Malfoy’s Revenge Pt2 – fan fiction

It had been a full week since Malfoy had exacted his revenge on Hermione. She knew that he hadn’t finished though.
The one time they had been alone together, briefly, Malfoy had lightly run his ice cold finger across the still livid bruise on her cheekbone and hissed “We aren’t finished yet, Mudblood. You owe me for six years.”
As he lowered his hand, he noticed Hermione’s eyes flick to look over his shoulder.
He spun on his heel so fast that his cloak snapped like a whip into Hermione’s flank, making her gasp in shock as Malfoy’s hand snapped up and towards Peeves who had been coming up the hallway.
“Fuck off, Peeves.” Snarled Draco through gritted teeth as a noise like a snapping branch echoed down the hall and Peeves vanished.
Turning back to the blinking, baffled Professor Granger, his hand flicked back up to the bruise on her face, catching it hard enough to make her yelp.
“Until next time, Mudblood.”

Ever since then, she had been on edge. Jumping at shadows and waiting for the inevitable. Nobody had seen Peeves in the four days since and she wondered if he’d cast a banishing spell on the irritating poltergeist. She realised that she rather hoped he had, somewhat guiltily and chuckled to herself as she locked up the cupboard in her classroom.
As she turned to leave the room, her vision exploded into stars and she sprawled across the stone floor. Stunned, she looked up at Malfoy towering over her.
She started to scrabble backwards but collided with the corner of the cupboard, making her gasp for breath.
Malfoy lunged down, snakelike and his hand gripped her throat, pulling her to her feet and then up onto tiptoes as she desperately tried to escape the choke.
He released his grip and flicked her backwards towards the cupboard in a fluid motion.
As she tried to recover from the barrage of shock, Malfoy slapped her face several times in quick succession and, just as he had done before, ran his ice cold tongue across the welt on her cheekbone. He slid his hand into his robe and made a satisfied grunting noise as he licked her face again.
He took a step back, the movement and the breeze from the open window causing his robes to part just enough for Hermione to see his marble-smooth groin and the top two inches of that ice-pick penis. She noticed it was still flaccid but about the same narrow girth as when she had had it in her mouth fully erect. She saw too that this time he was naked apart from the robe – his bare feet had moved soundlessly on the stones and his bare chest was visible at the open v of his robes’ neck.
With a shudder, she found herself wanting to take his penis again, despite her fear.

