“The Hitchhiker’s Gratitude (Part 4).” (M/F, Rough Sex)

This is the fourth installment of “The Hitchhiker’s Gratitude”; a story inspired by, and originally submitted as a response to, [this prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/f4ft7z/wp_turns_out_the_hitchhiker_you_picked_up_is_more/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) by u/RedFredHunter.


Dim, almost-orange yellow light poured through the widening gap of the threshold as the door swung inward. The inside knob thumped against the near wall, and the wooden slab shuddered on its hinges as it – much more slowly – began to swing back out.

In a flurry of movement, two pairs of feet awkwardly shambled over each other – a heavy set of black steel-toes chasing backstepping sandals. The open-toed footwear snagged on the carpet, and they were forgotten as their owner’s feet slipped out of them and the other’s boots tried over them.

An ursine pair of hands took hold of a slim waist – rough fingers brushing up under the blue hem of a shirt – and lifted it upwards. There was a feminine yelp, and long denim-clad legs wrapped around a burly torso; delicate fingers digging into broad shoulders.

The bear paws roamed southwards, cupping the woman’s ass in their palms, squeezing it through her jeans. Her fingers reciprocated the treatment on his shoulders, tightening their grip urgently.

Hot lips pushed through the bristles of a heavy beard. A warm tongue invaded an inviting mouth. One moan, groan, grunt, melted into the next, swallowed by a lover. The steel-toed man paced deeper into the dark room, every step echoing through the thin floor of that second-story lodging.

His knee and shit budged up against something. He broke away from the kiss, looking through a curtain of gold hair over his lover’s shoulder as she adored his cheek, his neck…

His hands were still on her hips.

She squealed as he lifted her again, pulling her out of the tangle of limbs, and half-tossed, half-dropped her onto the room’s single, large bed. The springs complained, creaking under the sudden impact, but the blonde giggled, flashing her man a not-nearly-yet-satisfied grin and a pair of sky-blue eyes glowing in the light from the balcony coming in through the open door.

The man turned, leaving her on the bed as he trudged back to the entrance, deftly plucking something from the outer knob. He turned back to face the bed, absently closing the door with a back-stretched hand, and turning the lock with a simple motion.

Then, in the darkness, barely visible, he stretched out the other arm, turned his hand, and uncurled his fist.

A small, thin length of brassy material fell from the open palm, and was immediately lost on the floor.

They wouldn’t be needing the room key, any time soon…

The blonde gave slow, mocking applause from the bed, silhouetted in hardly enough light to see by; curtained window opposite the room from the door providing the new source of illumination.

The large man smirked at the tease, and strode towards the bed once more.

“Hey.” Kitty said, sharply, as Steven approached.


“Take off your boots. You stepped on my toes, like, three times on the way in here… Plus, they’re making a ton of noise.”

“Like you aren’t gonna be making *even more* noise…” Steven scoffed, but knelt to begin untying his bootlaces nonetheless.

“Compared to you and your lead feet, I’m quiet as a mouse.”

“Never heard a mouse scream as loud as you did in the shower, last night.”

“Well, I had a *very* good reason to scream that loud.”



“You want me to give you an even better reason?”

Kitty grinned at him from the bed, sitting up in the half-light, watching Steven’s fingers twist, tug, and pull at the narrow cords sprouting from his boots.

“*You gonna use those big, magic fingers on me, Stevie*?” She purred as Steven managed to undo the laces, entirely, and began to remove his footwear.

“I might… But I think you want something a little more… *substantial* than *just* my fingers, don’t you?”

“*What do you think*?”

Stepping out of his other boot and immediately stepping towards the bed, Steven declined to properly answer Kitty’s question.

The man’s knee jabbed into the mattress, immediately bearing weight as he shifted his weight forward and crawled up onto the bed. Standing on both knees now, his huge hands reached out, taking Kitty by the hips, again, and firmly turning her parallel with the mattress’ length.

