The Family Bond Part 5 of 10

Brian was downstairs when Erin came down , “What’s for breakfast” she asked, “Whatever you want to make” he replied , when he finally came upstairs his wife was passed out naked, her pussy was wet so he climbed on top of her and fucked her, she never woke and he came quickly after he thought about the fact that was the second load his wife had taken in less then four hours, she moaned softly here and there but that was the first time he fucked his wife in months, he was too busy thinking about why he let his wife fuck their neighbor, why he liked it and why she stopped resisting when she clearly saw him watching, he wondered if he should bring it up or not when he realized that Erin had still been talking to him ” ….you used to cook for me, I must not be your little girl anymore” now he felt bad, “Sorry , what would you like?” she requested her normal Denver omelette , why he asked proved how distracted his mind was, “Thanks daddy” she gave him a long hug, her breasts which seem to keep growing were pressed against him, his hand slipped and landed on her ass, he hated thinking about all the guys at college who would stab each other to touch an ass like hers, whether he thought he was in college again and Erin was his wife, she looked eerily similar to her mom at that age he pinched her ass it was subtle but he felt like she was pretending that she didn’t notice.

Emma woke with a sore vagina and ass-hole, she wasn’t going to complain, she got in the shower and for the first time in months did not fuck her dildo, which was becoming her morning routine, any guilt she add for fucking her son or neighbor was buried deep, after the shower she saw Jake passed out in his bed, her poor little guy must have had a good night, downstairs Brian and Erin were eating breakfast, she had a dream that her husband was fucking her but it felt like a dream so she didn’t dwell on it further , her and Erin were going shopping later and going to have a girl day, Brian and Jake had always been distant and probably would walk around all afternoon pretending the other doesn’t exist, when Jake came down the stairs in nothing but briefs, the site of how nice his cock looked tucked tightly in and of course her husband did not say a word, she watched him make breakfast, she saw long scratches down his back, fuck did she do that? Her clit was throbbing thinking about it, and her pussy was leaking down her leg.

Erin left the bathroom door un-locked just in case Jake wanted to join her, she thought she heard the knob turn and looked but nothing, she was in her room drying off naked, her door was cracked but everyone was downstairs, she got a feeling like she was being watched, she walked and opened the door, her dad was standing there looking like he was about to knock, earlier down in the kitchen she swore he pinched her ass, but the thought made her more un-comfortable then fucking her brother ” Hey dad whats up?” she suddenly realized she was still naked, ” sorry dad” as she saw his eyes look away, but she felt he was a little slow in doing so, ” Ugh, sorry Erin, your mom asked me to come see how long you were going to be” she felt a wave of relief , “Oh five minutes”

After his wife and daughter left Brian was in Erin’s room, Jake had not wasted a minute to avoid being alone in the house with his father, all the better, Brian was going through his daughters pantie drawer, rubbing his cock has he pictured her tight ass in the different styles of thong’s and cheekies , he didn’t do a hand count but eye-balling it he figured she owned three-hundred pairs of underwear, it wasn’t satisfying his urges, he found her hamper, he wanted to know what she smelled like after a few minutes his paranoia got the best of him stuffing a few pairs in his pocket he headed for his “Man Cave” the urge to fuck his daughter was becoming overwhelming, almost obsessive, remembering his wife had the same big tits, dark satin hair tight waist and curvy ass, was it his fault his daughter reminded him of his wife from college? He was trying to rationalize the attraction he was feeling for his daughter by seeing her as his wife thirty-years ago, either way he was becoming obsessed with the thought of his daughter and him fucking.

She knew her mom meant well but the whole reason Erin wanted to go to Victoria’s Secret was she was in desperate need of new workout clothes that also were slightly slutty, she was standing still as her mom looked her over , adjusting things in the dressing room which felt more like foreplay to Erin, ” God I remember when I had your body, enjoy it , cause gravity sucks” Erin always thought her mom for nearing fifty was sexy as hell and always got plenty of attention from men, but she got it, Erin and Emma good have been twins, if you ignore the style changes , which was the only way holding up a picture of her mom at 21 and her now at 21 you could tell the difference mostly by the trend when her mom was in college to use two cans of hair spray every time you went out, “I like the first one Erin, but my opinion doesn’t matter, what do you think?” “I agree” she did agree , but liked both, but didn’t want to be in a cramped dressing room anymore, “Say, do you mind giving me your opinion on some things? I wasn’t watching your father and my lingerie ended up in the donate pile” “Sure, I suppose, but can we find a different dressing room this one is cramped”

