As I wrote in my last post, a few years before craigslist shut down its personals sections, I had within a short period of time three NSA hook-ups with younger women … much younger. I was in my early 60s and all three of them were in their 20s. This first young lady, the one I wrote about most recently, answered an ad I placed on cragislist looking for an office blowjob, but the second one — the one I want to talk about now now — placed her own ad. And of course I answered.
I work in an office not far away from a major university in a major Texas city. My work affords me a very flexible schedule, as it involves in-person meetings at various times of the day and sometimes into the evening and weekends, or at least it did pre-COVID. So if I have someone(s) over for a meeting in my private office, or if I head out at any time for a meeting, no one questions it. I do work closely with my office colleagues, but my supervisors are all in other states, and I have enormous flexibility in structuring my work week — as long as I get done what needs to get done.
One afternoon, after putting in several non-stop hours of phone and writing work, I took a gander at the craigslist Casual Encounters section. Usually there was nothing there for me — lots of SPAM, a few ads from women or couples looking for a BBC or a man with a 10″ cock and so on — but sometimes I’d answer one and hope to get lucky. This was one of those times. The ad rang true, in the sense that it seemed to be written by a real human; it didn’t have any of those stars or emoticons that the spamsters seem to like so much. This young woman was a real student who worked in one of the big libraries on campus, and she wanted a man to come fool around with her in one of its conference rooms, a room with a door that could not be locked. She thought that would be a thrill. I could walk to this library in 15 minutes tops. But I had visions of being arrested by the campus cops, which would ruin my day and many other things besides, so I passed on the library thing. But I also thought it might be worthwhile to keep swapping emails to see if it might lead somewhere else.
After a coupe of days of back-and-forth, we found enough mutual interest for her to agree to come see me in my office in the early evening, right after she got off work, for sexual frolicking. She thought that would be a thrill too. She was 24 years old or thereabouts, but sill an undergraduate. She did not mind my age. I gave her directions, telling her how to find the building and where to park (parking can be scarce here), and then I paced nervously hoping all my office colleagues would clear out before the appointed time. Finally the last one left, just a few minutes before she was supposed to show. I waited excitedly on the second-floor landing, and then I could see through the huge window that forms most of the exterior wall a woman matching her description park her car, get out and take a couple of tentative steps in my direction. Then she abruptly turned around, got back in her car and drove off.
Oh well, I thought. This is not the first time I have been stood up and it probably won’t be the last. When I emailed her about it she wrote back that something had come up and she hadn’t been able to make it all. I knew that was BS and figured she just got cold feet; no shame in that. But I did not call her out on it, and that was the right move, because a few days later she invited me to come see her at her place.
She lived no more than five blocks north of my office, in the opposite direction as the university. I made sure to wash down some of my ED meds and grab some condoms on my way to her place, which was a white wood-frame house with a picket fence, the kind you might see in an old-time movie set in small-town America. If she had roommates, they were nowhere to be seen. We did not waste much time, as she led me by my hand straight to her bedroom.
I have to say all of this brought out the Henry Miller in me. She looked so much like the young woman who had dropped played with me in my office a short time before — see my last post — that they could have been sisters. She was maybe 5’4″, soft brown hair falling to her shoulders, thick kissable lips and an ample bosom with thick kissable nipples, a generous ass that responded eagerly to my touches and squeezes; another small and sensual BBW. How could I get so lucky? I kissed those lips many times, long and quick, shallow and deep, and I kissed and sucked her nipples too, sometimes soft sometimes hard, and I kissed then ate her bald pussy. I face fucked her for a while, then I fucked her good and hard missionary style, cumming inside the condom that she had helped me slide onto my cock. Then we did it all again, this time me taking her from behind.
That was really all there was to it. We corresponded a bit more after this, but she declined my kind offer to fuck her again, saying something about someone who had hurt her, and needing to heel. There was a hint of sorrow about her all along. Who can say if she even remembers me at all these many years later? I have no way of knowing what became of her, but I am grateful to here and I wish her all the best.
Man you write well. Good story telling.