Letting out a sigh fueled by as much shock as excitement, Kitty settled into her new position as Steven’s hands quickly abandoned their hold and set to a new task. With still-surprising dexterity – even after watching him expertly tie and untie such small knots – Kitty looked on as Steven quickly and gently pried at the waistband of her jeans, popped the brassy button at their zenith, and tugged the zipper tag down, the uncoupling teeth humming with the purposefully slow movement.

Kitty looked up into his eyes, and saw a heaviness – an eagerness – she was sure she’d recognize if she looked in a mirror, just then. His intention was clear… He wanted her to know just what kind of *small buttons* he could press with those *big, magic fingers*…

The removal of her jeans was not nearly so drawn out. Seizing on the now far-less skintight waistband, Steven pulled it downward hastily, the fabric crinkling in front of it as it swept down her thighs. When he could pull it no further, Steven reached back, yanking at a spot just below her knee… then repeated the motion on the other leg…

As Steven impatiently, indelicately tore her pants down her legs, Kitty helped as she could, thrashing and flailing the two limbs in a similarly restless bid to be free of the garment.

Finally, the denim slipped away, and Steven carelessly tossed it aside, allowing it to fall *somewhere*…

Kitty grinned up at him as she propped herself up on her elbows, eager to see what he’d do next.

She wasn’t kept waiting for long, as a hand of the same strength as had removed her jeans ran up her lower belly and dug its fingers up under the hem of her tank top. Steven yanked the bolt of fabric upwards, roughly, and Kitty’s breasts – up until then simply teasing Steven’s notice with excited nipples poking up, covered in blue fabric – spilled out into plain view.

Still impatient, Steven left the tank top rucked up; a precarious bundle balanced between the girl’s collarbone and the tops of her tits.

“Wow…” Kitty marveled. “That was something…”

“Hmmm?” Steven paused.

“This morning, you didn’t wanna fuck me at all… Now, you’re *tearing* my clothes off like you just can’t wait to get your dick wet…”

“Never said I didn’t wanna *fuck* you… I just didn’t want to ‘fuck’ you…”

“*Yeah*?” Kitty began purring, again, struggling up to her knees to stand in front of her lover. “*You wanted to fuck me*?”

“Whole time.” Steven affirmed.

“*But you didn’t*.”

“Didn’t have a condom.”

“*Yeah… And now that you do*?”

Steven clapped a hand on Kitty’s ass, again, squeezing it to earn a high-pitched squeak out of the blonde.

“I think you get the general idea, *Kitty*…”

His lips crashed against hers, anew, as his other hand came up between her shoulders. Steven pressed his weight against Kitty, flattening her on the mattress, once more, suspending himself above her with an elbow digging into the mattress. Righting himself after a moment spent exploring the girl’s mouth, Steven reached down to his belt buckle; the mechanism clinking, the leather band whizzing through the denim loops as he tore it loose.

His own brass button popped.

His own zipper hummed.

His thumbs hooked not just under the waistband of his jeans, but under the elastic waistband of his boxers, as well…

Kitty bit her lip as Steven pulled his own pants down and his manhood sprang forth; pulsing, throbbing, bobbing in the air with each beat, it seemed, of the huge trucker’s heart.

Reluctantly, she tore her eyes away from the sight, and pointed a glance at Steven’s crumpled jeans.

“*You gonna put on some protection, Stevie*?”

“Was about to ask you to do the honors…”

Kitty smirked, tightening her core in a sit-up, then standing on her knees for the second time – convinces Steven had only put her down after the first so he could show off his cock…

She wrapped the fingers of her right hand around the object of focus, and Steven grunted appreciatively.

“*You like it when I touch you*?” She whispered, giving him a squeeze.

“*You do*…” She answered her own question, slowly beginning to rub him up and down.

“*But it’s not enough, is it*?”

She looked Steven in the eyes, not breaking contact as she stretched her left hand out…

“*Part of me wants to keep you like this*… *All*… *Night*… *Long*… *To punish you for making me so angry, today*…”

Kitty leaned forward, pressing her lips to her ear.

“*But I think you deserve a reward for being so good to me, instead*…”

Quickly withdrawing her hand from his pocket, Kitty tore open the small cardboard box full of contraceptives she had gifted to Steven just a few hours before.

