I had been working as a supervisor at a manufacturing facility for just over two years when I seduced an executive at work. The fling went on for a number of months and I wouldn’t have changed a thing. We had some amazing encounters and it really helped to boost my self esteem.

One day the girls from the office decided to have a girls night out. We made plans for Friday to meet at ” The Point”. It was a trendy restaurant and bar that local up and coming mellenials frequented ( we weren’tcalled mellenials then). We had all had a number of drinks and ever so gradually the topic eased from work to sex. We talked about who thought who was hot and who was rumored to be sleeping with whom. Suddenly, Nicole the manager in accounting revealed that John thought I had a nice ass. I said ” no way” he’s never even so much as looked my way”. Nicole said ” that’s because you’re always facing the other way when he’s starring at your ass”. I smiled and exclaimed “Liar”! I didn’t want to seem the least bit interested. I didn’t want any unfounded rumors to get started at work.

Secretly my heart started to race. John was a tall ginger with an athletic build. He dwarfed my petite frame weighing around 6 feet 1″ and 185 lbs. John made good money and had just completed his masters degree making him the most eligible bachelor in our division. There were a number of girls in the office who had shown interest but John had never dated anyone from the office as a rule. I hoped he’d reconsider.

The next Monday I was standing in front of the company mail boxes checking my box. Each manager would regularly check their boxes on their way in and out of the office. As luck would have it John had just returned from lunch and came over to check his box too. He nodded hello and reached up to get his mail. I was stalling while searching for the right words. I continued to sort my mail which I was currently on my third time through. As John started to leave I casually, in a low voice said ” I hear you think I have a nice ass”. He stopped abruptly, slowly looked around for wandering eyes and said enfatically ” Hell yes I do” with a smile. I smiled back and with a hint of flirtatiousness said” I think I’d like to hear more about that”. John leaned closer and said “how about the “3 alarm” at 6:00 p.m. for drinks”? I’ll be there I said with a smile.

The day seemed to take forever and at 5 minutes to 5:00 my phone rang, ext. 227. Begrudgingly I answered, hello, how can I help you? All I heard was ” you better not dog me” click. I hurried home, took a quick shower and slid into my best “ass” jeans. I had to show it off a bit since he told me that he liked it.

I arrived before John and was seated by the hostess. I had never been to the “3 alarm” before. It was a nice enough place. There was a modern theme with lots of straight lines and polished chrome. Its claim to fame was that celebrities would come to eat and leave their autographed bras to be nailed to the ceiling. The were a few bras with the donors pictures next them and they entertained me until John arrived.
He sat down and motioned to the bartender. What will it be the bartender said. ” Patron” I replied. John’s face was full of shock and amazement. I said ” I can drink with the best of them”. We’ll see John replied. “Yeah, we’ll see” I said with all of the flirty sarcasm I could muster. The shots continued to flow and my filters quickly disappeared. ” her boobs don’t look that great” I said pointing at the ceiling. Are yours better John said? “My boobs are better than my ass” I said matter of factly. Not likely, not likely at all. Why is that?
First of all John said it’s a 10. Its not a bubble or thick but you have smooth, curvy hips and a small waist. Your ass is a perfect heart. How do you respond to that. I wanted to jump over the table and kiss him. Instead as my face flushed I said “I’m glad you think so. We had 1 more drink and I suggested we call it a night. John walked me to my car and gave me a peck. I invited him to sit with me while my buzz softened. John started with ” if those are so nice” nodding to my chest, ” let’s take a look”.

Evidently it was more than a buzz because in one fluid motion, I lifted my tee shirt and bra revealing both boobs that I had repeatedly mentioned throughout the night. WOW!!! exclaimed John. It was supposed to be just a quick flash but somehow his large warm hands were quickly cupping my breasts. I let him take his time and enjoy them as my hand slid to his crotch. As suspected he was hard. So slowly with my left hand I eased my top down and daringly said ” I showed you mine”. John was reluctant but with a little coaxing from my right hand he was reaching for his zipper.

He said if I pull it out then you need to keep it hard. I nodded in agreement as he reached inside his boxers. This was happening way to quickly. I never anticipated this happening. I had never considered what his dick may look like. I guess I’d know in a minute. I wasn’t disappointed. It wasn’t huge. Longer and thicker than average. I would say right around 7 inches but it was pretty. Is that even a thing. The coloring was uniform and not pasty white like one might guess. It was also very symmetrical with a rigid head and a firm shift. Pretty! I stroked in a few times and put him right in my mouth. I took him in as far as I could but didn’t want to push it. What if I gagged and threw up?? I was lost in the moment and planned on finishing him when all of the sudden I heard whistles and whoa, whoa, whoa. I looked up to see two sets of couples walking by the front of the car. He was limp and so was I. After they left I drove him to his car and headed home.

The next day I went to work with a little headache and a lot of embarrassment. I was wearing a white button up blouse with a black skirt. As the lunch hour approached John walked towards my desk. I wanted to crawl under it. He stopped in front and asked if I’d like to have lunch with him. I said ” how about my place instead”!!! WTF Was I still buzzed??
He quickly accepted and we were off to my place. As I opened the door he was all over me. He was un-tucking my blouse as I started on his pants. They were off before he layed me down on the foot of my bed.
I pulled up my skirt and took off my thong. I pulled my knees up high to take him as deeply as I could. I was so wet and excited. He pushed deeply inside me giving me long deep thrusts. In just a few minutes he asked me where he should come. I instructed him on my tummy was fine. As he pulled out, I grabbed him in my hand and stroked him as he came shot after shot on my tummy.
He kissed me and apologized for being so quick. He immediately asked for a do-over.

I told him that I’d have to think about it. Who was I kidding, waiting until work was over would be tough enough.
