Nipnosis [FF, MC, Fetish]


“Hi, I’m—sleep!” the woman commanded as she shook Lana’s hand.

A puzzled look came across Lana’s face briefly, but almost instantly it melted away as the handshake sent a jolt through Lana’s body and she was pulled forward, pulled down deeper and deeper into the woman’s arms, and the soft whispers in her ear were making her realize how she was sinking, sinking deeper into the woman’s arms now and her eyes closed and then —

She was resting on a couch looking up at the woman, but there was a strange distant sense of herself, as though she were watching herself in a film. Her body was so heavy and relaxed, and she realized that the woman was still speaking but she couldn’t understand the words. It was just too much effort to think. She would much rather relax and obey, relax and obey, falling deeper and deeper, feeling her body growing heavier and heavier still. And in just a moment she would go even deeper, even deeper; she saw the woman snap her fingers and instantly she felt her eyes rolling upwards into her head; her eyelids were fluttering now as a great wave of heaviness washed over her and then —

Her mind was blank. She was sinking down, floating down, falling deeply into a well of an empty mind filled with pleasure. Her arms felt like lead, her legs felt like lead, her chest was heavy, so heavy; her head was heavy, her eyelids heavy, so very heavy. She felt her eyelids slam shut and her head slumping against her chest now as her body gave in completely to the words, surrendering completely to the compelling words. Her body was heavy, so heavy, it was impossible to move; she was completely and deeply relaxed now, sinking down further and further. She was deep in hypnosis now. It felt so good! She was being hypnotized.

She felt soooo good, soooo relaxed. A distant touch on her wrist as someone tied a string of balloons to it. She felt her heavy left arm lifting upward, upward, floating up up up, pulling her arm up toward the ceiling now. She felt the soft touch on her right wrist now; someone had tied a balloon to her right arm, it was being lifted up up up by the lofty balloons, floating up, up, up, higher and higher! Her entire body was weightless; she felt her stomach fluttering and her eyes rolling beneath her eyelids as she rose higher and higher, higher and higher; both arms weightlessly being pulled up now, lifting high above her head; drifting up and up and up….

She felt herself rising weightlessly from the couch now, pulled upward by her floating arms — soon she was dangling helplessly relaxed, her wrists still being pulled higher and higher by the balloons. She was floating and so very wonderfully relaxed. She felt her entire body shudder with relaxation, her mind enveloped by a euphoric light-headed sensation of blissful obedience. She must obey. It felt so good, so wonderful.

She would hear the fingers snap, and then she would sink a hundred times deeper.


She gasped as a wave of intense wondrous heaviness cascaded from her mind all throughout her body. Her right arm fell instantly and limply to her side. Her stomach flipped and her eyes rolled upwards under her heavy eyelids. She dangled helplessly by just her left arm now as it struggled to keep her aloft, the rest of her body dangling limply, so utterly relaxed. Her mind was entirely focused on how wonderful she felt, how deeply relaxed she was, how she must obey to keep feeling these wonderful feelings. Distantly she registered a mixture of fear and excitement, knowing that the instant the balloons were released from her left arm, she would become totally and completely vulnerable. She would fall; fall deeper and deeper still. Her mind and body would surrender completely to the voice, would obey its every command. She would not be able to resist; even now she could feel the last ounces of strength draining from her body as she struggled to obey even more, she wanted to feel even more deeply relaxed. She lusted for these wonderful feelings to become even more intense; she needed to surrender, needed to give up her will now to the wonderful voice that commanded her. She wanted this. She wanted to SNAP

She felt her left arm flop down to her side and she was plummeting and her mind was reeling as she spiraled down, down, deeper down with her arm as it plummeted and she fell deeper right along with it; falling deeper and deeper, deeper and deeper; deeply under the voice’s control now, totally hyp-no-tized… she felt her limp body falling right into the warm embrace of the voice’s arms, felt the soft breasts pressing against her own as she helplessly sunk deeply into the soft curves of the voice’s owner. She was soooo deeeeply hypnotized now, deeply hypnotized; her only thoughts were the voice’s words, the words she would obey completely.