Removing a condom from the box, the blonde tossed it aside, small packets scattering as they fell or flew out of the open container.

She only needed the one that was already in her hands…

The wrapper yielded under her fingers, and, pressing the center of the latex coil to the tip of Steven’s shaft, she unrolled the protection down his entire length.

The empty wrapper fell, disused, to the mattress.

Kitty gently stroked Steven through the newly applied layer.

“*Well, Stevie*?” She asked. “*You gonna keep this Monster under control, in here*?”

“Depends on whether or not you want me to…”

“*I don’t*…”


Without further warning, his hands moving in a flash, Steven shoved Kitty back down onto the bed. The blonde cried out in surprise, but was no sooner flipped onto her stomach, the trucker’s mitts having immediately found new purchase on her hips. Her face in the pillow, feeling her hips being pulled up, once more, her legs being nudged forward to support her weight, Kitty was surprised at just how easily Steven maneuvered her…

Any reflection on that thought was cut short as a coarse digit brushed against her center. Kitty sucked in a hissing breath, wincing with the sudden stimulus. The finger invaded the space between her body and her silken undergarments, curling around a stretch of the fabric and pulling it to the side.

Steven could feel heat pouring off the blonde as he continued, and dripping moisture clung to his finger as it grazed her body. Cloaked in the latex sleeve of the condom, his hand wrapped around its base to keep it positioned correctly, Steven put the head of his cock to Kitty’s opening, guiding his hips forward in as controlled a manner as his excitement would allow…

Kitty gasped aloud as she felt the alien smoothness begin to push past the most superficial part of her womanhood. Her legs shuddered, quaking as an unfamiliar girth slowly invaded her core.

Second by second, inch by inch, the trucker’s huge cock slipped inside the hitchhiker’s sopping wet pussy…

Until Kitty was full, whimpering and shaking with a giddiness and ecstasy that seemed lodged somewhere deep inside her, refusing to come out save in jolting tickles and tinges that raced through her body…

Until Steven felt the smooth curve of his lover’s ass against his lower belly; her shuddering thighs against his own; her tight, nineteen-year-old body squeezing him from tip to base…

There was a long, loaded pause as the pair remained still… Silent, save for the odd gasp, grunt, or low, hushed groan…

“Fuck…” Kitty finally managed to hiss, exasperated, from the pillow.

“Fuck…” Steven echoed, doing his best to stay still as she adjusted to him.

“Are you gonna…?”

“Are you ready for me to?”

“Yeah… Do it…”

His finger uncurling from around the band of blue silk, his hand releasing its tight grip on his own shaft, Steven took hold of the blonde’s hips.

In a hybrid motion of pushing her waist forward and drawing his own body backward, Steven slowly slipped out of Kitty’s divide. The girl gasped anew as the invading fullness retreated, leaving her core feeling almost… *empty*…

Their was a faint yet audible smack as Steven pulled back in, yanking Kitty’s hips back as he thrust his own forth, their bodies clapping together somewhere in between. He groaned as she squealed, her walls constricting his manhood anew.

A moment passed in stillness and silence… Then Steven drew back, tantalizingly slowly, once more.

Another crack of movement, and Kitty felt herself full again as Steven took her from behind.

The cycle repeated again… and again… Each time they paused, the pause grew shorter. Each time Steven slammed his body against hers and hers against his, he did so more quickly, and with more force. Each time the trucker’s *Monster* retreated from inside her, it pushed back, deeper, into the hitchhiker’s core.

Slowly, Steven established a rhythm… which wasn’t to say he went slow or gently. Grinding her teeth in a quickly failing attempt not to scream, Kitty squeaked and squealed through closed lips and a knit brow, her hands coming up and balling into fists in the pillows as Steven drove into her with a pace and toughness that drove her wild.

