The tutor: Kyla and Peter

“Game point!” Kyla yelled, tossing the tennis ball in the air, readying her arm for the swing. The bounce of the toss pushed her tennis skirt up to her Spanx line, and the long reach of the serve showed off her toned arms and legs. This double’s tennis match was on game point after nearly an hour of intense volleys, lobs, chase downs, backhands, and net-rushes. She connected with the ball, letting out a primal *ugh* and she ran up to the back of the line, watching the opposing team play the ball. Kyla and her roommate, Jessie, had been challenged to a game by the boys across the hall, Evan and Brady. Jessie and Brady had kind of been a thing starting around thanksgiving break last semester, and Evan had been trying to make moves on Kyla – but none of his moves really… connected. He lacked composure and esteem.

The ball traveled to Evan, who hit a forehand return to Kyla’s backand. Brady rushed the net and tried to hit an angle in front of Jessie, but she lunged and got managed to backhand it to Evan’s right corner. Evan returned it to Kyla, still hanging out at her baseline, ready to return anything that cleared the serve line. She hit a line drive towards the side line, just out of reach of Evan’s racket’s sweet spot, causing his return to fly out of bounds. Jessie threw up her hands and ran to Kyla, giving her high-fives – “Yes!” Kyla said. “You got it girl!” Jessie said. They walked to the center court for a good-game handshake. Or, for Brady and Jessie, a good-game-kiss, inspiring awkwardness for Kyla and Evan.

Evan tried to strike up a conversation with Kyla – “Wow, nice shot Kyla… So what are you doing later? Do you… want to grab food or something?”

“Thanks. Um.. Actually, I have my tutoring appointment. So I think I need to be going.” She said, “Oh wow- actually I’m gonna be late!” She hadn’t noticed the time, but it was already a minute into the group chemistry tutor, Peter, she had signed up for this semester. She thought she would have time to change, but now there was no time, so she’d have to go in her tennis outfit. She tied her hair into a tighter ponytail and ran to the library.

Across campus, Peter was fielding questions in his group meeting. He was supposed to deliver a presentation at a conference next month and his coworkers were giving him a hard time with questions. He was standing at the front of the room, with his head tall, his deep blue button-up tee tucked in to his skintight Kylas.

“That’s all I can take now – I have to get going to tutor” he said, heading out the door. The meeting had gone well but there were a few cracks in his results. Cracks that didn’t necessarily mean that his results were invalid, but cracks nevertheless. Oh well – if his labmates didn’t pick up on it, probably no one else would, either.

He strolled in to the library and began setting up for the small group tutoring he was doing to earn some extra money. He found out today that his group for the semester was quite small, only two people – Rainie and Kyla, both second-semester sophomores taking Chem 2.

He was getting his folders and materials out for the session when Rainie walked in, just a few minutes early.

Rainie was a fairly petite, with dark hair, and she was dressed in short Kyla shorts and a light flannel over a white shirt with a low collar. The bottom of the flannel was tied in a braid in the front, showing off her curves. Her lips were light red – natural or lipstick? – and a light amount of eyeliner making her green eyes pop.

“Hi! I’m Rainie!” She said, basically bubbly. She walked right up to Peter and gave him a handshake, which was just an excuse for her to touch his arm. “Wow! I didn’t know my tutor this semester was doing to dress up. That’s a cool shirt.” She said.

The forward motion she had made surprised Peter a little. It was hard not to notice that she had a bit of cleavage going through her shirt. She pulled back her hair behind her ear, showing off a gold hoop earring. He lost his train of thought for a second and introduced himself.

“Wow! So you’re a grad student! That is, wow, so cool.” Rainie said, now hopping up on the table next to Peter.

When Kyla walked in, just a minute late for the session, what she saw was Rainie on the desk, legs resting at 45 degrees apart, pointed right at Peter, who was leaning back against the wall. She darted her eyes between the two and took a seat with her book and journal. *Great*, she thought, *I’m sure I’ll get a lot of attention here*.

