Plenty of Fish pt.1 [F/m] (Incest, Mom/Son, Cheating)

Ben lived with his parents, Stephen and Lillian, and his sisters, Lori and Emily. One day, his dad Stephen came home from work and went up to his room. He peeked his head in and said hello, Ben removed his headset and turned from his computer screen to greet him back. That night, after dinner, Stephen walked out of his bathroom and got into bed quite upset. Lillian knew why but she continued sitting at her lowboy, rubbing all sorts of anti aging, anti wrinkles lotions on herself, hoping Stephen would let it go. Stephen took his shirt off and tossed it at his feet, he had a big hairy belly which seemed to be where all his head hair had gone. He rubbed his long, graying goatee for a little bit before finally saying something.

“Today was the last day, isn’t that right?” He asked Lillian. Lillian continued to open and close different lotions and cosmetics, only turning around once to agree. “He’s still at it with those computer games…”

“He only plays them after finishing all his school work…it’s a good reward for him…”

“I’ll tell you what’s a good reward for him: PUSSY! But knowing him I bet he’d rather like-”

“Ben is **not** gay, Stephen, for the last time.”

“That’s what you said at the beginning of his classes too. And we agreed to wait the whole semester for him to meet a girl, and guess what? The semester’s over now. He didn’t meet anyone.”

“It- he just started school. He’s still getting used to it all.”

“Getting used to it all, my ass.”

“I’ll take him shopping soon, don’t worry. We’ll buy new clothes and next-”

“There won’t be a *next* anything, Lily. I should’ve done this a long time ago, but I just had to let you convince me last time. But not again. I’m sorry. I have a long weekend in two weeks, I’m taking him to Vegas and getting him a whore.”


“End of discussion. That’s it. That’s what’s going to happen. It’ll be good for him; getting it out of his system. You’ll see.”

Lillian worriedly got into bed and laid on her side, unable to sleep that night. All week she thought about what was going to happen with Ben. Maybe he was gay? Even if he wasn’t, maybe this hooker thing would mess him up really badly. Leave him scarred, traumatized, who knows. Your dad paying someone to fuck you. A stranger. Someone who 1,000 other men have already used…

“I can’t let that happen to him…” Lillian thought to herself one day. She grabbed her car keys and ran out the door, driving to god knows where. When she got home, she ran to her room and threw a few bags on her bed. Lillian walked out and started getting dinner ready. When she finished, she want back into her room, but this time Lori was inside, rummaging through her bags. “What are you doing?”

“Oh! Sorry mom. I was just passing by and saw the brand on the bag.” Lori reached in and pulled out a blue and white lace babydoll, “Jesus, has dad been really good?” She asked jokingly.

“Don’t go through my things Lori, it’s embarrassing. And how do you even know this brand in the first place?” Lori’s eyes widened and she put the lingerie back. “That’s what I thought.”

“So…is this for a hot date night? When is it? I don’t have earplugs so I have to go buy some.”

“It’s for…for…our anniversary.”

“I thought that was in October?”

“This is a different one. For something else.”

“Okay, I guess. Is dinner ready, I’m getting pretty hungry?”

“Yes it is. But before you go, since you know about all of this, I’m going to ask you-”

“Yeah, don’t worry mom. I won’t tell dad. You two pervs deserve your secrets just as much as anyone else.” Lori joked

“Thank you. But I also wanted to ask if you could get him…and your sister too…out of the house on Saturday.”

“Why both of them? Wait, why dad?”

“I, uh, have to get ready of course. I have to be the surprise. You know how old he is, he probably doesn’t even remember what day it is, so if he acts confused that’s probably why.”

“Okay, I get you. Um, I think I can come up with something. But you know, you shouldn’t submit yourself like that, especially willingly, it gives men all sorts of wrong thoughts and ideas. We learned about it in-”

“Okay Lori, thanks a lot.” Lillian interrupted her and pushed her out the bedroom then hid her bags where they wouldn’t be seen.

Saturday finally came and at around 7:30, after dinner, Lillian gave Lori a look. Lori remembered and frantically came up with a reason to leave the house. She told her dad she needed pads for her period. Stephen told her to tell her mom, but she continued asking him to take her. Finally after some begging and pleading, Stephen reluctantly grabbed his keys and walked towards the door. Lori motioned at Emily to go with them, who begrudgingly followed them after being filled in by Lori the day before.

