Your friend’s college-aged son [M4F] [MF] [younger guy] [college boy] [sweet and tender] [hookup] [cowgirl] [fooling around when left alone] [str8]

• ????: *[M4F] [MF] [younger guy] [college boy] [sweet and tender] [hookup] [cowgirl] [fooling around when left alone] [str8]*

• ????????? ???? ????: *21 minutes. Contains 4224 words*

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It’s a hot summer night. Movie night at our house. My house. Well, my mom’s house. I’m her oldest son back from college for the summer. You’re an old work friend of my mom’s. Well, you’re not old. You’re actually closer to my age than her age. You’re an old work friend in the sense that you two used to work together and now you don’t. You took a new job and moved to a new part of town after a bad breakup.

Sorry, my mom was telling me about it. She’s been worried about you, knows it’s been a rough time. That’s why she invited you over tonight. She doesn’t want you to be alone and sulking. I think you’re doing fine and she’s projecting after being married so many years. My mom has been out of the dating game for a long while and doesn’t really plan on returning any time soon.

Dad is still working late shifts, so he wasn’t going to be home tonight. My mom and my youngest sister were here watching with us. They sort of limited what movies we could pick from. Unfortunately though, after dragging our collective feet on starting the movie, 15 minutes into it my sister’s food allergy flared up. She does this from time to time where she seems to think she can just push her way through an allergic reaction. I can’t blame her sometimes. If my favorite food suddenly started making me swell up, I’d probably try to push it too.

Fortunately, it’s not a severe enough reaction to require her to carry an EpiPen around. It is, however, enough to freak my mom out so that she makes a panicked decision to take my sister to the hospital. She’s overly protective of her youngest and they rush out the door without so much as a look back. We both offered to go with them, but she declined and told us to watch without them.

So that’s how it came to be just the two of us here watching a movie neither of us was really that interested in. Don’t get me wrong, it’s not a terrible movie, but in the wake of all the excitement, it feels kind of awkward. We make some small talk about my sister’s allergic reaction and my mom’s overreaction. I assure you the former isn’t that serious and the latter happens all too much and not to worry.

You still have ice cream in your bowl so we opt to put the movie on while you finish that. Pressing play, you take your seat on the couch again but you’re a little surprised when I sit down next to you. It doesn’t really make sense for me to sit on the lazy boy that sits perpendicular to the TV. It was fine when there was no room on the couch, at least, that’s the excuse I use as I settle in next to you.

At first, we’re both sitting fairly rigid next to each other. There’s a good gap between us. The movie is charming enough and we manage to relax a little. I adjust my position and our bodies brush. I apologize but you tell me it’s no big deal. Still, I shift around a bit trying to get comfy. As you eat your ice cream, you catch me checking you out. I don’t notice you watching me out of the corner of your eye as my eyes sneak a look at your legs and thighs. It’s been so hot lately, we’re both just in shorts and tank tops. Yours are short enough my mom had commented she wished she could pull off ones like that.

I think she thinks of you like a daughter. Or maybe just the gal pal who makes her feel younger than she is. She’s always loved hearing your stories about dating and nights out. I don’t think she even thought twice about leaving us alone here tonight. A text from her saying, “Sorry to leave you. Have fun babysitting~! lol” seems to drive that home. She really still thinks of me like a little kid, huh?

Except I’m definitely not. You notice I steal looks at you when I think you’re not paying attention. Any time you adjust or turn your attention, I overcompensate pretending I’m watching the movie. I’m trying too hard to be cool, which gives you plenty of time to look over my body as well. My tank top reveals my strong shoulders. I’ve got a little tone and definition, not overly athletic, but probably in the best shape of my life so far. Your ex had never really cared much for working out, and while you liked a lot about him physically, there’s something about strong shoulders that gives you immediate grabby hands.

Not that that was your first thought when you saw me, but now your eyes keep going back to them when you chance a peek. When I check a message on my phone, you get a nice long look at my arms too. Even just lounging on the couch, they look strong. You can see several veins under my arm hair. I think you got a little too caught up in appreciating them cause I look up can catch your staring. By how flustered you react, maybe you were imagining them on you. Imagining me pinning you down with my hands.

You do manage to recover a little and you deflect attention away from you towards what I was doing on the phone. You teasingly ask me if I was texting my girlfriend. I sheepishly reply no. What about a boyfriend? No, I sort of give an exasperated sigh and say I was just replying to my mom. She says they made it to the ER but there was a car accident ahead of them so they’re waiting in the lobby for now.

She asked if we were enjoying the movie, wanted to tell you she was sorry to ditch us and to make yourself at home. You laugh a bit at that, maybe a bit too hard since you’re thankful you could divert the attention away from your staring. You comment you’ll make yourself right at home then and you turn your body and stretch your legs right over my lap. Stretching your arms out over your head and give a little relaxing moan. You peek through almost closed eyes and catch my eyes taking a quick detour down your cleavage.

