Having Some Brie, Chapter 9 [fm] [Incest] [Brother/Sister]

[Chapter 8](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ihzcpk/having_some_brie_chapter_8_fm_incest_brothersister/)

I woke up with my morning wood between her thighs and her rubbing her ass against me. It was so surreal, transitioning smoothly from sleep to kissing her neck and thrusting into the space between her legs. Brie reached back and pulled my head in close, sighing in contentment and rubbing her thighs together to enhance the sensitivity.

“First thing in the morning, sis?” I rumbled, my morning voice gravelly. She tittered and touched my tip poking out from under her mound, fingers grazing and lightly squeezing the spongy tissue. I massaged her breasts in return.

“This wasn’t my idea, you perv,” she retorted, turning around and kissing me. We both had morning breath and we both grimaced a little, making us both chuckle. “I woke up like this. You must’ve been having a good dream.” Her voice was slightly husky, and I throbbed harder.

“I hurry through my dreams because reality is so much better,” I murmured, and she scoffed and batted my leg.

“That was so damn corny. You’re too much.” With that, she released her grip on me. I groaned a complaint and rolled out of bed, standing and stretching, feeling invigorated. “You have practice and work today?”

“Yeah,” I grumbled. “Doesn’t leave us much time to do anything.”

“We still have the evening. God, I can’t wait for the weekend.”

I looked over at her slyly as I got dressed. She caught the expression and scowled even as her cheeks colored, and I laughed. We went about our mornings, and I rushed through some simple math homework I had procrastinated on yesterday in favor of sniffing Brie’s panties. I almost laughed again, thinking back to her reaction.

Mom was running late for work, dumping scrambled eggs and soft bacon onto plates. She managed a hurried “Good morning” to the two of us before whisking a granola bar out of the box and flying out the door. It was little wonder mom would crack under the pressure, and it left an ugly feeling in my gut as we ate. Brie and I discussed things we could do for her, and settled for buying her a day at the spa the next time we had enough money between us.

We boarded the bus a bit more chipper. Drew lightly punched me on the shoulder in way of greeting, and I grunted and tipped my chin up in a nod.

“It’s okay if you wanna sit with your sister, Stef,” he said with a grin. “I’ll be lonely, but I’ll understand.”

“So full of shit,” I answered dismissively, and he chuckled. Then I had a thought. “What about Lauren? Or Bella?”

“Lauren’s tastes change with the freaking moon cycles,” he snorted. “Not saying she’s a slut or anything, but it’s like she has a flavor of the month every time you check.” I almost laughed at that. I wondered if Brie knew. “Bella…” Drew scratched his chin in thought. “Not exactly my type, but we’re graduating at the end of the year anyway. Couldn’t hurt, but I dunno.”

“I’m guessing you’re not partial to Lexi, with all the times you’ve interacted.”

He gave me a triumphant look. “I thought Lexi was yours. Or are you giving her up in favor of… somebody else?”

I couldn’t help closing my eyes and kicking myself internally. Which, of course, was exactly the kind of tell he was waiting for. The jig was up. *Idiot*. “Drew–”

“Hey man, it’s alright.” He sat back in his seat, not meeting my eyes. “I’m your best friend. God knows nobody else woulda put up with me all these years. Wouldn’t be right for me to narc on you for being fucked in the head.” I swallowed. “But you guys have been through a lot, so if you need me to look the other way, I got you.” He stared out the window. “Just make sure you guys *keep that shit under wraps*, alright?”

“Yeah,” was all I could manage. It was hard to know how to feel about this. We were silent for a while as he stared out the window. Finally he turned back to me with a smirk.

“So how long?”

“A week.”

“Goddamn, you guys move fast.” He shook his head. “Might be weird for a bit while I wrap my head around… some stuff, but I think we’ll be good. Does your mom know?” I gave him a humorless look. “Right. That’d be crazy, huh? And have you guys… y’know?” He moved his hands as if pushing air together, and I hesitated. He nodded in understanding. “That’s a no, but you plan to.”