As the blonde bent over in front of him let loose a first, uninhibited scream into the pillows, Steven felt a certain satisfaction aside from the purely physical… Not that what he was doing to her didn’t feel amazing for him, too…

Even through the thin second skin of latex, Steven could feel every twitch and squeeze of Kitty’s body around him… Warm, slick, soft, gripping him so tightly it practically *yanked* him back in every time he slipped out to wind up for the next thrust…

Her skin was burning up in his hands, still clamped to her hips… He could feel it on his lower belly, too, and his thighs each time he filled her up again; a sudden tingle of heat that washed outwards from his lap and seemed to sweep through his whole body…

Kitty screamed again, her face turned to the side now, a mess of blonde hair webbed across it. Her arms scrabbled about as she quaked; first clawing at the sheets and a pillowcase, then shooting down, her hands disappearing beneath her as…

Steven had almost forgotten the demonstration he’d given her with the buttons of their jeans…

Steven ploughed into Kitty, much harder than before, but stopped, impaling her without drawing out. The blonde’s back arched and her breath hitched in a gasp. Steven’s right hand remained on Kitty’s hip, but his left shot forward, digging its fingers under one sleeve-opening in the back of Kitty’s half-removed tank-top, passing out the other, and balling in a tight fist between her shoulder blades.

Steven sat back on his haunches, pulling the stunned woman up and back, making use of both his own upper body strength and momentum.

Kitty was surprised to find herself straddling the lap of her burly trucker, her back pressed to his chest, when just a moment ago she had been face down in sheets, offering her rump to him… But, the same heat and pleasure that had made left her dazed and confused during the change from that old position convinced her not to complain about the new one… Especially not when Steven’s hands were…

“Ooooh!… Oooooohhhh!” Kitty moaned as she felt something large, coarse, but dextrous invade the space between her legs.

Steven was pleased that he was able to pull such sounds out of the girl, sitting still, without really reaching his target, yet.

The index finger of his right hand, having relinquished its hold on the blonde’s waist, slowly dragged up her slit, and Steven could feel her constricting around him, a quick, reflexive pulse each fraction of a centimeter higher he went.

When he finally *did* push Kitty’s button, she froze…

Suddenly, in a swift, precise motion, her hands were clasped – clamped – around his wrist, holding it in place.


“KEEP DOING THAT!!!” She hissed.

There was no trace of her usual sultry whisper… Just a shrill, hoarse plead for… *more*…

Steven obliged, and pressed the button again.

Kitty stiffened against him, once more, and her hands pushed his closer against her lap.

The insides of her thighs squeezed the outsides of his as she shuddered, now. Her toes curled so tight the almost cramped.

Steven bucked his hips, experimentally, the next time he toyed with Kitty’s clit, and the woman sobbed out a warbled moan.

He bucked again, and continued toying with her.

The pitch of Kitty’s already strained voice rose higher – a third scream building up strength in her chest as a dull, warm throb started to grow between her legs – each time Steven moved beneath her.

What the man did, now, was more of a desperate grinding than thrusts or pounds. Even his endurance was beginning to wane as his lover tightened around his cock, squeezed her hands around the wrist buried in her panties, and kept moaning, almost right in his ear. Steven began to lose steam, lose rhythm, lose control as his own climax neared.

Soon enough, it happened.

The hitchhiker tipped over the edge, first, her mouth opening in a voiceless gasp. She doubled over, almost, leaning forward and jamming Steven’s hand in place as his finger continued to gently probe her spot. Finally, she coughed out that third scream, and began to shake and spasm; her knuckles whitening as she clamped her fingers down on the trucker’s wrist, her legs pushing back, pushing up the sheets in huge wrinkles. The warmth between her legs exploded outwards, an tingle of pleasure glittering through her whole body, her skin buzzing like static electricity.

