weren’t mad and going to chew him out or something, Ben had got back to his house and Patricia asked how it went and he said just fine, he’s coming over after he gets cleaned up.

Terrence had finished up and headed over to their house and thought might as well get it over with, he got to the door and rang the bell, an Patricia answered the door and said come on in Terrence, he walked in and she led him into the living room where Ben was watching tv and she asked him to sit down and if he would like a drink or anything, he told her ice water would be great, so she went to get it for him. Ben and Terrence waited in the living room both nervous and Ben said look man we just want to apologize for dragging you into what we were doing last night, he replied don’t worry about it, I should have known nothing bad was happening, Patricia had got back with his water and he thanked her, she continued apologizing to him, and that she has felt guilty about it all day, every time you went for a run today I felt like we were responsible for torturing you since you told us that you do “that” to keep from, she paused and said well you know what I mean. Ben had turned red by this time and Patricia was blushing, Terrence was a little uncomfortable too, but he laughed and said it’s okay, really, to be honest with you all, I stayed there watching the whole time, so it’s all on me, I tried to turn away, but that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen, and then looking at Patricia, said I couldn’t take my eyes off of you, and I was wishing the whole time it was me in there, so I was out running all night too, they all laughed.

Patricia looked over at Ben and he knew exactly what she was thinking, and he was thinking it too! He has always had a fantasy of watching Patricia with a black man, and he said, Terrence, wishes sometimes do come true! Terrence looks wide eyed at Patricia sitting next to him on the couch and she looked down at her blouse and started unbuttoning it, she got the last one undone and pulled her blouse off revealing her leopard print bra, she laid her blouse on the back of the couch and reached back to unhook her bra, pulling each strap off her shoulders one at a time and it dropped off revealing her breasts, Terrence could hardly wait to get his hands on them and he reached over and put his hands on her breasts and squeezed them tight and thought to himself, its sure been a long time, he looked over at Ben, a little unsure if it was okay, and Ben seeing Terrence was a little apprehensive he stood up and said I’m going to go get some water and give you two some privacy, so he walked around the corner into the kitchen, Patricia reached over to Terrence and took both sides of his tee shirt and pulled it over his head and threw it onto the couch too, she was impressed by how muscular he was and asked him to stand up in front of her and he did, she reached over and unbuttoned his shorts and looking up at him, slowly started unzipping them and letting them fall to the floor, she looked at his cock that was struggling to stay in those briefs, his head was exposed, coming out from under them through the leg hole, he was massive, she thought to herself, I can’t wait to see it! She took one of her hands and pulled the band away and reached in with the other and grabbed his shaft and started pulling it out, Terrence moaned from the warm an gentle touch of a woman, something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

Patricia sitting on the couch continued to pull it out, it seemed like it took forever, and she thought, it’s so long, and then, just like that, it jumps out, right in front of her face, Terrence let out a groan and hejust couldn’t hold it any longer and all that he had watched Patricia doing last night to Ben and their friend, six months of no release for him, all that had built up in him and he started pumping a massive load all over Patricia’s face and chest, Patricia jerked back in shock and let out a loud OHH!, it seemed like he just kept cumming , Ben heard her and rushed around the corner to see his wife there covered in Terrence’s cum, and the first thing that came to his mind was how hot she looked, she turned and looked at Ben with her mouth and big brown eyes open wide in shock at what had happened, her hands held out to her sides slightly with her fingers spread out, Terrence’s cum was all over her hands, face and tits, it was dripping from her fingers and her nipples, and a large wad was hanging from her chin, and all he could think was how amazingly adorable she was covered in cum like that. Terrence was apologizing for it happening, he said it’s just been so long and I just got too excited, Patricia looked up at him, his cum running down her face and said you feel better now! You sure it’s not been longer than six months? They all laughed and Ben looking at his wife said to her, “your a mess”! I hate I missed it, I’ll go get you a towel.

