An Experiment Gone Wrong, Part 1

This is part 1 of a short story i’ve had in my head for a while. I’ll post part 2 soon but in the mean while i hope people enjoy reading this. Comments and critiques very welcome :)

I wake in a generic medical bed, unsure of where I am and how I got here, I am completely naked. Sitting up I find that I‘m in a lab, separated from the rest of the room by a see thru glass wall, I can see a range of monitoring equipment, medical supplies and glass cylindrical tanks filled with off-white fluid and an unusual looking chair, much like you‘d find at the doctors or dentist, with a multitude of pipes, pumps and clamps folded under the arm and back rests.

“Excellent, he‘s awake.“ A disembodied voice comments, “prepare him for the procedure“. I hear an odd swooshing noise and turn to see a doorway appear on the far side of the room. Three entirely naked women quickly walk in towards me, I don’t recognise them but notice immediately that they all have some sort of breast implants engorged with blood and strange looking grey veins, their shaved vagina’s similarly flushed and veiny. They look slightly grotesque but oddly very attractive. “Hey! What’s going on?” I say forcefully as two of them grab my arms, pushing me to kneel on the floor, I notice they are unusually strong as I struggle to get up. “What the hell? Stop!” I yell as the third woman approaches, there’s an oddly familiar scent in the air and suddenly feel more relaxed as she takes me by the hair, pushing my head back and forcing me to look up at her tight body and giants tits, she has a wicked smile on her face as she turns and drag me through the door into the lab.

They pick me up with ease and strap me into the chair securing my arms, angles and head. I offer no real resistance, my relaxed state making me almost catatonic at this point. They leave and I am alone, rapidly coming to me senses I struggle to get out of the restraints as the lab door opens and in walks a tall, red headed lady I recognise immediately as a fellow doctor from the hospital I work at. Dr. Lori Peters was a surgeon, I knew her professionally quite well but hadn’t seen her for several months and rumour had it she was having time off for unnamed health issues. She used to be 5’3”, slim and skinny but now she appeared at least 6’5”, her slim figure replaced with an athletic, muscular build and once small breasts replaced with seemingly E cup, perfectly round spheres. She was extremely veiny, similar to the earlier women but much more wide spread, visible across her entire body with her breasts and genitals most noticeably covered and extremely engorged.

“Greg I’m so glad we found you in time, we need your help urgently.” I’m shocked and a little scared at what’s going on, my mind going like crazy as I try to make sense of the weird situation. “Lori let me go, what the hell is this? Some kind of sick joke? This is grotesque, what are you going to do here? What happened to you?”

“We’ve not got long, we need to start soon, but you deserve an explanation, hopefully you’ll understand”. Lori moves closer and I can feel myself inexplicably relaxing as before. She tells her story, explaining how she has had sexual problems for years, unable to reach arousal and totally devoid of enjoyment of sex, every medical test imaginable had come back as normal and unable to explain why she was so numb to sexual pleasure. Boyfriends had always left her, disaffected by her lack of intimacy and drive, trying to masturbate to force arousal resulted in nothing. Medications and hormones were having no effect and depressed, she had sought out experimental treatments to improve arousal and sex drive.

Having made contact with an old med school friend now working for a multinational biotech company Lori was enrolled in a pilot study to test out a bleeding edge new nano technology. The devices were meant to enter the patient and form a neural node in the brain, detecting any biological abnormalities and correcting them by replicating and sending nanites to repair or “improve” body functions as necessary.

There had been several uneventful trials before with blank nanites but in Lori’s case the nanites were given a series of instructions in order to identify and ‘correct’ her abnormal sexual function. The experiment went wildly wrong.

Once injected the nanites formed a node as expected and identified her erogenous zones as potential sites for ‘improvement’, however the nanite’s response was to rapidly growth her breast and genital tissue, causing arousal at the slightest touch. Lori’s sex drive was exponentially increased, her brain becoming dependant on the physical and hormonal cascades of orgasm. Within hours she was driven crazy by the need to mate or masturbate. With potential exhaustion and insatiable urges threatening to send her into a catatonic state, the nanites modified Lori’s reproductive system, glands and secretions to act as as delivery system for pheromones and hormones, the nanites themselves becoming transmissible. Anyone coming into contact with her secretions, through sex or ingestion became enslaved to her by the nanites, the hormones and pheromones turning their bodies into hyper sexualised vessels so that Lori could have a constant supply of sexual activity.