The trucker was not long behind her. A strip of tattered blue fabric fell out of his hand as he reached forward and cupped the hitchhiker’s breast, squeezing it, pinching the bright pink nipple between two fingers as he made one last eruptive motion. Burying himself to the base between Kitty’s legs, Steven let out a noise as close to a scream as he could likely have made; a loud, rumbling expletive too high to simply be called a groan. His heart pounded in his ears, his breath became tight. His whole body felt warm, and a pleasant haze set in behind his eyes. There was a tingle in his balls… Then a tickle… Then it coursed upwards through his cock, faster than Steven could process the sensation, and burst out. Steven tensed as he twitched and pulsed inside Kitty; a first, second, third, fourth spattering of cum spilling into the blonde’s tight, dripping pussy…

Or… rather… into the reservoir of the condom…

Steven fell onto his back, breathing heavily, sweating profusely, his hands still feeling up his companion and wedged between her twitching thighs.

Kitty was no better off, her eyes screwed shut and her teeth digging into her lower lip as the last few aftershocks of her orgasm swept over her like waves.

They laid like that, one on top of the other, for a long while, and the room was silent aside from their quiet gasps as they each greedily gulped in air. They basked in the warmth leftover, the warmth each other put off, as Kitty began to come down off Cloud Nine and Steven began to soften.

They disentangled themselves in silence;!Kitty sitting up, first, and slipping off of him. The space between her thighs glistened with fluid, and a thin line of grool stretched like spider-silk between her opening and Steven’s member as they parted.

As Kitty flopped down on the mattress, an exhausted grunt escaping her lips, Steven sat up. Sweeping his legs over the edge of the bed, he shakily stood, then made his way to the trash can in the corner of the room. The used latex now discarded, Steven turned back to the mattress.

As soon as his head hit the pillow, he blacked out.

“Wake up, *Stevie*…” A soft voice coaxed him.

Steven spluttered awake, bright yellow sunlight streaming in through the room’s window. He didn’t remember how or when he’d gotten beneath the sheets…

Kitty sat up in bed, next to him, smiling warmly down at him.

“Morning.” She breathed.

“Morning…” Steven grunted, struggling to sit up with her.

He noted with delight that his hitchhiker was still topless… In fact, she was *even more* topless than she had been, the night before; her tank-top now completely removed rather than just hiked up over her tits…

Steven smirked and drank in the sight of the half-naked woman for a few minutes. Kitty indulged him, following his gaze and putting on a smirk of her own as her trucker ogled her chest.

Steven’s curiosity finally got the better of his awe, however, and he focused his eyes back on Kitty’s.

“Where’s your top?”

“Don’t like looking at my tits anymore?”

“No, I’d love to look at them all day long, but… last night… did…?”

“Yeah…” Kitty confirmed with a well-natured smile. “We did.”

She turned, reaching down off her side of the bed, and produced what had once been her tank-top, but would now be more accurately described as a rag. Almost the entire back of the garment had been torn off.

Steven gave the girl an apologetic smile.

“When I grabbed it… to pull you back into my lap…”

“Some of the cloth must’ve weakened or torn… And, then, when I came, I lurched forward and ripped it the rest of the way…”

“I’m sorry, *Kitty*…”

“What for?”

“Ruining your top.”

“Dude, it was a cheap tank; they’re like a dime a dozen… Besides…”

She leaned closer, kissing him on the cheek before pressing her lips to his ear.

“*It’s hot as fuck that you literally tore the clothes off me*…” She whispered.

Immediately, she turned and hopped out of bed, flaunting her backside to him – still in her royal blues – as she crossed the room to retrieve her jeans.

“That’s the first time anyone’s ever done that to me, y’know?”

“Torn your clothes off?”

“Mm-hmm…” The blonde confirmed as she worked the pants up her legs. “And the first time anyone’s *manhandled* me the way you did.”

“I was gonna ask if I’d been too rough…”

Steven himself began to stir out of bed as Kitty finally managed to pull her jeans all the way up to her waist. As she set about zippering and buttoning herself up, he procured his own bottoms.

Kitty eyed him.

“I’ve been with guys who’ve treated me like a toy, Steven…” She remarked, staring at his hands – among other things – as he dressed himself. “But you’re the first guy who’s ever been able to pick me up and *really* fuck me like one…”

Seeing the expression that flashed across his face, she quickly followed up.

“I mean that in a good way! I do! You went as hard as you could, and I’m sure you made yourself *feel amazing*…”

She slipped back into that husky whisper as she sauntered towards him.