Brian had refrained from jerking off, he had come to a decision that he would do whatever it took to be inside his daughter later , he had slipped sleeping pills in his wife’s wine before waited for her to pass out then would fuck her while she slept, he pulled up Erin’s Instagram, some of the pictures she posted were making his cock throb to the point where he had to have release it only took a few strokes before his cum shot like a gun leaving a mess all over his desk, he already had tissues in a drawer, but he cleaned his load with his daughters panties and returned them but instead of putting them back in her hamper buried them at the bottom of her underwear drawer.

Erin and her mom got home , she brought her bags upstairs to her room, she changed into her bikini and headed downstairs to see what her mom was cooking , the smell was wafting upstairs, her , was in the Jacuzzi smoking a cigar, “Going to get some sun” she yelled to her mom in the kitchen, she laid in a chair and started to drift away lost in her thoughts, she was almost asleep when she heard her mom call them inside for lunch , her dad poured them all a glass of wine as they ate mostly in silence, she watched as her father finished and went back outside and into the Jacuzzi, her mom finished and went to get up and lost her balance ” Wow, I must have moved to fast or this wine really hit me, leave the dishes Erin I feel like I need to lay down” Erin watched as her mom sat on the couch and as she was putting her plate away was fast asleep, must be tired she thought as she went back outside this time making herself a cocktail she joined her father in the Jacuzzi.

Brian watched as his daughter walked outside with a cocktail and headed towards the Jacuzzi , the bikini she was wearing was revealing, why had he never noticed before her camel toe visible as she slowly got into the warm water, he wanted to touch his now throbbing hard cock, his obsession had manifested in forty-eight hours for the next hour the two chatted about school and her job in the small college town she went to school, he kept bringing her drinks and he could tell she was at a good point to make his move, his wife was still sleeping hard on the couch he had by his most generous estimate another hour before she started to slowly wake up.

Erin felt very relaxed, she was tipsy and had stopped wondering where her brother had been all afternoon, her and her dad were having a pretty good time talking, she had failed to notice that he was now no longer sitting across from her but on her right, as she laid her head back and closed her eyes soaking in the late afternoon sun she felt a hand brush against her leg, she ignored it , then again, this time she cracked her eye open her father was looking in the opposite direction, she pushed her hand down to re-adjust as her ass lifted and came back down she felt her father’s hand gripping her ass firmly , she was un-easy lifted again “sorry you can lift your hand” he looked at her with his tired eyes , his graying hair softly drifting from the slight breeze ” What if I don’t want to move it?” she was slightly confused was he joking? “Uh….how am I supposed to respond to that?” she was slowly sliding away from her father but he just smiled at her lack of commitment. ” Erin, I know you like to play hard to get and oh look at me I am so innocent routine may work on boys, but save yourself the energy, lets stop pretending that since you been home, walking around the house in your underwear all the time after I told you to put clothes on and you still continue to do it that I don’t see what you are trying to do” now for the first time she was a little scared, she was trying to entice Jake, her brother the man that knew her like no one else, not her father, was he insane? She was frozen, un-able to get out of the Jacuzzi, has her father began to run his hand up her leg slowly getting closer to her honey pot, she went from scared, to appalled , to accepting .

She could see in his eyes that if she resisted it would only be worse, his hand stopped short of her pussy, he kissed her softly on the neck while un-tied her top, her ample breasts like a wave gently finding the beach fell gently across her chest, he was now sucking on her nipples, if she kept her eyes closed it turned her on, she wanted to be wet for the inevitable or she was starting to enjoy it, she couldn’t be sure, he was now on top of her his hard cock firm against her chest, his fingers sliding under her bottom and inside her , she began to feel more and more like her father was probably right she began to pull his shorts down and stroke his cock her pussy becoming more wet with each passing second.

Tony was peering through the gate, was he seeing what he thought he was seeing, Brian and his daughter about to fuck in the Jacuzzi, he had wondered back over to see if Emma was ready for round two, one time and his cock was addicted to her pussy, he was un-able to pull himself from watching a father and daughter, it kind of grossed him out but at the same time Erin was a hot piece of ass like her mother.
