Realizing My Childhood Fantasy (M older Woman) pt 2

As we started bottle number 2, she finished explaining everything that lead to the divorce and the 4 years since. I suppose it was the 6th or 8th time she mentioned incompatible sex drives that my cock decided to shift into permanently hard mode.

“You know every kid on the street had a crush on you” just slipped out but elicited no response. So, I let my nervousness take over. Explaining to her poker-face how my friends and I thought she was a MILF. How we would make excuses to knock on her door. Why we cut through her yard at night to try and see in the windows. I could feel my pre-cum and she wasn’t reacting in the slightest. All she did was pour more wine and give me that “oh really, keep going” look. My heart was about to explode. Was I the world’s most immature ass?

Twenty minutes into my misadventure, just before I seriously thought about escaping drunk back to my own car, she saved me with an effortless smile and an “I know.”

I felt like a parachute opened. Like a net caught me. I didn’t realize how panicky I had become. The combination of terrified and conspicuously horny flooded me. The moment she spoke I snapped back and shut up. I threw my head back and took a deep breath.

“Ready to go to bed” where the next words spoken. The double entendre was clearly intentional. My 20 year-old brain was succumbing to hormone overdose but her experience was obvious.

She calmly untucked her shirt, undid her bra and looked at me. “You’re starring.”

I was drunk, horny, embarrassed, confused and almost 100% sure I was dreaming.

She was confident, in control, 5 steps ahead of me and obviously pleased with herself.


“No, I meant thank you, your starring. You told me you thought I was sexy back then but your eyes tell me you think I’m sexy now. What woman doesn’t want to make a younger man so horny he can barely think straight? You have been babbling and have adjusted yourself at least a dozen times!”

My brain really has stopped working. I don’t remember smiling or drooling, speaking, hell I don’t even know if I blinked.

“Take off your shirt. I want to see that man-chest of yours.”

I felt her hands rubbing my chest and shoulders. They made their way to my button and fly. I just laid there. For 7 years I had imagined her every time I touched myself and now here I was.

I felt her tugging at my jeans. I felt my erection spring out. I felt her mouth taking it in. My brain was buzzing.

“May I take off your shirt?” was all
I could think of. I finally collected myself enough to fulfill my childhood fantasies. I got her out of her shirt and started kissing her. I finally got my hands on her tits. The wait was worth it!

She was a woman and I knew that tonight I would become a man. She was ready, seasoned, and patient. The girls at school and I fumbled our way through. Tonight, I was putty in the hands of an artist.
