The Storm [MF]

Preface: I literally awoke to a thunderous storm outside and this story in mind at 3am. Instantly, I knew I had inspiration and the need to write. Hopefully I can do the conjurations of my mind justice and for but a moment you can enjoy…

The Storm

A flash, white light piercing the encompassing darkness of sleep. The thunderous sound of the storm mere feet away outside his window ripping him from the dream that was no more. Eyes open, the thoughts are lost as he can hear the thick pane of glass rumble and vibrate. His eyes open now, the room filled with only the pitch black of the witching hour.

Suddenly blinding white light fills the room through the crack in the thick curtains as lightning strikes once more. The storm has awoken him, and yet he knows not why. A thousand times before he’d slept soundly through such experiences. Yet, this time something stirs…

The woman of his adoration at his side clings to slumber with all her might but he senses the distress from within. With each crack of zeus’ fury she grips his hand tighter and she shudders. He knows her respite is being interrupted by the caucus blasts echoing through the room. She releases a whimper, a cry of distress, escaping the dream world and into reality. He senses the imminent danger she is in and holds her close with both is arms attempting to provide some solace to the nightmare she is experiencing.

Unbeknownst to her, she is gripping him tighter, her body grasping for an escape. He can feel her heart beating faster, and he fears for her. He needs her to be released from whatever fearful experience her mind is succumbing her to. He moves swiftly to her ear, and in a calm demanding voice let’s loose the words that pull her out. Her eyes open wide. Not an ounce of sleep remain and one would barely be able to tell that she’d be asleep a mere minute ago.

She turns his head and looks him dead in his eyes. She sees the fear, the worry he has for the experience she’d been having. He tells her she was having a nightmare and tells her it’ll all be ok. He entangles his fingers in her own and squeezes his arms around her, attempting to comfort and release the fear that’d caused so much distress. Looking at her once more, her eyes are wide, and stare deep into his own.

Then, as if the gods somehow will the storm to remain silent for a moment, they lay in utter darkened silence. Her heart still beating fast, her unflinching eyes steadfast and wide. Her voice breaks the everlasting moment with but a single word… “no… “

He is confused, and cannot comprehend what she is saying. Before he has a moment to voice this, she attacks. Slamming her lips onto his own, her hand breaks the soft embrace and claws at his neck pulling him into her further. She devour him with a fury reserved for only the darkest depths of hell. As quickly as it began she stops. Pushing him onto his back, she climbs atop, and within an instant, his cowering quivering sweet beauty is transformed into a voracious beast of the night.

Legs grip him from both sides and she uses both hands to pull her into yet another kiss. The passion she exudes in this moment as fiery as the brightest flame. Their tongues tangle and twist. He is lost in the moment, but with each crack of the thunder and flash of the light her voracity increases ten fold.

Her hands now move down his body sending tingles and shivers of his own. He feels her nails drag along his skin as suddenly she is removing his single piece of clothing. Her own passion has had an affect on him and instantly he is rigid and ready.

She breaks from him for a moment as instantly he knows what to do next. Tugging from the back of her shirt, he rips it from behind and off her, tossing it into the void. Her slender smooth frame reveals her figure in the darkness and he knows he must have her now. Moving her thin garment to the side, she needs him this very instant. Sliding down, he feels the fire that has been raging within as he feels her wrap and squeeze around him. Both throw their heads back, belting out a cacophony of moans into the room.

She then returns her gaze to him as he instinctively does the same. The intensity between them now dwarfing the storm outside. As she begins to move, raising her hips and gripping him unlike anything before, she drags he claws against his chest. A twinge of pain and utter pleasure courses across his skin. His hands move up her waist to the point tips of her chest. Thumbs circling momentarily before his forefingers clasp and pull softly.

Her face an expression of a lioness in the final moment of devouring its prey, she begins her long ascent, letting the shuddering feeling consume every part of her. Slamming back down and up once more, she bites her lip hard, never breaking their sight for a single instant. She grabs his left hand, pulling it her mouth and latching her teeth onto his skin. Her rhythm getting faster as she feels his fire matching her own. She guides his hand to her waist once more, his other following suit.

He begins to pull down with all his might each time the thunder cracks. The flashes of light giving him a view of his beautiful assailant. Their hips thrusting in synchronicity as they stoke their fires evermore. The sounds of their moans, along with the storms brewing inside and out creating a rapid operatic orchestra of delight and desire.

She digs her nails into his shoulders, the pleasure consuming her mind. He clenches his teeth And hisses as his own desire overcomes. They are quickly reaching a point from which there is no return as she screams. Unable to stop their impending doom, they move with the fury of the storm, staring at one another and allowing their savagery to reveal itself.

With time running out and their feelings threatening to boil over she finally reveals all. “You… “she cries into momentary blackness of night. “I was dreaming of this and you… “

They wrap their arms around one another, embracing and devouring one another, consuming all that remains. Her mouth finds his one final time. Their screams stifled by their conjoined lips, the waves of passion finally begin crashing and coursing. It is endless, as she shakes and quivers once more as she had done before. He sought to give her solace, and now he knows from what. His own moment explodes as she rides every wave like a ship in a frightful sea. Every nerve and sensation sending jolt after jolt throughout their bodies.

Then, as quickly as the storm was mustered, the delightful peace and respite of the calm after takes hold and they lovingly embrace. Their hearts still racing from the plight they’d just endured, they remain together. Their breathing soothing like the waves of a newly calmed sea.

She moves her head to his side, still inhaling deeply as he remain within. The patterning on the window no longer thrashing, but now a meager tapping. Her voice releases once more, though it is calm… fulfilled… satisfied…

“thank you… “ she whispers. “Thank you for saving me from the dream…. and making it all real… “
