East Flying West Ch. 1 [AMWF/AMXF][Story]

East Flying West – Chapter 1

Ryan Wong is a regular 24 years old Chinese guy. He had lived his whole life in Hong Kong. He had medium length black hair, with shorter sides and back, and was overall physically fit as he went to the gym 2-3 times a week usually. Ryan just earned his masters degree in physics and was thinking about what to do next. The world had just been declared Covid free by the World Health Organization. He was thinking about going abroad to get a PhD in physics as he wanted to see the world as he never had left Hong Kong yet.

Ryan went to his parents house tonight for a family dinner. Growing up he got treated well as he was an only child so his parents had more than enough money for his growing up. Ryan did never fee lonely though as many of his cousins live in Hong Kong as well and the families met up quite regularly.

During the family dinner Ryan told his parents about him wanting to possibly to abroad for his PhD. His parents were supportive of his plans and even helped him look for an university. A PhD abroad would cost a lot of money and he would have to work abroad as well if he wanted to be able to afford living.

A few days later Ryan got a call from his dad saying he thinks he knows where Ryan could go for his PhD. Ryan’s dad talked with family and friends and they recommended The University of Manchester in the United Kingdom. He thought it was a great idea. He was dozing off about what the UK would look like, then all of a sudden he hears his dad say:

“Ryan, Ryan? Are you still there?”.

Ryan responded “Sorry, dad i’m still here.”

“I have more news for you actually, Zoe Tang is going to The University of Manchester this year actually, isn’t that great!”

“Okay, I always got on great with her so that’s good” The call ended shortly after.

Zoe Tang was the daughter of a family friend. She was a bit younger, only 18. She was slim with long black and quite good looking he thought. He usually got on quite well with her.

Ryan started looking for a job and was in luck, the university needed a physics teacher for the first year undergraduate students. Having a master degree was enough to apply for the job while studying his PhD. He applied for both his PhD and the job as a teacher.

Time passed and Ryan checked his e-mail during his break at work, which was as a cook at his parents restaurant. He opened it and it said that he was accepted for his PhD degree, he was excited. His parents agreed to pay for most of it if he got accepted and worked the remainder of the year in the restaurant till he leaves to go to the UK. A few days after he got another e-mail saying he was considered as a teacher, he talked with them a bit more over calls and eventually got the job. Everything was going perfect.

Months pass by and 3 more days till he was boarding a flight to the UK together with Zoe, his parents arranged it so that she would feel more safe traveling with someone she knew.
He just realized something, he never asked what Zoe was doing for her undergraduate as having her in his class could be slightly awkward, he texted her to ask. He got a message a few minutes later.

“Don’t worry, I’m doing History .”

Ryan felt slightly relieved, it made things a little easier. He started packing.

It was the last day before he left, he was working his final hour before he would go out clubbing with his friends one last time. He just finished this dish but no waiter came to pick it up and it had been a while, he decided to bring it out himself, as he approached table 17 he saw this gorgeous girl, she had straight blonde hair and bright blue eyes and appeared to be about 22-24. She seemed to be with her family and as he approached the table he said:

“A chicken Chow Mein house special”

“That is mine, thank you” he looked over and it was for the cute white girl.

He usually didn’t see many white people as his house was not in the tourist area. As he gave the dish, she gave a wink to him. He walked away quite happy.

“Really? An asian guy?”
Ryan heard this coming from the table he just served. He could only assume it was her dad speaking.

“Oh just leave her alone, she can think whatever she likes” Said the women who was assumed to be the girl’s mother.

“ I think he was attractive and you are just angry that my mom left for an asian guy.” Said the gorgeous girl.

Now Ryan knew why he was so angry, he went back to work and unfortunately didn’t get the chance to see her again as they left quickly after finishing their food. He went home and got ready to go out clubbing with his friends, Ryan went over to his friends house and met up with them. They got into an uber and went to a club called “Dragon-i”, he had been here before a few times.

Ryan is drinking quite a bit and has a good time with his friends. After 2 hours it is about 1 AM and a girl comes up to him as he is in a quiet area of the club. He recognizes her immediately, it is Lily from when he went to university here. The had talked a little bit before occasionally. She was an average looking asian girl, a bit on the tall side for an asian girl Ryan thought.

“Hey Ryan, you remember me right?”

“Yes i do, how you been?”

“Pretty good, okay don’t be shocked but i’ve been drinking a lot and think you are handsome.”

“Thank you, you look nice too. I’m here with Tom and Chu tonight. Who are you with?”

“Tessa, you don’t know her. She left with a guy earlier, so i was planning on doing the same, hope you wanted to be that guy” she smiled after saying that.

He decided to say yes as this was his last night, might as well make it fun. He told Chu and Tom that he was leaving with her. He took her to his flat and then into his bedroom. She started to take off her clothes.

“You do want me right?”

“Yeah, i assumed sex when you asked me to go home with you to be honest haha”

“You got a condom? I got some in my bag incase you don’t.”

“They’re in my drawer”
Ryan put a condom on his dick. Shortly after they started having sex, but he couldn’t get that cute white girl out of his head from earlier today. It wasn’t very good sex, so his mind started to drift off more and more towards that white girl from that winked at him. Ryan started to get closer and closer. He could just imagine her face in his mind as he was thrusting inside her.

“Ohhhh…. I’m cu-cu-cumming in a wh-white pussy.” He said while cumming inside lily’s pussy. He realized he actually came inside his ex-classmate’s asian pussy which she didn’t seem to have shaved in a while. He never even thought about fucking non-chinese girls before, but was fantasizing about that girl’s pussy. It probably would’ve been soft and clean shaved he thought.

“Huh? What did you say? Sounded like you said white pussy?”

“Oh what? Thats ridiculous, I just moaned how i was cumming in your pussy.”

“Oh good, I would feel offended if someone was thinking about a white girl while fucking me, they get already praised too much by everyone.”

The next day Lily left his flat and Ryan got ready to say goodbye to his parents and take off with Zoe to the UK. Ryan’s parents drove him to the airport where they met Zoe’s family.
They had something to eat together and were saying their goodbyes to their families. Ryan boarded the plane with Zoe together, and started making small talk with Zoe once they sat down. All of a sudden Ryan got surprised by something Zoe said.

“So I was wondering what do you think of white girls since we are going to the UK after all.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ilp580/east_flying_west_ch_1_amwfamxfstory