Converting The Feminist [MF][Bondage][Virgin]

The band on my finger continued to taunt me, a sign of my submission to another, and a man at that. I was a proud feminist, fighting for our cause of equality. I didn’t per se hate men, I just believed they didn’t treat us with respect. No, instead, men treated us like children bearing fuck dolls that are too stupid to make an educated decision.

To my left was the man in question, Blake Sinclaire. Blake was a smart man, believed in femininity and not to mention drop dead gorgeous. Most of my girlfriends believed I was the luckiest girl in the world. I told them I felt differently, that marrying Blake was a betrayal to all the things I stood for.

I turned to face my brown-haired lover, who had magically won me over. Honestly, if it was a real thing, I would believe he had me under a spell. Part of me wanted it to be that way. A spell would keep me believing I was happy and everything was perfect instead of this unbearable self doubt I’ve continued to let plague me with since our first date.

A loud sigh freed itself from my lips, catching Blake’s attention. He turned to face me, a look of concern painting his face. I stroked my hand against his cheek tenderly, giving him a trademark pretend smile of mine. It was the one way I knew to ease his worries. Blake smiled back, turning his attention to the road in front of us.

After I insisted on not having a honeymoon, we had instead decided to move into his home. I was moderately excited to see his place. Technically, it belonged to his parents. When they passed away a few years ago they left the house to him in their will, hoping he would raise a family there one day. Blake never enjoyed coming here, he told me; too many painful memories. I wasn’t exactly sure what made him change his mind about moving in.

My red alarm inside my head blared when we turned off the turnpike. Normally that wouldn’t be a cause for concern, but when the sign said “Hamptons Exit” that changed things. Blake was by no means rich enough to afford a house here. I guess it was technically plausible that this was where his parent’s home was; we never really talked about his childhood.

Ten minutes later, Blake stopped the car and looked past me to the right. I followed his gaze, resting on the three story pearl colored building that was just a few feet shy of being a mansion. Spotless windows and deep red drapes covered a good portion of the second and third floor. As for the first floor, I could make out a few rooms decked out with luxurious couches, tables, and kitchen appliances.

“Um, Blake? This house looks insanely expensive. I don’t think we can afford this place,” I commented, not yet turning to face him.

“It’s fine. Parents paid off the mortgage a long time ago. Just gotta pay taxes now. With my salary, we can manage. Don’t expect any servants though,” Blake laughed.

“Not funny!” I shouted, playfully punching my husband on the arm.

“Alright I’m sorry,” Blake chuckled, “We didn’t have enough for a proper house, so for now this can do. You want to move out, I’ll sell the house and find us something smaller.”

He said that with such sorrow, like he was regretting having to sell his parent’s home. We really didn’t have anywhere else to go. After being fired from my job, I couldn’t afford my apartment and I felt bad living rent free in his apartment. A quick turn away from the elegant home and into the eyes of my husband was the end of my resistance. Those damned puppy dog eyes got me every time.

“No, we’ll live here for now,” I finally replied.

“You sure Brittany?”

“Yeah, it’s fine. I mean it. Let’s get to unpacking, huh?”

Blake drove the car into the driveway and we got out. I didn’t have many belongings that I brought with me. Personal hygiene stuff, like my toothbrush and makeup, made up the bulk of my stuff. There was a hidden plushie among my stuff, I hoped to hide from him. Blake would always tease me about the damn thing.

No matter how much I hated how girly it was to have the toy, especially at this age, I couldn’t just get rid of it. The stuffed squishy toy was a gift from my mother when I turned two. It’s helped me through many nights of heavy tears from breakups and betrayals. I valued it as my most prized possession.

Hopefully, the movers arrived soon, or by the latest tomorrow. In my bags were only a handful of outfits that wouldn’t last me more than a day or two. Blake hauled most of the heavier boxes inside while I took some lighter stuff. I didn’t really prefer that; I was in terrific shape, but I still didn’t have the strength to lift over a hundred pounds. Thankfully, I was faster on my feet, allowing me to get more brought in than he could have. It wasn’t a competition to him, but I guess I was a competitive girl.

Blake told me to wander the house, figure out where stuff is while he unpacked some necessities among his stuff. Before I could argue against the idea, he tossed me my plushie with a laugh. Furious, I stomped off with undoubtedly a burnt red face.

The house wasn’t as confusing as I thought it would be. The first floor mostly comprised sitting areas and entertainment spaces. Only one room was unique from the rest, and that was the large kitchen that amounted to every housewife’s dream. It wasn’t a dream for me though; I hated cooking with a passion.

Stairs up to the second floor were easy enough to find. It helped that there were three sets of stairs from the first floor to the second and each set went all the way up it seemed. I would have to investigate further another time. Starting my exploration of the second floor, I found that the layout was rather simple again. Guest rooms and more entertainment spaces, mainly entertainment for men such as pool tables, ping-pong tables.

