I’ve been my neighbor’s personal toy all year. [FF]

I’m 22, she’s 35. We live right across the hall from each other.

She was the only neighbor who greeted me when I moved it. I remember when I first saw her; she was possibly the most beautiful woman I’ve seen. Curly dark hair, a beautiful perfectly symmetrical face, big brown eyes. I moved in during the winter, and she was saying hi after coming inside from the cold. Her face was rosey read, and she just looked adorable.

She was taller than me. Had very long legs. When I opened the door and she said hi and offered her hand, I remember just kinda standing there, blankly staring at her. Then my mind kicked back on, i apologized, she laughed a bit and said it was alright. We had a nice conversation.

Our friendship grew over the course of a couple months. She was a single mother, so I started babysitting for her a lot whenever she went out.

Fast forward to the beginning of this year, January something. I’m babysitting. I had put her kid to bed, I was just watching TV, and she stumbles in drunk. She crashes on the couch next to me, says sorry for being such a drunk mess. I say no worries. We talk about her date, apparently it went bad and she ended up at the bar to drink away her worries. She talks about her annoyance with dating men, I nod along. She tells me I must never have that problem (I’m gay), and I laugh.

It goes silent. I feel her looking at me. I feel her hand on my thigh, slowly. I shudder a bit. She takes her hand away, but I look at her, we lock eyes. I nod a bit, she puts her hand back on my leg. She was in a cute dark red dress and stockings, I remember. Hair all done up.

We started kissing. She instigated it, a little peck. Then a longer one. Then she had her hands further up my body, and I returned the touches, and she pushed me over onto the end of the couch, leaning over me, kissing and kissing and it was so good. But she’s drunk, I realize. And there’s a kid sleeping in the next room. She probably wouldn’t do this if she were sober. So I stop it. She apologizes, blames herself, I say ‘no, no, no.’ She pays me and we say our goodnights. I thought that’d be the end of it.

We didn’t talk the next day. That night though, she came over, knocked on my door. I answered. She was in a grey sweater and leggings and as usual she looked great. She had a look of concern though. I invited her in.

She says, “listen, about last night, I don’t know if I remember it fully, but I’m sorry. I was drunk, and-“

“Anne, it’s ok, really. I’m not mad at you or hurt or anything.”

She still looked concerned. “Really? I don’t know, I just feel awful for just coming onto you and-“

“You’re remembering it wrong, you didn’t force me into anything. I only stopped because I didn’t want you to regret it in the morning.”

“Why would I regret it?”

“Well, you were drunk. We all do things we regret when we’re drunk.”

Her face slowly shifted from concern softer, more caring. “Honey, I would never regret doing you.” I blushed incredibly hard.

“You’re a good person though, being responsible like that,” she continued. “Thank you for looking out for me.”

I nodded. I didn’t know what to say.

We sat on the couch together in silence. I feel her eyes draw over me. I draw over her. We meet eyes.

She leaned forward first, and I followed. We kissed all sloppy, and her hands were back on my body, pulling me close to her, touching everywhere. She’d ask between kisses if this or that was ok, and I’d always say begging yes’s.

She pushed me down below her so she was on top again, kissing me, holding my hands above my head with one strong hand. She took her other and ventured down below, rubbing me through my shorts. Everytime she’d ask if I was enjoying it and if I was ok, I’d reply with breathless replies, begging for her to continue.

Eventually we moved to my bedroom, kissing and holding each other the whole way. I stripped off everything, she kept on her underwear, but I didn’t care. She was so beautiful I was just entranced. She told me to lay down, which I did. She kissed my body, bit it, something she liked a lot. She ventured down more until she was at my pussy. She teased it, teased it so bad with the tiniest little licks and touches.

I went to push her on a bit with my hands. “Don’t move.” She ordered. Just the dominance in her voice was enough to make me moan and whimper.

Eventually she finally started eating me, and god it felt so good. I remember laying there, moaning and covering my mouth to not get a noise complaint, back arched, this beautiful goddess between my legs giving me the best gift. It was so good, I can’t put it into words.

I came twice, first from her mouth, then her fingers. She pulled me up and held me when she fingered me, kissing me, me moaning into her neck and cumming. She held me while I recovered, stroking my back, laying me down in bed. She laid down next to me, and traced her finger over my body, making shapes with her nails. It was soft.

Eventually I got myself up, cleaned up. We didn’t really say anything. It wasn’t awkward, there just wasn’t a lot to say. She kissed me a lot though. Stood behind me, kissed my neck, my cheek. Her touch was heaven.

Eventually she left. The next night she came over with dinner and wine. More sex that night.

That’s what our relationship has become, and its great. She’ll put her kiddo to bed, then come over with food and wine or whatever else she feels like bringing. We’ll eat together, chat, laugh. And then we’ll go to my bedroom and I do whatever she tells me to in her dominant voice.

I’ll still babysit sometimes, but now that she has me there isn’t a point in dating, so it’s become a pretty sparse of a thing. But I will still go over a lot to help take care of the kid. During the summer I’d play with them, take them out when she was working. Now I’m helping them with school, since it’s hard to help your kid when you have your own work to do. The kid’s been calling me Auntie, which I think is nice.

I love being dominated by her. I love her kisses and little touches. I love her lip bites and suggestive eyes. I love being a good girl for her.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ir182w/ive_been_my_neighbors_personal_toy_all_year_ff


  1. Aww. This sounds extremely nice. I hope it goes very well for you and her. Sounds like you make a good couple.

  2. What a hot story! And I love how explicit the consent was. There are definitely not enough examples of well done consent out there.

  3. You only described her going down. Does she let you go down on her? Do you ever use toys? Strapon?

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