Ben came back with the towel and she started wiping her face off and Terrence offered to help and he took the towel and started to wipe his cum off of her, still standing there in front of her with a hard on, he wiped her hands off and then to her belly and was wiping up to her chest, he started under one of her breast and was wiping up squeezing her slightly and there was so much of his cum on the towel her tit just squeezed out and dropped back down and he repeated it on the other one, he liked how heavy her tits were and he did it again to both of them, Ben was looking on enjoying what he was seeing, her tits were so shiny with all Terrence’s cum smeared all over them, he said, looks like you need another towel and he laughed and went to get another one. Patricia looked up at Terrence when Ben left and asked him if he needed anything else, and he replied, “oh yes”! She noticed a different look in his eyes, like she had awakened a beast, Terrence flexed his cock right in front of her face and she took that as he wanted her to take him in her mouth and she leaned into him and wrapped her lips around his head, Ben came around the corner again with the clean towel and was excited to see her with his big cock in her mouth and decided not to interrupt them with the towel, it didn’t seem to be bothering them anyway. Patricia could taste his cum as she sucked him deeper into her mouth, she had never been with a black man but she had always secretly wanted to, after all the stories she had heard she was ready to experience it, she had her hands on his thighs while she was devouring him, his deep growls were vibrating through his cock deep in her throat and she enjoyed how good that felt.

Terrence was enjoying what Patricia was doing, he had his hands holding the sides of her face as she was pushing her mouth over him sucking him so hard he could fell it in his balls, she slid her hands over and pulled his briefs down to the floor exposing all of his body to her eyes, she pulled back to look him over and just smiled at him and said “Mmmm”. Terrence had never been with a white woman before either, and he was looking forward to this as much as Patricia, she was bringing something out in him that he hadn’t felt before, a wildness, he just wanted to fuck her and he wanted to do it hard and now! He reached down and lifted her up, and started to pull her shorts down and he didn’t want to waste any time so he pulled her panties down at the same time, now he almost had her where he wanted her. He pulled her forcefully over to the end of the couch and told her to bend down and grab the arm of the couch, she was a little shocked at how things were turning but she also liked it too, so she did what he told her, Ben was watching his wife being positioned by Terrence and loved seeing her being dominated like that, he thought to himself, this guy means business.

Terrence had Patricia now bent over there in front of him, he put his left hand on her and pushed down on her back forcing her to her forearms on the arm of the couch making her ass stick up in the air, he reached down with his free hand and lifted up his cock and laid it down between her ass cheeks, Patricia shuddered with anticipation, she felt how big and heavy it was, Terrence slowly dragged it back down her crack until it fell off and he crouched down a little and grabbed his cock with his free hand and started rubbing the head in her wetness, then pushed it in, just a little, just far enough for her to wrap tightly around his head and they both were moaning in pleasure and anticipation, Terrence pushed it into her slowly, stretching her and she spread her legs a little more to accommodate him, Ben moved over to close the living room blinds and to get a better view of what was happening, and Terrence continued pushing inside her till he hit bottom and with a loud grateful sigh pulled it back all the way until only the head was left in Patricia’s wet pussy, Ben could see all his wife’s juices covering Terrence’s big black cock, and he knew at that moment his wife was about to get used by Terrence, but not just used, she was about to get the fucking of her life!

Terrence took his hands now and grabbed her her hips, and adjusted his stance, and pushed in hard this time, the loud smack of him colliding into Patricia’s ass filled the room, Patricia let out a loud groan of satisfaction and Terrence increased his pace, now stroking her wet pussy hard and she was letting out little screams every time he hit bottom, Ben saw his wife’s ass cheeks bouncing from the force of Terrence’s thrusting into her, and her tits were swinging to the motion, so much that they were hitting the arm of the couch, the smacking from him hitting bottom, Patricia with her little screams every time he did, and Terrence, he was really enjoying himself, all these sights and sounds were like a melody to Ben, he was loving all of it! He moved back behind them and what he saw will be imprinted in his mind from now on, Terrence’s powerful black legs were spread out wide with Patricia’s creamy white legs framed on the inside of his, their juices dripping down to the floor while he was pounding her wet welcoming pussy, his heavy balls swinging to his rhythm slapping Patricia every time he bottomed out, it had him ready to join them, but he would wait, this wasn’t the time yet.

