Quiet in theater (Succubus, exhibition, riding) [NSFW]

(Part 2 of Theron’s misadventure with his succubus teacher and lover)

Theron hated snobbish social events. The renown and powerful warlocks across the continent gathered to them like a dimwitted moth to a flame. They brought with them powerful relics to trade, slaves to sell, and they held rituals behind closed doors where no one could see them. These warlocks were the sort of scum any wizard with self-respect would avoid, with their souls bound to the seven hells and their magic coming from infernal places or the dreaded fae. It was just too bad Theron was not a wizard, but a warlock. So here he was, dressed in a tight suit that made his skin itch and surrounded by men and women who laughed at his presence. The violins that played and the small talk that sounded through the grand hall made you think this was a normal social event but upon a closer inspection you could see imps, succubi, and other infernal creatures. At the far end of the room was a grand staircase that led to the theatre hall, but between it and Theron were people from all corners of the continent. They almost seemed to dance over the black marble floor. They clustered around the tables filled with drinks and food, gluttonous demons and their masters alike. But there were three people in particular that Theron noticed that made him scowl and his hands clench. He walked quickly to get past them, but he stood out like a virgin at an orgy. Furthermore the wall of people prevented him from reaching the stairs. Althea was waiting on him in the theatre room. But she would have to wait. 

A man dressed in a black robe was the first to notice Theron’s presence, and he rose his pitcher of wine in the young warlock’s direction. A smirk coated the man’s thin lips. “So you did show up? Did your mistress finally allow you to leave her dungeon in the third circle?”

The man’s tone was mocking. It grated on Theron’s ears and made him mumble curses. The man in black was one of the oldest warlocks among the dozens that crowded the theatre hall. But you couldn’t tell from watching him. The fallen angel’s black wings shone with an unholy light and his face was as fair as the day he had been created. Azazel, the angel of death as he was called, had taken a perverse interest in seeing Theron’s studies. Or rather see how much the young mortal failed and injured himself. 

“Why wouldn’t I show up for such an occasion? The council has pestered me with ten invitations for this play for three months now,” Theron grumbled. 

Azazel just smirked and took a sip from his pitcher. It was at this point Theron realized the substance was too thick and too red to be wine…

“You are a member of our order, low-ranking as you are. You signed the contract when you purchased the necessary materials to summon a demon. You chose to be pestered by letters and imps.” The fallen angel grinned. 

“I chose Althea, not some old fashioned hidden order.”

“When you chose her, you chose us,” Azazel said and walked away. 

Theron sighed and rubbed his eyes before he noticed the second person he didn’t want to see tonight approaching him. “Yadira…” 

“Oh, this is rich. The baby warlock from Varstad here to watch theatre like a civilized man,” a middle-aged woman muttered. 

The woman was dressed in a fine black silk dress. It hugged her curves like an eager lover and it highlighted her flat stomach. Yadira’s bosom was also on full display, almost falling out of the dress. Silver locks framed pretty blue eyes accompanied by a cruel teasing smirk. Her light-brown skin made her exotic amongst the other women in the hall. Her roots came from the deep south, from where empires rose and fell in a day. Her accent made the hair on his arms rise and a familiar ache in his belly form. Yadira walked around him before bending down to smell his neck. The young man pushed her away with a glare, flushed, and breathing hard. 

“You smell like her. Did she spray you with her pheromones to keep off other females tonight?” Yadira asked with a smirk. 

“She’ll rip your face off if you try anything…” he grumbled. 

The woman ran a hand down her chest before resting it on her waist. “Oh please, like I couldn’t seduce a young succubus like her. Lilith herself has orgasmed from my tongue~”

The woman bent down again, her cleavage filling Theron’s vision and he gulped. Sweat ran down his forehead and Yadira let a husky breath flow across his face. “She pumped you full of pheromones before coming here, didn’t she? You poor thing~ Do you want me to help you relieve all that seed bubbling up inside you? I am certain you want nothing more than cum right now~”

His cock lurched as the word ‘cum’ left her supple lips. 

“What do you say baby warlock, have ever been milked by a real woman before?” she asked with labored breath. 

“I… I…” he mumbled and took a step back. 

His cock strained against the fabric of his pants, pulsating and crying out for him to accept the woman’s offer.    