Lori recounted to Greg how she discovered the enslaving effects of the nanites, her old friend had come to visit her, hearing how she was in some much pain and discomfort following the experiment. Coaxing her friend towards her Lori had managed to stand up from her bed, incredibly weak, letting her friend approach close enough before grasping her head with both hands and forcing it down to her dripping vagina, ramming her pussy into her mouth Lori immediately squirted in ecstatic orgasm into her friends open mouth, forcing her to swallow her juices.

Finally relieved, Lori was refreshed as she watched her friend writhe around on the floor, Lori noticed the sensation of a presence in her mind as the nanites took hold and the lady starts frantically masturbating to orgasm, similarly enhancing her former friend with giant engorged breasts and vagina. As if on Lori’s command she stood up and entered the neighbouring lab quickly over powering two of her female coworkers, transferring her own nanites to them, joining them with Lori.

Lori continued, explaining that over the following 2 months the four women had hours long lesbian orgies to satisfy their urges, gradually turning their attention at Loris command, to men to satisfy themselves. This was another turning point in their development. In contact with semen their bodies became hyperactive, almost dependant on ejaculate, the nanites altering them once more to require large volumes of cum to sustain their sexual appetites, lest their organs begin to shut down.

The men they slept with turned as the women, with enlarged and engorged penis’s and testicles, becoming more muscular and sexually aggressive yet under Lori’s mental control. Unfortunately for Lori and the other three women the men did not survive the process for long, stimulated to cum with large volumes of semen frequently through either sex or masturbation, their nervous systems gave out after several hours. Panicked, the women resumed their lesbian activities only to find it was no where near enough to keep their bodies active in the long term.

“And that’s why we‘re so glad to have found you“ Lori stated, “I’ve had my eye on you for a while Greg and think, with a few modifications to the nanites I can turn you and keep you with us to keep us alive, you would be my equal.” “This is insane. Let me go, please! Whatever I can do to help you MEDICALLY I will but stop this madness!”

Lori moves to the screen next to me, pressing the screen, a small sample of the liquid in the tanks is extracted and fed into a pad beneath my testicles“ I’ve instructed the nanites that you are male and need constant repair on top of the sexual enhancements. Let’s see if giving you my nanites with this additional programming will finally work.”

Pressing another button, the pad beneath me raises up, a stick rising just below my penis, forming a ring around my flaccid shaft. “Let’s begin” I feel the liquid being injected painlessly into my cock and balls. It feels oddly pleasurable for a minute until there is an extremely pleasurable a throbbing sensation. “ OH SHIT. OH SHIT, OH SHIIIIIIIIT” As the nanites increase my vasculature my cock becomes erect, rock hard and pulsing. My balls double in size in a matter of seconds, I can feel myself being overtaken with an extremely insatiable mind numbing animalistic horniness. Growling and snarling, the extreme pleasure and sexual urges drive me insane, my erect cock now dripping with pre cum continues to grow. Eventually it stops. My cock, already a healthy 6 inches before, is now closer to 12, throbbing and pulsing, My mind is left a ravenous mess, desperately needing sex.

“Good Boy, well done! Now, get over here and fill me with your hot cum!” Lori releases me from the chair and I leap out towards her, she spreads her self across the lab table as I lean over and enthusiastically eat her deliciously wet pussy. Running my tongue over her clit and inside her hole, paying complete attention to her, it’s as if she directs my tongue before she pushes my head hard against her and she orgasms hard into my mouth. Losing it with sexual frenzy I stand up and ram my giant cock into your massive juicy pussy, we fuck wildly, Lori dripping juices as I thrust deep and worship her tits, massaging and squeezing them, tweaking and licking her erect nipples between passionate kissing, we’re vigorously together in hot sweaty sex. As she orgasm for the 5th time, she orders me to cum. Without any thought I feel myself bearing down, pressure building. I fill her, overflowing her hot pussy with thick cum, the orgasm lasting a full minute as I pump my juices into her. As the last of my old self disappears in the intensity of the orgasm at Lori’s command I wonder if I will survive or ever be myself again….
