My first fling while dating my bf [F]

I would call William an old flame since I had feelings for him but we never actually dated. I guess a fling or fwb is a better word for what we became. William told me that he’d totally date me but I was taken at the time. Anyways I think it was a week or a few days before I met William & saw him walk into my bf’s apartment that I had watched the movie St Elmo’s Fire for the first time on Netflix. When I saw William walk into our apartment the first thought that came into my mind was “holy shit it’s Rob Lowe!” He looked like Rob Lowe in St Elmo’s Fire to me. I instantly thought William was hot af! (?lol) Anyways I tried my best to not stare at him while he was in the living room with us. I continued playing mtg with my roommates on the floor (there was 5 of us living in this 2 bedroom apt) After William & Matthew got settled in, we all started drinking & got drunk af. I don’t remember much of that night after we started drinking and the fact that this happened in late November of 2014. After that night William & Matthew started coming over all the time & spending the night a few times a week. One morning after a night of us all drinking I go downstairs while my bf is at work, and William being the only one awake, notices me trying to find a place to sit in the living room & he got up (he was originally laying down on the couch) sits up normally & offered the couch cushion next to him since Matthew was asleep on the other couch and Kevin sleeping on the floor. William and I started talking and we ended up hitting it off really well. He & I talked a variety of topics that morning. I think after a few days of talking, we somehow started cuddling & making out. I think he made the first move but I don’t remember when or how it got brought up. My best guess is I told him he’s really cute and told him how he looks like Rob Lowe in St Elmo’s Fire. Anyways William & I make out & cuddle right there in the living room where everyone could see us but they were all sleeping luckily. My bf was at work in the mornings & so William & I always talked on messenger and I would go downstairs to hangout with him on the couch while everyone else was passed out drunk.
A bit about why I decided to do stuff with William: my bf never wanted to do sexy stuff with me & told me that jerking off while I was gone was more convenient to him. He said preferred doing that instead of doing sexy stuff with me because in his words it’s “more efficient and convenient” for him, he said that is why he was never in the mood to do stuff with me. After a few months of me asking him to quit jerking off & wait to do stuff with me instead, he’d laugh at me, he then told me no, I decided if I can’t get any action from my bf, why not get with the hot guy that comes over that’s interested in me. So William & I for a few months would cuddle, make out, hold hands, talk in the living room in the mornings. For night time when he was over and we all weren’t drinking, he’d hangout with Kevin and Matthew & he would be texting me on fb messenger while I was upstairs in the bedroom watching Netflix. One morning William was downstairs awake while everyone else still sleeping, he & I did our usual start of making out & but then he did something new & he got very frisky! He picked me up while still making out with me, then carries me to the wall, pins me up against the wall & tried to fuck me right there in the living room but I didn’t want to do it right there where everyone could see us so we just went behind the couch on the floor & I gave him a bj instead but outta nowhere my bf & our roommate come home from work early so I run to the front door & somehow William is already outside (he moved quickly like the flash ⚡️) my bf comes inside, gives me a kiss even though I tried really hard to avoid it, he says something about work & how he & our roommate need to grab something & return to work, and that they’ll be coming home a few hours late due to something going on at their work. My bf asked me what I was doing & I told him I was getting breakfast and I was also trying to wake William up so that he’d get up & leave, he’s like “oh it’s ok that he’s here” cause he had recently gotten mad at William one night (can’t remember why) & he didn’t want William at the apartment. He then goes outside to where William is, talks to him since William is sitting on the patio steps smoking a cigarette, I’m in the kitchen randomly cooking a hot pocket to make it look like I’m getting ready to eat and then my bf leaves back to work. While I’m watching my bf drive away from the kitchen window, William comes up to me & is touching me everywhere right where everyone can see us and even my bf outside, I told William to quit & we decided to just go upstairs instead & finish up in the bedroom so no one sees us. We continue the Bj up there, after a few minutes into it, William outta nowhere asks me if my bf has any hidden cameras in the room, I then stopped what I was doing, paused for a very long time cause that is just a mood killer question, thought for a minute, and then I got very paranoid thinking about it so he chickens out & decides to go back downstairs to play video games until everyone wakes up.
