College girl Ashley disappointed by boyfriend’s absence, finds her own way to get a release (college, teasing, masturbation, orgasm)

Ashley awoke in her dorm room to her alarm , stretched out and hopped out of bed. The 21 year old college student had her boyfriend visiting her for the weekend and she could barely contain her excitement. She hadn’t seen Matt for over a month and had missed him, and his penis. She was looking forward to finally getting to have sex with him again tonight. Ashley was in little pink shorts and a gray tank top and she grabbed her shower stuff to head into the bathroom before her 9am class. She stripped off her shorts and pulled her shirt over her head and stood naked as she turned the shower on. Waiting for the water to warm up, she caught a glimpse of her body in the mirror. Her blonde hair cascaded down her shoulders, her C cup breasts were full and perky and her pink nipples stood at attention. She had been working out regularly at the rec center and she admired how tight her stomach and legs looked and how her ass popped out like a shelf. She knew she looked good and loved when guys on campus would check her out as she walked by.

Just before she stepped into her shower, she noticed in the mirror her pubic hair had grown quite a bit. She grabbed her razor knowing that had to be taken care of before Matt showed up. She let the warm water run over body and washed up her body, then shaving her long legs and doing her pussy last. She decided to shave it totally bare. It had been a while since she had done that, usually doing a neat trim. As she stepped out she felt the cold air hit her nipples and the bare skin above her pussy. She felt incredibly sexy and tingled with excitement for tonight.

Ashley returned to her room to get dressed for class. She grabbed a small black string thong and a black bra. Again admiring her body in the mirror. A shiver went through her body as she thought about what Matt would do to her that night. She slipped on some pink skin tight leggings and a white v neck shirt, took another look at her appearance and walked out and headed to class. At her first class she noticed 2 different boys check out her ass as she walked by. She knew how amazing her ass looked in these leggings. Ashley was always true to her boyfriend but she didn’t mind the attention from other guys and would even slightly tease them. When she got to her desk she bent over slowly to grab a book from her backpack, accentuating her ass. Ashley smiled to herself knowing the guys eyes were on her.

Before her next class she stopped at the campus coffee shop for a drink. Waiting in line she looked down and noticed her leggings were giving her a major camel toe. You could clearly see the outline of her labia lips. Embarrassed she looked around hoping no one saw. She tried to pull her t shirt down to cover it but it wasn’t long enough. For the time being she held her purse over her lap. She realized shaving totally bare this morning and wearing really thin panties allowec the material of her pants to cling to her pussy. Ashley scolded herself for wearing leggings today. But there was nothing she could do for the rest of her time on campus. After she got her coffee she ducked into an empty hallway and straightened out her pants and pulled at the crotch and got rid of the camel toe, for now.

It was time for Ashley’s last class in the afternoon for that Friday and on her way to the building she got a text from Matt “see you soon babe! Cannot wait to fuck your brains out tonight ;)” and he included a picture of him in just boxer briefs and sporting an impressive bulge. Ashley wrote back how ready she was for him! Her last class was a really boring lecture and Ashley let her self daydream of being with Matt tonight and that photo of his hot body and the bulge in his briefs. She ached for his dick to fill her. She hadn’t sex since she last him and she hadn’t even had a chance to masturbate with being so busy with clases and having a dorm roommate left little privacy. Tonight was the night she was gonna get her pussy satisfied. Thinking about it in class, she felt her clit tingle and swell and noticed she was getting wet. She crossed her legs and pushed her thigh up into her clit to put some pressure on it. A trick she had done since high school if she ever got really horny in the middle of class. Having shaved her pussy this morning, she could really feel how slick and slippery her pussy was and how wet her thong was getting. She was snapped out of her fantasy by the announcement of the end of class. Ashley got up and gathered her things from the desk. Just as she began to leave, she stopped and noticed her wet warm pussy had caused her leggings to stick to her lips and give her an extreme camel toe. Heated, excited, and embarrassed, Ashley put her bag over her front, quickly walked out and raced back to her room. Her roommate was not back from her class yet and Ashley was a hot horny mess. Her clit was aching to be touched but she wanted to wait for Matt. She decided to shake off her dirty thoughts and do some laundry. But first she stripped off her leggings and checking her panties, she realized they were soaked. Her juices had totally creamed the front gusset. She took those off and added them to her laundry. She put on some black athletic shorts with no panties and headed down to the dorm’s laundry room.

She put her basket on top of the washer when her phone buzzed. It was Matt and he said he got called into work for an emergency and wasn’t gonna make it this weekend. He apologized and felt awful but it was out of his control. Ashley understood and they made plans for next weekend but she was really bummed and frustrated. She had been looking forward to seeing him. And her pussy REALLY needed him. She sighed and stood there disappointed. She texted back and forth with him a bit before he had to go. “Well so much for that” she thought to herself. Ashley turned to start her laundry when a large muscular guy walked in with a laundry bag. She recognized him as a football player. He said hello to Ashley and walked by to another washer. She realized her black thong was in plain view on top of her basket and you could clearly see a damp creamy wet spot on the front. Ashley hoped he didn’t notice. She started her wash and looked over at the guy. She thought he was realky good looking. And she admired his strong arms and handsome face. Ashley thought to herself I bet he knows how to fuck a girl. She pictured him having his way with her right here on top of the dryer. She felt her wetness begin to trickle out again. She was horny. And had no boyfriend coming to satisfy her tonight. She went back up to her room to wait for her wash to finish. She sat down and thought about Matt and the guy in the laundry room and just how bad she wanted a man right now. She started to feel her breasts over her shirt and teasing her nipple and feeling it harden. Her other hand went up and down her legs, feeling her soft smooth skin. God it felt good to be touched. Her clit was throbbing. Since her boyfriend wasn’t coming, she finally decided to cave in to her body’s desire. She slid her hand down the front of her shorts and felt how wet she was. Letting the moisture rub over her lips. her fingertip moved up and grazed her clit that sent an electric shock through her body. Just then she heard the key to her door begin to be unlocked. She quickly pulled her hand out of her shorts and tried to composure herself. It was her roommate Sarah and also their friend Brittany. Ashley explained to them about Matt not being able come up. Sarah sympathized with her but then stated “well girls night out. We are going to the bars and getting drinks! Come on ash, it’ll take your mind off missing Matt”. Ashley couldn’t turn down her best friends so she obliged.

