I (21[F]) have been getting railed by my brother in law (30[M]) for the last year, and now I’m his live-in cum slut. PART 2 – our first night time visit

If you haven’t read part 1, the story of how Hugh and I started our arrangement you can find it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/imazm6/i_21f_have_been_getting_railed_by_my_brother_law/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)

Hugh and I had been enjoying our little Thursday night arrangement for a few months and my sister was none the wiser. I would arrive each week, bright eyed, and giddy with excitement and leave thoroughly exhausted, well spent and cum drunk.

However, the dynamic had recently changed with me moving in to be their live in nanny. On one hand Hugh and I now got to spend a lot more time together, but my sister was also around a lot more of the time and Thursday night yoga was now cancelled due to COVID. With the whole world shutting down, my sister would only ever leave the house to work, but that’s when Hugh would need to work from home. To make matters even more difficult, their son was awake for most of the day, only taking 1-2 restless naps a day, and needing constant attention at all other times because he was teething. This left us with little time to be with each other, but an abundance of time to sexually frustrate each other with our proximity. It had been three weeks and we’d barely had the opportunity to even brush past each other let alone fuck until we collapsed like both of us so wanted to do.

One evening sitting on the couch watching TV with him, with my sister in the other room, I felt almost in physical pain from the amount of longing I had for him. We kept trading glances and I could see him going hard within his jeans. It took all my willpower not to slam him into the couch cushions like he did to me that first time, and climb on top of him. I couldn’t take it any longer and abruptly left the living room, going to my bedroom and closing and locking the door. Once I was in there I made the decision that I needed to cum, and quickly, or I was going to go insane and do something reckless that could get Hugh and I in trouble.

I reached under the the bed and found the box where I keep my toys. Over the last few months I had been neglecting them, with Hugh to keep me occupied, but in this moment I really needed some help calming down. I selected one of my favourite vibrating dildos from the box and climbed under the covers. I peeled off my pyjama shorts and underwear and started thinking about Hugh and all the fun we had been having over the last few months as I gently stroked my pussy. I was already so flustered that my slit was slick with my juices. God how I wished that Hugh could be in this bed with me to lick them up like he loved to do. Normally I would prolong the fun but I wasn’t here for a good time, I was doing this to try and regain some control of myself so I quickly slid the toy into my tight pussy, throwing my head back imagining it was Hugh’s glorious cock entering me. I was already so close to cumming, this exercise was easier than I thought it would be, when suddenly I heard my sister squeal “WHAT ARE YOU DOING”.

My eyes popped open and I could see her standing in the doorway, veins straining out of her neck. I was under a blanket so she couldn’t see anything, but she could tell what I was doing. How did she get in? I had locked the door! I heard the couch creak from the living room as Hugh presumably was coming to investigate. My sister’s head whipped around in the direction of the sound of Hugh’s approach, “YOU STAY IN THAT ROOM HUGH OR SO HELP ME GOD”, she yelled. She turned back to me, with a look that could kill in her eyes “how dare you do something so disgusting in my home, where my son lives, what if he had come in here?” she asked.
“I’m an adult, this is my home now too. Also your son is asleep, can barely walk, and I locked the door” I replied, face flushing red.
“No you didn’t lock the door, because there is no lock on this door, I took it off before you moved in, that latch does nothing. I didn’t want you doing drugs or something stupid under my roof. But you go ahead and do it anyway” she bit back.
“I have never done drugs, and masturbating is not illegal. I’m sorry you saw what you saw, but you can’t just barge into my room, lock or no lock, you should have knocked.” I responded, face still bright red from embarrassment.
“I don’t need to knock in my own home. Besides, I was coming to ask why you rudely went to sleep without washing up your dinner dishes. But now I see you weren’t going to sleep. I’ve half a mind to kick your freeloading ass out of my house.”, she screeched.
“Free-loading?” I yelled back “I look after your child for 9 hours a day, 5 days a week. I am saving you thousands of dollars in child care fees. I have also been using my own savings to buy my groceries, because you refuse to let me eat your food. All you’re doing is putting a roof over my head, which mum and dad would have given me for free. You are the one benefiting off of me, not the other way around.”
“You really think you’re doing me a favour? I could have employed anyone as a live in nanny. Someone with actual childcare qualifications rather than my disgusting idiot sister” She retorted, “but as it happens, I care about mum and dad enough to not want to inflict you on them after all the years they put up with you, so I will let you stay, but if I see you engage in inappropriate behaviour in my house where my child lives one more time I will kick you to the streets and tell mum and dad that if they take you in, they will never see me or their grandchild ever again, for their own good of course. I think it will be a pretty easy choice for them to make.” She smiled as she closed the door and stormed off. One minute later my phone pinged. It was her, “don’t forget the dishes”.

