The MIL[F] that thanked me for [M]y service!

I was 20 years old in July 1991, a few weeks shy of my 21st birthday. Tall and lean. Worldly for a 20 year old but still pretty young looking back on it now. My hair was cropped short, my smile was easy and engaging. I’d been stationed in Germany with the Army for three years and was used to German bars, nightlife, and women.

I was back in Texas on leave, having been deployed for the previous 6 months to the middle east for Desert Shield & Desert Storm. I fought that short war from the turret of a tank, and was ready to forget the Army for a while. My Dad and I were heading to the coast to go fishing but stopped in Austin for the night.

Austin in the early 90’s wasn’t the robust city it is today, instead it was a sleepy little college town. Most of the residents seemed to work for the state or the university. There was only a single bar district, 6th Street. We stayed at the Sheraton a few blocks north of 6th, easy walking distance (this was LONG before the days of Uber & pedicabs).

My Dad was ready for bed not long after dinner, of course I wanted to go out and see what the city had to offer. I headed to 6th Street, unsure if I could get into bars with my military ID since I was still 20 but I was going to give it a good try! The first bar I went to checked my ID and said I should come back in a few weeks. The doorman at the second bar I tried was lax in his duties, not checking my ID but let me in without taking his eyes off the obviously under age woman he was chatting up.

I sidled up to the bar, and ordered something cold. It wasn’t the German beer I was used to, but it was still good. I started looking around the bar, and noticed the small group of women next to me. They seemed mid thirties, mom types. Mostly preoccupied with their conversation, they didn’t notice me. Except for Lucy. Being the closest to me, she was on the edge of the group and found it difficult to keep up with the group’s conversation.

She noticed me looking around, and said hi. I guessed that she was in her early 30’s, she was short with long dark brown hair pulled back in a ponytail. This being Texas in July, no one wore more clothes than they had to. Lucy was no exception dressed in khaki shorts, a white tank top and sandals. She came across as very laid back, but that may have been the margaritas she had already finished.

I returned her greeting and asked how she was doing. There was no intent behind the conversation other than chatting up a cute woman while I was waiting on my beer. Boy was I naive.

The conversation flowed easily between us, we asked each other the standard questions… Why are you in town? What do you do? Etc.

She seemed to perk up when I said I was in the Army, home on leave.

Laughing, she said “That explains the short hair cut”

“Yes, ma’am”

Laughing more, she touched my arm and replied “Thank you for your service, and don’t call me ma’am. I can’t be THAT much older than you.”

She asked about my experience in Desert Storm, what it was like to live in Germany at the end of the Cold War, and about dating German women. It was a fun conversation that caused the time to fly. Before I knew it, more than an hour had passed with at least two more drinks for each of us.

I wanted to stay out longer, but knew the old man wanted to get on the road early to get to the coast. Not just early, but “old man early”. Ugh. I hate “old man early”.

I told Lucy that I had enjoyed the conversation but had to call it a night, so I was going to walk back to the hotel. She asked which hotel I was staying at, and said “That’s where I’m at!” when I told her.

“I’m ready to go to bed myself, do you mind if I walk back with you?”


She excused herself for a brief bathroom visit, then told her friends she was heading back to the hotel. I couldn’t hear what she said but one of her friends looked at me and started to giggle. It didn’t register with me what this might mean for the rest of my night.

We walked back, enjoying the warm summer night. When we got to the hotel, I went straight for the elevator with Lucy in tow. I punched the number for my floor, and asked her which one she needed.

Her floor was first, as the elevator door opened the loud “Ding!” filled our ears. I thought this would be the last I saw of Lucy, I told her good night and thanks for the fun evening.

“Do you mind walking me to my room. Just in case”

“Uh… sure” I replied, a little annoyed with the request. How did I ever get laid when I was young?

Her room was at the end of a long hall, when we got there she fumbled with the key for a minute but finally got the door open. She turned to me, I thought she was about to say good night, instead she put her arms around my neck and started kissing me. I was dumbstruck, and just stood there with my arms at my side not sure what to do. I knew WHAT to do, I was simply surprised by the turn of events. I didn’t see it coming, even though all the signs were there.