I pinched the bridge of my nose and he laughed. Why couldn’t Brie and I have had dumber friends? Because dumber friends wouldn’t have been able to keep the secret, that’s why.

“Gotta say, you really gave me the runaround lately,” he said with a chuckle.

“Can you blame me?” I muttered.

“I actually get it. Kinda,” he admitted. “She’s hot, you guys are stuck in a tiny place together, and… stuff like this has been getting pretty… ‘Popular’ seems like the wrong word. ‘Mainstream?’” He paused, looking pensive, then suddenly his eyes widened in epiphany. “Oh shit, is it a ‘chicken and egg’ kinda deal? Like, you watch that shit, and then…”

“It’s what I like to tell myself,” I sighed. He nodded as if that made all the sense in the world. And then he launched into a convoluted explanation of a hypothesis he had, where incestuous relationships were just the next step following the acceptance of interracial and homosexual relationships, and would in turn be followed by zoophilic, pedophilic, and necrophilic relationships as social mores evolved over the ages. I had to shut him up because it was a ridiculous theory – particularly the latter portion – and because it was making me self-conscious at the same time. But he was still speaking to me. We were still friends. And you couldn’t put a price on a friendship like that.

“So. Drew knows,” I announced.

“Drew knows?” Brie echoed, her voice scarcely a whisper, eyes wide in trepidation.

“What did I tell you? I wouldn’t be the one to let it slip,” Lexi crowed. “Was it your dumb ass?”

I sighed and nodded. Brie looked ready to strangle me, and Drew grinned at me from across the lunch table.

“I’m sorry about Fair Day, baby,” Lexi crooned, hooking an arm around his shoulder. “But you know I was just having too much fun teasing these two.” They turned their eyes to me and Brie simultaneously, and we both squirmed.

“Kind of a big secret to be playing around with,” Drew commented, still eating while ignoring Lexi’s flirtatious behavior.

“But that’s what makes it fun! You saw how riled up Stef got!” Drew nodded in concession. “And it’s just so hot to think about what they get up to!”

I think Brie wanted to dig a hole for the both of us. Naturally she’d bury me first for spilling the beans.

“Whoa, wait,” Drew said, shrugging Lexi’s arm off and turning to face her. They were carrying on this conversation as if Brie and I weren’t there. “You’re into that stuff too?”

“Well yeah, it’s hot if somebody *else* is doing it. I’d never do my *own* brother, if I had one.”

“Lexi!” Brie snapped.

“Relax, honey, no judgement. I still love you.” Lexi waved her off before turning back to Drew. “Besides, they’re such a cute couple! Have you ever seen them this happy before?”

Again, Drew conceded to her point and nodded. Brie let out a long and drawn-out groan, nearly resting her face in her fruit salad. My stomach was doing bellyflops. Luckily the canteen was noisy with people eating lunch and talking, but I looked around anyway for people listening in on the conversation.

“Nobody heard a thing, Stef,” Lexi assured me, with a look as if to remind me of our conversation at the pool yesterday. I reached over and gave Brie’s hand a squeeze. She almost tried to pull away from me, but eventually gave a squeeze back.

“Since we’re on the subject,” I said hesitantly. “Lex, is it okay if we stayed at your place again this weekend?” Lexi’s eyes lit up like stadium floodlights.

“Why, what’s going on this weekend?” Drew asked, looking between the three of us.

“I’ll tell you later,” Lexi murmured to him. Brie was about to say something before she continued, “Just kidding. Probably not something you’d want to know about.”

Drew frowned, then realization dawned on his face and he pointedly returned to his food.

“Lexi, you’re killing us,” I groaned.

“No dying before the weekend,” she replied with a wink.

“You dumbass,” Brie growled.

As soon as she walked in, Brie dropped her gym bag and leaped at me, beating her fists against my chest. I laughed and wrestled with her, grabbing her wrists as she flailed. We almost fell off my bed, and I had to pull her back to safety before straddling her and using my weight to hold her down. She gave one more feeble attempt at breaking free before glaring at me.

