Madison’s fate Chapter 1 [Femdom]

23rd July 20XX

It was unusual for the Weber household to be silent at night. Alexandra and William Weber were known to hold parties and gatherings almost every single night. With its spacious front lawn filled with commissioned sculptures, to a just as wide ballroom equally filled with lavish painting, it was almost expected for the pair to always find reasons to showcase their collections. On any other night, the manor would have laughing colleagues, drinking the finest wines and mingling with the couple. But not on this night. Tonight, the house was quiet.

When you enter the Weber manor, you will first notice a grand, spiraling staircase leading up to the house’s library. What most guests fail to notice, was a door hidden beneath said staircase. The door was plain, unassuming, with a knob designed to blend into the wallpaper. In the room beyond was a staircase leading down, into a basement only those close to the couple know about.

In that basement, arms tied behind his back, sat a young Maxwell Madison. Only 18 years of age, the young boy snuck into the manor hoping to steal a small fortune. He had successfully found easy entrance into the house, the roving guards not once catching sight of him.

He did not think his heist through. If Maxwell was any smarter, he would have observed more than the guard’s patterns. He would have mapped out the house, decided early on what to take, and made a quick getaway. But no, once he saw that the Weber house was quiet, he decided to strike.

As such he spent quite a bit of time rifling through each room, comparing each item he saw and taking what shined the most. Maxwell never noticed a car pull up in front. He never noticed the car’s driver heading inside, to the very room he was in. The only indication he had that he was caught, was when a needle jammed itself into his neck, its contents quickly entering his system. Maxwell’s world faded to black.

When he came to, he was tied up in the basement. On one side of the room, barely illuminated by light, was a desk and some drawers. On it were pens and stacks of papers. Beside that table was a door. Maxwell sat against the wall, a lone light shining upon the other person in the room. A woman sat on a soft, leather chair in front of him. She had on a black pencil skirt, stockings, and stilettos. A green blouse hugged her frame tightly, and she had a coat emblazoned with the words “Saint Magdalene’s”. Her hair was tied in a neat bun.

“Fancy running into a stranger here,” she began. “And one with my jewelry at that. Who are you?”

The boy stared at her. “I was just lost, is all.”

“I don’t think so, boy. Now answer my question before I call the police.”

Maxwell kept his mouth shut. The lady can call the police if she wants. He can spend the night in a cell, and in the morning one of his mates would pay bail. Better not to tell her anything about him, he reasoned.

The woman sighed. She stood up and walked towards Maxwell, staring down at him. She sighed once more, then her palm quickly struck his cheek. “From how you’re dressed, I’m guessing you’re a street rat. Tell me your name.”

Stunned, Maxwell’s mind sputtered to a halt. He spat on her shoes, glaring up at her. “I’m not talking to some whore.”

“Children these days,” she sighed.

Before Maxwell could react, the woman kicked his balls. “My name, rat, is Alexandra Weber.”

Maxwell’s body shook from the pain and he made to pull away. Alexandra grabbed him by the hair and stomped her foot down on his hurting manhood. “A rat like you, disrespecting me? No, no. We can’t have that now, can we?” She twisted her foot, pressing down harder on his dick. “Give me your name now or I will cut your balls off.”

“M-Max,” he shouted, “take it off!”

“Full name, rat.”

“Maxwell M-madison! Get your-”

Alexandra slapped the boy across his face, stopping whatever he was about to say. She yanked Maxwell forward, dragging him towards the desk by his hair. “Well, Mr. Madison. I was initially going to invite you to my school. To help a wayward youth, as it were.”

Hand gripping his hair tighter, almost pulling it away from his scalp, Maxwell could barely speak from the pain. His balls ached, the impact having sent shockwaves across his body; his face stung from her slaps. Tears started streaming down his face.

“No, you are not worth it,” Alexandra continued. “But my husband and I can still find some use for a rat like you.” She opened a drawer and took from it a syringe. “Well, rat, when you wake up you’ll wish you never spat on your god.”

“No, please-” he began, but the needle had struck him once again.

For the second time that night Maxwell Madison’s world faded to black, and the Weber Household descended to unusual silence once more.


31st July 20XX

Maxwell Madison would spend the next few days drifting in and out of consciousness. At points, he would wake up to a small, cramped room with barely enough light. Other times he would open his eyes to see Alexandra standing over him, staring down at him with a glint in her eyes. Most often he would find himself inside that cramped room, alone with nothing but the swinging lightbulb overhead.

There were other people too, sometimes. Those times he hated waking up. Alexandra was always with them, slowly running her hands through his hair while they did whatever. Once, he woke up to find himself naked and strapped to a table, a heavily tattooed woman shaving him. Another time, he was laying on his stomach, a stinging pain in his lower back.

When Max had fully woken up, it was to a young girl, about his age, washing his body with a wet cloth. “Help-,” he began, but the girl had already ran out of the room.