Peter looked away from Rainie to see that another student walking in. She was kind of out of breath, as if she had been jogging to the room, and her face still had a couple beads of sweat. Her blonde hair was pulled back in a ponytail through the back of her athletic hat. Her white tennis skirt went down to her mid-thigh, showing off her muscular legs and toned calves. She had a blue athletic tank top on with a black sports bra on underneath poking around the sides. She looked dejected as she sat down, pretending to study something from her back.

“Hi! I’m Peter.” He said to her, holding eye contact with her as he walked around Rainie’s legs and to her spot at the table. When she looked up at him, the brim of her hat no longer hiding her face, she was captivated by his big, brown eyes. “We’ll be having chemistry for this semester.” He said with a smirk. Kyla, caught off guard, and blushed red. “Well, now that we’re both here, let’s begin!”

Peter started by talking about the expectations for the tutoring sessions. I expect you to show up regularly, he said. I expect you to show up ready for some work. I expect you to try. And here’s my side: I’ll be passionate. I’ll show up ready to work for you. I’ll make sure to get back to you and not leave you hanging. Then he began to talk about chemistry. He was rapturing. It was like time was speeding up when he was talking. It was three minutes past the hour when Peter realized that he was keeping them past, and he had to get back to work.

He packed up his bag, and Rainie came up to him. “Hi! Can I get your number? I sometimes run late so it’d be nice to have your number.” She said with a giggle. Kyla watched as she brushed his hand in grabbing his phone to send a message to herself. She watched as Rainie played with her hair and left the room.

“Where are you headed?” Peter asked. “Oh, just back to my dorm on Southside” She said. “Oh great! Yeah my lab is down there, want to walk with me?”

Before she could think about it, she agreed, and they started walking.

“You’re so passionate!” She said. “How long have you been doing this?”

“For about four years now. It’s something I’ve practiced a lot. I’m glad you enjoyed me today.”

With him so close now, she was drawn even closer to his smell. It was like being deep in a pine forest.

“You know, the things I like about chemistry is it’s so easy to see around you. For instance,” he said, “The temperature of an oven determines what flavors get amplified, what reactions you allow to happen. Or,” he brushed his hand against her waist to hold a pinch of her tennis shirt, “the polymers that are used to make your clothes that wick water away.” He stared into her eyes again for a few seconds. Sarah was frozen for a second in his gaze. His eyes were so big, so brown, like two moons, and they made her want to fall into his orbit. “Pretty incredible, right?” He said, smirking, and they kept walking. He left her at her dorm.

“Kyla! Who was that boy?” Jessie asked when Kyla walked into the room.


“The one you were walking with!”

“Oh, that was my tutor.”

“Wow! How did you get such a cute one?”

“Jessie, stop!” “Just kidding. But you were walking so close to just a ‘tutor’.”

“He’s just got… such an energy. Like a magnetism. It just draws me in and made me lose track of time. He talked for 45 minutes about chemistry! And it flew by!”

“Kyla!” “But, you know, he’s just a tutor. It could get weird. Plus, I’m pretty sure the other girl in there will be all over him in a few weeks. I think her name was Rainie.” “Rainie? Oh yeah. She was on my friend’s floor last year. She can be kind of a bimbo. Haha. I think she parties a lot.”

“Sounds about right.” “Are you just gonna let her do that though?”

“What do you mean?” “Kyla. Come. On. That boy was cute and so what if he’s your tutor!”

“Jessie!” “You gotta take control OK? Don’t get shut out by this girl.”

“Ok. whatever.”


The next session, on Thursday, did not start how Kyla wanted it to go. She showed up in her tennis outfit again, but this time not sweaty. She put on a little extra eyeliner and even had a couple earrings in. It was a pretty typical session. Peter set up a few problems and asked them both what they thought, guiding them to a solution. “What’s the next step?” He would ask, and Rainie would always raise her hand first, and he would call on her, and congratulate her, and kind of share a smile. This made Kyla a little mad, and her competitive side was taking over. It was like seeing your opponent get winner after winner after winner. She needed to do something more drastic. She needed to rush the net.