My favorite room on the second floor was the library. It was like every rich home had to have an obscene library; not that I minded much. Some shelves were barely filled and a good portion were empty. Not that a full library was important to me anyways. I always preferred reading on my tablet over reading from a hard or soft cover book.

Much to my confusion, I found a room that was locked. There was a keyhole, but I found no such key around. Figuring Blake would know about it, I pushed the frustration away and headed up to the third floor.

When I thought the first two floors were extravagant, the third floor blew me away. The whole level was basically the master suite. A small seating area, filled with extravagant furniture that looked unused, was the appetizer. The master bedroom and bathroom were insane. This was something I expected movie stars or sports players to have. I wonder how Blake’s parent’s afforded this place.

As if on cue, my dark-haired lover emerged from one of the stairs. Blake’s cerulean eyes captivated my complete attention. Maybe I was lucky to have such a man as my husband. As he approached me, Blake’s eyes scanned the room.

“Just how they left it. Why am I not surprised,” Blake commented, interrupting the silence.

“You mean it was always like this?” I asked, shocked.

“Yeah, more or less. All that furniture there and the bed are the same. I think they renovated the bathroom at some point during my sophomore year of highschool.”


“You know, for what it’s worth, a princess like you deserves to live in a place like this.”

“Stop it,” I gushed.

“I mean it. When I first saw you reading in the library, I couldn’t take my eyes off your beautiful brown flowing hair. And don’t get me started on your body. Every guy would kill just to get the time of day from you.”

“You know I don’t enjoy being seen that way,” I said with a frown.

“I know, it was just a first physical impression. Getting to know you blew away every standard male physical attraction I had. You were just… the whole package, I guess. Brains, beauty, strength; what’s not to like?”

I blushed a little at the overwhelming amount of flattery Blake was laying on me. Too distracted with his words, I hadn’t been able to notice Blake’s hands were uncomfortably close to my ass. I tried to brush his grabby hands away, but perhaps I had been oblivious for far too long. I could feel the heat in his breath against my pale, toned skin. I shuffled about nervously, trying to think of a way to avoid this situation.

“What’s a matter, Britt?” Blake cooed in my ear seductively, “We’re married now.”

“I know, but I need some time still,” I whispered back with a shaky voice.

Blake exhaled deeply at my response. I could tell how disappointed he must have been to hear me say it. He must feel so defeated with all the times I turned him away, pleading with him to wait until we got married. In fairness, I hadn’t expected us to ever get married. Now that we were, it felt obligatory to have sex with him.

“What the hell, he would never hurt me. He’s my husband.”

I grabbed my husband quickly by his hands. Dragging him towards the bed, I let go to unbutton my blouse. Blake caught on rather quick, hastily removing his clothes, unable to hide his excitement. After unbuttoning my blouse, I undid the button and zipper of my jeans and let myself fall into the comfy bed.

Blake’s chiseled abs and chest were intoxicating to look at. It felt so wrong to think, but I suppose it was only natural to have a physical attraction to one’s lover. He pushed me onto my back, resting himself on top of me. I pulled down my jeans as much as I could, trying desperately not to break eye contact.

With my matching purple lace bra and panty set exposed to him, Blake was sent into a frenzy. In an instant, his mouth descended upon mine, tongue pushing at my lips for entry. I let him in, gladly fighting with his tongue. I felt his hand groping my modestly sized chest. Oddly, it was a pleasant feeling, sending sparks of pleasure straight to my vagina.

Rubbing my thighs together expectantly, I couldn’t wait a minute longer. There was some primal need coursing through my veins and I needed to comply. I tugged at Blake’s boxers until they were around his ankles. He kicked them off and for the first time in my life; I felt a man’s penis on my skin. Yeah, it was pressed against my belly, but the twitching flesh against my skin was a novel experience I didn’t know how to describe. All I knew, it was a good feeling.

Blake pulled my jeans, and subsequently my panties, down to my shins before impaling me. There was a sharp pain that made me want to cry, but I bit it down to a yelp. Blake finally broke the kiss, cupping my face in his hands and taking a final quick peck on my lips.

“You’re absolutely amazing, Britt.”

I smiled back at him, using my trademark hand on the cheek to erase his worry that he might have hurt me. He knew I was a virgin and that I could take a hit, but I doubt he wanted to intentionally make this an unpleasant experience for me. They said you always remember your first. In my case, Blake was to be my first and hopefully last man I took to bed.

Blake’s pace of pumping in and out of me remained slow, careful. I was thankful for his care. This would have hurt a hell of a lot more if Blake gave into his desires. I gripped the sheets, moaning myself hoarse as the euphoric feelings escalated. I couldn’t believe this was what I was missing.

As time went on, Blake lost the steady pace. Some thrusts became rhythmic and others stuttered. It was as if he wanted to go faster, to fuck my brains out so to speak, but restrained himself just a little. Ultimately, I couldn’t fault him for losing himself in the carnal cravings since I myself was feeling lost in those very same pleasures.

