“The Hitchhiker’s Gratitude (Part 1).” (M/F, Oral Sex)

Got some good reception on my introductory post, here, so here’s the first part of another story I had fun writing.

This is the first installment of “The Hitchhiker’s Gratitude”; a story inspired by, and originally submitted as a response to, [this prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/f4ft7z/wp_turns_out_the_hitchhiker_you_picked_up_is_more/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) by u/RedFredHunter.

“Where’re we headed?” She asked, climbing with a little difficulty into the passenger seat of the truck.

“Me?” He responded. “Bakersfield. You? You tell me.”

“Bakersfield sounds nice.” She answered, slamming her door closed with one hand as she began to tug at the seatbelt with the other. “Thanks for picking me up.”

“Wouldn’t have felt right leaving someone on the side of the road like that, middle of summer. Car broke down, somewhere?”

“Something like that.”

“Something like that?” He questioned the cryptic response as the mechanism of her seatbelt clinked.

He had shifted the truck to drive, pulled entirely off the shoulder, and almost got up to speed before she finally answered him.

“Hitchhiking my way across the state.” She provided. “Last guy gave me a ride dropped me off about where you found me.”

“Well, damn, that wasn’t very hospitable… Least he could’a done was taken you to a truck stop, or somethin’.”

“Right?” She smiled as the open desert to either side of the truck began to race past them. “To be fair, though, I think it was his wife’s decision to drop me off, middle of bumfuck nowhere, more than his…”

The trucker chuckled at that.

“Guessin’ she didn’t like the looks that hubby was giving you in the rearview?”

“Nope. Doubt she liked the looks he was giving me in the *frontview* either.” The hitchhiker laughed, gesturing to her breasts.

“Well, ain’t no jealous missus on this rig.” The trucker grinned. “I’ll get you as far as Bakersfield… or any place else on the way, if you’d prefer.”

“Thanks, *trucker*.”

“Name’s Steven.” He offered.

“Katherine.” She reciprocated. “*Kitty*.”

“Well, nice to meet you, *Kitty*.”

“You too, *Stevie*.”

Steven smiled.

Driving on for a few moments in relative quiet – save for the rumble of the engine and the whisper of the radio – the two watched as the desert continued to sprawl out to either side of them.

Dead brush and loose soil stretched out as far as the eye could see, punctuated, occasionally, by a greener field or a string of telephone poles. The black river of the highway cut through the landscape dead ahead of them, shimmering – mirage-like – in the distance as the hot summer sun beat down on it from overhead.

Eventually, the monotony of the landscape necessitated the breaking of the silence.

“So where’re you from, *Stevie*?” Kitty opened, turning her gaze from the window back onto the truck driver. “Around these parts?”

“Sacramento, born and raised,” He answered, proudly. “And I’ve rarely been very far from it, since.”

“Thought running a big rig would take you all across the country…”

“Sometimes a run takes me out of state, but that’s rare. The company I work for has a lot more local business than anything else. California’s big, and I’ve been just about everywhere there is to be in it.”

“Ever get bored on long trips?”

“Yeah… Hazard of the trade… But, I’d rather be bored on the road than bored in a cubicle.”

“Pffft, Amen to that.” Kitty chuckled.

“Not one to sit still too long, I take it?”

“Not at all… Road trips being the exception.”

Steven chuckled again.

“Amen to that.” He parroted.

“How’d you get into this line of work?”

“Shit grades. College wasn’t an option, and I had to eat, so this seemed as good a job as any for an eighteen-year-old fuck-up to do…”

“And you obviously love it.” Kitty interjected, smiling.

“Fifteen years down the line, I don’t have any big complaints.” Steven answered. “Make good money. Don’t have to deal with too much bullshit from coworkers. Ain’t stuck in one place all the time… Yeah… I love it.”

He turned to his passenger.

“What about you, Kitty? Where you comin’ from?”

The hitchhiker set to twirling a lock of her blonde hair around a finger as she answered.

“Wyoming, originally… I flew out here for a big music festival, a few months back.”

“So, then, how’d you wind up here, hitchhiking across Cali?”

She shrugged.

“Going where the wind takes me. Didn’t like being cooped up… .”

“No college? Or are you all done with that?”

“Both.” She laughed. “Tried it for about a year; nearly died of boredom. Professors were all snobs, and I hated all the busywork. Decided to drop out when I turned nineteen, about six months ago…”

“Yeah, don’t think college would’ve been the place for me, either…” Steven supplied in response. “Did you quit your job, too, to come out here?”

“Didn’t have one.”



“Then how’d you fly out here for that concert?”

Kitty smiled, a bit melancholically.