At the next question of the lesson, she just blurted out her thought. Rainie was a little caught off guard, and it looked like Peter was too. “Oh, um, yes! That’s right. Kyla. Thanks.” She started to do it more and more often, and could feel Peter noticing her a little bit more. A few times she even noticed him taking a second to glance at her sports bra, which was bright orange underneath a her black tennis top. She sat up straighter, pushed her elbows a little further back on the table, and felt her breasts pop out a little more. It was subtle, but Peter definitely noticed. By the end of the session Kyla was the sun, she was the one getting all the attention. There was something addicting about staring into his eyes and feeling like the rest of the world was falling away for him, that there was nothing else in the universe for him than her.

Rainie also noticed. She started to give Kyla a side-eye and pout a little bit.

When it was a few minutes past – he always seemed to go a little bit longer than he should – he ended the lesson. Rainie packed her bag, and went up to Peter to ask a question or something. Her voice was hushed, but then she heard her giggle and Peter smiled and laughed back. As Rainie left she loudly said “See you tomorrow night!”

Kyla couldn’t help herself. “What was that about?”

“Oh, nothing. She says that there’s a house party at her friend’s place tomorrow.”

“…” “Still headed back the same way?” “um, yeah.” She felt a little dejected. If he was in to partying, then it was really no use at all.

On the way back to her dorm, they talked about their goals, where they wanted to be in a few years. She said that she to be a professional diver, and see all sorts of fish on coral reefs, and he said that he wanted to spend all day making pastries and drinking coffee. Even though she had been feeling down, it was like it was all forgotten when he was with her. They almost walked right past her dorm, they were so engrossed in each other.

“Oh! I think this is your place.” He said.

“Oh! Whoops. Haha.” She said.

“Oh, wait…” he said, raising his hand, “there’s a piece of fuzz in your hair.” And he ran his fingers through her hair, skimming past her ear, producing a tiny cotton fuzz. The touch was electrifiying. It was like a cool breeze walking into a department store on a hot summer day. It was like he was a magnet, pulling her even closer. She giggled, and played with her hair. “So, uh, till next week!” She said.

“Yeah. I guess so!” He said.


That Friday night, Kyla got dressed up in a tight red and black dress, put on lipstick and mascara, and went out to a karaoke bar with Jessie and Brady and tried not to think about how Peter was probably hooking up with Rainie and it was going to be an awkward semester or whatever. Eventually she forgot about his big brown eyes and soft touch and sang a duet of *feel like a woman*(dar neer na neer neer). When it was about 11, they decided they were exhausted, but walked past their favorite dessert place – Yogurt Park – to get a snack. She was a little tipsy still from the margarita she’d “shared” with Jessie at dinner just a few hours ago. They were in line when Jessie noticed someone else.

“Psst! Kyla! Isn’t that your boy?” Jessie said.

“What?” “Yeah, up ahead.” Sure enough, it was Peter, dressed in tight blue Kylas and a white t-shirt. His pants were so tight and showed his muscular ass. “Go say hi!”

“No way!” Kyla was starting to blush.

“You gotta, he’s all alone. Wasn’t he supposed to be at that party?”

“Yeah but…” Jessie pushed Kyla up ahead a couple spots. Nobody in line cared.

“Um excuse me sir, don’t you know that this line is for undergrads only?” Kyla said, pulling at his t-shirt. He smelled extra good tonight, like a forest after a rainstorm. She could feel that he had a pretty muscular body underneath his shirt. She thought she was sober, but she felt kind of tipsy at this point.

“Hey! Kyla!” He said.

Kyla gave him a friendly side-hug.

“Did, did you know I love this place!” She said. *Tone it down!* She thought.

“Yeah, I like this place too. It’s my favorite place to go when I finish a long experiment.” “You’ve been working this whole time?”