Ben started to get his clothes off, he wasn’t going to wait much longer before he had to get in on the action, and he wanted to be ready for when he got the chance, then Terrence pulled it back again just about the whole length, he had beads of sweat running down his entire body by this time, and he exhaled like he had been running a marathon, trying to catch his breath and then he rammed it into Patricia hard, jarring her, and made her let out a loud scream and he said loudly “I HAVE BEEN” then he pulled back again and rammed it into her hard again, and said “WAITING ” he pulled back and went in hard again jarring her from head to toe and she was up on her tiptoes now trying to soften the blows, “A LONG TIME ” he said, this time lingering deep inside her, then he pulled it back and said “FOR THIS!” and he rammed it in so hard and fast she thought it was going to jar her teeth out, she started screaming in ecstasy at the force he was using on her and she felt his cock swelling inside her, shooting his cum so deep inside her, she heard him grunting so loud it was vibrating through the house, Patricia started cumming, she was screaming short high pitched little screams like Ben hadn’t heard before, and he was looking on in sheer delight, he could see Terrence’s cum start running out of his wife dripping down to the floor and he was now finding it difficult to wait for his turn.

Terrence kept pumping into Patricia hard, and she could tell he wasn’t finished with her yet, she reached back to him, touching his and on her hip and he paused and looked at her and Patricia said let’s go to the bedroom where we can get more comfortable, she saw that look in Terrence’s eyes, she couldn’t quite put her finger on it, but it was a wild look, and she knew all that time he had done without was driving him, and now that he had a woman to pour it into he was not going to be denied, she knew he was going to use her till he was satisfied and that turned her on even more. She took his hand and he pulled out of her, and their juices ran out all over and down to the floor, she stood up and said, it’s this way and she pointed to the hall that led to the bedroom, Terrence spun Patricia around to face him and reached down around her waist and lifted her up, pulling her into him and started kissing her, she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist squeezing their bodies in tight to each other, she slid down a little and he reached down and lined himself up as she slipped down on his cock and he started walking down the hall slowly carrying her while he was inside her, and Ben followed them back into the bedroom, Patricia had never been manhandled like this before and she liked the way it made her feel, she leaned back like she was going to let him put her on the bed and Terrence, with his hands on her hips had other ideas, he started fucking her like that up in the air and Patricia enjoying this new experience was more than happy to be getting bounced up and down on his cock like that, Terrence continued this for a while and then putting one of his hands behind her neck he bent down lowering her down to the bed, they started kissing again when they reached the bed, their tongues eagerly intertwined with each other, she could feel his hard shaft still inside her, she pushed on him trying to get him to roll over and she rolled with him over onto his back, never breaking the kiss they had started, she eased up on his shaft and she sat down hard on him, taking all of him in again, and being overly excited Ben said, “Ride Him Baby”! And he went to the curtains to make sure that they were closed this time.

Patricia put her hands on his belly and pushed up to his chest and started riding on him, she picked up the pace and Terrence was enjoying her tits bouncing to the motion and he reached up to fill his hands with them, Patricia leaned back and let him have full access and Terrence’s big hands covered her tits, he squeezed them tight and groaned with approval at her riding skills, but he just wasn’t ready for her to have control over him and he rolled her off of him onto her back, he was ready for face to face again, Patricia seemed to get it, that he wasn’t ready to let her run the show so she succumbed to his will, he rolled over on top of her and started sucking her nipples, Ben watched him suck them hard and pull back stretching them until they would pop out of his mouth, he did it a couple times to each one and Ben had never seen his wife’s nipples get so hard, Patricia was quietly moaning as Terrence started to bite her nipples gently, she liked that a lot, Ben thought as he watched, then Terrence eased up and started kissing her again, Ben was noticing just how passionately they were kissing, he thought to himself, they are making love right now, and he saw Patricia spread her legs wider, ready for Terrence to take her again, he eased up and she reached down and guided him into her waiting pussy and when he pushed in she let out a deep breath of surrender for her bull.