You take some pride in how much I redden when you open your eyes again. I darted my eyes away before you opened them, thinking myself smooth, but still, it got me worked up. You lean into it and ask me if I’m comfortable, mention that you can move your legs if I need to get up. My composure collects and I assure you your legs are fine, that it doesn’t bother me.

I hesitate a moment and gingerly place my hands on my lap, which places them on your legs just below your knees. At my touch, you realize you might have made a bit of a mistake. Maybe it’s been too long since the last time you had someone touch your body but even my hands resting respectfully over your legs feel so good. You’re somewhat flustered since you’d just asked me if it was fine and I wasn’t bothered.

Funny how subtle teasing and playful touches are better when not directly acknowledged. Backing down now would be to admit you were trying to fluster me. That you were baiting me. Your train of thought is interrupted as I ask if it’s okay where my hands are. You look down and my hands really haven’t moved at all, but you realize I’d relaxed my arms a bit. That I was no longer tensely keeping my hands to myself but my now my hands were open and resting on you.

You comment it’s fine and turn your attention back to the movie. We sit in silence watching it for a while but it doesn’t seem to hold your attention like before. You fidget a little and seem distracted. Getting your phone out, you adjust your position. Scooting down so you can lay your head back on the armrest of the couch, your butt is now against my thigh and my hands now rest above your knees.

You try to distract yourself on your phone a bit. No new texts. No new emails. Facebook gives you notifications about an update a friend posted that you already saw. You try to scroll Twitter, but it feels like everyone you follow has gone to bed. AS you refresh for the third time, you become aware that my thumb is gently rubbing against your thigh. You look up at me and notice I’m watching the movie intently. No pretending to be watching while sneaking a little touch, but actively watching the movie. Seems I’m just relaxed enough to absentmindedly stroke your leg.

It does feel nice though maybe you shouldn’t have scooted down so my hands had to rest on your thighs. It was less risky touching your shins or your knees even. Now it’s just a little too nice a touch a little too high up to be ignored.

Speaking of touches that can’t be ignored, you feel something press against the back of your leg. It’s only a moment, as I shift my body awkwardly under you, maybe you even would have missed it if you weren’t already very aware of every little touch happening between us. As I shift my legs my hands grip your thigh firmly before relaxing and going still again.

You see me looking a little flustered and try to break the tension jokingly asking what a girl’s got to do to get some cuddles around here. Or something. I’m seemingly more flustered by the second and don’t even seem to register your comment.

Maybe you’re tired of this little dance around each other. Maybe my little touches have been building your desire up too long to ignore. Maybe it’s just been too long since you had a guy touch you tenderly like this. But you decide to be more direct with your next ask.

You sit up and I go to ask you if anything is wrong when you position your legs on either side of me and straddle my lap. You watch my eyes as you do. There’s a flash of surprise and a moment of bewilderment as you sit on me, but as your arms come down around my head you see my desire come to the surface. Wordlessly, you bring your lips down on mine, ever so slowly. There’s a long slow descent where either one of us could back down, could pull back, and laugh it off as a joke. Make an excuse and take an important phone call.

But we don’t. Neither of us backs down because we both want the other. Our lips collide and the kiss is long and passionate. The need communicated between our lips as we run our tongues over each other. Press our lips together as our bodies press against each other. Your arms over my shoulders, my hands finding your hips as you grind down against me.

Definitely can’t ignore my erection now, though clearly you are done with subtle teasing at this point. My hands slide up your hips to your tanktop and I lift it over your head. A little less gracefully, I pull my own top off as you undo your bra. Before you entirely take it off, you pause and somewhat awkwardly ask me if my mom has said anything about when she’ll be back.

It’s the first time we’ve addressed the somewhat taboo issue of hooking up with your friend’s hot son. It’s not a bad idea to check, but it definitely interrupts the moment and flow of things. Still, leaning into you, I reach for my phone and send a quick text for an update. As we wait in silence for a reply, I put my phone down next to us and start kissing along your chest. Even if they’re headed home now, it’d a 30-minute drive and we’d see them before they saw us.

You remove your bra and press your tits into my face to give me full access with my mouth. I’m kissing long your breasts and teasing your nipples when a text comes back in. We sort of chuckle at the assuredness of it all because what else are we supposed to do as two consenting adults who are acting like we’re in high school hooking up on the couch while our parents are away? My mom says they’re next to see the doctor and that my sister’s swelling has gone down but she wants to be sure. She apologizes for leaving us alone so long and asks if you’re still there.

I raise my eyebrow at you and we weigh the best response. If we tell her you left already, it’d be very suspicious if they came back and your car was still here. So we tell her that we decided to save the movie for them and stopped it shortly after they left. I tell her we’re watching one of the new horror movies that I know she’d have no interest in once we realized they wouldn’t be back so soon. She replies that’s very sweet of us and that she’ll keep us posted.