“Yup. Being a grad student is tough. I could show you if you want.”

“Ohmigod, that would be so cool.” They ordered their froyo and started walking. “What are you doing out so late all alone?” “Oh nothing.” *Great reply* “I was actually out at a karaoke bar with my roommate and her boyfriend. She pushed me up towards you.” *You’re blowing it!*

“Haha, that’s funny. I like that karaoke bar, I should go more often.”

“Can I try some of yours?” She asked, cutely looking at him, mouth slightly open. She took the bowl from his hands and slowly stirred the froyo before taking a spoonful, licking her lips as she made eye contact with him.

“How did I end up with such an awful student?” He said, playfully.

“Hey, weren’t you supposed to be at that house party?”

“Not really my scene.”

“Yeah, mine neither.”

They were almost to the lab. *What are you doing? It’s 11 o clock and you’re going in to a lab, kind of tipsy, with your hot tutor?*

“Right this way!” He said, tossing his froyo in the trash. They went up an elevator to the seventh floor. He walked her around the lab, guiding her by holding her hand. Automatic lights were turning on. He played with her fingers, with her thumb, and her palm very gently. They got to the desk spaces, which overlooked campus. He turned off the automatic lights so they could see the campus in the night.


He walked up behind her and put his hands around her dress at her hips, kissing the back of her head very gently. Through her tight dress she could feel that his cock was rock-hard through his pants. She took a small side step and could feel that she was starting to develop a little wetness, and she arched her back to push her ass into him. She turned her head to the side, and he cradled her ear with one hand as they shared a passionate kiss.

She turned around so she could fully face him. She kissed him again as he pulled her hips in closer to him. She kissed him once, twice, three times, four times, five, and felt his suddenly muscular arms around her. He grabbed a bit of her ass and pulled it, which made her measurably wetter. “Let’s see how much you know,” he said. “Let’s just say I’ve passed the intro course.” She replied. “But I need a little extra one on one time.”

He was now shirtless, and she was working on his buckle. Finally the belt came off and his pants fell down, revealing a rock-hard cock poking through his boxers. She played with the head of the cock, touching the very soft underside and playing with the ridge around the head. He was kissing her neck and she was starting to moan for him. *Oh Peter! Ohmigod, I want you so bad…*

She pushed away from him for one second, and put a finger on his chest.

“Ah ah ah!” She held his balls taut in one hand, and she left a long lipstick kiss on his heck, then his clavicle, on his sternum, on his ribs, above his belly button, right above his cock, and then finally kissed the penis head. He was running his fingers through her hair again, but this time there was no pretense. Every time he pulled the hair in his grasp again she wanted to pleasure him. Her hair was now pulled taut behind her head, no lock or thread running amok. She started to blow him.

*Fuck! Oh wow Kyla… Oh oh right there…* He said. Every moan he made just made her a little more wet. *Oh oh… you do that so good… Oh….*

He eventually couldn’t take it anymore, because he pushed her head back. *Is this OK?* He asked. *She nodded enthusiastically*, and then pulled down her panties. He sat down in his big desk chair, and she sat on top of him.

He played with her breasts as she sat on top of him. His cock was pressed in between his belly and her back. He moved closer and closer in to her nipple with one hand as the other one was rubbing the inside of her leg. He finally reached one nipple and started to gently pinch it while the other hand was drawing circles on her belly through her tight black and red dress.

His hands finally reached her outer labia and sent a shudder throughout her body. *Ooooh…* she moaned. His fingers gently traced the outline of her vagina, slowly applying pressure in a serial way around her wetness. He gently tugged at her labia, pulling them apart, and he could feel that her wetness was sticking between his fingers. With his whole palm he tapped her tight vagina lightly. She let out a high pitched squeal. She was practically writhing on him. His middle finger traced the outline of her vagina inside of her labia, slowly at first, and then getting just a little bit faster. He stuck the tip of his finger inside as he kissed her ear, and the palm of his hand was pressed against her clitoris.

