“Waking The Coven.” (M/F, Group Voyeur, Fantasy/Paranormal)

*This piece was originally created and submitted as a response to [this prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/hn0dnc/wp_if_an_undisciplined_mage_has_sufficiently/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x) by u/gahidus.*

*All characters (featured and mentioned) are 18+.*


Like so many other gifted graduates, Natalie had been well-spoiled for choice when it came to the subject of where she’d pursue the next step in her education. Yet, out of all the other options, the Old Keep College of Sorcery had held out a special appeal for her; one that she could never seem to put her thumb on…

It certainly wasn’t the housing situation on campus.

Though the individual rooms in the dormitory building were of decent – even large – sizes, they were cluttered with lines of heavy, clunky, obtuse desks and two-level bunk-beds, among all the other furnishings necessary to house anywhere from ten to fifteen students at a time…

Magic was a diverse subject, with a body of knowledge about it so absurdly large that it was virtually impossible for one person to become proficient in every avenue of the topic. Because work in the field, however, usually required at least some degree of interdisciplinary expertise – and often a great deal more than “some” – sorcerers long ago began specializing their studies and forming cooperative professional groups; achieving the much-sought-after interplay of the different branches of magic by working together.

The dorms at the College being so densely packed “served to familiarize students with the close-knit, barracks-like nature common to many of the Enclaves and Covens they’d join following the completion of their degree programs.” Or, at least, that was the recruitment-pamphlet speech’s reason for it… It held true to an extent, but the widely-suspected truth of the matter was that the density of the dorms was a way for the school to enroll as many students – and bring in as much tuition – as possible… Though the school itself and its instruction were considered prestigious, its administrators were also notoriously avaricious…

Now almost a year into her studies at the College, Natalie had become reasonably accustomed to life among her dozen roommates, understanding of the various personalities, and tolerant of the myriad idiosyncrasies… The one thing that still bothered her, however, were the frequent midnight commotions that seemed to so frequently plague the space…

Commotions like the one that woke her, tonight…

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, Julia! Again!? Seriously!?”

Adding her voice to the small chorus of other women groaning, grumbling, and cussing their displeasure at being roused in the middle of the night, Natalie reluctantly began to stir in bed.

“The fuck’s goin’ on?” One of her roommates sleepily slurred as the sounds of creaking mattresses and shifting sheets replaced most of the perturbed voices.

Natalie managed to struggle into a sitting position in her bunk and brought her hands up to her face, rubbing out of her eyes the few precious hours of sleep she’d managed.

“Who fuckin’ cares. Exams are tomorrow morning; everyone go back to sleep.” Another yawned an order, even as several others defied it by lighting their wands to see by.

Blinking back tears as her eyes adjusted to the almost painful brightness filling the previously pitch-black room, Natalie reached into the shallow cubby stamped into her headboard and fumbled in blind search for her glasses.

“Oh, Jesus! Julia, what the hell!?” A third roommate guffawed, prompting a wave of murmurs, gasps, and swallowed laughter to ripple through the room.

Finally locating her glasses, flipping them open, and perching their bridge on her nose, their arms behind her ears, Natalie finally quelled her watering eyes and peered into the illuminated room. Even before she saw what all the noise had been prompted by, she had already guessed.

To “foster cross-cooperation and encourage students of different majors to assist each other even outside of shared projects” – recruitment-pamphlet-speak for “save money by not having to hire as many dedicated tutors” – each dorm’s occupants were cherrypicked. When the numbers allowed for it, there was always at least one person in each room who corresponded to each of the majors the College offered. In her dorm, Natalie was the Alchemy major. The girl who bunked directly above her – Elise – was the Invocations major. Their roommate directly across the aisle – Ana – was the Oneiromancy major. Bunking below her was Julia…

Natalie didn’t know Julia particularly well. She knew they were the same age – nineteen, with Julia being just a month or so older than her – and that they were the two youngest women – the only two freshmen – assigned to this particular mock-Coven, this year, but, beyond that, very little. Her impression, however, was that the girl was rather meek; very shy and soft-spoken by nature. She was so quiet, in fact, she seemed almost ghostly; an assessment only compounded by her tall, thin figure, her pale skin, silvery grey eyes, and the snow-white hair she wore just past her shoulders. Even her major seemed to reinforce the ethereal aesthetic Julia had about her…

Goetia… Summoning…

“Fuck’s sake, Julia…” Ana – whose shocked outcry had first woken everyone – repeated in a growl as she leaned over the edge of her bunk, looking into Julia’s.