Hours later I still lay awake in bed staring at the ceiling. My sister was a real bitch. These last 3 weeks had been a living hell. I don’t know how Hugh puts up with her. I thought about how I should have never moved in. It wasn’t even worth it, it’s not like Hugh and I got any alone time. I was just her slave and free babysitter. I started to make up my mind, I would move out, being near him but not being able to be with him was too much of a tease. I would move back in with mum and dad and deal with the embarrassment of being an adult child living with their parents. My bitch sister could find a new childcare arrangement. I would miss Hugh of course, but I didn’t really have a choice. With this new resolve I could finally relax a little bit and slowly drifted off to sleep.

I startled awake, something had just touched my shoulder. My eyes took a moment to adjust and I saw the silhouette of Hugh standing next to my bed. I glanced over at the bedside clock, it read 3:30am. “What are you doing in here?” I asked groggily.
“Does a man need a reason to pay a visit to his favourite sister?” He responded jovially.
“Has something happened?” I asked. Was the baby ok?
“No nothing has happened” he replied calmly, “I just thought given the events of this evening, that perhaps I should be a good brother in law and give my darling sister a hand, or perhaps more”.
I was shocked. “But my sister….” I started.
“Fast asleep” he interrupted.
“And the baby?” I continued.
“Also fast asleep, I just went and checked on him” he explained.
“What if he wakes up? What if him waking up wakes her up?” I asked.
“That’s why I brought this with me. If he wakes up she won’t hear a thing” he stated as he pulled the baby monitor out of his pocket. On the screen I could see their son fast asleep. I started to relax. This was crazy and risky but at least he had taken some precautions. Before I let myself get carried away with excitement I asked “So what did my sister tell you?”.
He chucked quietly “Well I heard most of your fight for myself. But afterwards she told me what she had seen. I must say I feel pretty guilty for driving you to such extremes” he explained with a wink.
I weakly hit his arm.
“No need to be mean about it” I said sulkily, suddenly embarrassed again.
“I’m sorry. You’re right, I shouldn’t be mean. I’m here to be the opposite of mean. I’m here to make it up to you.” He grinned.
“Oh yeah?” I asked, “and how do you plan on doing that”.
“By doing whatever it is you desire” he responded matter of factly.

The look in his eyes made my breathing hitch, and suddenly the room started to feel really hot. But I tried to clear my head. I needed to tell him about my decision.
“Hugh, before we do this, I need to tell you something. In the morning I’m packing my bags and moving to mum and dad’s. I can’t do this anymore. Your wife is making my life hell, she is on my case 24/7, and I just can’t put up with it. On top of that being in this house with you all day is torture. I just want you all the time but I can’t have you. Every room I walk into all I can remember are those nights we’ve spent in this house alone, and all the things we have done and it’s driving me insane.”
“No, you can’t leave” he said, shock displayed on his handsome features.
“What’s the point of me being here Hugh? Other than being my sister’s punching bag, and a free babysitting service” I asked.
“We can change things, these last few weeks have just been a bit crazy, but you have no idea how much I’ve wanted you too”, he pleaded.
“What can we change” I asked “don’t try and say you can get my sister to be nicer to me, that’s not within anyone’s power”.
“No I can’t get her to be nicer to you, but I can make it worth it” he explained.
“How?” I asked.
“Let me show you” he smiled.

He gently climbed into the bed next to me and grabbed my face with his big hands, pulling my face to his and kissing me passionately. I couldn’t help but kiss back. This was crazy. My sister was just a few doors away. Our Thursday night rendez-vous had always been risky but nothing like this. He moved his hands to my pyjama top, easily pulling it over my head. He nuzzled his warm face in between my breasts, before popping a nipple in his hot mouth. As he sucked his hand travelled south to my impatient pussy. I was already so wet. He effortlessly slipped two fingers in, and pumped, making it hard to concentrate on being careful and not making any sound.