He entered her slowly. He did not move his finger but made tiny circles with his palm which was pressed against her clit. She pushed her hips forward to apply more pressure. The finger made a come hither motion, stimulating the front of her vaginal wall and making her even more wet. Her vagina was completely soaking his hand and starting to run on her dress. He made small motions at first, and then went bigger and bigger, making the come hither motion. He added another finger, his ring finger, and she was so wet that it seemed like there was no resistance to it at all.

Now his thumb was making circles on her clit and making it unbearable. She could only feel his hard body against hers through her dress and wanted to melt into him. A third finger went in, his pinky, and he turned his hand sideways so that it was gently stimulating the side of her vaginal wall when it gently curled up. Her breathing was labored. She hadn’t been with anyone in so long, and this felt so good. She started to grind down against his hand. *Oh god keep going!* She said, feeling more blood rush away from her body and around her hips. Her nipples got a little more tense, and suddenly she felt a big release, like a thousand fireworks were going off all at once. She was cumming, and her vagina was pulsing around his hand, which just made the feeling all the more intense.

She kept roiling around his hand, feeling his cock against her. *Do you have a condom?* She asked.

*What if you finish me?* He said, kissing her ear and rubbing his hands up her dress up to her breasts. They stood up, and he told her to hike up her dress and sit down in it. Her legs were raised, and he picked her up. She was being held by him at his waist with her legs up. He guided his cock inside of her, first the head. He looked at her, and she was awash in pleasure. He slowly lowered her on to his cock, millimeter by millimeter, feeling every part of her tight, wet pussy. He bounced her up and down. In the mirror of the window, she could see her leg raised up and her body bouncing on his body.

His cock was getting bigger and bigger at the same time that her pussy was getting more and more accepting. He pressed his lips in to hers. *Oh, you feel so good…* He moaned, and kissed her neck. She could feel another orgasm building, this time a big slower but also bigger. The only thing that she could think about was wrapping her legs around him tighter and tighter. She pulled her dress top down and played with her breasts, which were now swollen and feeling so large. *Oh, yeah, that’s so hot…* He said, which just turned her on even more.

Her legs were getting wet with sweat from holding on for so long. She started to talk dirty to him. *Oh yeah baby… oh your cock feels so good… Oh you fill up my pussy…* He was bouncing her gently still. One hand was groping her ass cheek and his other hand was on her back. He was gripping her ass so tightly and firmly, it was kind of like pulling her ass cheeks apart. Every nerve in her body was screaming *more! More! More!,* like she was climbing a roller coaster and needed to overcome a hill. She wanted to become one with him. She finally leaned forward and held on to his shoulders as she came for a second time, this time riding completely on his cock while he was standing up. She could grind her clit into him with the help of gravity, amplifying the release of all of her tension. She was sweaty and still felt very horny as she grinned on her tutor’s rock hard cock.

*Did you come?* She asked. *Not yet*, He said. *I think it’s your turn to do some work.*

He lowered her down slowly onto the ground. Her legs were wobbly like a baby horse’s from coming twice.

He pulled her hair back again. Her breasts were so large now. She grabbed his cock and rubbed it against her breasts, pushing the breasts together on his cock. *Oh yeah…* he said. She could feel his cock getting bigger and bigger as she bounced her breasts faster and faster and held it tight. In a burst, she felt the cock get even larger as it released on her neckline and in between her breasts, dribbling his sticky cum on her. Peter exhaled. *Oh… Ohmigod Kyla…* She looked up at him with a smirk, kissed the tip of his penis, and started to clean herself up with a napkin on his desk. “You’re going to get a lot more one on time time, I think.” Peter said, and kissed her once more on the lips, the room illuminated only by the sparse lights trickling in from outside.



  1. Hi everyone – just let me know what you think. Wrote this a while ago and have some ideas for others.

  2. That was amazing. You are very talented. Please continue writing. I would LOVE to see what you come up with next

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