As she finally hoisted her dangling upper torso back into her own bunk, giving Natalie a clearer view of what was happening.

The dim, slowly-strobing purple light that seemed to fill Julia’s bunk was familiar, but no less strange to Natalie as she observed it. Its source seemed to be somewhere within the cubby in Julia’s headboard; the light was brightest, there. Natalie assumed it was the girl’s wand.

With each pulse of purple light, Natalie could just barely make out a figure… More outline than silhouette, the apparition came into a view as a collection of thin, shimmering lavender strokes somehow suspended in the area of deeper hue. There was no opacity – no opaqueness – between these faint lines, but, all together, they seemed to indicate the rough shape of a person – a man – kneeling in Julia’s bed…

Each time the glow faded, this man disappeared… Each time Julia’s wand lit up purple again, he reappeared, and his position seemed to have changed… But, even as the colors and the visage faded, evidence of its presence and motion remained clearly visible in the stark white light of so many wands…

Another drawback to having so many roommates, Natalie had come to realize, aside from being woken up in the middle of the night so often, was the almost total lack of privacy… If you did something or if something happened to you that was embarrassing, there were a dozen people in the room who saw it happen… Natalie could imagine just how keenly aware of that fact Julia was at the moment, and how red her face must’ve been under the pillow she was desperately hiding it under…

“Could you, y’know, *not* get fucked by a ghost and wake everyone up the night before an exam, Julia?” One of the roommates jabbed.

“Oh, fuck off, Kenna! She’s not bothering anyone!” Another spoke up in Julia’s defense.

“You’re telling me it doesn’t bother you that she woke us up at… What time is it?… *Three-fucking-eighteen in the morning*, Sammy!?” The first – Kenna, the Transmutations major – retorted.

“*She* didn’t wake us up! None of us knew she was doing… *this*… Not until Ana screamed at her over it!” The second – Sammy, the Illusionist – countered.

“Oh, fuck off! You’re not the one trying to sleep on a rocking bunk with a roommate having a waking wet-dream underneath you!” Ana chimed in angrily.

As the argument continued to escalate, a few more voices chiming in on either side, Natalie continued to watch the scene unfolding in Julia’s bunk.

Her hips were raised off her mattress as though they were held aloft, and shallow divots in her skin, there, seemed to line up with an imagined placement of fingertips… As the purple glow swallowed her bunk again, those suspicions were confirmed, and the glimmering lavender outline of a pair of hands seemed to clasp the girl’s waist…

Julia’s legs were spread, parted by some invisible obstacle, and stuck out at odd angles. Her left thigh drove out straight, bent at the knee, and her heel dug into a crumpled, wrinkled ball of discarded sheets at the end of the bed. Her right leg jutted up at a gentle incline, almost perfectly straight, that foot wedged into the corner where the footboard met the wooden backing of her bunk.

A pair of rose-colored panties dangled from her right ankle… A camisole of a similar color had been pulled up, revealing her pert breasts…

As she watched, Natalie found herself making out the lavender apparition and its movements more easily… As the glow faded, Julia seemed to lay still in her odd, vulnerable position… Yet, as her bunk drowned in purple anew, the shimmering sprite seemed almost to lunge forward, bucking its hips into hers. When it did, the sudden jolt of a real impact seemed to rock Julia’s body… As the light began to fade again, the specter drew its hips back – a long, oddly thick band of glowing lavender becoming visible between Julia’s divided thighs for just a split second – and disappeared, leaving the girl obviously dripping at the ministrations of an invisible lover…

“And what about earlier this week when it happened!?” Kenna yelled, bringing the argument back to Natalie’s attention.

“We don’t know that’s what that was!” Sammy yelled back.

“Yes we do! Trust the *dream-specialist* who sleeps right above her!” Ana entered her voice.

“Oneiromancy doesn’t work that way and you know it!” Sammy fired.

“And how the fuck would you know!?”