“Please stay”, he begged, my nipple in his mouth.
“I can’t”, I panted. He wasn’t discouraged by my refusal, and instead started pumping his fingers in and out of my pussy harder. It was getting hard to control my volume, I grabbed a pillow and moaned into it. I looked up and saw a sparkle in his eye. He thought he was going to win this debate. I had to ground myself, yes this was mind blowing but was it worth being a whipping post for every other hour of the day? A moment ago I was so sure but now that it was actually experiencing the reward of my patience it was hard to think I could give this up for anything. Perhaps a compromise?

“Hugh”, I moaned quietly as he continued to pound my pussy with his fingers. He paused what he was doing and rose his eyebrows, waiting for me to continue.
“Me moving out doesn’t have to be the end of us… we can find another way… i can visit”, I finished, each word a marathon effort to get out in my current state.
“No deal” he smiled, “you’re mine”.
He smiled as he lowered his head from my chest down to below my legs. My heart started beating a mile a minute, oh god what had I gotten myself into.

He dipped his head between my legs and softly kissed the apex of my thighs before diving in and sending me into the clouds with his magical tongue. Every stroke of his tongue set me on fire. I tried to remember not to scream out in pleasure, but by this point I could barely remember my own name. His movements were quick and feverish. I could tell from his own quiet moans how much he was enjoying eating my dripping pussy. I grabbed the pillow again and moaned into it, knowing I was so close to going over the edge. He saw what I was doing and stopped what he was doing. I had been so close, him stopping just like that felt like someone had splashed cold water on my face.

I propped myself up on my elbows and glared at him incredulously.
“Why did you stop?” I asked.
“Stay” he said, before taking his tongue and running it from the bottom to the top of my slit in a long slow movement before pausing again. My whole body started shaking. “I can’t stay” I moaned feebly.
“Stay” he said again, before repeating the same movement. My whole body was bucking uncontrollably at this point. All I could see were stars.
“Hugh I cant stay, there’s no way to make this work”.
“Stay” he said for a third time, this time dragging his tongue along my clit extra slowly. I felt like I was going to pass out. I had to try and concentrate on my breathing.
“Can’t… stay…” I managed to spit out. Oh god I was going to lose this argument. It was hopeless. I was powerless over the hold he had on my body.
“Stay” he commanded this time before dipping back in for another painfully pleasurable long lick, but this time travelling back down then back up slower and slower each time. This was torture. But the most pleasurable torture anyone on earth has ever experienced. I could no longer see stars, my vision was black. I needed to cum, I needed him to stop this teasing or I was going to implode.
“Fine” I breathed, defeated “I’ll stay”.
His smile was devilish as he dove back in with feverish intensity, making my entire body convulse as I came apart. He reached one long arm out without skipping a beat with his tongue and clasped it over my mouth to try and silence me. I could barely feel his hand, all I could feel was the sensation of his tongue sending me over the edge in never ending waves.

Eventually I could feel his body slowly ease off of me, but I was still laying there shaking, unable to move. Before I even had the chance to open my eyes I felt him lift my legs and enter my still shaking pussy with his rock hard cock. My eyes flung open and I was face to face with him, a devilishly handsome grin on his face slick with my juices. He pound in and out of me at a fast tempo, building me back up again while I was still recovering from my first earth shattering orgasm. I couldn’t help but start to moan again, so he clamped his hand over my mouth again. I couldn’t help but love the dominance of that move, despite normally liking to be the one in charge in every day life. His continued pounding was relentless, with every stroke feeling harder than the last. Soon I could tell he was close, and so was I again. I bucked my hips off the bed to make a harder contact, finally regaining some control of my body. I could tell he was loving this so much, as he started to lose control of his steady breathing. I began to come undone again, digging my nails into his back. At the same time I could feel his whole body begin to shake as he too came inside of me. He buried his head into the crook of my neck and my hair to try and muffle the sounds of his moans, as he groaned out my name until our bodies went still.