“*Friend* of mine was a seller, figured that festival’d make him a fortune. He already had a hell of a lot of cash, and a spare ticket, so I flew out with him and some other people I knew…”

“You didn’t fly back with them?”

“Assholes left me behind when the festival was over…”

They were both silent for a minute before she resumed.

“Hauled ass to the airport… Was ten minutes late to board the fucking plane… And I barely had any cash on me… Definitely not enough to buy my own ticket…”

She turned to Steven, her expression turning a bit more grim.

“I still don’t have much… If that’s a problem, then I can get out, right here…”

Steven waved a dismissive hand at her.

“When I pulled off to the side of the road to pick you up, did it look like I was driving a taxi cab, to you?”

She didn’t respond.

“Like I said,” He continued. “Wouldn’t have been right for me to leave you on the side of the road like that. You’d’ve boiled all day long and frozen solid overnight.”

“Somebody else might’ve picked me up, y’know.” She rebutted, a new smile beginning to tug at the corner of her mouth.

“Somebody else might not’ve… Or might’ve been a greedy sonofabitch and kicked you out all over again while roaring down the highway and rifling through your purse…”

Steven shook his head.

“Nah. Wouldn’t have felt right if I’d just passed you by.”

Kitty was silent, staring straight ahead through the windshield, but Steven could tell that she was relieved. Even out of the corner of his eye, he could clearly see her body language relaxing.

Finally, she turned to him and smiled.

“Thank you…” She spoke, sweetly. “You’re a really good guy, *Stevie*…”

Steven shrugged, but smiled.

“Don’t mention it.”

“No, seriously…” She persisted. “I feel bad that I can’t pay you for the trip…”

Steven waved again.

“I was ahead on schedule, and stopping to pick you up didn’t burn too much extra gas.”

“Maybe…” She ignored him. “Maybe there was some other way I could *show my gratitude*?”

Steven raised his eyebrows, and turned to look her in the eyes.

She looked back at him, sultrily, nibbling on her lower lip.

They stared at each other like that for what seemed like hours.

Finally Steven spoke up.

“Why do I get the feelin’ that the last guy’s wife wasn’t just angry at her husband for the looks *he* was givin’ *you*…”

“I couldn’t help it…” She purred. “Their car had air conditioning…”

She leaned in close as Steven turned his attention back to the road, ensuring the truck stayed on the blacktop.

“*And I’m not wearing a bra under this tank top… So I decided to put on a little show for him while I cooled off…*” She whispered, lips pressed right to his ear.

Steven turned to her as she settled back into her seat. She was grinning mischievously. He studied her for a long time – glancing back and forth between her face and the road – and contemplated what she was offering.

Finally, carefully, he responded.

“I ain’t gonna ask you to do anything.” He opened. “But if you really want to… and I mean *really* want to…”

Kitty smiled wider, clicked the mechanism open, and began to disentangle herself from the seatbelt.

“Are you sure?” He asked.

“You’re cute…” She began to list as he hands found the hem of her sweat-stained blue tank top.

“You’re a kindred spirit…” She continued as she began to slowly pull the garment up her torso. The skin underneath was noticeably lighter – less tan – than her arms or her face.

“And you have been very, *very* kind to me…” She finished, succeeding in pulling the shirt up over her head. She shook her long blonde hair back into place and smiled, adoringly, at Steven as she followed his eyes down to her large, pale breasts capped with startlingly pink nipples.

She laughed as he stared.

“The last guy liked these a lot, too.” She explained. “Spent so long ogling me in the mirror that he drifted off the road. That’s when his wife noticed, and things went south.”

Curling up, planting her heels on the edge of the seat, then twisting to plant her knees in the center of the cushion, Kitty stretched out towards Steven. Holding herself up with her right hand, she reached up and gently squeezed Steven’s cheeks with the left.

“Don’t want *you* taking your eyes off the road, *Stevie*…” She cooed, turning her wrist and his head so he was facing the road again. “So I’ll let you look at them *allllll* you like… *later*…”

Lowering herself down, still stretching from one seat to the other, Kitty put a hand on Steven’s knee… and began, tantalizingly, to drag it upwards, caressing the man’s thigh through his jeans, until she reached his lap.

As her fingers began to toy with his zipper, she spoke again.

“*Right now…*” She whispered. “*To repay just part of your generosity… I think I’ll distract you in a different way…*”

Steven struggled to resist the impulse to look down as he felt the blonde’s hands begin their work.

The zipper hummed open with a barely perceptible sound. Kitty’s weight on his lap increased as she shimmied forward, giving herself better access as she worked to unclasp his belt buckle. He felt her fingers brush up underneath the hem of his shirt as she popped the button of his jeans and pulled his fly apart.