Natalie remembered the incident over which they were now arguing. At the beginning of that week, there had been a similar mass-rude-awakening; one with remarkably similar particulars…

They had all been startled out of their sleep by the sound of the normally quiet-as-a-mouse Julia letting loose a scream. Snapping awake, disoriented and alarmed, they had all come to their senses just in time to see a bright pink flash, and to see Julia scrambling about underneath her sheet… When questioned on what had happened, Julia had dismissed the incident as a bad dream and a magical fluke…

Everyone had been happy enough to accept that explanation and go back to bed, at the time… But, by the time daybreak rolled around and everyone had a chance to evaluate what they had seen, a different explanation had begun circulating through hushed conversations… One pertaining to an old rumor…

Goetia practitioners – Summoners – like Julia specialized in the study of spirits and other non-corporeal entities. Through magic, sorcerers could conjure up such beings, communicate with them, even grant them a sort of quasi-physical presence…

According to an ancient bit of gossip, very gifted – yet untrained, unrefined – Summoners could accidentally reach out to spirits with their subconsciousness, even while asleep… In particular, so the rumor went, they would wind up reaching out to powerful spirits which would temporarily hijack their abilities just to take a jaunt into the corporeal world to sate a certain unfulfilled and mounting desire of the Summoner’s in question…

As Natalie continued to watch the figure in purple pound into the more-than-half-naked Julia, her hands still desperately hugging her pillow to what could only be a tomato-red face, she couldn’t help but change her mind on whether or not that rumor was true, and whether or not Julia was that type of Summoner…

Suddenly, the pause between two flashes shortened.

The argument among the roommates quieted. The ruckus was replaced by a long, muffled moan.

The flashes grew quicker again.

A faint, almost imperceptible sound met the ear in the relative quiet; soft and moist, like skin gently smacking against skin.

The flashes grew brighter. The apparition of color moved more quickly.

Julia moaned into her pillow again. Her back began to arch. Her toes began to curl. Her tits rippled each time her spectral bedmate rammed his hips into hers.

The strobing, now, was so bright and so fast it was almost sickening to watch. Natalie had to squint to continue watching the scene unfold.

“*YES!*” A quieted yell erupted from Julia’s bunk.

The flashing stopped. The glow persisted. The shimmering suggestion of a man within it continued to ravage the pale girl as she began wriggling in place, writhing on the mattress.

“*YES!*” The yell came again.

Julia tensed, the bucking, grinding movements of her suddenly-animated hips becoming jerkier, more strained.

“*FUCKING YES!*” The scream finally came, open and unrestrained, as the girl flung the pillow away from her face, slamming her hands into the mattress and balling her fists in the fitted sheet.

The object passed harmlessly through the apparition and slammed into the footboard of Julia’s bunk, just as the specter thrust into her for the last time.

As Julia’s expletive-laden cry loudened and elongated into a single syllable of release, the light that surrounded her began to change hue, brightening from a royal purple to the same lavender of the shimmering outline, then into a bright, hot pink that consumed the bunk and blotted out every other visual. An audible squelching noise resounded through the silent, awestruck room and, just as suddenly as the colors had shifted, the light died away entirely.

Julia was now stretched out, flat, on her bed. Her chest rose and fell quickly, with evidently heavy breaths. Her arms lay limp at her sides, the left dangling off the edge of her bed, fingertips almost touching the floor. Her skin had erupted in goosebumps, her pale nipples – still exposed – poked stiffly into the open air. Her lap and inner thighs were covered in a strange substance; a thick, shimmering spatter of fluid that seemed to shift color from periwinkle to magenta as the angle Natalie looked at it from changed. Julia’s face, however, was of a decidedly solid strawberry pigment.

“Well, damn…” Kenna finally piped up. “Now that Julia’s boyfriend finally *came* and went, I guess we can all actually catch some sleep before exams…”

“You are such a bitch!” Sammy yelled, bringing the argument to a boil once more.

Working her way out of bed, Natalie shivered as her bare feet touched the cold stone floor. Steeling her nerves to this discomfort, however, she stood, pulling her sheet along with her and pacing over to Julia’s bunk.

Having regained some composure, the thoroughly embarrassed Summoner had brought her hands up to cover her face again, but still laid limp and exposed on her disheveled bed. The corners of the fitted sheet had all sprung off the mattress. Her regular sheet and pillow lay in a heap at her feet. Her panties were still twisted around one ankle. Her night dress was still rucked up over her collarbone.

Natalie placed a hand on Julia’s shoulder.

Julia’s flinched at the touch. Her hands flew away from her face, scrabbling for purchase on anything solid, and she stared, a look of desperate horror on her face, up at Natalie.

Natalie smiled at her, trying to put on a reassuring face.

“You wanna walk down to the showers with me?” She asked of her furiously blushing roommate.