As soon as I’m sure she’s satisfied with my response and isn’t going to be home any time soon, I toss my phone to the lazy boy and throw my full attention into you. You weren’t exactly waiting patiently, sitting topless on my lap, as I texted. Your hands had been wandering along my body. You’d been planting long passionate kisses on my neck and shoulders as your hands went to my waistband and slipped underneath to find my hard cock.

With motivation like that, I find it hard to keep my own hands from running over you. Well, I’m hard and I’m keeping my hands on you from here on. My fingers sliding along your back and neck, gripping you firmly in my arms and pulling you into me. We lock lips as my hands find your tits and your hand starts to stroke my cock a little. You feel me pulse in your fingers and there’s more than enough of me to grip.

Not to be unfair, my hands drop to your waist and fondle their way around your shorts. I’m a little impatient, but I try to take my time grabbing your inner thigh with my big hands, stroking along your pussy over your shorts. Teasing at your waistband and grabbing handfuls of your ass, I run my hands over you as I look up into your eyes with desire.

After a little bit longer, we decide that if things are going to move forward, we’re gonna have to get up. It’s not the sexiest segway, but the energy still hangs between us. Eagerly, we remove any final offending article of clothing in the way and I a condom out. I’ll have you know I didn’t expect anything like this tonight or between us. I’ve definitely had a crush on you from when I saw you at my mom’s work when we’d stop by, but I had all but figured that was just a crush that would never come to anything. When she said you’d be coming over tonight, I had figured it would be a pretty family-friendly night of movies and popcorn. Politely excusing myself after the movie when the conversation turned to, whatever you and my mom talk about.

Now though, I’m looking up at you lining my cock up with your pussy and teasing me in. I love the view of your body lowering onto mine, of feeling your hot and soaked pussy rubbing against my stiff cock. You’re so damn hot. Even if we hadn’t hooked up tonight, I definitely would have stolen enough glances over your body. Probably would have had thoughts of you after you left, after I was alone, maybe while taking my evening shower before bed. Even a cold shower isn’t enough to cool my blood when I’m worked up. Perks of being a healthy young man, I guess.

Ah, but instead of only imagining you, here I am, feeling you press down on my lap, my cock fill you up nicely. The way you bite your lips and moan as you take me in. Just about the hottest thing. My hands slide up your legs to your hips as you slowly start to rock and roll your hips. For now, I’ll let you move and wiggle your ass as you desire, letting you ride me and control the pace. I grind a little against you, my hands holding onto you firmly, but I don’t thrust and buck into you. Just enjoying watching you enjoy yourself on me. Guess it’s been a while since you’ve had someone new stretching you out?

I tease. Your face is just something to watch as you work along my lap. It’s so very sexy, the faces you make as you slide me in and out of you. Feeling your hands slide along my body, over my shoulders. It starts to become too much to not grab hold of you and start pistoning upwards into you. Grabbing your ass and pushing you down into me, against me, I start thrusting up into you. The moan of pleasure you let out as I do almost makes me lose it, but I keep my pace and only go faster.

Leaning forward into me, my face between your tits, you grip me and hold on tight as I begin slamming up into your pussy. Our hips moving together, the sound of your ass slapping again me rings out through the house. Thank goodness no one is home, I hate quiet sex. I love hearing someone moan into me, moan my name. The way you gasp and make breathy groans with every thrust. I’m not quiet either. I moan your name and gasp as you run your fingers through my hair. You haven’t stopped running your hands over my shoulders, my neck, my head. As I pick up my pace you grip my head in my hair and hold on tight. Seems I’m hitting you in just the right spot.

I try to stifle your moans with my lips but we break and moan into each other’s mouth. Seems we’re both getting too worked up here. It has been a little while for me too. I hope you don’t notice when my hands fumble along your body. It’s hard enough multitasking, thrusting up while running my hands over you while kissing each other so rough. I’m very worked up and excited. Not too over eager, but I’m sure you can tell I want to please you. That I’m struggling to last longer. That my hands are searching your body, exploring, and studying for there to place my hands.

I want to discoer you spots. Your zones. Wherever I can place my fingertips, or grab with my hands, or touch with my tongue, to get you off all the harder. I listen as I go. Both to what you tell me directly, “right there,” “harder,” “slower,” but also, I listen to your moans. What sounds you make when I touch here and there. Your moans that escape your lips, the ones you try to stifle. The gasps and the cries of pleasure you let out. The whimpers especially.