“Who are we gonna tell next, huh?” she muttered angrily.

“I dunno. Who told Lexi, before this all even started? ‘Cause it wasn’t me.”

For a moment she didn’t have a response for that, looking away sheepishly. “She figured it out. You *told* him.”

“Oh c’mon, give the guy some credit. Drew’s not an idiot.” I gave her a peck on the lips and got off her, and she propped herself up on her elbows. “The people closest to us are the most likely to find out.”

“And when is mom gonna find out? I doubt she’d be as receptive as our friends.” She arched an eyebrow, and I grunted my agreement.

“As long as we don’t do anything stupid–”

“Like what we’ve been doing.”

“–Mom will be too busy to notice.”

Brie studied me, lost in thought. Then she crooked a finger, beckoning me to her. I leaned down and she cupped my cheek as she kissed me. Our tongues danced together, both of us moaning before we parted.

“It’s too late to stop this, isn’t it?” she asked me quietly.

“Afraid so. I love you, Brie.”

She gave me a small smile. “Love you too.”

She sat up, and I lay down in her place. I turned my head to the sheets and breathed deeply as she stood to get ready for a shower.

“My bed smells like you now,” I said with a grin. She quirked her brows before rolling her eyes.

“Our beds smell like each other. And sex. Stop sniffing, you perv.”

“It’s a good thing mom doesn’t do the laundry.”

She paused, as if a thought had just occurred to her. She looked at me suspiciously. “Have you ever sniffed mom’s panties?”

“What? No!”

A wry smirk was playing at her lips. “You don’t get to act disgusted at stuff like that.”

“Fucking hell, Brie. No. God, no. That’s different.”

“Is it? I mean, just last week you said she was beautiful.”

“Jesus fucking Christ. You know that’s not how I meant it,” I growled, and she couldn’t hide the telltale biting of her lip to keep from laughing. “You’re the worst sister ever.”

“Really? I’d argue that I’m the best,” she giggled, pulling up her shirt and letting her tits bounce free. I must have reacted predictably because she laughed and pulled her shirt back down before leaving for the bathroom.

I shook my head and stood, making my way to the kitchen to start dinner. I wanted to make burgers, but we didn’t have the bread. Or the cheese. I settled on spaghetti and meatballs, and was just opening the microwave when mom came back. She was early, I noted with irritation. Then I felt guilty for thinking that. I was being selfish, mourning the privacy Brie and I could have had for the evening. Stop thinking about sex, Stef. Especially sex with your sister. Twin sister. Damn it, Drew was absolutely right; I was fucked in the head.

“Hey, sweetheart,” mom said, voice filled with exhaustion.

“Welcome home, mom. Just in time for dinner. Spaghetti and meatballs.”

“Sounds wonderful. I’m famished.” She dropped her purse and keys on the counter and sank into the couch.

I went about cooking dinner while mom rested her eyes. I heard Brie exit the bathroom and turned to see her in nothing but a towel, a naughty grin on her face. She flashed me a view of her naked body and my eyes bugged out. My eyebrows shot up urgently, and I jerked my head in mom’s direction. Brie finally noticed her, and I swear she almost froze. Instead she frantically wrapped herself back up, but the sound of the towel flapping caught mom’s attention.

“Brie? Is that you, baby?” mom said, not opening her eyes.

“Hey, mom. Just got out of the shower,” Brie called as she backed away, altering her voice to sound distant.

“Your brother’s cooking dinner. Go and get ready.”

I breathed a sigh of relief and shook my head at Brie. She mouthed a “sorry” at me before going to get dressed. I think I’d broken out in a cold sweat.

She came back out in a t-shirt and shorts as I announced, “Dinner’s ready.”

Mom moved to stand, but I brought her plate over to her and the three of us sat in the living room, Brie and I at opposite sides of mom.