She realized how wonderful the soft curves felt against her own. She became suddenly aware of the round nipples, felt the nub of each thick nipple pressing and rubbing against her breasts through her thin t-shirt. Caressing her. She felt her shirt being drawn over her head, felt her bra being unclasped, felt the rush of cool air strike her nipples and make them erect. The other woman’s nipples were stiff, just like her own nipples were becoming stiff. Firmer and firmer, deeper and deeper. The nipples rubbed now in slow circles against her bare breasts and she felt her mind spinning with their rhythm, spiraling deeper and deeper into blissful obedience. She felt a slow warmth spreading from the pit of her navel, building gradually into a fiery passion, a lust for these wonderful breasts that controlled her, an obedience to the voice that controlled her. The soft breasts continued to press against hers, and she felt delicate fingers straying down to squeeze her ass; the delicate fingers squeezed each cheek and she felt herself falling deeper and more limply against the owner’s breasts. The nipples continued to roll slow circles against her own breasts, and every time that they brushed against her nipples which were now very hard she felt herself take a sharp intake of breath as her mind was overloaded with a spike of arousal. She felt hot breath against her ear, felt the words melting into her mind and becoming a part of her. She was fascinated by these breasts, she worshiped these breasts, she was helplessly obedient to these breasts. Whenever she felt breasts pressing against her own, whenever she felt hard nipples pressing into her breasts, she would instantly melt into their owner’s arms, and her mind and body would become just as they were now.

She knew also that whenever she heard the word “breasts” she would become a breast slave and would do and think whatever she was told until she heard the word “OK.” Then she would instantly wake up and not remember what happened, but her breast slave mind would remember everything, and all of it would become a permanent part of her.

She loved breasts… she loved breasts… she felt herself repeating it over and over again in her mind just as the voice instructed as she focused so intently on the stiff nipples rubbing circles against her fleshy mounds. The wonderful voice was telling her to obey. Commanding her to obey. She was a puppet and the puppet-master was pulling her strings in the most wonderful way. She saw images of round perfect breasts spiraling around in her dizzy mind now. She was becoming obsessed, she knew she would dream of breasts whenever she slept, and she would be waking up to wet sheets and stiff nipples. She didn’t care that this wasn’t normal, it all felt too good, so good; she loved breasts… loved…

…breasts, breasts, breasts… she loved breasts, she loved breasts… she… loved… breasts… the voice was telling her to sleep now, and she felt her mind instantly slip away into darkness as the visions of magnificent breasts consumed her and continued to shape her inner self in wondrous new ways.


Lana woke in a hot sweat, her hair was matted against her head; her nipples were rock hard and she found that one of her hands had been groping and squeezing her left breast while the other slowly stroked circles around her clit. Her sheets were soaked with her juices and the room reeked with her salty odor. Vaguely she recalled a distant memory, a sexy voice, big round breasts pressing into hers. An erotic dream?

She almost laughed at herself, thinking it must have been too long since she had taken vacation. Since when was she into women! She’d always needed a nice thick cock to penetrate her, what was so interesting about another woman’s body? Well, besides the breasts which were OK she supposed. Big delicious round breasts. Round and soft large mounds, with stiff nipples, stiff nipples pressing against her breasts, just like in her dream. She could still feel the way the thick nubs felt in her dream, could still feel them as they pressed into her breasts… ohhhh! She groped and squeezed her left breast massaging the soft globe; her other hand circled around her clit faster and faster, rubbing her fingers quickly along the nub as slick juices squicked around her fingers and drizzled onto her sheets. “Oh god, oh god! I’m coming! I’m coming to those juicy breasts!” she screamed.

As she felt her juices cascade onto the sheets between her legs, her body froze, locked and shuddered into the most intense orgasm she had ever felt. Lana gasped and shuddered with her arousal, then felt her body going limp as the orgasm faded. She smiled lightly, still seeing a perfect pair of breasts in her mind’s eye, licking her lips as she realized how much she longed to taste those breasts, to savor and to worship them.

Wait… what? Lana gasped, opening her eyes and curling her lips downward slightly. What had gotten into her? Fuck! She stumbled out of bed and headed to the bathroom to take a cold shower. That would surely clear her mind, it always did the trick.

As she wandered into the bathroom, she couldn’t help but notice her reflection in the mirror, notice how fucking great her breasts looked. They were round and full, with nice half-dollar shaped areola and perky nipples. Oh god, she had nice breasts. She felt a bit of drool spill from her lip as she stared at her own breasts in the mirror, letting her fingertips wander and play. Soon she was groping herself full on, and watching herself lustfully squeeze and rub her wondrous breasts only made her lust even more. She felt like she was looking into a mirror that was reflecting another mirror of pure arousal; the effect kept getting stronger and stronger, and soon the room began to spin. Soon she felt her knees buckling as her legs quaked with the approaching orgasm. Her breathing was ragged and she shuddered as all the little muscles inside of her twitched with release. Her eyelids fluttered and her thoughts became a blurry mess of wonderful perfect breasts.

