[MF]Temptation [Friends Turn Lovers][Cheating][Seduction][Teasing][Foreplay][Cliff-Hangar]

>*Hello, trying this out again. Recently did an erotic novel and looking to test out some of my scaps in my vault. If you’re open to checking out my other work, feel free to click my name and go for a scroll. Nonetheless, thanks for reading and be sure to leave a comment, upvote, or some sort of feedback. Enjoy~ ?*

“Throughout our lives, there are several innate sensations we are met with. No, it’s not sadness, happiness, love, nor rage that is being spoken of. Instead, it’s the carnal characteristics embedded in all of us as apex predators, one of the most common ones being a Craving. A craving exists more than we were consciously aware of, one of the immortal qualities about a human’s life. Its presence isn’t bound to any single form, any single hunger, and likewise, any single desire. Who are we to defy nature and not fall prey to what’s considered normal, as usual? Perhaps moralistic beings with character beyond a simpleton, but sometimes in life, morals must conform to achieve the most out of life.

So perhaps, this is one of those times?

….Maybe, but there’s only way to find out, isn’t there?”

She sat there in awe, left wholly dumbfounded by his explanation. His elaboration had covered all the thoughts that circulated through her mind concerning the taboo topic. Even though she had already condemned the issue, judging it to be nothing more than ‘stupid foolishness’, that wasn’t enough to banish the idea from her mind. Instead, it only brought more attention to the lustful ideas that threatened more than just her inner sanctum. However, not all the threats were bad ones. For example, the threat of her being pressed against the wall paralleled to his tall stature. The space between their bodies slowly decayed over time to the point she could feel the texture of his skin and his slim yet sculpted figure. But it’s not just an ideal body-type which has her subdued, but the intellectual individual that inhabits it.

“Did you hear me?..” He asks, extending forth a hand to her forehead, freeing her from her lustful daze’s clutches. There’s no clue how much time has passed, but surely enough for her to start forming a decision.

“..It’s certainly a lot to take in.” She replies, her expression appearing neutral, but behind the blandness lies more than just sparks. It was an intense wildfire of passion that had begun to spread, quickly. “Well, take your time to think it ove–” He states before being abruptly stopped by her hand. A simple finger on the lips which left him puzzled, but intrigued. “I wasn’t finished…” She states, rarely ever doing so, despite there many collisions during conversations. “..I feel the same as you do.” She says, lowering her finger. After such a bold statement, she found herself left mute for the time being, merely observing his reaction with a seductive shyness. Part of her wanted rejection, but by this point, it was too late as the majority of her being craved his approval, his acceptance, and his authority.

“It’s reciprocated.” He replied, short and simple, but not without the mischievous chuckle she had been drawn to. At first, it was an alarm, a notification of naughtiness that had become a bodacious beacon. One her ears carefully tuned in for as it could ring at any given moment.

“..You always know what to say, don’t you?” She queries, biding time. Of course, she wanted to take the lead, but it isn’t her place. Instead, ber body obediently waits until he made the first move as she wanted him to, but unaware of how to ask without incriminating herself. “Mm, c’mon. Let’s go.” He states before grabbing the girl and throwing her over his shoulder. Luckily she wasn’t the type to wear short skirts or reveal blouses. Instead, she dresses conservatively, so that he didn’t have to worry about any of her curves being seen more than they do. After all, he didn’t want a sneak peek at her body to spoil or ruin the movie they were about to film.

In due time her threats became a reality. Her body between two robust platforms, the wall, and his cock. She tilts her head up to look up at him; the desire depicted in her eyes. Both of her hands to her side; she manipulates her body. The woman utilizes her tall, slender frame as a means of communication for the words too dirty, too filthy, and too foreign for her tongue. It was a language she and her spouse had never spoken before. Luckily, she had a teacher fluent in it and willing to teach her for as long as she needs. The ruffling of her clothes being stripped from her body a clear sign that he understood her silent words, unraveling what baggy clothing had masked.

“Ahh, Phhh.” She moans as his fingers traversed her body. His eyes are admiring her being while his hands show their appreciation. The bulge pressed against her waist also having a contributing coy comment to the silent conversation. Her eyes glanced down at its formation, fingers curling against the wall before acting of their own thoughts and grabbing it. Quickly they were met with a tight grip before being pinned aboved her head, dark brown intense hues locking with hers.

“Ask, before touch.” He instructed, keeping his bulge pressed before purposely lowering it below her waist. A slow gyration of his hips as he grinds it against her, letting her get a feel of what she wanted. It leaves her with a flustered, conflicted expression that releases a long quivering moan. “Oooohhhh.” She replied, overwhelmed with lust and unable to function properly. Her brain was done for the night already, which allowed her to act emotionally but without ration. Now she expresses fully how she feels, rather than just what she thinks, or what she should think.

“I didn’t get a proper reply.” He states with a playful smirk, lowering his hips even more to press his genitals right above her crotch. How she wished it was lower, just a bit more lower.



***”Yes, sir!”***

***”Good little rabbit.”***

And just like that, her hands were freed of their temporal trap, flying towards his pants without a second thought. After a bit of a fuss unbuckling the belt, she simply undid his zipper. She didn’t have to search far, or at all for the item of interest. Instead, it flicks in her grip immediately, littered with twitching. As she rubbed her palm against his shaft, they both released a moan of pleasure from their flustered expressions.

Two amateurs, one having but a bit more experience than the other left to their own devices in the solitude of dim lighting and sound-proof walls.

*..What so ever could happen?*

***You tell me.***

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ilh7bf/mftemptation_friends_turn