She went back to move her laundry into the dryer and hoped the hot football guy from earlier would be there. But he was gone. Ashley was still very horny and was a little upset Sarah had interrupted her chance to make herself cum. She tried to distract herself on phone looking at social media and other stuff until her clothes only had a few minutes left to dry. She leaned forward to grab her basket and her crotch came into contact with the shaking, vibrating dryer. It felt really good against her swollen clit. Ashley looked around and bit her lip and let out a deep breath. She spread her legs a bit and pushed her hips into the machine. Her eyes closed and mouth open. She enjoyed the pleasurable sensation. She felt her wetness flow and the fire in her pussy grow. Then the laundry room door swung up open and a group of girls walked in to do their laundry. Ashley quickly backed away from the dryer and grabbed her clothes, hoping they wouldn’t notice her face or smell her arousal. Heading back to her room she felt her clit pulsing. “Fuck” she muttered to herself, “ I need to cum.”

Back in her room, Ashley and Brittany and Sarah opened a bottle of wine and got ready for the night. Ashley still felt horny but having some fun with friends, she was able to put that aside. She got ready to go out, doing her hair and picking an outfit. She went with a very sexy white lace thong and white lace push up bra. And a short black skirt and a hot pink halter top, black heels and red lipstick. She knew she looked hot as hell. Her skirt was dangerously short. She would have to avoid bending over and keep her legs together all night to avoid flashing her panties.
As the 3 girls walked to the bar Ashley realized the alcohol she drank was bringing her horny back with a vengeance. Her clit felt alive. She could her heartbeat in it. She could also feel her panties already getting wet with her juices and her nipples were poking through her top. At the bar nearly every guy looked hot to her, she wanted so bad to take one back to her room she have them fuck her all night. But she promised to stay faithful to Matt. The 3 girls girls grabbed some drinks and Ashley could feel a couple guys eyes on her. Looking her body up and down. It turned her on even more. Ordering a drink Ashley bent over the bar, sticking out her ass and allowing her skirt to ride up a bit.

The group of girls decided to venture onto the dance floor and soon Sarah and Brittany were dancing with guys. A cute guy named Jeff she knew from mutual friend walked up and asked her to dance. She had talked to him at a few parties and she thought he was pretty cute. He was tall and well dressed and had a nice trimmed beard and gorgeous eyes. Ashley decided to accept his request so she wasn’t out there on the dance floor by by herself. At first it was just playful dancing, and having a good time. But the alcohol took over her body and after a few minutes she started to grind up close into Jeff. She felt sexy and horny. She turned around, grinded her ass up into him. Her skirt raising up her thighs slightly. She felt his hands on her waist and it felt nice. She soon noticed Jeff’s cock stiffen and harden against her ass. She smiled to herself. She loved having that affect on men. His hand drifted up and ran along her ribs and to her stomach. It felt so good to be touched by male hands again. Then she realized his hand had moved around a cupped her breast. It turned her on more. Ashley could feel herself dripping wet. She moved her ass into him harder, wanting to feel the shape of his hard shaft. Then she turned to face him. Pushing her tits into his chest. She put her head on his shoulder. She could feel his breath on her neck and it made her hotter. She positioned her leg against his cock. She could feel it throb against her inner thigh. That cock she needed so badly was inches from her pussy. Ashley whimpered at the thought. Jeff moved and his leg went right between her legs and up her skirt. His thigh pushed up against her panties and her clit. She let out a moan. She felt fireworks in her panties. He was sliding his thigh up and down to the music. Ashley gripped his shirt. It felt so damn good. After all the build up of today her body was ready to cum. It was gonna happen and she couldn’t control herself. She put her head up to Jeff’s ear and whispered “whatever you do, do not stop what you’re doing with your leg”. With that she closed her eyes, put her head back on his shoulder. And with one hand reached down and slyly grabbed Jeff’s penis through his pants. She felt it it twitch and pulse in her hand. She just squeezed rubbed the head. She was grinding her hips against Jeff’s thigh. A constant back and forth on her clit. She felt her orgasm begin. A wave of pleasure washed through her body and exploded through her pussy. Soaking her panties. Her pussy walls squeezed and convulsed. Her clit pulsed and throbbed. A million sensations bursting through her little button. She buried her moans into Jeff’s shoulder. Her knees buckled and she held onto him for balance. She quickened her rubbing of Jeff’s cock and felt him harden like steel and begin to twitch. His body tensed and shook, she heard an audible groan. She could feel a warm wet spot through his pants. The thought of making him cum in his pants delighted her. She barely could catch her breath. Her hair a mess and face hot and sweaty. Her clit still throbbing and her whole body tingling. She whispered to Jeff “thanks, I needed that”. Jeff stood there half stunned, half thrilled at what just transpired. She kissed him on the cheek and went to the ladies room. In the stall she finally caught her breath, not believing what happened, but feeling an immense relief of pressure. She peeled off her white thong that was totally soaked and hide it in her purse. She wiped herself off and gathered herself. Going back out to the bar with no panties on and a freshly shaved pussy turned her on all over again. Ashley met back up with her friends and thought what other naughty acts she might try that night.



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