one of my 1st stories i came up with. . .i hope you all enjoy.

I was waiting for a few hours for your call, I checked your flight status I and i saw that it was delayed again but EnRoute.  scheduled to land in a few minutes.  I waited patiently by my phone for your text to let me know you had landed safely. Then again for your call from the limo when you were on the final road home.  I knew you had a long day by the way you were so dry and to the point on the phone. I pretty much got only one-word answers from you. I had to do something.  I was across town and had to get to your studio apartment right away.   Traffic was awful.  Even for this time of night.
By the time I got to your studio, I knocked lightly in case your headache was bad.   No answer.  I took out my key and opened the door to a darkened room.  No music no lights.  Just what was coming in through the windows from downtown..   all I could see was the outline of where you were sitting on the couch. You were asleep.    Glass of wine teetering in your hand. I gently took it from your hand and I startled you a bit. ..  I said.  “Miss please relax.   I will take care of you.”   all I got was a low sleepy acknowledgement. I put the glass down on the coffee table beside you.
I have to be honest; it was a bit of a thrill kneeling in front of you. It’s something I have kind of dreamed about. You have been so good to me, taking me under your wing, showing me the basics of being a sub of some kind, and you promised never to hurt me or degrade me. I had a bit of the butterflies wanting to do this. I shuffled before you a bit and lifted your feet and placed them on the small ottoman with a pillow. I took off your heeled shoes, and gently pushed my thumbs into each of your arches. a low sigh escaped your lips…  I responded with a very quiet shhh… I worked my way up to your thigh, right under your skirt, and unbuttoned your thigh high fishnet stockings. Slid them down back over your feet. I heard a small shallow breath. I know you like to wear these when you have a big meeting or presentation. You have told me that it gives you mental confidence. and it shows in your walk.   
Back to your relaxing time. This is for you.
I have always wanted to try a nice foot massage and maybe some reflexology.  no better time than now, i guess.  I took my hand and gently curled your toes, a nice easy stretch. then around back under to the ball of your foot. Pressed both my thumbs from the center to the side. Did that 2x. You were already slipping into a real comfort zone. Back up to your toes, and for some reason, i just separated each toe, right on the soft spot at the base of each and rubbed gently for a moment. then wiggled my fingers around each toe on the way back up. over the top of your foot, just pushing with enough friction to relieve tension. Around the sides to each ankle bone, over your heel, and a firm grasp of your calf. slowly working my way up to just behind your knee. at the very top of the calf, i placed my index fingers one just below the other. and every few inches, stopped and pushed on the pressure point.  every inch, stop and push to the bottom right down to your Achilles.   I knew you are absolutely exhausted from today.  Your presentation was huge and you totally rocked it.   Got the big client. I smiled at you even though i knew had your eyes closed. As I was finishing up with your right foot, i took my right hand and started on your left.  Same procedure, right under your arch, taking away the tension as much as I could. around to the top of your foot, and right down between your toes. Again, a low muffled sigh from you.  It was working, nothing was said, nothing needed to be. I was there for you, in the dark, massaging your days heaviness away. Around to the ankle bones again, up your calf, to the back of your knee. and pressure points all the way back down. to your heel.  From here, I split up my hands and worked on your thighs. .. lightly pressing with my fingers all the way outside your hips. Then around to the insides. I did hear a bit of a louder moan of relief, taking more tension away. I could see your g string, but this was not the time to push any further. 
I picked you up from the couch, carried you to your bed.  Laid you down softly. “Miss, can I be of any more service?”   I was expecting “It’s ok, no thank you, and good night”.  Instead, you said in a low voice,  “Please continue”.  and put your arms to your sides. That was my signal to keep going.  I opened your dress and exposed your chest, and I saw it, my chastity key around your neck. It showed me why i was there, to serve,  and be of service to you. For the first time I was locked for an extended few days, something i was unsure i would be able to do, but you assured me that you would keep me safe.  I also got a small whiff of vanilla, my god that scent drives me wild. and Miss knows it. Just below the key is the outline of your bra. Its’s a lovely lace. and you have liked the open front kind so I unclipped the clasp and let them out. Seeing you there exposed like this gave me a sensation I had not experienced before. All I wanted to do is help you relax I was yours. I did not want to be timid or sheepish, I wanted to do this right and show you i am a worthy sub. I did not care that i was not going to get any sexual satisfaction, I cared about your time, your feelings.  The night air stiffened your nipples a bit and I caressed them from the outside in.  Nice easy circles around and around,  your breath got deeper and also slower., I circled them 3 times and just brushed over your areolas. Down the centre of your tummy to your waiting pussy. Slid my hands back over your thighs and eased them open a bit. Very slowly i crept a finger inside. You took a short breath in.   this was very relaxing for you. My other hand found your nipple again.  I wanted to ease you into a bit more of a relaxed state.  I curled my finger inside you as you have told me to do on many occasions. This time was an easy and slow rub over your g spot. You opened your knees a bit more and moved up your feet so they were touching. Your breathing got a little faster and more of a pant. My fingers rolling your nipple and my other hand moving my fingers gently inside. I could feel you were getting close. Your hips started to move up and down a bit.  and my fingers were getting wetter. I felt a contraction around my hand… you panting more, it was what you needed to end your day, an orgasm given to you by the hands you molded. It was all in appreciation of what you have done for me and i am more than happy to help you feel good, and relax.  I have thought on more than one time that a nice orgasm not a hard pounding one can be so satisfying, almost like more endorphins are released and a feeling of calm will aid to get to sleep..  Another contraction around my fingers..  In my mind, I’m thinking “yes Miss, please cum. you need this”. Your hand grabbed mine, and squeezed your breast. there was a solid buck up from your hips.. deep breath, held…  then let go…  “Yes Miss.   there you are”. You held my hand for a minute.  “Thank you, thank you. I needed that, i needed to feel that. And i did not know i needed to..”  “It’s ok Miss,  I knew.”.  I covered you up, tucked you in, cracked the window open, so you could her the gentle rain, went to the kitchen prepared your coffee for the morning, left a cup and spoon ready for your arrival. 
I poked my head back into your room to bid you goodnight, but you had already slipped away into dreamland..  
“Goodnight Miss, I will check on you in the morning..   I checked the rest of your studio to make sure it was secure, and let myself out. 
I got my to my place, poured a nice scotch, and hoped i did the right thing.  I drifted off in my chair, woke up a few hours later, text message was there.  read it and smiled. 
“Good Boy”.    
Once again,  butterflies, filled my brain.  Maybe today I have earned my release. 


1 comment

  1. Not particularly my fetish, but I think this was well written! I enjoyed the material. If you’re ever interested in any kind of roleplaying, I’d love to do so with you, just based on your style of writing. I tend to shoot off long paragraphs at a time when I do. Most people enjoy reading what I write. It’s not often, though, that I find someone that can contribute well with me. Feel free to message if you’re ever interested! Or if you’d just like to chat about writing in general and turn-ons. ?

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