She woke up a moment later on the bathroom floor, thankfully there was a plushy carpet so she hadn’t hit her head too hard. What the hell?! She immediately started rubbing and squeezing her breasts together; her hands were out of control, she simply couldn’t help herself. She was a fucking breast whore! She could have sworn that just a night before, the only time she had given ANY breasts a moment’s notice was when she was trying to dress her own breasts up to attract cute guys! Now she was obsessed with them, literally obsessed! But her own breasts weren’t satisfying anymore, well that wasn’t quite true; she felt another orgasm hit her as she tugged on one of her nipples, but she needed more! She needed more breasts. Even now she could still feel a deep lust in the pit of her belly; her body was aching to feel wonderful round breasts pressing into her own, just like they had in her… dream.

Where to find more breasts? She wondered if she could hire a hooker to play with her breasts—but no, she wasn’t that desperate just yet. Ummm… oh! She worked at a hospital. She could slip into a patient’s room, a patient who had just had breast immmplants; she could pretend that it was her assignment. Yes, that was it, that was definitely within her reach and she wouldn’t have to pay for it and they would be so perfect and round and she could play with them under the pretense of an “examination check-up.” She smiled deviously as the plan began to take shape.

“But it’s Saturday!” she said aloud. “I don’t work on Saturdays!” Oh well, she thought. She had needs. She could find a way around this. She scurried to her feet and hopped in the shower. She needed to get ready for work! Oooh, the soap feels so good… “Well, there’s no rush,” she said as she lathered up her breasts and sighed with delight. “It’s not like I can be late, I’m not even on the schedule.”


It had been pretty easy. She had called every co-worker on the list until she found one who was willing to give up the shift. She just said she needed the hours really badly. Well, she certainly did have a pressing need, but it had nothing to do with pay.

The problem now was that her coworker wasn’t assigned to any plastic surgery units. So she was thinking she should plan on going through the rooms really quickly, and then when she finished early she could find a plastic surgery patient to do a “check-up” exam.

She was on one of the last rooms; it had a scrawny teen, he was probably not too far past puberty. He looked entirely healthy, definitely like he didn’t belong here. Oh, wait a minute, she knew this kid. He was messed up. His parents were rich hypochondriacs and they hospitalized him every time he caught a cold. He used to hate the hospital when he was a little kid, but ever since he hit puberty he seemed to like it a lot more.

“Hi Nurse! Can you check me? My breasts hurts,” he said. Maybe it was his lisp, or a simple Freudian slip of tongue… but Lana definitely heard him say “breasts,” not “breath.” She sighed with a smile and her arms fell limply to her sides and her face took on a distant expression as visions of breasts spiraled through her mind.

“Hey, Nurse! Did you hear me?”

Lana smiled. She felt really good, it was like she was watching a sexy movie of herself. One part of her kept seeing repeating images of round wonderful breasts while the other part floated and would do whatever it was told, she would obey completely, just like in her dream. It was exactly like her dream, it was like she was dreaming again right now. “Yesss…” she said. It sounded really distant to her, it was wonderful.

“You’re pretty,” said a distant voice.

“I’m pretty,” she heard herself echo.

“You have big boobies.”

“I have big boobies.”

“Damn you’re sexy, you’re a wet dream, you know that?”

“I’m… sexy… I’m a wet dream,” she said, smiling blissfully, feeling quite beautiful as her mind spun in circles.

The kid patted the side of his bed, “C’mere Nurse, sit with me,” he said.

She felt her hips swap as she walked towards him and took a seat on the side of his bed.

“Will you show me your boobies?”

Lana’s mind registered it as a command. “Show you my boobies,” she said. The kid’s eyes grew wide as he watched her dazedly slip the scrub shirt over her head. She smiled blissfully, unclasping her bra and letting her heavy globes spring free. The kid got a huge grin on his face, but Lana could only see swirling images of bouncing boobies.

She felt his sweaty hands grasping at her boobs, groping and squeezing, and tugging on her nipples.

“You like this?”