He was in that small room again. It was long and narrow, more like a corridor than a room. The area where he was had a lower ceiling, forcing him to kneel down. A set of iron bars served to cage him in, with a small slot at the bottom barely bigger than his hand. Around his neck was a steel collar connected by a chain to bolts on the wall. It was long enough for him to crawl around the length of his cell, but provided no comfort. Below him was an old mattress, almost flat and worn with age.

His clothes were gone. As was most of the hair on his body. His arms were tied behind him, and no matter how hard he pulled at his bonds he couldn’t seem to loosen the rope. Looking down, he could see a small wolf’s head tattooed on his left chest, about where his heart would be. There were… things placed on his body. Some on the insides of his thighs, others on his stomach. Wiring came out of them, leading to the top of the cage.

It was at that moment when Alexandra Weber walked into the room. She was a tall woman, six feet in height, and had an air of royalty about her. Max found his eyes drawn to her, captivated. Her short hair framed her face, ruby red lips almost shining in the barely lit room. Long leather gloves, reaching up to her elbows, adorned her arms. A corset hugged her frame, resting just below her meager breast. Stiletto boots boosted her height even more, lifting her huge ass up. Her pussy was exposed, and Max could see it glistening with nectar. There were traces of semen going down her thighs and on her boots, but she didn’t seem to mind.

On one hand, she held a dog bowl. On the other, a paddle.

“Let me go.” Max tried to say it with confidence, tried to sound tough and commanding. Instead, his voice was soft, almost a whimper.

Alex smiled. She squatted down in front of his cage, letting Max see her dripping, cum filled cunt. “You must be hungry,” she said, placing the dog bowl down in front of her.

The bowl had some sort of soup in it. Alex moved forward a little, lined up her cunt to the bowl, and began masturbating in front of Max. Each thrust of her fingers made some of the cum in her fall out and into the bowl, mixing with the soup. She kept eye contact with him, a smirk on her lips. Despite himself, Max felt his cock growing harder, his arousal heightening.

Seeing this, Alex’s smile grew larger. “Do you like that, rat?” she asked.

Max bit his tongue. The older woman was hot, yes, and the show she was putting on even hotter, but he was still being held prisoner here.

Alex’s fingers stopped, her smirk being replaced with a scowl. She stood up and pushed the cum covered bowl into Max’s cage with her feet. “I said,” she flicked a switch on the wall, and Max’s body was filled with pain. “Do you like seeing your goddess prepare your meal, rat?!”

A current of electricity ran through Max’s body.. He opened his mouth to scream, when Alex cut the current off.

“Answer me, rat.”

Max panted, out of breath. He stared up at Alexandra Weber- the woman calling herself his goddess- and shivered. “Y-yes,” he whimpered.

“Louder, rat, or I’ll turn the current on again.”

“YES!” he shouted.

“‘Yes’ what?” Alex said, smirking again.

Max swallowed the lump in his throat. “Yes my goddess, I enjoyed seeing you prepare my meal.”

“That’s a good slave. Do remember not to use ‘I’ and the like next time, you are not a person after all.” She reached through the bars and ruffled his hair. “Now, eat up. I spent *all day* making that delicious soup for you.”

Max stared at Alex, confusion and disgust in his eyes. “I’m not eating that, you bitch! It’s gross and-”

A current of electricity ran through his body again. Max spasmed, his entire body flailing around, kicking everywhere. He felt his cock getting harder, felt a pressure rising from his thighs, then the current stopped.

“Wrong answer, rat.” her expression grew dark, her voice low and guttural. “I am your goddess, you are my toy, and you will do what I please.” Alex flicked the switch once more, the current flowing into Max’s body. She continued, “You are no longer a person, you are an *object*. I could have left you tied up in here for days more, but instead I tried to be *kind.”*

Pre-cum started dripping out of Max’s cock, his tongue lolling out, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. “P-please f- ah! Forgive me, goddess.” Max said, his body shaking.


His body shaking, Max slowly crawled to the dog bowl in front of him. He stuck his tongue out, lapped up the cum-soaked carrots in the disgusting stew, and chewed. He heard the flick of the switch, and he looked up.

Alexandra Weber stood tall in front of him, a hand on her hip, a smirk on her face. Her juices were pooled below her feet, coating her legs and boots. “Was that so hard?” she said.

Max swallowed, looked down, and lapped up another carrot. He couldn’t look at her straight in the eyes. He knows what she’s doing is wrong, that he shouldn’t be imprisoned here.

“Answer me, you disgusting rat.”

He continued chewing, his body shaking once more. Pre-cum kept oozing from the tip of his dick.

“Don’t make me turn the current on again.”

Maxwell Madison shivered in excitement. He buried his face in the bowl in a vain attempt to hide his smile, the collected semen coating his face. He wondered how many people his goddess fucked to make this for him. He wondered, deep in his mind, if she’ll fuck him as well. *Or,* Max thought, *if she’d make me suck my next meal out.*

Alexandra Weber flicked the switch once more, turning the current into its lowest setting. Max let out a moan that made her heart skip a beat, and a stream of cum shot forth from his erect member. Her smirk grew larger, and her hand made its way down to her crotch.

“That’s a good rat,” she said, but Max couldn’t hear her.