But it’s not just hearing you, but watching you. Your eyes, for one, are very expressive. Pools of the soul, and all, right? I see how you watch me, how your desire burns in your eyes. Your smile extends all the way up to your eyes and I can tell when I’ve really got your number when you give me a certain look. Like that. Whenever I get that look, I want to keep doing whatever it is I’m doing. Doesn’t matter if it’s a little awkward positioning, or if I don’t quite know what it’s doing for you, but that look tells me I’m doing something very, very right.

You arch your back into me and I kiss along your chest and body as you bounce in my lap. I almost slip out of you, you’re so wet and your ass is going so fast. Gripping you harder, I thrust you down into me as I start really thrusting my hips up into you. Full body working under you, it’s not something I can keep up for long, but my cock start slamming you harder and deeper. Gritting my teeth and letting out a stressful, needy groan, I work my motions faster and faster.

Again and again, you feel me filling you up and sliding nearly out of you. As worked up as I’m getting, I’m trying to get you worked up even more. I want to make you cum, to see you gasp and shudder on my cock. We’re two sweaty messes, despite the central air. If we had the house to ourselves if it was our own places we would probably go all night. Tonight though, foreplay started with sitting closer to you and tipping toeing around each other as we checked the other out. Tonight, we need to cum soon so we can clean up and freshen up before we’re caught.

I tense as I begin to reach my limit. My legs sore, even my abs are screaming at me as I thrust full body up into you, but I don’t stop. I couldn’t slow down now if I wanted to. The sounds and expressions you’re making as you build towards your own climax have me enthralled. I’m eating it up and giving you everything I’ve got. Yes, yes, yes, yesssssssss!

With a snap of your head, you cum nice and hard on my cock. It’s impossible to miss as your nails scratch against my scalp and your body grinds just so desperately into my lap. Your cry of pleasure is loud, so fucking loud. And. So. Damn. Hot. Drinking in your pleasure puts me over the edge. I’ve held on as long as I can but seeing you orgasming, shuddering, quivering in my arms, squirming on my cock, it’s too much. I don’t see how anyone else could hold off after all that. My arms wrap around you tightly as my thrusts reach a climax before I release inside you.

As you come down off your own climax, you feel me throbbing and gushing inside you. You’re responsible for how much I just came now. You don’t have to worry about it, but I know I just unloaded a lot of cum. Hearing your voice cry out pushed me over the edge. I moan out your name as I finally start to slow and steady my motions. I have a few more thrusts to give before I relax and collapse back into the couch. Leaning into me, you slide down my lap so you can rest your head on my shoulder.

My hands tense and flex as I sort of, run through my systems. It, I. That was a really hard orgasm for me. I stretch my legs out and wiggle my toes a little as I settle into the cushion under you. I’m very, very comfy. Sore, yes, but in all the right places. I really love being sore from sex. Not a feeling I get quite enough of. When your arms and abs are sore from tensing the night before, that’s such a wonderful feeling. We get to bask a little longer in wordless glory, enjoying the sensations between us. Once we finally stop panting and tracing our fingers along each other, we finally decide it’s time to get up and clean up.

We gather up our clothes and I direct you towards the nearest shower. It’s through the kitchen, down the hall, first door on the right. That’s the best shower. There’s another one upstairs but the water pressure isn’t as strong. I watch your ass sway back and forth as you walk away. I count myself as a very lucky guy to have had the pleasure of pleasuring you.

I’m frebreezing the hell out of the couch and making sure there’s no obvious evidence of our tryst when I hear you shout from the bathroom. I look up to see you hanging around the corner. You ask me if I’m coming and I don’t understand what you mean for a hot second. And then I realize you’re inviting me to join you. I check my phone and confirm we have time to steal a little more fun together. My mom says they left the ER but were really hungry so they went to get food at my sister’s favorite place.

Sorry, I’m not sure why I’m telling you this instead of hurrying to join a sexy woman who has invited me to shower with her. Basically, we have enough time to fool around and get cleaned up if we don’t get too carried away.

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Want to fool around more? ? >!There’s always a little extra ending for those interested. Check my profile for more.!<



  1. **Behind the scenes talk!** I wrote this story after writing one of my roughest and most hardcore stories ever. (That one was about a woman suddenly finding herself in Silent Hill and being stalked and manhandled by Pyramid Head. Not sure if I’ll post that to reddit..) So this is sort of “author aftercare” and this became one of my longest stories to date! Lot of build-up and scene-setting compared to some of my other works which skip right to the fuckin’!

    I’m a sucker for sweet and tender touches and slowly gravitating towards each other. Especially with a new lover, it’s extra nice to feel that pull, the excitement rising between you two as you realize they want to kiss you as well.

    Been feel rather unsexy lately. Or more rather unmotivated to write sexy content lately. Feels like everything is covered in a wet blanket. Didn’t do my normal editing process with this story, just posting it fair raw as it was written. Let me know if you like it! Always nice to hear from readers who enjoyed the story~

    As always, more on my OF. Link on user profile page.

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