Terrence was all the way inside of Patricia just resting and still kissing her, he took her hands and intertwined their fingers and pushing them onto the bed, he pushed himself up enough to get to her chest and his tongue made little circles around her nipples, flicking them with the tip of his tongue occasionally and still just letting that big cock rest inside her, she could really feel it now in the stillness, she could feel his heartbeat inside her and that sensation was almost maddening to her, that gentle throbbing of his cock, was more than she could take and she needed to cum now, right now! She started making little quite screams and everyone in the room knew what was happening, Terrence felt a warm sensation on his cock inside her, she was squeezing him so tight, and she screamed out loudly, a long lengthy passionate scream as she was cumming, Ben knew his wife needed more and deciding this was the time for him to get in this, he walked to the bed, Terrence looked at him and slid his cock out of Ben’s wife wet with her juices and rolled out of Ben’s way, Patricia reached over to grab her husband’s cock and pulled him onto the bed she positioned him how she wanted, on his back and got on top of him she reached back to now guide her husband inside her and came down hard on him, it felt so good to Ben, that hot wet pussy that had been fucked so hard for the last hour, now it’s finally his turn, she had started to ride him hard when she paused, Ben was just lying there with his eyes closed enjoying her ride, he opened his eyes when he felt her pause and he sees Terrence up behind her, Patricia had felt him put his hand on her back and that’s why she had cut her ride short, Ben and Patricia both wondered what he was doing, but in reality they had a good idea, Terrence pushed on her back forcing her chest onto Ben’s, he then guided his big cock into her with Ben, slowly, letting her pussy stretch even more to accommodate both of them inside her, she let out a gasp, never in her wildest dreams did she think that she would get this, she was being double penetrated, and she liked it!

Ben felt the head of Terrence’s cock pushing inside his wife with his, running down the underside of his cock, Terrence kept pushing it in and Patricia is moaning so loud with pleasure, Ben feels the head of Terrence’s cock push over and past his and it kept going, he thought, this is crazy! Why do I like this, it was a feeling none of them had experienced before! Finally Terrence had went in as far as he could, Ben could feel Terrence’s nut sack come to rest on his, he couldn’t get over how much farther Terrence went in past his, Terrence pulled back slowly still letting Patricia get use to this and he repeated pumping in and out slowly until she was ready, and then he started to fuck her so hard, Ben was underneath them unable to do anything but lay there and enjoy the experience, he felt Terrence’s cock ramming into his wife and over his cock over and over, his balls were slapping both of them while he used him and his wife now, Patricia was now screaming at every thrust he made and they both heard him start to groan, quietly at first but getting louder until he pushed in so hard it shook Ben and Patricia and they knew this bull was going to cum, he yelled so loud almost like he was in pain, but they knew he wasn’t, Ben and Patricia both felt his cock swell as it dumped another heavy load inside Patricia, he continued to pump more and more and then Patricia started calling his name, Terrence, Terrence, then shouted TERRENCE! and she started cumming again, Ben felt Terrence’s hot cum all over him inside of his wife, and Terrence kept pumping in and out of Patricia, and every time Terrence shot his cum into Patricia, Ben could feel it as it as it ran the length of Terrence’s cock on it’s way out into his wife, he couldn’t hold on any longer and he shoots his load inside his wife too, Terrence kept pumping into Patricia and all their cum now mixed all together was running out onto Ben, running down his nuts, and onto the bed, all of them were exhausted, and they just collapsed around each other all of them gasping for air and covered in cum.

They all laid there for a while, with Patricia in the middle and they were all breathing heavy trying to catch their breath, It was quite except for them breathing and Ben was lying there so satisfied , he was thinking about the last two evenings that Patricia and he had enjoyed, and how again tonight their home was full of the scents of sex and he looked over at his wife and she had dozed off in a peaceful little sleep, and Terrence looked like he was about to also, so Ben closed his eyes and drifted off too, then after about an hour he was startled awake by the shaking of the bed he sat up to see Terrence fucking his wife again doggy style Patricia looked like she was in a daze and Ben thought to himself, Terrence is not going to quit until he has drained himself dry! He heard Patricia making her little panting noises and she was cumming again on Terrence’s massive cock as he kept pumping her while she was cumming, then he let out a long groan and was emptying himself into her hot pussy again and he kept slamming into her until he was done, and Patricia just crashed face down with her ass in the air exhausted, Terrence pulled out of her, a little drop of cum dripping from the head of his cock, and he fell to her side exhaling heavily, Ben just laid there kinda feeling sorry for his wife, knowing what a fucking she had taken tonight and they all dozed off again, Ben was woken up a couple more times that night with Terrence using his wife’s willing pussy, and they were all exhausted by their night of hard fucking, and it seemed that, finally, Terrence had satisfied himself and he did it using Ben’s wife. The next morning after Terrence went home, Ben and Patricia talked endlessly about the nights activities and wondered how long it would be before Terrence would go for a run again, both hoping that they could all three work that out together again. But who knows Ben said, what may turn up the next time!


1 comment

  1. I know it is only a small part of your hot story, but the sexiest thought is a lover and I fucking all night while my husband tries to sleep nearby….

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