“Shall we begin?” He whispered through an evil grin.
Hermione began to kneel and reach for his cock with one hand.
“No!” He snapped, pulling her back to her feet. Again, the movement exposed him, showing her his penis yet again. Smooth, almost glassy and very long. She made a tiny moan of yearning and felt herself becoming aroused.
Malfoy’s icy fingers reached towards the clasps on her robe and with a rip, tore both her robe and somehow her shirt open, exposing her torso.
Pulling hard, he removed her robe and shirt, throwing them to one side.
Cowering against the door of the cupboard, she was now only in a bra and mid-length black pants.
“Take it off.”
With shaking fingers she unclasped her bra, removed it and still tried to shield her breasts from his sight.
He reached forward to unbutton her pants,ripping downwards to snap the buttons clean off, taking her underwear with it as far as her trembling knees.
A sharp slap to her hip, where the bruise from the cupboard had already begun to show and she had removed the last of her clothes.
Standing naked, afraid and aroused in front of Malfoy, Hermione waited, not knowing what would happen next.
Unclasping his own robe, Malfoy fully exposed his naked, muscular body to Hermione. His penis hung between his legs and she found her eyes drawn to it. She could see it was the same size as when it was erect. A comfortable eight inches long. Perfectly in proportion to the rangy, thin man himself.
Mentally she compared it to both Harry and Ron’s. It reminded her more of Ron’s but longer, much longer. Harry would still. remain her favourite secret.
Sneering, Malfoy reached down and tugged hard on Hermione’s pubic hair. She yelped and her legs shuddered as his knuckle caught the top of her vulva and sent a run of wildfire through her groin.
“This must go.” He whispered.
He let go and ran his hand over her bruised hip and she saw his penis twitch and begin to stiffen as she winced. Her pain and her fear aroused him, it was crystal clear now. His icy touch continued up her side and onto the edge of her breast and onto her nipple. The contact with his finger sent another wave of pleasure through her and her nipples became firm in moments.
He gripped both of her nipples, twisting and pulling upwards. Hermione gasped and raised onto tiptoes. He released his grip and slapped both of her breasts hard across the already sensitive nipples.
Picking up her torn shirt, he grabbed her wrists and bound them tightly, above her head. Opening the cupboard a fraction, he hung Hermione from her makeshift restraints, her feet dangling in the air by several inches.
“Foul.” He whispered to himself as he noticed the pale hair on her underarms.
He reached inside his cloak and removed a cutthroat razor.
Silently, methodically, he shaved both of her armpits and then knelt in front of her.
Still in complete silence, he began to shave Hermione’s legs. She hadn’t bothered trimming any of her body hair since returning to Hogwarts. She could sense Malfoy’s revulsion at her natural body hair but she could see he was now rock hard as she looked downwards, his long smooth penis proud between his legs. She wanted it. She wanted to find out what it felt like to be fucked by that glorious long ice-pick of his.
Malfoy finished shaving her legs, adjusted his stance and began to shave away the soft golden public hair. Belatedly she realised she could barely feel the contact of the razor as it had run across her limbs and even now as Draco’s icy touch forced her to concentrate on anything but the sensation, it was only his fingers she could feel. Forcing apart her legs, he worked methodically, economically as he shaved all the hair away from between her legs. He could tell she was wet, she was sure. She forced her mind away from the desperate desire to beg him to lick her, afraid of the razor.
He stood swiftly, his penis brushing along her smooth, shivering leg as he rose, lifted her off the cupboard with one hand and spun her, hanging her so she faced the door, her back to the room.
The bruise on her hip was exposed now and he pressed closer, so his cock was rubbing against the tender skin.
He ran his hands from her newly smooth armpits down her flanks until he gripped both her hips, tighter and tighter until she had to stifle a cry of pain as his icy fingers dug hard into the injured skin. As he squeezed and as she cried out, she could feel the cold tip of his penis twitching against her backside.
Releasing his grip and stepping back, Malfoy reached into his cloak once again, to remove a riding crop, unknown to Hermione.
Standing with the cloak open, the crop in one hand and his pale skin a stark contrast to the black cloak, he looked at Hermione’s naked back, licked his lips and briefly stroked his cock.
CRACK! The crop struck her on the hip so hard that she screamed in shock and was spun, twisting her arms overhead. Facing forward now, Hermione saw Draco resplendent, naked but for the cloak, his body almost serpentine in its muscularity.
He reached up with the crop, pressing it hard into her cheek. His face now so close to hers that it was all she could see, he whispered “You will learn to fear this crop, Professor.” The contempt in his voice at the mere thought of her being a professor made Hermione shiver.
He stepped away and with multiple whip-like strikes of the crop, hit Hermione across the lower half of her breasts and across her nipples. Her entire body felt alight- synapses crackling, sending an overload of pain and arousal through her body.
Malfoy was close again, his empty hand gripping her smooth groin like a vice. One finger pressed hard against her clitoris. Lowering his head, he bit her nipples one after the other just hard enough that she cried out both times. He grunted, released his grip on her hypersensitive pussy and lifted her off the cupboard.
She slumped to the floor like a ragdoll, only to be pulled back up by her hair towards his pulsing cock.
She opened her mouth, took his penis as deep in her throat as she could, pulled back away and began to stimulate Malfoy. Very soon she could hear him moaning quietly. She knew he was close and she began to look forward to the sensation of his icy semen hitting the back of her throat. Moments later, both his hands grasped her head as he let out a long moan and pulsed again and again, Hermione gulping and once again feeling the icy sensation running through her naked body as Draco came, much harder than the first time. She pulled away as Draco loosened his grip on her and turned his back to her.
She lay on the floor, only dimly aware of the cold stone against her naked body, closed her eyes briefly and as suddenly as he had appeared, Malfoy had vanished once again, like an apparition.
Shivering now, Hermione managed to un-bind her wrists. Looking down at the bruises across her breasts from the crop, her eyes were drawn to her newly shaven groin. She had never been completely clean shaven before and ran her fingers across the smooth skin. It felt fantastic to her touch and suddenly she was thinking about Harry again, and even as the taste of Malfoy’s visit was strong in her mouth, she could remember what Potter tasted like too. It was too much; Hermione came, writhing on the floor, the pain from the bruises only accentuating the ecstatic power of her orgasms. She moaned Harry’s name again and again until she was spent. Crawling to her torn, discarded clothes, she lay down until her strength returned.