“I like this,” she echoed, and she really did. Her nipples were incredibly sensitive, and with every grope and every squeeze, she felt a wave of pleasure wash through her body. As the teenager played with her breasts, she felt her mind being pulled deeper into the dream; she was thinking only of breasts, thinking only of wonderful breasts, she could think of nothing else. She wasn’t even in the room anymore, her mind was spinning as images of bouncing boobs flashed through her mind. Every time she felt her breasts being squeezed another image of breasts spiraled through her mind.

“OK, this is awesome, you’re obeying my every command. Ohhh man, my cock is so hard it hurts, give me a blowjob!” He slid his pants down, this was just too good to be true, it must be a dream.

Lana blinked a few times, her mind returning slowly from a haze. She looked around the room feeling a bit disoriented. She noticed that she was bending forward, just inches away from a nice throbbing penis, her soft lips nearly touching the shaft. Sweaty hands were squeezing and groping her breasts. It felt really, really good, wow it felt good! But oh god, she realized suddenly that this was with a kid who’s barely 18, if even. She struggled against her lust and mustered enough willpower to slowly break free from his grasp. She moaned as his fingertips slipped away from her breasts and they bounced against her chest.

“Heeey… what? Come on! Nurse! Please? Sit down.”

Letting her fingertips wander down to her crotch, she dashed out of the room, grabbing her shirt. Thankfully it seemed that no one had noticed her little encounter.

As she cooled off a bit and slipped her scrubs back on, she couldn’t shake the wonderful feelings that were still coursing through her body. She was 10 years his senior, but for some reason she really enjoyed him playing with her breasts, she longed to feel his sweaty hands grasping her again. She also had an odd sensation in her mind that for some reason showing that kid her breasts made her feel really beautiful, really sexy, and she realized that he would probably have wet dreams about her bare breasts for years. Oh god, that was hot. Speaking of her breasts, she looked down at her chest and gave one a squeeze. Were they bigger? They seemed bigger.

Moaning excitedly as she pushed and squeezed her breasts, Lana continued toward the plastic surgery recovery rooms.


Damn, this was too good to be true! A rather attractive looking woman, probably in her early thirties, was resting on a bed in a private room, sleeping. Her large newly-enhanced breasts slowly rose and fell with each breath. Lana glanced around the hallway briefly before slipping in to the room and closing the door quietly behind her.

For a long while, she just stared, unable to tear her eyes away from the glorious mounds. Even under the hospital gown, these breasts were fantastic. She wanted to see them in full! Her mind raced with thoughts of what size the areola were, how big were the nipples, were they long or short? What did the slope of her breasts look like? How would they feel against hers… ohhmm…

The patient opened her eyes to the sound of a woman moaning, looking a bit startled. “Uh… are you… what are you doing?”

Lana blushed, obviously embarrassed at being caught red-handed. “I, uh…”

The woman saw that Lana was staring at her breasts. “Why are you staring at my boobs?”

Lana cleared her throat, approaching slowly, her eyes still fixated on the woman’s breasts. “I’m here for your check-up, miss. How are you feeling?”

“Oh… I… see, well thank you, I suppose. Yes, I’m doing quite well actually, although still pretty tender,” the woman said softly.

“Take off your gown please, I’ll need to see them as I’m checking their healthiness,” Lana said with a slight smile. Her heart raced with anticipation.

The woman sat up and leaned forward in the bed, pulling the hospital gown over her head. Her breasts were very large and firm, with a wonderful round shape and pert nipples that stuck out just slightly.

Wetting her lips, feeling her pulse racing, Lana moved in to grasp the heavy globes. She tried not to look to ambitious, but her lust was overpowering. She lifted the right breast first, slowly feeling its suppleness in the palm of her hand, her clit quivering slightly as she gently squeezed the heavy breast. At first she had been pretending to examine the breast, checking for scarring and such, but within a few seconds she had already started to enjoy this so much that she couldn’t hide her own pleasure; she closed her eyes and moaned lightly as she continued to lightly squeeze and feel the heavy globe with her palm and fingertips.

“Um… nurse? This is, uh…” but the woman wasn’t really sure what to say or do.

Lana started rolling the nipple between her fingertips, moaning as she squeezed and groped at the woman’s breast. She started panting lightly, moving closer, leaning in as her lips started forming an “o” shape; she needed to taste, feeling just wasn’t enough anymore.

