“On Good Behavior” (M/F, Roleplay & Costumes, Light Female Domination)

First post on this sub, so I decided to offer up a story I had a lot of fun writing, but is on the short-and-sweet side.

This piece was originally submitted as a response to [this prompt](https://www.reddit.com/r/DirtyWritingPrompts/comments/e7m4pc/wp_in_a_novel_new_approach_to_encouraging_good/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app) over on r/DirtyWritingPrompts.

“Back in your cell, *Convict*.”

The way she said that word… like it was a proper noun… made Tennessee shiver.

It wasn’t a *bad* shiver, but it did give him pause, and the officer didn’t seem to have any patience for it.

“I said… Back. In. Your. Cell.” She barked at him, cutting each word off. Before he could react, he felt a flat hand between his shoulder blades, and a push forward.

Tennessee stumbled into the cell, catching himself on the wall before he could fall to his knees. There was a metallic creak behind him, followed by a loud bang, and a crunching noise like machine parts moving together.

Tennessee didn’t have time to look back before he felt a hand gripping his shoulder and a shoe budging up between his, nudging his right foot to the side.

“Hands on the wall, just like that.” The cop’s voice spoke behind him. “Legs apart. C’mon. There; that’s good.”

She was several inches shorter than he was, but she had a grip that Tennessee guessed could bend the bars right off the doors of this place… and that husky, bossy voice?

“Searchin’ you for contraband, *Convict*.” The cop announced, repeating the word that’d given him chills, before.

As if that hadn’t been enough to give him goosebumps all over, Tennessee felt the woman’s warm, bare had run up under his shirt, starting at his waistline, and slowly running up higher and higher. Her other hand was still a vice on his shoulder, holding him in place, and her foot was still between his, keeping his legs spread out.

He grunted when she started to rub her hand over his chest.

“Quiet.” She ordered, shortly.

Tennessee held his breath as she rubbed again. It’d been a while since he’d felt that. He wasn’t about to do anything that’d make her stop…

He felt her hand start slowly rubbing its way back down his torso, and frowned, letting his breath go in a silent sigh.

His frown turned into a smirk, though, as he felt fingertips teasing at the waistband of his pants.

“Got anything in here that’ll *poke me*, *Convict*? Go ahead and answer.”

“No, ma’am…” Tennessee responded, quickly, trying to hide his anticipation.

“We’ll see about that, *Convict*.” He heard her whisper, trying to reach his ear.

Her hand dipped past his waistband, and he could feel her fingertips run along his thigh. She reached down as low as she could, rubbing his leg, squeezing his shoulder tighter as she leaned forward into his back.

He felt her hand curl around his inner thigh, caressing it as she dragged her way back up.

She had purposefully missed something on her way down… This time, her hand came right up against it.

“Woah, there!” The cop exclaimed. “You went and lied to me, *Convict*!”

Her hand shot out of his pants; all except for her fingertips, which curled into a fist on his waistband and yanked the one side of his pants down… Then she reached to the other side and yanked it, too.

Tennessee felt a new wave of goosebumps rush over him as the cold air touched his bare skin, and his orange pants pooled around his ankles.

He didn’t pay too much attention to the air temperature, though… His attention was somewhere else.

“Where’d you get *this* from, *Convict*?” The cop asked, resting *it* on her open palm. “This here is contraband like nobody’s business…”

Tennessee was silent.

The cop’s impatience reared up, again. She curled her hand around *it* – squeezing with the same vice she had on his shoulder.

“You hear me, *Convict*?” She asked, giving *it* another squeeze. “Where. The fuck. Did. You. Get. This?”

Tennessee tried to keep himself together as she questioned him. With each word, she’d squeeze what she’d found again… and, on the last word, she’d given it a downward stroke, her closed fist around *its* base.

“I…” Tennessee sputtered, finally. “I ain’t tellin’ you shit, *Officer*.”

“That right, *Convict*?” She challenged, stroking him again. “You ain’t much of a fuckin’ talker, *Convict*?”

Tennessee let out a groan as she settled into a steady – and almost severe – rhythm of strokes and squeezes.

“We’ve got ways of makin’ you talk, *Convict*!” She hissed into his ear. “Get on the fuckin’ bed!”

Releasing her *find*, the cop put both hands on Tennessee’s shoulders, twisting him to the right, and shoving him forward.

He stumbled – more than before on account of his dropped pants – but he managed to catch himself, planting his palms into a thin mattress on a creaky-spring-loaded bed frame welded to the bars of the cell.

He felt the cop’s foot against his, again.

“Playin’ footsie, are we, *Officer*?” He asked, mockingly.

“Get the fuck on the bed, *Convict*.” She ordered, shoving him between the shoulders again.

Tennessee obliged, pulling himself onto the mattress. The cop had stepped on his pants, allowing him to slip his feet out of them as he crawled into bed.

“What now, *Officer*?” He asked, grinning.

“Hands above your head.”

