That time I cheated on my first fiancé. [FM]

Real stories from a married Wisconsin couple. This one is from Her.


The summer before my Junior year of college, I started a relationship with a guy, Brandon, I met through a college friend. It was a fast moving relationship. We were sexual with each other from the outset (more stories for a later day). In retrospect, he was a little obsessed with me, which should have been a red flag. I didn’t realize it at the time, and within 6 months, I moved into his apartment.

The following spring I left for South America for a semester abroad. I specifically went to Costa Rica to finish my Spanish degree and spent 5 months or so living with a host family. Brandon didn’t want me to go and before I left he proposed. I thought I wanted to marry him and said “yes.” As I reflect on it, I was in no way ready to settle down like that.

My host family was great, and though my host mother I met an older guy (32 years old – I was 21 or so) from Ecuador. He was cute, funny, and athletic. His name was Andres and I’d see him from time to time when he would visit my host family. Eventually we started texting each other with a local cell phone I acquired.

I stayed in touch with my fiancé during this time as well, but I was naturally feeling increasingly distant. I was focused purely on being in Costa Rica and spent an increasing amount of time with Andres. He’d help me with my Spanish, show me local places, being me to some neat clubs and bars. Predictably, we got much closer .

I have a lot of stories I can share from this if you’re interested, but within two month of being in Costa Rica, Andres was routinely fucking me. While I won’t go into further details now, this affair ended up ending my relationship with my fiancé. Which was good, because I never would have met my current hubby otherwise :)


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