Her terror subsiding, Julia meekly nodded and struggled to sit up.

“Here,” Natalie offered, holding out her sheet to Julia as she stood. “I can take yours and your clothes to the laundry while you get cleaned up…”

Julia again nodded, disentangling herself from her wrinkled clothes and wrapping Natalie’s offering loosely around her shoulders.

Retrieving the discarded clothes, lumping them into a pile and picking them up with Julia’s rumpled, iridescent-essence-stained sheets, she followed the hobbling Summoner out of the dorm room and into the hallway, leaving the still-raging screaming match between their roommates behind them.

“Thank you…” Julia whimpered as she peeked out from behind a shower curtain, handing Natalie back her sheet.

“No worries.” Natalie offered in return.

“No, really… The others…”

“Hey, don’t worry about that. Everyone’s got needs… And, after a year with hardly any real alone-time, I think you needed that…”

“I… I kinda did…” Julia sheepishly admitted, a little blush creeping back over her clearing cheeks.

“Did he try to… Y’know… Earlier this week?”

Julia nodded.

“But you pushed him off…”

“I think we scared each other, actually, but…”

“But you still needed it – wanted it – so he came back, tonight…”

“Mmm hmm…”

“Was he any good?” Natalie winked.

“Umm… Very…”

“I could tell.”

“You’re making fun of me…”

“A little bit. Some of the others might, too, but I don’t think anybody’s really gonna hold it against you.”

“But Ana and Kenna…”

“Fuck ‘em. They’re just being bitchy.”


“Yeah. And if either of them get in your face about this, remind them of that time just after Spring break when we walked in on them sharing that one post-grad, Malcolm…”

Julia sputtered, then started giggling.

“Ew! I remember that!”

Natalie returned her grin.

“Right? That guy’s such a sleaze!”

“Thank you, Nat…”

“Don’t mention it, Jules… I’ll be back with a towel for you once I drop these in the wash…”

As the building’s old pipes creaked and began to rumble, and the trickling noise of the shower cascaded to life, Natalie turned and walked back into the hall. Journeying just a few doors down, she came upon the laundry room, and nudged the swinging door open with her foot.

Setting her bundle of staining fabric on a rolling metal cart, Natalie opened the nearest laundry machine – one of many that line the room in rows – and began tossing the unkempt articles into its drum, but paused when she came upon the last; Julia’s fitted sheet.

A large yet very thin spot of that color-shifting fluid Julia’s “visitor” had left her with in parting remained above the weave of the fabric. It had not soaked in; had not evaporated; had not stained…

A temptation she had been debating since leaving the room finally won her over.

Natalie removed a narrow, empty glass vial from one of the pockets in her pajama bottoms and uncorked it.

Taking careful hold of the sheet, she lifted it and did her best to funnel the running, fuchsia-glimmering fluid into the vial.

“Shit!” She cursed as she felt a few droplets roll over the glass lip of the vial and onto her fingers.

Corking the vial and moving to wipe the spilt trickle off her hand, Natalie suddenly froze, then shuddered, then softly moaned. Her knees felt as though they were turning to jelly, her core felt like it was on fire, her fingertips buzzed with electricity. Sitting down, hard, with her back to the washing machine, Natalie moaned again and kicked out with her legs. Her toes curled, her eyes screwed shut, and her knuckles whitened as she balled her fists against the cold stone floor. Her skin broke out in goosebumps like Julia’s had, her nipples stiffened, poking through the thin fabric of her tank-top, and her pussy throbbed, soaking her panties through with pleasure.

The hot wave of the spontaneous climax swept over her quickly, leaving her panting, light-headed, and smiling uncontrollably.

As she managed to regain control of her limbs, the brunette slowly rose to her feet, a split-second hunch confirmed by accident.

Throwing the fitted sheet into the drum with the rest of the laundry, loading the soap and softener, setting the cycle and closing the door, Natalie pocketed her new sample, lifted a towel from a cupboard, and made her way back to the showers to retrieve Julia.

Perhaps the on-campus housing situation was what Natalie liked so much about the Old Keep… Especially if she had roommates who were powerful Summoners; who could conjure up Incubi on a horny whim; who could cum a steady supply of instant-orgasm juice for her to run all sorts of Alchemical experiments on… And maybe do a few other things with…


*Questions, comments, constructive feedback always welcome! Hope you enjoyed the read!*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ir7h50/waking_the_coven_mf_group_voyeur_fantasyparanormal