Tennessee, again, obliged, sitting up in bed and raising his arms above his head.

Like a crack of lightning, the cop pulled something from her belt and reached up, roughly grabbing one of Tennessee’s hands. There was a metallic click, and the man felt something tight and cold around his wrist.

The cop pounced on top of him, pushing him down onto the bed and straddling his chest. Tennessee winced at the sudden movement, and at the cop grabbing hold of his other hand, yanking it and the other up and back, through the bars of the cell. He felt the same cold tightness around both wrists now, dangling freely just outside the bars.

Tennessee tried to pull his hands back down, but met resistance. The sound of metal clanging against metal echoed from behind his head. He’d been handcuffed to the cell.

“Don’t you fuckin’ dare pull on those again, *Convict*.” The cop snapped, looming over him, one hand on either side of his head.

“Or else fuckin’ what, *Officer*? What’re you gonna do to me?”

“Ohhhh, I’m gonna make you talk, *Convict*… I’m gonna make you *sing* like a fuckin’ songbird…” She growled, sitting upright, again. “I told you we got ways to make you talk…”

The cop stood up on her knees, shimmying her way backwards on the bed until she hovered right over the “contraband”…

Her hands came down to the hem of her own pants, running down her midsection, mirroring the way she’d gotten to his waistband.

Tennessee watched, intently, as she undid her belt, the leather hissing as it zipped through her belt loops. The clasp clattered as it hit the concrete floor, somewhere in the cell.

Tennessee watched, intently, as the cop undid the button of her trousers. His eyes were glued to her waist as she grabbed the two sides and slowly, teasingly started to pull them apart. The zipper growled, slowly, as it was forced lower and lower and lower…

Tennessee watched, intently, as the cop awkwardly, but successfully, managed her way out of the trousers, tossing them with the belt.

She straddled him, then, in just a pair of black panties, a gold-foil sheriff’s star emblazoned on the front.

“Those look nice.” Tennessee commented.

“Thanks,” The cop spoke, breaking character for the first time. “Got them special for this.”

Without another word, the “cop” lifted herself up again. With one hand, she pulled the panties aside, giving Tennessee a clear view of the dripping pink pussy underneath… With the other hand, she positioned herself, carefully, over him.

Slipping back into character, she glared and smirked at him, icy blue eyes and tight, dusty-pink colored lips electrifying him from head to toe.

“Ready to talk, *Convict*? Or we gonna do this the *hard way*?”

“Ain’t tellin’ you fuck-all, *Officer*.” He responded, his tone defiant, his grin inviting.

With a simple movement, the “cop” lowered herself onto his lap, the “contraband” – his throbbing cock – pushing past her lips and slipping deep inside her.

Both of them let out a restrained groan as they meshed, sparks erupting through them from the contact point.

Tennessee smiled to himself as all this happened. He’d always had a thing for role-play in the bedroom, and, lucky him, he’d wound up in just the right jail for a steaming hot one…

Tennessee was serving out an actual prison sentence… He was an actual convict, repaying his debt to society by spending a few years in Rouge County Minimum Security Prison.

As the name would suggest, the prison wasn’t too extreme of a place. Most of the offenders there were convicted of nonviolent crimes. Tennessee, himself, a thirty-two year-old (former) bank manager, was in for Grand Theft, having stolen several dozen thousand dollars in cash from a safe…

After a short trial – he’d pleaded guilty – he’d wound up here Rouge County… Where the prison had a very original way of inspiring its inmates to be on good behavior.

The “cop” on top of Tennessee began to roll her hips against his, bringing a groan out of both of them, once again. He swore he could feel every muscle inside her pussy squeezing his cock as she moved… Fuck, she felt so damn good…

She wasn’t, of course, an actual cop; just dressed up like one for the role-play.

Sofie was a petite but strong and well-rounded woman of twenty-eight. She kept medium-length blonde hair – a few shades lighter than Tennessee’s own – pulled up in a smart ponytail through a dark-blue baseball cap… At least, that’s how Tennessee always saw it done up…

Sofie was, by trade, a *whore* – or, as she preferred, a “night-for-hire” – and was part of what made Rouge County’s good-behavior reward system so unique.

The prison had partnered with a brothel – “gentlemen’s club” – in the neighboring town. Nonviolent prisoners who were on their best behavior not only got reduced sentences, but, every so often, *got laid on the county’s dime*…

Sofie was one of the *whores* – “nights-for-hire” – who’d volunteered to work the prison beat. It was a decent bump up from her normal paycheck, and there was little added risk to it… Plus, unlike normal, she’d have a team of trained corrections officers just outside the door in case anything started going awry…

Ever since he’d asked for her, the first time he’d gotten rewarded for being on good behavior, Tennessee knew there was something about her that he truly liked… and he’d asked for her every time, since.

“You… Gonna… Talk…. Yet… *Convict*?” Sofie panted out as she rode him.