“I’m thinkin’ I should pull over for a few minutes if you’re gonna do this…” Steven announced, wincing ever so slightly as his manhood strained against his boxers.

“Keep driving.” Kitty ordered as her fingertips began to pluck at the elastic fabric. “I don’t want to throw you off your schedule any more than I already have…”

She paused for a moment.

“Plus, I’ve always wanted to give road head…”

Whatever argument against staying in motion Steven could’ve come up with evaporated from his mind as his passenger managed to reach through his boxers. He grunted as he felt her warm hand wrap around his cock, and again as she pulled both it and her hand back through the opening in the front of the garment.

Kitty stroked him, up and down, a few times, rolling her wrist, experimentally, every so often, before she finally spoke.

“*You’re so fucking big…*” She complimented him in that distinct, sultry whisper of hers. “*Are you ready?*”

She didn’t wait for an answer.

Steven groaned, his grip on the steering wheel tightening, as soft, damp heat wrapped around the head of his shaft. The vibrations of the small giggle Kitty gave- obviously pleased with herself – sent jolts of electricity arcing across Steven’s lap.

She moaned, then began to softly hum a tune as she took him further into her mouth. Her tongue swirled around him as she slowly pressed down… and down… and down… Stopping just as his tip hit the back of her throat.

Squeezing her lips tight around the sensitive rod and sucking her cheeks in, Kitty slowly began to lift her head back up. Steven’s knuckles whitened as the blonde’s head rose from his lap, her lips finally popping off his cock with a wet smack.

“*Am I any good?*” She asked him, rubbing him with her hand, again, this time slick with her saliva.

“You’re fucking fantastic…” Steven applauded, turning his gaze down to look at her.

“Nuh-uh-uh…” She chided, sparkling blue eyes staring right up into his. Letting go of his member, entirely, she moved as though she were getting ready to sit back up.

“Keep your eyes on the road, lover boy. If I catch you looking down, again, I might just have to put my shirt back on…”

Steven turned his eyes back onto the road, compliantly, if reluctantly. Kitty giggled, again, and settled back into place.

“*You really liked it, huh?*” She teased.

She, again, took to task before Steven could choke out a worded response. Instead, as her lips curled around his cock once again, and his shaft began to sink into the wetness and warmth, Steven only managed to groan in answer to Kitty’s question.

As she began to bob her head up and down in a slow, deliberate rhythm, Kitty once again took to humming a tune. Steven sighed, appreciatively, his body beginning to relax as pleasure began to wash through him consistently.

His grip on the steering wheel loosened, just enough that his knuckles were no longer quite so pale. He had to fight to keep his grip, it seemed… and the struggle became increasingly difficult as Kitty carried on, taking him deeper into her mouth, and keeping him there longer, running her tongue across his cock with each pass.

“Fuck…” He managed. “You’re fucking good at this…”

“Mmmm…” The girl moaned, affirmatively, before she resumed her tune. She was obviously accustomed to being told that…

Minutes passed down the long, bleak highway as Kitty sucked his cock. Steven felt a warm, bristling tingle building between his legs. His grip tightened on the wheel again, and he began to squirm, making short, jerky, involuntary movements.

Kitty must’ve noticed, as he felt her giggle around him.

“*Kitty*…” Steven grunted. “Oh, fuck… *Kitty*, I’m gonna… Fuck…”

Steven dared a glance down just as he felt it begin. Kitty knew what was happening as, with as much of a smile as she could manage and a bright sparkle in her eye, the blonde swallowed the trucker’s cock as deeply as she could manage, maintaining eye contact the whole way down.

Steven’s heart pounded in his chest, and blood roared in his ears. His breath shallowed, and his whole body tensed up. Electricity crackled in his lap, and the warm, ecstatic tickle of an orgasm rushed up through his balls, erupting through his throbbing manhood and into the waiting mouth of his passenger.

His head rolling back against the headrest of his seat, Steven heard Kitty give a loving moan as the first spurt of cum poured into her mouth. She was all but silent as the second, third, and fourth jets of seed painted her tongue and cheeks, but kept bobbing her head even as climax rocked the man at her mercy.

She spent another few moments cleaning him off as he came down, his chest heaving, sweat beading down his skin. Finally, she pulled her mouth off him, slowly managing to clamber back into a properly seated position.

Wiping a fleck of drool from her chin, the grateful blonde made a show of opening her mouth, swirling her tongue around through the viscous whiteness he had left her with, and then dramatically swallowing.

“*Did you like that?*” She whispered.

“You already know the answer to that…”

“*Doesn’t mean I don’t like to be told…*”

“I loved every second of it…”


“Where’d you learn to hum like that?”

