Horny Housemates Part IV [FF] [Mast]

Steph took a deep breath before she knocked on Martha’s door. It had been about twelve hours since she’d swallowed Jack’s cum under their kitchen table. Since she’d let her roommate fuck her throat.
Since Martha had seen her and she’d hit her head on the table. Her head *still* fucking hurt.

Jack had been nothing but sympathetic, which had made having sex with him difficult. Especially once he’d left to go meet some friends. She’d tried to mastubate since, but it was tough. She couldn’t get the image of Martha out of her head.
The poor girl hadn’t left her room since she’d seen them in the kitchen. Steph was getting worried. Jack had said to leave it, but she didn’t want things getting too awkward. Or risk driving the already shy girl even further into her shell. From the brief interactions they’d been able to have, she seemed nice.

So Steph knocked on her door. There were a few moments of silence, and then the door opened a tiny bit. Martha was smaller than Steph, her black hair falling in messy waves down to her shoulders. She was wearing a black t-shirt and fluffy pyjama bottoms, both of which were a little too big for her slight frame. Her eyes were big, Steph noted, and they looked up at her in surprise from a face dotted with freckles. *She’s kind of cute.* Steph banished the thought. That was definitely *not* what she was doing here.
“Can I come in?” Steph asked nervously. “I wanted to talk about… the thing that happened earlier.”
Martha gave a small nod, and then wordlessly turned back into her room. Steph followed, quickly closing the door behind her. Where her own room was mostly empty, with occasional piles of stuff, Martha’s was a lot more organised. Where there was mess, it at least looked structured – the piles had some order to them. The desk was mostly empty, and the bed was stain-free. Steph’s was definitely not. The entire room was dimly lit by fairy lights, strung over the headboard of the bed. *Cute.*
Martha was sat on the floor, still not speaking. Steph sat in front of her, legs crossed, and tried to smile. It probably looked a little awkward.
“So…” Steph began. *I really should have thought about this beforehand.* She gulped. “Okay, what happened earlier wasn’t a regular thing. We were just talking, and then it sort of happened, and it was all out of nowhere, and I forgot you were here, and then… it just got a bit out of hand.” She paused, tried to gauge Martha’s reaction. “Sorry.”
“So you and Jack aren’t… um…” Martha looked down at the floor, her hair falling to cover most of her face. Steph considered the unfinished question. *We’re not a couple. Definitely not. Shit, he knows that, right?*
“Steph?” Martha was looking at her again with those big eyes. *Right. Problem for another time.*
“We’re not dating. But… we might do that again.” Steph couldn’t help but smile a little. *If I can tempt him again.*
“In the kitchen?” Martha’s shock shook away any fantasies.
“No! No. In a bedroom.” Steph stumbled the words out, nodding. “In private.” Martha didn’t say anything, just picked a little at the carpet. The silence stretched on, Steph waiting for her to respond. Eventually, she gave in. “Do you… have any questions?”
“Um.” Martha was looking down again. “I, uhhh… do you do… that? A lot. With guys.”
Steph sighed. *Okay, I see how it is. Slut shamed by the shy girl.* “Yeah.” She put a little bite into her voice. “Is that a problem?”
It was Martha’s turn to be startled. “No! No, that’s… Well, I sort of… Um. Are. Is it like that… normally?” Martha looked at her, an unmistakable red creeping into her cheeks.
*Oh.* Steph thought. *I do not see how it is.* “Is what like that?”
“The… uh. Penis.” Martha almost whispered the last word. Steph almost burst out laughing at the absurdity of it, but Martha looked genuinely nervous.
“Yeah. Have you never seen one before?”
Martha shook her head. “Not really.”
“Not in porn or anything?”
Martha was back to avoiding her gaze. “I don’t, uh… I don’t watch porn.”
*Ah, okay. Shy girl. Inexperienced. Curious. Damn that’s adorable.*
“Do you ever masturbate?” Steph asked the question bluntly, and Martha seemed to flinch at the word. *Right. Shy girl. Go slow.*
“I… a bit. I don’t really know. It felt silly.” Martha made eye contact again, and her pale face had gone almost completely red. “It didn’t feel right.”
Steph nodded. “You might need to look at something. To get you in the mood.”
Martha gave a faint smile. “No. It’s alright. I…”
Steph cut across her. “You know it’s nothing to be ashamed of. Sometimes you want to just have a bit of fun by yourself. You shouldn’t miss out on that because you’re nervous about it or whatever.”
Martha nodded. “I just… don’t know where I would start. Like do you just google… porn?”
*This is the cutest shit I think I’ve ever seen. She’s so innocent! I hope I don’t rub off all my filth on her.* Martha was looking at her curiously. *Okay, maybe just a bit of it. Just to help.*
“Um. You could, I guess. There’s a lot of porn out there, though. Let’s not get overwhelmed.” Steph reached for her phone. “You did ask me what a penis looked like. Let’s start small.”
Martha nodded. A little of the red had gone out of her cheeks, and Steph thought she caught a smile on the girl’s face. “Okay. So…” Steph turned the phone around to show Martha, carefully watching her reaction. Her eyes went wide, then focused, taking it in.
“Is this… starting small?” She asked, her voice just above a whisper. Steph grinned. “Okay. Starting a bit above average.”
Her phone was showing a picture Oli had sent her. It was just him holding his dick, the hard outline harsh in the flash of the camera – as dick pics go, it wasn’t even a good one. But Martha was looking at it fairly intensely. “That’s… is there more?”
Steph laughed. “Slow down! I’ll see if I’ve been sent any other dicks.” She paused, then looked back at Martha, sizing the girl up. “You do like dicks, right?”
The smaller girl glanced down, then straight back up and turned bright red. “I…” She stuttered out. Steph’s mouth opened wide with the realisation of what had just happened.
“Oh my god! Did you just look at my tits?”
Martha stood up. “I didn’t mean to! You just.. And I…”
Steph stood to join her, quickly reaching out for Martha’s shoulder. “No, no! It’s okay. It’s good! You can look.” She leaned in a little closer, and Martha flinched a bit. “I like tits too.”
That seemed to calm the shy girl down a bit. “I just… sometimes look. But I like dicks too.”
Steph nodded. “Me too.” They made eye contact, and to her surprise, Martha held it for a few seconds. They were close. Really close, and the lighting was very soft. Her little lips looked so inviting…
Steph leaned in and kissed Martha.