The woman was getting a bit uncomfortable, this was weird. “Nurse? I’m flattered, but uhm… you’re playing with my breasts…”

Lana face instantly went blank and her hand dropped from the woman’s breast; both arms fell limply at her sides. In Lana’s mind, she smiled as the powerful imagery returned to the forefront of her mind, spiraling around her as the now-familiar feelings of lightheadedness and deep hypnosis mixed with the sensation of being completely and utterly obedient. With the fresh memory of this woman’s wonderful breasts in her fingertips, she felt like she was even more distant, even more deeply hypnotized now than before; her mind was swirling and spiraling into blissful oblivion, and the room was spinning around her.

“Uh… are you alright?”

“Yesss…” she slurred, smiling stupidly, swaying on her feet.

“Well, you’re obviously enamored with my breasts, and I’m flatted, but what is that all about? You don’t just walk into a patient’s room and start feeling her up. What’s your problem?” the woman asked.

“I’m hypno… hypno….tized… hypnotized. Breasts. They’re… very nice breasts… wonderful breasts. Obsssessed with breastss, obey, obey… I must obey” Lana murmured with a distant smile. She really loved this woman’s breasts, she was enamored with them, she was in love with them. She would do whatever they told her to do.

The woman looked dumbfounded for several moments, unable to believe what she was seeing and hearing. But as she stared at the hypnotized nurse, she slowly began to accept the truth: somehow, this nurse had been hypnotized, this nurse was completely obedient to her now, completely supple to her every desire. The woman felt a light warmth spreading from her navel as she realized the implications of this; she could do whatever she wanted with this nurse, the hypnotized nurse would do whatever she wanted her to do.

“So… you’ll do whatever I say, hmm?” the woman asked, a slight smile on her face.

“Yesss…” Lana murmured, her eyes staring blankly at the woman’s bare breasts, tracing the curves of each nipples with her heavy eyes as her mind whirled in spirals.

“I don’t believe you, let’s test this out. Are you a lesbian?”


“Have you ever had sex with a woman?”


“Well I’m horny, it’s been a week since I’ve seen my husband. Go down on me now, that’s right, feel your eyes drawn to my wonderful clit; let your obsession transfer to my wondrous clit, see it glistening, you must pleasure me now!” the woman allowed her passion to take over, overwhelmed by the prospect of having a mesmerized slave who was helpless to obey her every command. If there had been any doubt in her mind, it ceased as Lana slowly leaned in to make love to the woman’s juicy vagina.

“Oh… oh my, you are good,” the woman cried, thrusting her hips against Lana’s face as Lana’s tongue worked its way around her throbbing clit. Lana continued tirelessly, and she perfectly obeyed the woman’s subtle instructions as the woman commanded her. Before long the woman was coming, coming all over the bed, her sheets stained with her juices. The woman panted as she caught her breath, curling her manicured fingers in Lana’s messy hair as the sexy nurse continued to go down on her devotedly.

“Enough! Kiss me, kiss me now!” the woman cried, pulling Lana onto the bed to lock in an embrace. Their tongues pressed together and the woman let her bare breasts press into Lana’s as they made out. Lana fell even limper into the woman’s arms as they did this; her eyes were completely glazed over now and devoid of all expression as she fell into a somnambulist state.

“Do you live with anyone?” the woman asked.

“No…” Lana echoed distantly.

“Do you have a boyfriend?”


“You will come home with me; I want to share you with my husband. He’s the reason I got these implants. You’ll love my husband. He’ll love your breasts too, they’re very nice. You can be our new toy, you’ll love being our new play toy,” the woman smiled, rubbing a hand down Lana’s belly and onto her crotch. Lana’s body responded with stiffening nipples and a wetness between her legs, but she continued obediently french kissing the woman who commanded her, her mind completely empty.

“Mmmm, yess, oooh… OK, I can’t wait,” the woman smiled, breaking off the kiss.

Lana blinked a few times suddenly, returning from a distant dream. She found that she was sitting naked, straddling a beautiful woman with huge and wonderful breasts. God, she loved this woman’s breasts! She wanted to go home with this woman, whoever she was. She really wanted to go home with this woman. Oh god, she was enamored with this woman’s breasts. As she stared at the woman’s breasts, she wondered what the woman’s husband looked like; but she realized that she didn’t care what he looked like, for some reason she was really turned on by just the thought of him, she loved him already. She wanted to go home with this woman and her husband and be their sexual plaything, their toy. She felt herself dripping with arousal and her hand drifted down to her crotch as the patient intertwined fingers with her other hand.

It was going to be a good night.



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