Breaking with her sultry voice, Kitty giggled and answered more freely.

“An ex-boyfriend’s ex-girlfriend did that to him every time she gave him head, and he loved it… After they broke up, and he started seeing me, he made damn sure I could do it for him, too…”

Reaching down to the floorboard to retrieve her tank top, Kitty continued her story as she struggled back into the shirt.

“He was a real dick about it, and a lot of other things, so I dumped him… But the skill came in handy with other men…”

She looked, pointedly, with a smirk, at Steven as she finally managed to pull the tank top back on.

“Well, it sure was something new for me…” He responded. “And, I gotta say, can’t really blame the guy for going nuts for it…”

“I hear that a lot.” Kitty giggled, again.

“Now, I feel like I should return the favor…”

“As much as I’d love to feel that big, bushy beard of yours between my legs, you don’t have to… *That*, just now, was me returning your favor… And I haven’t even repaid you in full, yet…”

Steven glanced at her.

“Now it’s my turn to tell you you don’t have to. I told you from the get-go I didn’t pick you up expecting a reward… Happy as I was to accept that *act of generosity*, just now, I owe *you* for it…”

“Not the way I see it, *Stevie*… I owe *you* for the ride, and I owe a lot more than one lousy blowjob…”

“*Lousy*!?” Steven scoffed, grinning. “Girl, you could’ve sucked the milkshake, the cherry, and the glass up through a straw!”

“That’s a new one. Used to ‘chrome off a trailer hitch’…”

“Best I could think up on the spot.”

“I like it… But I still owe you.”

“No. No, I owe you… Not that I’ll be able to do much about it while on the road.”

“How far are we from Bakersfield, anyway?”

“I’m scheduled to be there, drop off this load, at around three, tomorrow afternoon. Little ahead of schedule, though.”

“Are you gonna drive overnight?”

“Did that last night. Not going two days and nights in a row without a decent rest… Especially not after what you just did… Oh, hey, button me back up, would ya?”

“Sure…” Kitty agreed, leaning over to undo some of her handiwork. “So, it’s a night alone together in the truck cabin, huh?”

“Nope.” Steven answered. “There’s a place about an hour or two out from here. Truck stop with a nice motel. Think I have enough on me for a two-bed room…”

“Why two-bed?”

“One for you, one for me.”

“How about one bed for both of us. It’s gonna be how we wind up, tonight, anyway…”


“Okay, *Stevie*, look…” Kitty cut him off. “I owed you for the ride, so let’s say – for the sake of argument – I paid you back by giving you a nice, long look at my tits…”

Steven was silent.

“Then, I sucked you off, so you owe me… How about you eat me out when we get to the room, like you were just offering, huh?”

Thinking on it for a moment, the trucker finally grunted his assent.

“Good… But you’re paying for the room, so now I owe you, again…”

“Damnit, *Kitty*!”

“So!…” She interrupted again. “How about you fuck me, however you want, *for as long as you want*, after you make me cum with that beautiful beard of yours? Everything evens out…”

Steven didn’t respond.

An hour and a half later, as the sun was beginning to set down in the west, a large trailer truck pulled into a rest area off the side of the long, bleak highway.

The black-haired and black-bearded truck driver jumped out of the cab, catching himself on the open door as he absorbed the short fall. He was a bit heavier-set, but tall and better described as stocky, rather than obese. On his head, the man wore a blue and white baseball cap that covered all but a tuft at the back of his short, curly hair. A teal shirt covered his chest and his belly, and dark blue jeans covered his waist and legs, terminating in black steel-toed boots that clomped and crunched in the gravel with each step the man took towards the motel.

From the passenger side of the same rig, a shorter, thinner blonde woman delicately hopped out. Her shoulder length hair was uncovered, and strands billowed in the slight breeze that rushed across the open lot. A baby-blue tank top clung, loosely, to her upper body, and the fluttering fabric betrayed glimpses of pale midriff, shoulders, and collarbones that glowed in contrast to her tan arms, face, and neck. Her faded jeans hugged the curves of her waist and her butt as she walked, clinging to her despite the lack of a belt. Her open-toed sandals kicked up the gravel as she followed her driver, and she had to stop, hopping in place, every so often, to shake pieces out from underfoot.

The trucker stepped into the motel lobby, the bell chiming as he opened the door, then held it for his blonde companion as she raced to join him.

The clerk asked how she could help them.

The trucker asked for a room for the evening.

One bed.


*Questions, comments, constructive feedback welcome! Hope you all enjoyed the read!*

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iqj7fn/the_hitchhikers_gratitude_part_1_mf_oral_sex

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