Martha had never kissed another girl before. Steph came at her hard, their lips colliding, and hers parted to allow the taller girl in. She tasted slightly sweet. Martha’s hand found it’s way on to Steph’s back, which she took as a sign to push her tounge out, roughly forcing it in to Martha’s mouth. Steph’s hand was on her lower back, now lower, now lower…
And then Steph pulled away, looking apologetic. “Sorry, I didn’t…”
Martha looked at her and smiled. “That was… fun. Thanks.”
Steph looked a little surprised. “Oh. Do you want to kiss some more?”
Martha nodded and moved close again, embracing Steph and opening her lips. They met again, tounges swirling against each other. Steph’s hand was back at her waist, thier bodies pressed against each other. Martha could feel their breasts against each other, taste Steph’s tounge as reached for her throat. Martha relaxed in to the kiss, a low sigh escaping as she did. Steps pulled away again and smiled.
“We can masturbste if you want.” She said it like it was no big deal. Just an ordinary thing friends did. Maybe that was even true for Steph.
“Okay.” Said Martha, surprising even herself. She grabbed Steph’s hand with a sudden burst of confidence and led her to the bed, where they lay down. Martha kissed her again, softer now. Side by side, Stephen held up her phone, and she started to watch.

*This is not the evening I expected.*
Steph wasn’t entirely a stranger to the situation. She’d watched porn with a friend before, but she had been even dritier than Steph, not the ball of adorable innocence that was Martha.
She watched the phone with such intensity. Steph had chosen some quick vanilla amateur, so as not to scare Martha off. It was still quite good though. The girl was sucking his dick, eyes wide. *Martha would look good with a cock in her mouth.*
Trying to keep her thoughts on the video, she rubbed a hand over her leggings, teasing herself. Nervously, Martha did the same. The man in the video moaned.