“Theron of Uritha, son of a nobody farmer and slave of his succubus, welcome to the Ambirwill theatre!” one man wearing a white carnival mask suddenly yelled from across the hall. 

“I-If you excuse me, madam, Samuel is calling for me,” Theron said and hurried past Yadira who pouted in disappointment before sipping on her wine.  

Theron ignored Samuel’s rude remarks when he got to him. The man had saved him from spending a day in Yadira’s love dungeon. Furthermore, he was shaking just by being near the man. Samuel had one woman in each arm and a grin across his face that told people he owned the room. The man may have been new in the order like Theron, and the third person he did not want to see that evening, but Samuel was the most powerful being in the room. He was the grandson of god Bedlam. The divine blood may have been diluted by mortal seed, but it was powerful nonetheless. 

“You seemed to be in quite the pickle there, friend, I just had to help you out,” Samuel grinned. 

The quarter-god was no taller than Theron, yet he seemed to rise above the mortal man all the same. The women on his side, one succubus purring and resting her head on his shoulder and one mortal woman kissing his neck were equally as beautiful as Yadira. Theron felt a twinge of jealousy before shaking his head. The man dressed in a military jacket and hunting trousers was not to be trifled with. 

“Thank you, my lord, but we are not friends,” Theron mumbled. 

“Nonsense! Your mistress must have fucked your brains out this morning for you to say something so crass!” Samuel laughed.    

Theron just smiled and nodded while sighing inside. It wasn’t that Samuel had particularly done something against him, it was that the quarter-god had no concept of personal space or offense. He could call Theron a corpsefucker without having a single ill intent. It was just a mortal word to him and they bore no offense. If he started swearing at Theron in the divine tongue on the other hand? That is when Theron would have to run faster than the wind. 

“Your mistress is over there by the stairs. She is looking a bit angry at you. Perhaps you should have left the conversation with Miss Yadira earlier,” Samuel said, grabbing a pitcher of wine. 

Theron froze and finally laid eyes upon his lover. She was dressed in a black form-fitting dress just like Yadira, the only difference was the slits that ran along the end of the dress. For a second Althea moved one leg in front of the other, revealing her creamy thigh. Theron sucked in a deep breath as the fire in his belly rose once more, but he recovered as he saw her cold piercing glare. Succubi were jealous creatures, even more so when they held actual feelings for their prized lover. Althea held up a finger and curled it a few times towards her, the glare never leaving her eyes. 

“Oh boy, she is angry, best of luck to your friend! Now, ladies, we must find the soundproof viewing area!” Samuel said and threw both the succubus and human woman on his shoulders. The god-like man carried away his prey for the night while humming a tune, the women giggling and shrieking.    

Theron on the other hand slowly moved through the crowd. He thought about what he could say to the demonic beauty, but no words willed themselves into his mind. Soon he stood before her, shoulders slumped and eyes locked on the ground. 

“I’m sorry…” he mumbled. 

Althea tilted her head at him. She glared and took a step forward before sighing and pulling him close. His face was pressed into her soft bosom and Theron breathed in her intoxicating pheromones with a low moan. Her lips graced his forehead and she ran a hand through the mop of brown locks that covered his head. 

“I am a bit angry, but I know it is hard resisting the charms of all these damn cougars. Especially that southern whore… She could convince a celibate priest of Moira to spill his seed,” Althea mumbled and glared at Yadira. 

The middle-aged woman just raised her pitcher, smiling at them from across the hall. 

“I hate her so fucking much… I can take the young wenches who are drooling over you because they don’t know any better, but her? I will rip out her eyes if she comes close to you,” the succubus growled and hissed not unlike a cat. 

“She smelled really good…” Theron reluctantly pulled his face from Althea’s bosom and kissed her cheek. 

“Of course she does. The bitch mixes succubus pheromones into her perfume. Everything about her is fake,” Althea turned towards Yadira with a growl, “Fake just like her tits!” 

“You want to fight, you overgrown botchling!?” Yadira yelled and crushed the pitcher in her hand. 