“Thank you, sweetheart,” mom said. “This is good, I was actually going to suggest we watch something together while we ate. We haven’t done something like this in ages!”

“What did you wanna watch?” I asked, turning on the TV.

“Just whatever you two watch when I’m not home.”

Thankfully, mom didn’t catch it when both Brie and I hesitated. We couldn’t very well show her On the Waltz Floor, particularly the episode we were on.

“You mean that old sitcom that popped up in the ‘Suggested’ feed?” Brie prompted, and I immediately relaxed. It had a laugh track, slapstick, and cheap humor, and it turned out to be just the thing to pass the time. Mom seemed to enjoy herself, at least. Brie and I traded a few glances over the course of the meal, and when the show was over I collected our plates to wash while mom said goodnight and went to take a shower. Brie stood beside me, keeping her voice low as she helped me dry the dishes.

“Close one,” she murmured.

“No shit. You almost flashed mom.” I snickered a bit, and she slapped my arm. “Fucking hell, Brie. I mean, it woulda been pretty hot if we were alone, but…”

“Yeah. I didn’t hear her come back.” She was a rosy shade of pink as she rubbed a towel against a plate. “Guess we won’t be doing anything tonight.”

“Well…” I began, and she gave me a look somewhere between surprise and warning. “If we’re really quiet…”

“Stef, no. One person discovering our secret is enough for one day.”

“So you’re saying you can’t help but moan and scream when I pleasure you,” I said with a grin. She glared daggers at me but said nothing. When we were done, she led the way back to our room. Was she angry again?

We went about doing our homework and getting ready for bed, changing into sleepwear. I was on my bed, the covers loosely rolled up to one side. Brie came back from brushing her teeth and turned off the lights. Then she crawled into bed with me.

Her tongue was in my mouth before I could say anything, the taste of mint playing delightfully into the kiss. We rolled until she was on top of me, and I cupped her face while we made out. One of her hands reached down and squeezed me between my legs, and I groaned. Our clothes were off soon enough, discarded to the floor like they were aflame. Brie turned around and placed her legs on either side of my head, leaning down to give my member a lick. Her pussy was mere inches from my face, already dripping wet. Literally. Strings of her nectar were falling into my waiting mouth, and when she took my cock in hers, I likewise pulled her hips down to my lips.

We were both moaning while we serviced each other. She tasted like a mild dessert; I couldn’t get enough of her. I sank my tongue into her folds and she stopped sucking on me to moan out loud.

“Quiet,” I whispered between licks. She obediently continued working on me, head bobbing up and down on my throbbing manhood. She came first, vaginal muscles tightening around my tongue and hips bucking, pushing my head down into my pillow. Her own tongue had stopped curling around me, leaving her throat impaled while she recovered. Aftershocks made her shudder as I continued without pause, both licking her mound and pinching her clit with my fingers while I thrust gently up into her mouth.

She recovered enough to begin taking me deep, saliva thickening as it mixed with the mucus from her throat. I used more fingers to play with her puffy lips while I licked her, and I think I felt the beginnings of another orgasm as she trembled. To think that we had decided to do this, knowing that mom was home… Brie’s throat flexed on my cock, and I let her drink straight from the source as I came. She gulped it down hungrily, and she was aroused enough by doing so that she climaxed again, mashing her loins into my face and burying my nose in feminine musk to the point where I couldn’t breathe. Like a feedback loop, the suffocation and pheromones only made my finish stronger, and by the time we came down from our respective highs, I was completely drained.

Her gag reflex was gone in the bliss, my length lancing her throat and holding her fast. She was too worn out to pull herself off, and when I helped her up a thick glob of phlegm rolled out of her mouth and onto my still-hard erection. I shivered in pleasure before twisting her back up so that we could spoon, leaving my shaft sandwiched in her thigh gap. She was still insensate, quietly moaning incoherently, and I wrapped my arms around her and breathed in the scent of her shampoo.

We both knew what awaited us this weekend.


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/im8yfw/having_some_brie_chapter_9_fm_incest_brothersister


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