Starting My First Erotica Ebook

The stories I have been posting have gotten great feedback and views. So I have decided to start my first long-form erotica, My plan is to write an ebook (Undecided Length) about a girl’s coming of age inside of a strict cult. She will have to decide if it is worth staying in the community while being passed around to find her perfect match. The plot will be guided partly by fans, while I work out the details in the story. When the book is complete, I plan to find a place to post it for purchase. For people wanting to get involved in the creation, there is another option. On Patreon, I will allow subscribers exclusive access to the unreleased book until it is available for purchase. The subscribers during the release month will be sent a free digital copy. For more detail check out the post explaining it here [](

The subscribers can choose supporter rank for $3 USD which gives them early access on the page.

There are also tiers that include the option to get stories EVERY WEEK that are custom written about any of your fantasies of choice.

Story Intro/Idea Here (This is just how the story would start in a rough draft)

My name is Sarah, I decided to start keeping track of life inside of the Saints of Mount Claire Cult. Only here we did not call ourselves a cult. We call ourselves a religious group that believes that God will come down to save us before taking out the sinners of the world. People here have been broken down to the most basic human beings through years of religious training from our leader Jackson. He preferred to be called father by his dedicated followers. When I turned 18 last week, my mother sat me down to explain the rules of becoming a woman in the community. Once a woman turned 18, she was matched with partners until finding the correct choice. Father was the only member of our community who could speak to God so he had the final choice in all matchmaking. It took him nearly 3 weeks to give me my first match with a man of the community. Since I was known as the quiet girl with too much knowledge, he matched me with Franklin. He was one of the three teachers in the community. The 29-year-old man had lived in the community since being recruited at 19 from his college campus. Franklin was not my ideal man. but there were surely worse options around the town.