Theron sighed and grabbed his lover’s hand. He pulled her up the stairs and in towards the main hall. Althea hissed and spat in Yadira’s direction until the woman was out of sight. The succubus simmered down and muttered under her breath before she turned her eyes towards the stage. The musicians were gathering in the orchestra pit and the actors were rushing across the scene. The play they were meant to portray today was ‘The King and the Angel,’ an old drama from before the order was even formed. At this point, Althea was the one leading the way. She moved her hips and tail so his attention was forced to her behind, much to her satisfaction. The dress might have shown little cleavage, but the slits by her legs that showed Althea’s thighs drove him wild. It was a tease of what laid beneath, of what she promised him every night. 

Althea would lead them up the stairs to their viewing booth where they would spend the coming hours. When they reached it and sat down the rest of the audience started flowing into the room and filled the seats beneath them. Theron leaned back into his chair and sighed. In time, the lights in the theatre room dimmed and the music began to play. He looked over to Althea who was watching the singing taking place on the stage. She laid one leg over the other, revealing her thigh. Theron took a deep breath at the sight and Althea looked at him with a grin. 

“Framea suscitare super prædam libidinis incendia,” she said before blowing out a thick stream of pink smoke in his direction. 

“Althea, what are you doing?” Theron whispered before he breathed in the smoke.  

What before had been smoldering embers were suddenly fanned into a great flame. His cock lurched and strained against his trousers, all the while Theron could only lean back into his chair. It felt like something heavy was pressing down on his lungs, which only made his member throb even more. He panted and reached down to undo his belt-buckle, but Althea whispered something and suddenly he was frozen in place. Theron squirmed and bit his lip as the fire turned into an ache and his cock cried for attention. A low moan escaped his lips and Althea giggled. 

“They don’t treat people that disturb the show well,” she whispered with a grin. 

The succubus leaned over to his chair and climbed on top of the immobile man. She straddled his waist before biting his earlobe and breathing huskily onto his neck. “Make a sound and you’ll regret it~”

The succubus began grinding her hot core against his imprisoned member and she sighed softly. Theron moaned and Althea pressed a finger against her red lips, shushing him. She began undoing his belt-buckle as the actors on the stage sang louder and louder and the music rose with them. As his cock was freed, Althea lined it up with her labia and sank down on him, prompting him to groan quietly. She had planned this long before they traveled to the theatre, but it was a fitting way to punish the wandering eyes of her lover. 

“You want that southern whore to do this to you, don’t you? You dirty fucking sinner~” she purred and started bouncing on his lap. 

Theron’s toes curled and he moaned louder, the music thankfully covering it. But he would not always be so lucky. He could suddenly move his hands, and they immediately found themselves grasping the succubus’ shapely bottom. He slammed her down on his lap, grunting and moaning as quietly as possible. Althea just sighed in bliss and released her breasts from their captivity in the dress. Theron gasped and breathed harder as the succubus began fondling them. It reminded him so much of their first time together, and Althea probably knew it too. The succubus moved his hands from her backside to her tits, allowing him to squeeze and fondle them all he wanted. He was downright delirious and breathed heavier and heavier. He tried to time his moans with the music and song to mask it, but he didn’t know if it was successful. All he knew was that the ache in his stomach and the tingling in his spine meant one thing. He was going to cum. 

“Althea! Althea! Althea!” he moaned as she slammed down on him faster and faster. 

“Are you on the edge?~ Is my baby warlock going to cum?~” she purred. 

“Yes… Yes! Yes!~” he hissed as his seed almost bubbled over. 

“Good, because I will keep you on the edge for three more hours~” she giggled.

“What?…” Theron mumbled from his numb state. 

The succubus’ tail tightly wrapped itself around the base of his cock, stopping the orgasm in the middle of its tracks. Theron almost gagged in pain and suppressed pleasure as she stopped him from achieving his climax. She on the other hand bit into his neck and moaned, cumming from their euphoric fucking. Her cries were muffled by his flesh, but the venom that soon flooded Theron’s system made him struggle to get any air into his lungs. Althea just continued to ride him and grinned at the young man’s wheezing and moans. He was still trying to be quiet, which she rewarded with a soft loving kiss. 

“Don’t let other women get near, do you hear?” she hissed into his ear and Theron nodded. 

“I won’t! Please just let me cum!” he hissed and grasped her buttocks again. 