Lillian waited for them to leave and ran up to her room for a shower. She came out and quickly blow-dried her hair. Her phone lit up with text messages, it was Lori asking how long she needed. Lillian told her just a few hours, ’til 10 at the latest. Lori kept texting her more and more saying she didn’t think she could stall for that long, but Lillian just told her she had to and thanked her everytime. When her hair was dry, she got the bags from where she hid them and took out the lace babydoll Lori pulled out. She put it on and began combing her hair down how she liked it. Once she felt like she was ready, Lillian crept out of her room and walked to the hallway bathroom to hear if Ben was showering. He was, so she went into his room and sat on his bed in the dark. Lillian had multiple thoughts, and a few attempts, of leaving Ben’s room and forgetting this whole thing, but her intention was too sickening to forget even if she wanted too, and the alternative, that which Stephen was planning, was too terrifying to allow to happen.

Finally, Ben stopped the water and walked through the hall to his room. Just like that, Lillian’s thoughts and worries stopped as well, and Ben’s incoming made her reality too certain for comfort, but it was too late. The door opened and light from the hallway ran inside the room. It made Lillian’s legs glow as she sat on the bed, and Ben, confused, turned to turn on the lights.

“Mom! What the fuck is this?”

“Ben. Don’t get upset, please, just let me explain.”

“What the fuck are you wearing?” Ben tried to guard his eyes and clutched on to the towel wrapped around his legs.

“Listen, your dad’s going to do something terrible. Next week, he’s going to…he’s going to take you to a prostitute…”

“What? Why? What are you talking about?”

“He’s been planning it for a long time. It’s because you…well it doesn’t matter, just know that he’s doing it…”

“Okay, thanks for telling me. Don’t worry, I won’t do it. Now please, could you get out-”

“You won’t be able to deny him. You know how he is; he’ll find a way to make you do it.”

“No- I’ll…I just won’t go through with it…that’s all.”

“You have to fuck me, Ben. You have to do it tonight, just lose your virginity and get it over with.”

“What did you just say? Oh God, I must be dreaming. **NO**. Just- just please get out of my room.” Ben stopped shielding his eyes and moved from the bedroom door to make space.

“Please, Ben, think about this. Think about the alternative.”

“I- I can find a girl on my own…this isn’t necessary.”

“Really? In a week? You had months and weren’t able to do anything…” Lillian noticed Ben’s head drop in shame. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean…”

“I know what you meant. Now please, get out…”

“No. I made up my mind. I won’t leave until we…*do it*…just once. We’ll never talk about it, never think about it, act like it never even happened. Look,” Lillian stood up and twirled in her lingerie, “I dressed up and everything so you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable. Just like in the porn you watch, or do I really look as bad as I feel?” Ben didn’t reply. “God, what am I doing. I look awful, don’t I? Fuck! Why did I do this? I thought if I looked like someone else, you wouldn’t feel that weird. Fuck, I am so stupid. And now you’re probably thinking less of me, oh God, the emotional turmoil this must be…” Lillian began tearing up a little.

“Mom, mom, stop, okay? You- uh- you look fine. Okay? You look…good. I just can’t do it, it’s too…weird.”

Lillian stopped her tears and regained confidence. “Well, at least you like it. Just, when you go with your dad, be careful, be safe, I don’t want you to-”

“Don’t worry about that right now.” Lillian sat back down on Ben’s bed. “I can’t believe you did all this. I mean, what did you think would happen?”

“I thought you’d fuck me. I wasn’t expecting anything fancy, we could keep the lights off too, but at least sex so you could get it over with. I mean, you’re a handsome boy, why don’t we ever see you with any girls?” Ben got more timid. “The more you wait, the harder it’ll be to figure all this stuff out.”


“Yes. Seriously, I get this is weird now, but I thought I was doing you a favor.”

“What were you going to do?”

Lillian looked up at Ben, shocked, “I- I don’t know. Play with your dick a little, get on my back and let you- I don’t know why I would try this, now that I think about it.”

“Sounds a lot like what a prostitute would do for me.”

Lillian laughed a little, “yeah, I guess it does. This was stupid. I’ll leave.”

