SixSex, Part [F]ive and Six [m]

[Link to Part 1]( | [Link to Part 2]( | [Link to Part 3]( | [Link to Part 4](

**Part 5: Aftershocks**

We had broken the seal, and there was no going back. The next morning, we woke up naked and next to each other. Ryan had another raging boner, hard as a metal rod, and I was dripping with self-lubricant, ready for him to slip in. This time, I put the condom on, and with his cock in my hand and him sitting up against the bed’s headboard, I steadily lowered myself on top, grabbing the back of his neck for support. I started riding him, slow at first. All I needed to do was gently rock my hips back and forth, and I already felt tingly and stimulated in a way that was so intense it surprised me. I used my feet to prop my body up a little, stopping right at the point before his cock would pop out of me. Then I dropped myself back down, slapping myself into him in a way that made his balls bounce. I did this a few times, alternating between semi-aggressive thrusting and deep, intense grinding against him, the latter sometimes consisting of the slightest micro-movements that sent strong ripples of pleasure throughout my body. As I continued humping him with passionate thrusts, Ryan leaned forward and started flicking my nipples with the tip of his tongue. The sensation was so overwhelming that I couldn’t think about anything else. His warm, wet tongue swirling over my breasts, paired with his super hard cock pushing inside of me over and over again, was enough to send me over the edge and make me cum again. It was too good.

Basking in the enjoyable aftermath of a good fuck, we hopped in the shower together to rinse the sex sweat off of our bodies. Beads of water washed away the stickiness, and I tried not to stare too much at Ryan’s glistening abs that flexed as he raised his arms over his head to run his fingers through his wet and soapy hair. We dried off and put ourselves back together after a night of succumbing to temptation.

It was Saturday, and we parted ways for the day. Ryan went to go help a friend move, and I went to meet my friend Samantha at the Ferry Building for a snack and debrief.

“Is the sex really *that* good?,” she asked me.

“Yes,” I said, point-blank.

I proceeded to qualify how and why it was the best sex I ever had, awkwardly replacing some of the vulgar details with euphemisms and analogies to spare the young children flurrying around us. Samantha laughed at me. I nervously laughed at myself. I was still giddy from the morning endorphins, yet beginning to feel the twangs of confusion and nervousness set in. After some window shopping and perusing around the city, Samantha and I met up with Ryan, and the three of us meandered over to Biergarten. I had organized a meetup with various friends there, so pretty soon, it was myself, Samantha, Ryan, and a few of my friends from grad school. After a few rounds of beers, Ryan went home, and I went to dinner and another bar with my grad school friends, including a couple more who joined later. It happened to be the night of Ryan’s company holiday party. He was on the fence about going, so I wasn’t sure if I would see him in a couple of hours or in the wee hours of the morning.

**Part 6: SixSex**

Ryan ended up skipping his holiday party (partly out of exhaustion from the week, poor boy). So when I returned to his apartment, I found him napping in his bed. Pretty immediately, he was up – in more ways than one. We quickly removed our clothes and hastily jumped into bed, hands all over each other and bodies folded and linked together, until we both fell asleep.

It was Sunday morning, and I had a flight back home in the afternoon. That morning, we had sex, at least a couple of times, bringing the weekly total to six or seven despite a delayed start. We made some breakfast and coffee at the apartment and then went on a walk, snacking on a couple of pastries. Ryan (sub)consciously reached for my hand a handful of times before realizing and stopping himself each time.

What had started as an ambiguous sleepover had transformed into a seduction challenge and, ultimately, a successful sexual weekend soirée. I flew back home, burritoed myself in my own covers, in my own bed, and thought, “I want him.”