The springs on the bed frame creaked and squeaked and creaked with the motion, her hips rolling against his every time she slammed down on his cock. She was riding him like crazy, sweat beading off her forehead, running down her bare thighs…

“You ain’t even… fuck… fuckin’ close to getting m- mmmmmm… me to talk, *Officer*…” Tennessee huffed, defiantly.

Sofie grinned down at him, reaching up to the middle of her button-down police-uniform shirt… and ripping the two sides apart.

Buttons pinged off the iron bars and clattered, skittering across the concrete floor as Sofie let her tits explode out of the freshly torn-open piece of clothing; two huge but firm globes of pale skin, capped by poking, puffy nipples of the same dull pink as her lips.

“H-h-ow…. mmmph…” She stifled a moan, screwing her eyes shut and bouncing a little harder on his lap, scratching a sweet spot. “How about… n-now… *Convict*?”

Tennessee was a *really* big fan of role-play in the bedroom… and that’s what he and Sofie had clicked on. When he’d met with her, that first time, and gotten to talking about what he’d like and what he could ask of her or expect from her and all that… She’d perked up when he’d mentioned he’d like her to play the role of a *police officer* showing a *convict* who’s boss…

Tennessee was hypnotized, just unable to peel his eyes off Sofie as she pounded down on his lap, her thighs squeezing his hips. Everything about her just looked and felt so amazing…

And that strong grip?

And that husky, bossy voice?

And those blue eyes?

Those pink lips?

Those humongous, perfect boobs?

“You… want me to talk… *Officer*?” Tennessee growled through his teeth, winding his eyes shut and letting his head roll back on to the mattress. “I’m fuckin’ ready to talk!”

“Then… Talk…. *Convict*!” Sofie hissed back at him, still riding him at full speed. “Talk!… Talk!… *FUCKING TA* – aaaaahhhhhh!”

Sofie squealed in delight, hitting a good spot as she rode. She froze on him, her thighs quaking to either side of Tennessee, her insides squeezing his cock just as hard as her hand had. The sudden shriek gave way to a low, exhausted, throaty moan that echoed from between Sofie’s lips, her head tossed back, ball-cap falling off and twisting down her ponytail.

Tennessee bit back his own moan, holding his breath as he felt himself let loose. His arms jerked forward, involuntarily, the handcuffs clanging against the metal bars again. His legs shook and his core tightened. A tickling, tingling sensation coursed through his loins, and load after load of cum poured out of him and into Sofie’s hot, dripping, pink pussy as it squeezed his cock like a vice.

Sofie tumbled forward onto him, after a few moments. He could feel her nipples against his chest, through his shirt. He could hear her raggedy, gasping breath in his ear.

The two laid there, like that, for a while, before disentangling. Sofie got up first, uncuffing Tennessee before making straight for a box of tissues – stationed nearby for easy access – and starting to clean herself up. An IUD meant she wouldn’t have to worry about any pills.

Tennessee watched her as she got dressed, retrieving her trousers and belt, pulling on a spare shirt and stuffing the torn button-down into a small bag. After a moment, he finally got up the courage to speak.

“Hey, Sofie.”

She looked at him.

“Yeah, Tennessee?”

“You know I’m scheduled to get out of here in a few more weeks, right?”

“Served your time already?” She smirked. “Doesn’t feel like we’ve been doing this all that long.”

“Feels like we’ve been doing this *forever*.” Tennessee countered. “In a *good* way, I mean…”

Sofie smiled at him.

“You’re better with words when we’re *playin’*, *Convict*.”

Tennessee smiled back.

“Well, fine, then, *Officer*… What’d you say about startin’ to call me ‘*Ex-Convict*’ in a few weeks?”

Sofie walked up to him, putting her hands on his hips and grinning up at him.

“You’ll always be a *Convict* to me, *Convict*…” She spoke. “But… uh… once you’re out of the joint, how about you swing by Lorraine’s Gentlemen’s Club.”

Tennessee’s hands found themselves on her hips.

“I’ll have to start savin’ up… I mean… I’ll have to *steal* a lot more cash to make my way back into a ‘*cell*’ with you, *Officer*…”

“I like you, Tennessee…” Sofie admitted. “So next time you wanna wind up handcuffed to a bed, don’t go robbin’ any banks. Just come see me.”

Tennessee’s hands slipped down from Sofie’s hips, cupping, squeezing her ass through her pants.

“Aren’t you a ‘Night-for-hire’?”

“For you?”

Sofie stood on tiptoes, Tennessee craning his neck down to close the gap as she kissed him, long and deep.

“For you, *Convict*, I’m just a ‘Night’… Just don’t forget to call me *Officer*.”

“Yes, ma’am!” Tennessee happily obliged.

Headed back to his *actual* cell that night, after dinner, Tennessee was smiling. He knew he had something to look forward to once he got out.

Questions, comments, constructive feedback always welcome! Hope you enjoyed!

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/iqecqr/on_good_behavior_mf_roleplay_costumes_light