“Wait, I wasn’t trying to talk back, I was just trying to reason out loud.”

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, it does sound a lot like what a prostitute would do for me. So if I’m going to let it happen anyway, why not…”

“Why not…with me?” Asked Lillian. Ben nodded. “Yeah, that’s what I was originally thinking, but you’re right Ben, this isn’t right.”

“It’s not right, but wouldn’t it be better? Who knows where that prostitute has been; who she’s been with. A seedy place like that, that’s no way to lose your virginity.”

“So you’re saying….”

“Does the offer still stand? I can’t believe I’m going to say this, but if we do it quick, what’s the harm in it. There’s no difference really.”

Lillian massaged the sides of her head and began thinking. “Fuck, but you’re…but I did…Jesus Christ…okay, I guess I’m still willing.”

Ben closed the door and turned around. “How long do you think everyone will be gone for?”

“Maybe just an hour, your dad didn’t seem to happy about taking them in the first place. You really want to do this?” Ben nodded. “All right, let’s uh, let’s get started I guess.” Lillian climbed on the bed and got on her knees.

“What do I do first?”

“Umm, well, how am I? Is this good for you? Do you want to see something first?” Ben shook his head no. “Okay, then I guess you have to take out your penis now.” Ben’s head began spinning and his heart racing faster, his body was getting hot and he was having some trouble breathing. Finally, he controlled his breath and with his shaky hands, he undid his towel. He pulled one side off and then another and then threw it on his chair. Lillian’s eyes shot open and she leaned forward on all fours, “OH MY GOD. YOU’RE HUGE.” She didn’t sound excited, it like she said a loud statement more than anything. She covered her mouth and looked around, as if someone had heard her.


“Uh, yes. Yes you are. Holy shit. Okay, I’m sorry. You still want to do this? It’s up to you, so whenever you want to stop, just stop it, okay?” Ben nodded. Lillian reached out and pulled him in by grabbing the back of his legs. “All right, I’m just going to pick it up. Hmm, feels good, nice and squishy haha, how about for you?”

“I like it so far.”

“Okay, now I’m going to pull back your foreskin. Up. And down. Just like that. Oh! I can feel you growing in my hand. Wow, it’s uh, it’s getting pretty hard. Feel good?”

Ben closed his eyes and looked up, “uh huh”

“Good, let’s keep going. Now, I’m not going to use my mouth, sorry about that, but I did bring lube.” Lillian felt around her for the little tube of lube and poured some on her hand when she found it. Ben jerked when her cold, wet hand went back on his dick. “Sorry, baby, it’ll warm up right now. First we gotta get this whole thing wet. Hopefully there’s enough lube, haha. Jesus, look at this thing. I gotta use two hands now. This is always a good technique, this little corkscrew motion I’m doing.” Ben walked forward a little and his dick got closer to his mom’s face. His eyes were closed, so Lillian got really close to get a really good look, but ended up turning her head in shame. “I’m getting too carried away, I have to control myself…” She thought to herself. “Is this how hard you normally get?” Ben shook his head. “It isn’t!? Ok, wow, show me then, I don’t think I can do much more myself.”

“Um…usually I watch porn when I do this, so….”

Lillian pulled out her tits and began shaking them, “is this good?” Ben nodded and began stroking himself. “Okay, now I see it. You **could** get harder, you weren’t kidding. Tell me when you’re ready.”

After a few moments, Ben was fully erect. His giant cock curved upwards, looking like it would hit his stomach if it weren’t running with so much blood inside, making it seem like a rocket begging to take off and detach from his body. “O-okay, I’m ready.”

Lillian pulled out a condom. “This is your dad’s, but I don’t think it’s gonna fit to be honest. But we’ll see.” She ripped it open with her teeth and blew out the trash. She pulled it out and put it on Ben’s tip. “Already a tight fit. It’s not looking good, baby. But maybe-” Lillian tried rolling the condom down Ben’s cock but it snapped less than halfway down. “Fuck. Okay, this isn’t gonna work.”

“So what now?”