Martha watched Steph closely as she slid a hand in to her leggings. She could see the bulge as it moved down to her pussy and started lightly rubbing. Taking a deep breath, she copied, the loose material of her pyjamas giving way with ease until she reached her damp slit. Unsure, she pressed a finger in to the folds. A jolt of pleasure hit her as the woman on screen gagged, spit covering the man’s cock. Martha looked at Steph, and they made breif eye contact before kissing once more. The thrill that sent through her body shocked her, but not as much as Steph’s moan did. They broke off the kiss, Martha glancing at Steph’s cleavage. They were wobbling a little as Steph played with herself and shook in pleasure.

Steph could see Martha staring at her tits. This shy virgin was seeming less innocent with every little whimper. With a little smile, Steph pulled her shirt up, then unclasped her bra and let it fall to the bed. Martha’s mouth opened, and she seemed to speed up, her hand working between her legs.
“You like my boobs?”
Martha nodded, embarrassed.
“It’s okay.” Steph had stopped rubbing herself, but she hadn’t noticed when. “You can grab them if you want.”
Martha hesitated, and then, slowly, drew the hand from her pussy and up to grope Steph’s tits. She let out an exaggerated sigh to encourage the girl, feeling the wetness on her hand rub off on to her chest. Steph’s hand found it’s way on to Martha’s thigh, which jolted in surprise at her touch. The hand slid up, brushing past Martha’s pussy, eliciting a gasp and a squeeze of Steph’s tits.
“Do you want me to finger you?” Steph asked, hand now up on the other girl’s waist. Martha’s looked in to her eyes with a sudden certainty and simply said: “Yes.”

It all happened so fast for Martha. Steph’s hand slipped under her waistband and brushed over her clit reaching around inside of her. She gasped as her finger entered, and before she knew it there was a tongue in her mouth and they were making out, sloppy kisses punctuated by whimpers and moans. It was a huge turn on for Martha. Coupled with the waves of pleasure from Steph’s finger curled within her, and it was enough to force her back down to the pillow. Steph switched her lips to Martha’s neck, more sloppy kisses trailing down to her chest. She could feel where they’d been left, wondering with a thrill if there were marks. Steph slid a second finger inside of her and she gasped loud. Steph giggled a little.
“Oh yeah.” Steph whispered, right next to her ear. “You feel good?”
“Mmmhmmmmm.” Martha managed to mumble out. She could feel the pleasure building inside her, swelling with every wriggle of Steph’s fingers. She felt her toes curling round, a moan building in her. It was like a tension, suddenly peaking inside her – and then breaking over her.

Steph felt Martha start to orgasm just before the spasms hit. Martha’s legs clenched tight and then buckled, trapping Steph’s hand and yanking her arm forward. Martha’s hand held tight to her shoulder, white knuckle grip as the pleasure rocked through her body. A long moan, almost like a groan, escaped, a few seconds stretching out. Steph briefly thought about Jack, somewhere below them. Could he hear? Was he listening to Martha’s orgasm like he’d listened to hers? Then the moment passed, all of the tension went out of Martha’s body, and she slumped to the bed, the moan turning to a long sigh barely more than a breath.
“Martha? You good?” Steph drew her hand back from under Martha’s clothes. The black haired girl had her eyes closed, but she nodded.
“Thanks.” It was so quiet, Steph wasn’t even sure she’d heard it.
“Was-” Her question was interrupted by a knocking on the door of the room.
“Hey, Martha?” Jack’s nervous voice came through. “Our new roommate is here. Thought you might want to meet him.”
Steph looked at Martha. The girl was still breathing slowly, her freckled face relaxed. She was not going to be subtle.
“Fuck.” Steph rose from the bed, striding over to the door and opening it just enough to slip out. Jack was stood at the top of the stairs, looking at her in surprise. Steph tried her best to give an innocent smile, but wasn’t sure how convincing she’d come off.
“Did you talk to her?”
“Later.” Steph started down the stairs. “New guy first.”
Jack smiled. “I think you might like him.”

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ilgh1i/horny_housemates_part_iv_ff_mast