Again, how did I ever get laid back then?

We broke off our kiss long enough to shuffle into the room and shut the door. In the room, we picked up where we left off. This time I was ready for it, and my hands started to roam over her body. Up & down her back, holding her cheek, one hand found her ass and stayed there. I guess some things don’t change, as I’m still partial to grabbing an ass cheek while kissing.

Her hands found their way to my shorts, and she started to unbutton & unzip me. She let my shorts fall around my ankles, then snaked a finger inside the elastic band of my underwear and started to run it back forth along my waist. She’d stop every now & then to reach down and brush the head of my hard cock. I was at full attention, then again it didn’t take much back in those days. I’d get an erection if the wind blew the right way!

Just as suddenly as our kiss had started, it stopped when she pulled away from my lips to kneel in front of me. “What are you… oh. Oh. OH!” was all I could muster as she freed my hard on, and took me in her mouth. She was the first woman to play with my balls while sucking my cock, holy shit was that a revelation! To this day, I vividly remember the sight of her ponytail flinging around her head as she bobbed up & down on my cock.

After a few minutes she stood up, and took my shirt off. I stepped out of my shorts, and stood mostly naked with a proud hard on in the middle of her hotel room. She started to undress, and motioned me to the bed. “Hell yeah I’ll get in bed!” I remember thinking to myself.

“Uh, do you want to take your shoes off first?” she asked.

“Huh?” Then I looked down and realized that in all the excitement, she had taken most of my clothes off but didn’t (obviously) touch my shoes. “Oh.. ya”. I replied sheepishly, a little embarrassed but still sporting an excited cock. I kicked them off and jumped in the bed, thinking I was being smooth but hindsight has me shaking my head. What a dork.

I watched Lucy take off the remainder of her clothes, and was happy with what I saw. Maybe this was the start of my appreciation for MILFs. She had the curvy hips, and full bosoms of a woman that’s given birth. She wasn’t thin, but a normal size that showed she had other things to worry about than starving herself to stay slender. Her bush was trimmed into a “landing strip”, popular at the time.

Once naked she climbed in bed, getting on top of me without a word. She reached down and guided my cock into her, knowing what she wanted. She started slowly at first, rocking back and forth. I couldn’t believe it, couldn’t believe that I was inside of her and watching this beautiful woman enjoy herself on me.

Lucy started to increase her speed, and began to moan. Sitting straight up, she gave me a great view of her body as she took the scrunchy out of her hair, letting it fall loose around her shoulders. Now she was really getting into it, one hand on my chest to steady herself the other playing with a nipple. Eyes closed, mouth open while biting her lower lip. Rocking back & forth with increasing intensity.

Then I came.

That’s right, just barely into it and I blew my load. I’m sure it was the best three minutes of her life.


She didn’t seem to mind though, instead she kept riding me. A few minutes later she orgasmed too, and rolled off. I was a little embarrassed and unsure of what to say. “Um… sorry about that, I usually last longer.”

“Don’t worry about it. You’re still hard, want to keep going?”

“Fuck yeah!”

We had sex for another 45 minutes, trying out different positions. Some were familiar, some were new. I didn’t cum again but in the end, it was a great night.

I got dressed and headed back to my room before my Dad got up. I was able to squeeze in an hour of sleep before the old man woke me up to head to the coast. I drifted in & out of sleep on that ride, thoughts of Lucy filling my head.



  1. This is one thing I wish I could tell my high school self… Be confident, everyone your age is just as confused, excited, and scared as you… And the ones your age aren’t as much fun as the milf’s anyway ?

    Thanks for the story and glad to hear some honesty about coming early lol

  2. Excellent writing, with just the right amount of honesty and self awareness in hindsight.

  3. Im in my early 20s and fairly successful especially for my age in my career. I’m no James Dean by any means but I’ve found just raw confidence really makes up for that. There’s a thrill behind talking to a woman as if you already know youre going home with her. Its literally a game. But boy when you win. You win.

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