“God baby, it feels so… fuuuuck,” I cried out.

Losing one’s mind during sex was, I thought, a euphemism. Yet, here I am slowly losing my ability to speak as I approach my first ever orgasm. Judging by Blake’s fast pace, burying himself to the hilt with each thrust, I gathered he was on his way to cuming as well. Shocking sensations blasted around my body, causing me to writhe and squirm underneath my husband.

Quick and powerful, my orgasm was like slamming into a wall. Except, said wall was made of shocking and unbearable pleasure surging throughout my body with the epicenter focused on my clit. I could feel the twitching of his cock inside of me as my walls squeezed him for dear life. An animalistic grunt erupted from my husband, quickly followed by warm shots of his cum spurting inside of me.

When the dust settled, he collapsed on top of me, both of us a sweaty mess. My breathing was labored, like I just ran a marathon. I hadn’t realized how exhausted I was until I struggled to keep my eyes open. I didn’t mind sleeping however, this kind of closeness was normal; to fall asleep after the act. So, I let the darkness take me away, lulling off to sleep.

Fluttering, my eyes tried to adjust to the darkness. Was it nighttime? Why did my arms hurt? I could understand my vagina being sore, but why did it feel like my arms were being stretched out. When I tried to pull them down into a more comfortable position, I realized I couldn’t. Tugging with all my strength proved fruitless and only hurt myself.

It wasn’t completely pointless exercise though as I learned my hands were in some kind of metal cuffs. Attaching the cuffs by the chain to the ceiling would explain why I couldn’t move my arms, but why the fuck was I cuffed, anyway? Well, surely Blake would come and fix this if I screamed for him. Only when I felt a fullness in my mouth, like my tongue was being pressed down by some kind of disgusting plastic. Panic over took me in seconds.

“Hmnhm!” I shouted.

My garbled and unintelligible plea for my husbands terrified me. My arms were being held above my head, my mouth was full of some kind of rod stretching out my throat, and now I felt a buzzing sensation. It was faint, but there was no doubt the vibrations were coming from inside my pussy.

I was absolutely terrified out of my mind. My eyes still hadn’t adjusted to the dark of wherever I was. Maybe we were being robbed, and the intruders were using me, perhaps even forcing Blake to watch. A few click sounds later, I thought I could hear a door open. Everything was still pitch black until, to my horror, Blake removed a cloth that had been tied over my eyes.

“Well good morning sweetie,” Blake commented with an arrogant tone and a grin that would make villains jealous. “Hope you had a nice nap after our little lovemaking.”

“MMhnph phhm hmmm Hmnhm!?” I said, still trying to hold back my tears.

“Like music to my ears. I thought I’d never hear the end of your back talk.”

“Hnch phnmh!? Mmph mm gn rnghph nnmm, Hmnhm!”

“I could almost understand that. I’ll have to apply a better gag when I get a chance. For now, I just wanted to come see my beautiful wife’s reaction to her new life.”

“Nmmm mnfm?”

“Yes, that’s right, darling. The truth is, I absolutely despise feminism. It’s truly such an infectious trend that messes up the minds of our young girls and women.” Blake started pacing around me and I struggled to follow him with my terror-filled eyes. “A woman’s place is to please, service and belong to a man. It was such a trial putting up with you. Even though you were quieter than some of your compatriots, you continued to spout such nonsense like women’s rights and need for equality.”

My fear of Blake was quickly replaced with adamant hatred. The man I fell for was all a deception to lure me here after getting married. Not one of my friends lived nearby, leaving me completely isolated to him. I felt so stupid having fell for such a trick.

“It’s tempting to ravish your body like this, you know. It’s not very ladylike of you, Brittany.”

At first I took his comment to mean my bound and gagged position. That wasn’t at all what he was referring to. I had been completely stripped of clothes and underwear alike. I was dangling a few inches off the floor, stark naked. My eyes shot back up to him, tears streaming in full down my cheeks.

“Pmmnphm nnn’ph nn phhnph,” I begged.

“Aww don’t cry baby. Things won’t always be like this. Once I flush that brainwashing out of your system, you’ll get some freedoms back. From now on though, you and everything about you are my property. I’ll be back to feed you, eventually. Till then have some entertainment.”

Before I could question his meaning, the vibrations inside me went from barely noticeable to max speed. I writhed, trying my hardest to dislodge the source, but I was only working to tire myself out. I cried my lungs out, forced to watch my husband, my betrayer, seal me back inside the barely lit room. I desperately tried to force down the approaching orgasm. Despite my effort, trying to hold that natural occurrence back, despite how disgusted I was, was a foolish waste of energy.

Worst of all, was the vibrations never stopped. Going on past my first drawn out orgasm, and directly toward a second. I had to get free of this somehow. I couldn’t live my life at Blake’s whims and desires. I wasn’t built to be a housewife, even though that was the future he was ready to force me into. Shamed and defeated, I cried all the tears I could, waiting for my husband to return.


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