After a long moment all was silent, and he lifted his head out of my hair and looked me in the eyes, face still glistening. He glanced over to the baby monitor sitting on my bed stand. I followed his gaze. Their son was fast asleep, and through the grainy camera I could see the subtle rise and fall of is chest. I turned my head back to meet Hugh’s impenetrable gaze.
“You made the right choice to stay” he smiled.
“You’re right”, I conceded, “I think I did”.

A few weeks later all began to become right in the world. Hugh and I had been working hard with their son to transition him to one longer daytime nap rather than two short fitful ones. Something that actually delighted my sister. If only she knew why….
We managed to make the routine so that his 2 hour nap conveniently fell during Hugh’s lunch break so we would have a little bit of time to ourselves. Time that we used wisely.
Being so exhausted and euphoric from my time with Hugh at lunch, my sister’s jibes in the evening began to bother me less and less and I was able to ignore her for the most part, especially when I often had “midnight snacks” to look forward to with Hugh most nights of the week.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iokx5q/i_21f_have_been_getting_railed_by_my_brother_in


  1. I picked greedy. Then read it again later. This was so enticing and you did not let me down. In fact you got me up lol. Your writing is next level. I’m assuming you are an English major, or you write scenes for movies. I thought your technical ability really showed with you only mentioning your pussy when absolutely necessary to show your level of intensity. Fuck I could feel myself become aroused. I LOVE THE WAY YOU EXPLAIN CLIMAX.

    I would read the dynamic story between you and your sister seperate from your erotica. I want to ask a million questions but I have an erection so this is neither the time or the place lol. Again bravo love this made my day.

  2. Your sister seems like a real kunt. For her to threaten to kick you out on the street and then blackmail your parents to not give you a roof over your head to fuck you over is not something a loving sister would do.

    Don’t feel guilty about fucking her husband … maybe even steal him away from her. I don’t know you three, but I think you deserve to be with her husband as his wife. Get pregnant and start a real family. You already seem like a great mom too.

    Wish you well.

  3. Well whatever your choice will be I hope you be happy…love the story…I’m glad that your nephew has a good dad even with how the situation is with the wife and you…if it does end I hope it ends in a nice way.

  4. Love the story and the style that you’re writing it in. It’s sad to see a woman like your sister actually exists. No offence here but man, the way you describe her makes me angry and disgusted at her ungrateful ass but that’s another proof of your good style of writing. I do hope that you end up with Hugh and that the kid is going to see you as his mother, though his biological mother is still around. Complicated situation but for now enjoy the fucking and knowing that whatever shit your sister is giving you, you’ve already won by taking her husband away from her.

  5. This story is hot and well written. The sex must be mind blowing for it to be worth putting up with your sister’s horrible abuse.

  6. even with good sex, you’re being fucking exploited, I’ve heard of actual slaves with higher salaries than you get

  7. Your sister is a kunt I don’t blame you for fucking her husband. Have fun and be safe.

  8. Wow, I have no idea how I ended up here, but I love your story! The details you give and the way you arrange them drew me deep into your narrative. I never really knew I could be so enticed by words like this! Whew!

    Reading along brought to mind some of my own experiences. Quite a few are remarkably similar to different parts of this provocative feature.
    I always wondered, if I was blessed to experience a few thrilling adventures myself, what chronicles might others have?

    I do hope you will continue to share and write. I also pray that disaster abstains from you.

    Two things I’d like to share with you: there is a manga that concluded recently. It’s almost as racy and entertaining as this! So in case anyone might be interested.
    “Domestic na Kanojo” or Domestic Girlfriend in English. Had a short anime adaptation as well.

    The other thing I wanted to mention on a personal level: take caution with your in-law. Not to say that he’s anything like me, but… Well I’ve fallen in love once and became twice attached to a pretty young thing some time ago. I’m 31 now, and spending time with a youthful woman made me feel young and vivacious again.
    But now I can’t say that things ended well because of my transgressions, nor that they were worth delighting in.
    Just, something to consider.

  9. Incredible story and incredible writing, bravo! Get his dick and his cum as much as you can!

  10. Great story and man I’m sorry to say it but your sister sucks. Keep them coming!

  11. hot story, but you are getting used by two people. your sister, for childcare. hugh, for sex. youre basically a slave. Hugh wont ever leave his wife. If you guys ever get caught your sister will blame you and he’ll throw you under the bus. Kiss your family goodbye. Is it worth a few orgasms??

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