Another night comes around and William, Kevin, my cousin Sierra, & I were downstairs watching a movie while the boys were at work overnight. William & I ended up cuddling in front of Kevin and my cousin since they both knew about us. I ended up falling asleep on William and he ended up falling asleep on the couch too. A few hours after the movie my cousin & my roommate Kevin wake William & I up to have us move so that my bf doesn’t see us when he gets home from work. Ok onto another night! it’s a big night of drinking (we were all attending Christmas parties) (we used to drink all the time when we lived at this apt btw if you can’t tell lol) I ended up getting blacked out drunk, got kicked out of my bf’s apt, and then having my bf break up with me. The next morning when I woke up, I immediately messaged William on fb to ask him what happened since he was one of the many people there that night. He told me what happened, and I ended up walking 4 miles to his house because I didn’t want to be at my parents house, I ended up hanging out with him for a few hours. Later my other cousin picked me up for dinner, she dropped me back at his house and he and I were making out when I got inside, and a few minutes later my bf started calling me like crazy, over and over again so I finally pick up. And he says he wants to get back together with me & he wanted to talk about the night before, so I agreed to talk to him and ended up running down to the other street to my sisters house since she lived nearby . My bf’s apt was literally 5 mines down the road from William and my sisters house. My bf picks me up from there, drove to a nature spot to talk to me. Looking back on that day I regret getting back together with him, I totally could’ve taken that chance to leave my bf and be with William. Anyways after that day William started to slow down on coming over for a few weeks. Then one night I see William & Matthew getting all cleaned up in the downstairs bathroom getting ready for a night out to hang out with some girls. I later find out from Matthew that William got all “spruced up” to try to hookup with a cute girl he knew would be at the party. Then William started showing up even less but Matthew would still be over all the time. A few weeks later Matthew says William tried to get with one girl & then another at a party, then William gets with this girl Michaela that’s been at my bf’s apt hanging out with James our other roommate. (I know it’s a bit confusing, there’s a handful of us living at this apt) Michaela had also hooked up with William’s best friend John recently. A few days later she hooks up with James again. I had started hooking up with James since William quit showing up for a bit. We all later find out John has herpes & I ended up freaking the fuck out after I heard William had hooked up with Michaela. It made me worried that I possibly could have an std since William & I still cuddled, make out etc with his rare visits. I decided to stop doing things with William & James after hearing about the herpes incident and the hooking up history. I was scared I would have an std since William was trying to be with all these girls and James had also been with Michaela recently. Idk why but I was angry & I ended up telling John I had secretly been seeing William that year, I told him I was worried William might have an std. After I told John that, William quit talking to me, and then John immediately blocked me on everything online. And that’s how I fucked up my fling with William. Crazy thing is William is still fb friends with me to this day. The one bummer though is William just reads and ignores my messages on fb messenger (Makes me wonder why William never deleted me on fb, like is it possible he might have an interest in me?!? ?). After I told Matthew everything, I wanted to tell William I’m sorry for what I did and tried everything to contact William to tell him what happened but he just avoided me. He won’t even talk to Matthew about me when Matthew tries to ask William about me . Matthew even tried to tell him I wanted to tell him sorry and that I really wanted to talk things out with him but no luck there. 6 years later, I still really want to fly back up to my hometown & try to talk to William in person so that I can explain to him why I had freaked out, why I made the dumb mistake of telling his best friend the shit we did & the reason why I would cuddle etc with him all the time back then. But there’s a problem! William is now dating Michaela & they have a 3 year old kid together & they have another baby on the way that is due this upcoming Spring! I don’t want to write him on messenger because I don’t want to deal with the read and ignore bs so I’d rather talk to him in person. Anyways I am still with the bf I was with 6 years ago when William first met me. Want to hear some crazy news??! My bf & I ended up joining the baby bandwagon & we now have a baby together who is a few months old! Interesting how things ended up. Anyone think that if I see William in person when I’m in town next, that he’d be open to talking to me now that a lot of time has passed and we both are on different roads in life?