Althea just continued riding his red swallowed pole and shook her head. “If I stop you won’t learn~”

And so began the following three hours of sexual bliss and torture. Althea would not let go of her vice grip on his cock, and she would not rest for long before continuing the ride. Theron on the other hand was slowly going mad from the pleasure and the inability to cum. He was a panting and heaving shell of a man that only knew to thrust into the velvety confines of his mistress’s pussy. He tried to keep quiet, but it became harder and harder as the play continued. However, as the actors on the stage ran around with swords and the music grew in volume Althea sped up again. The wet smacks became his entire world and he couldn’t help but drool. 

“We’re almost there, love~ I am so close~” she panted and bit her lip. 

The music rose and became quicker and quicker. The succubus’ moans became louder and louder with the orchestra and Theron’s best efforts at keeping quiet were falling apart. He thrust up into her hungry snatch and she purred at his efforts. She rewarded him by only slamming down on him even faster, a pool of juices having long ago formed around his cock and feet. 

“Almost~ There~” her breathing was ragged now and her eyes were filled with nothing but love and adoration. 

The music reached its crescendo and her tail let go of his aching member. The succubus and her warlock met in one final thrust and their screams joined those of the actors on the stage. Theron felt every shot of pent up sperm leave his length, filling the succubus’ womb. Soon it was overflowing and pooled down his cock, yet he had so much more to give! Theron gritted his teeth and groaned as his orgasm continued to tear through his body. His lover sighed in bliss and slammed herself down on him once more, coaxing even more cum from his poor, abused body. Theron was mumbling deliriously at this point but she finally slid off him. His cock hit his stomach with a wet smack and shot three more ropes of seed before it finally had given its all. Althea moaned as her lover’s warm cum poured from her pussy and down to the floor, adding to the puddle that had already been there. Theron was dry heaving at this point and he groaned in pain. Every limb in his body felt sore, but nothing felt worse than his aching cock. Althea sat down on his length with her bubble butt, causing it to twitch. Theron just mumbled and moaned before gritting his teeth. He looked up to see Althea’s face just a few centimeters from his. She glared at him and ground her ass against his cock, forcing one more rope of cum to shoot out from his abused pole. Theron gasped and a tear slid down his cheek before she bit his earlobe. 

“You’re mine, and no else’s. Do you get that?” she hissed. 

The young man nodded and gulped for air. “I get it… I get it… Please it hurts…”

The succubus sighed and kissed him gently, breathing life into his aching bones. But it was just enough to walk, Theron still hurt like he’d been hit by a truck. 

“I love you, but please never leave me…” Althea mumbled. 

Theron grasped her behind and kissed her deeply. “I will never leave you….”

The young man ran a hand through her raven locks and Althea rested her head against his chest, purring lightly. They sat there as the theatre started emptying and eventually the two had to stand. The succubus was light on her feet and looked refreshed, not a hair bent out of shape. Theron had dark circles underneath his eyes, his hair stood in all directions, and his suit was ruined from his and his lover’s juices. 

“Oops~” the succubus teased and mumbled a spell. 

Theron saw as his suit seemed to clean itself before his eyes and the puddle of the floor do the same. He stood up with a groan and stretched. His neck popped when he rolled it and so did his back when he stretched. The pair would exit the viewing booth and head down back towards the main hall. There Samuel spotted them and waved.

“That was a wonderful show lad!” the quarter-god said. 

Theron just shook his head. “I find theatre boring.”

“Theatre? I am talking about that explosive finish! Everyone could hear you and your mistress!” the man bellowed. 

Theron’s face grew pale and he looked around. The warlocks and their familiars eyed him with knowing smirks and a few laughed at his disheveled look. Yadira rose her pitcher with wine at him and laughed. 

“If you wanted to be milked so thoroughly I could have done a much better job, sweetie~” she teased.    

Azazel threw in a jab for good measure. “If you were after such carnal pleasures you should have gone to a brothel, not a theatre. This is no place for such things.”

The crowd murmured in agreement and scoffed at the young warlock. 

Theron looked to Althea who stuck out her tongue at him with a smirk. “I said you needed to be quiet.”

He grabbed his lover’s hand and pulled her out of the theatre, grumbling to himself. “Love, please just shut up.” 

The succubus just giggled in response.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/inuw1p/quiet_in_theater_succubus_exhibition_riding_nsfw

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