“*And you’re such a big man*… *With such*… *a*… *big*… *cock*…”

She stood face to face with him, propping herself up on tiptoes, bracing her hands on his shoulders.

“*And you filled me up so full*… *And fucked me so hard*… *and for so long*… *You made me feel amazing, too*…”

She kissed him on the lips, this time. They were content to stay like that for a while, Steven’s arms wrapping around her, pulling her closer… Until she finally broke away again…

“*And, even as you did that, you found time to make me feel even better*…”

She broke off, slipping out of Steven’s arms and gesturing to a spot between her thighs.

“My last ex never, *ever* touched it…” She explained. “As long as he got his blowjob, and I hummed a tune while I gave it to him…? ‘*Who cares it Kitty wants to cum? Let her flick her own bean, if she’s that desperate!*’”

“Your last ex sounds like a dick.” Steven finally said, bluntly. “Why’d you…?”

“He was cute… I had just broken up with that two-pump chump, ‘*Sorry, babe, I forgot to bring a condom; can I put it in your ass?*’ fucker…” Kitty reminisced, trotting over to her sandals and slipping them on. “And he had an extra plane ticket to this big music festival in California and could spot me some cash almost whenever I needed it…”

“Got it.” Steven nodded his understanding.

Kitty laughed.

“What time is it?”

“Ummm… a little after seven o’clock, I think… Why?”

“Pickup for my next run is at two, this afternoon… Gives us plenty of time to get you some new clothes, maybe walk the beach a little bit.”

“He gives me a ride, fucks my brains out, plays with my clit, and now he’s treating me to a shopping spree and a romantic walk on the beach…” Kitty mused to herself, strutting to the door. “I must be the luckiest girl in the world!”



“Your tits are still out.”


As Steven – now shirtless – locked the door to their hotel room, Kitty – now draped in his shirt – heard the creak of hinges. She turned, seeing that the door next to theirs had opened, and that a man was standing halfway in, halfway out of the threshold.

“You go over there and you *give them HELL* for keeping us up so late last night, George!” An angry, female voice bellowed from inside the room.

“Honey,” *George* countered, meekly. “I really think it’d better if we just called the front desk and lodged a noise complai-“

“*GO OVER THERE AND YELL AT THEM, GEORGE*!” The woman erupted.

The man silently gave up and closed the door, pressing his forehead lightly to it as the lock clicked.

He was tall, lanky but not exactly skinny, and had a head of short, brown hair. His complexion was relatively light, but spackled here or there with freckles, especially on his cheekbones.

He seemed very familiar to her…

As he let out a heavy sigh and turned, giving Kitty a good look at his face, she understood why.

The man froze as he saw her, his brown eyes looking like they were about to bug out of his head.

Kitty grinned.

“Hi!” She greeted, cheerily.

“*George*!” The woman’s voice rang out from behind the door. “*Are you gonna yell at them or not!?*”

The door opened, again, and a very thin woman with long, brunette hair appeared behind George. When she turned, Kitty made sure to smile at her as well, just as wide, just as warmly.

The brunette immediately exploded in a string of expletives, and grabbed George by the wrist, tugging at him as she stormed back into the room.

“*GET IN HERE, NOW!!!*” She shrieked.

As George was swallowed back into the hotel room, Kitty gave him one last grin, dropped her hands to the hem of Steven’s confiscated shirt, and lifted it up, flashing her bare breasts to the poor, certainly doomed man just a moment before his face disappeared through the threshold, and the door slammed shut.

The brunette’s shrieks – muffled behind the room door – continued as the smug hitchhiker and her bewildered companion marched past the room.



“The fuck was that?”

“The couple that dropped me off in the middle of nowhere outside Bakersfield.” She announced, proudly, without looking back at him.

Steven burst out laughing as they marched down the stairs, out the hotel’s front gate, and headed for the San-Diego pier…


*Questions, comments, constructive feedback appreciated. Hope you all enjoyed the read!*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iqtu3e/the_hitchhikers_gratitude_part_4_mf_rough_sex