“Well I can’t just leave you all hot and bothered. I’ll tell you what, we’re going to do it without one. But, this is very important, always use a condom otherwise.” Lillian turned over and faced the wall Ben’s bed was against. She rolled up her babydoll and revealed her pussy and asshole. “I’m not wearing panties, as you can see, so whenever you’re ready, go ahead. The vagina, please, I don’t want you trying anything sneaky down there. Ben opened her legs wider. “Ouch, careful. Here,” Lillian adjusted herself and spread as much as she could, “this better?” She clumped up as much sheets as she could and burried her face in them. Ben climbed on the bed and got in between her legs. She felt his weight climbing on her and stopped him abruptly, as if by fear. “Wait! Use some more lube. It’s over there.” Ben asked how, “just pour it from bottom, well top from your view, and let it drip down.” Ben poured lube near her asshole and let it run down to her bush. The streaks weren’t going down smoothly so he used a finger to cover more area. “No! I mean, use your cock, it’ll cover more space probably haha.”

Ben used grabbed his cock and rubbed his mom’s pussy trying to get as much lube on it as possible. She told him to use some on his tip before going inside, so he did, and inched himself closer inside her.

“That’s it, just feel around for an opening. A little more. Little more. You got it! Good, now just be careful because that thing’ll swallow you right-” Ben suddenly slipped inside and Lillian let out a loud squeal.

“Sorry, did I hurt you?”

Lillian was having deep moans and squeals, “no, no, it’s fine, just surprised me is all. Fuck. Just go slowly at first. Okay?” Ben began pumping his mom, making sure to take his time and enjoy all the sensations. “Jesus Christ. Get in deep, don’t worry. As much as you can…or want. As long as you go slowly, I can take it.” Ben kept fucking her and trying to go balls deep. The deeper he got, the more his mom’s legs shook. After both were warmed up, her legs were all the way up and Ben was now grabbing them for leverage, pushing them down against her back when he needed to. “Mmm, that’s good. I think I’m used to it now. Now you can go a little harder if you want.” Ben followed her directions and threw his hips against her as hard as he wanted. He closed his eyes and looked up in ecstasy, losing to her pussy. Her toes were curling and legs were shaking but Ben had her by the ankles and couldn’t let go. “Fuck, fuck, fuck. You feel that? Feels good, right? That’s it, keep going champ. You got this! It’s all yours.” Ben loved getting rooted on adjusted himself more as he found a better pace. Lillian bit down on the sheets and curved her back for Ben.

“Shit. I’m going to cum.”

“Outside, baby. Outside please. If you can.” Ben groaned and pulled out his cock, having to yank it out himself as it didn’t want to leave, and his mom’s pussy didn’t want to let go. He came as quick as he got out of there and cum went all over his bed, wall, and some on his mom’s lingerie. “Holy fuck.” Lillian began panting and trying to find her breath. She turned around and pushed the hair out of her face. She sat up on his bed and both looked at each other. “Well shit, ahaha. What was that? That was, umm, that was really good. Did you like it?”

Ben fell back on his bed and agreed. “I can’t believe we just did that.”

Lillian stayed staring at her son’s cock and watched it slowly shrink. Well, shrink is a bit of an understatement as it was still huge even flaccid. She stood up and reached for tissues. Then she got on her knees and wiped Ben’s cock clean.

He stood up, “what are you doing now?”

“Cleaning up. We have to. This is a part of everything too. Throw your sheets in the washer, I’ll clean them tonight. You’ll have to use your old ones for a while, hope that’s okay.”

“Um, yeah, it is. What next?”

“Next? Next I take this off and we wait for your sisters and dad. And then that’s it.” Ben nodded in agreement. “Okay, all clean.” Lillian mushed together the wet tissues and threw them in Ben’s bin. She reached for more and began wiping her pussy in front of him, “get your pyjamas and get ready for bed. When your dad takes you next week, just tell him you’ve done it already.”

“What if he doesn’t believe me?”

“Hmm…He will, we’ll make sure of it somehow.” She finished cleaning herself and threw the tissues away as well.

About half an hour later, everyone came back and Lillian walked out of the laundry room to greet them. Lori was surprised to see her in jeans and a t shirt. Lillian walked near Lori and whispered thanks in her ear, Lori smiled and was happy to have helped her, even if she wasn’t sure exactly with what.



  1. Absolutely fantastic! Great job, great writing and great concept! Can’t wait to see future parts!

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