A heart problem becomes the saving grace. (Part 1) (M/F)

Growing up I was a pretty big kid, at 6’3 and 300 pounds I was a good candidate for any college football team. However, things like running and endurance always kept me from those aspirations. It wasn’t until my third year in college I began to notice something was wrong. I came from a small town and wanted to get away for a few years before I settled down in a career. 3 hours from home and under my own rules for the first time I was the normal college fuck boy. One day in class a severe pain shot through my chest, so bad I crumpled to the floor. One quick rush to the ER later and I learned my hearted had been weakened due to bad circulation through my life. I was sent home for online classes for the last month of the semester as I prepped for a surgery that would increase circulation and lead to a healthier heart. The only rough part of prepping for it was the doctor wanted a physical taken of me to see where i began. A girl who i has actually known in college ended up being the nurse checking me out, just my fucking luck. She was this 5’2 curves in all the right places kinda girl. When she came in my heart sank, i was actually worried my heart would give out right then and there. She walked in and called me by my name which made it even worse, “OH MY GOD, ARE YOU OKAY” she exclaimed when she saw me. She ran up and hugged me tightly “i know it’s unprofessional sorry, I’ve gotta get used to that part”. I shrugged it off and said it made me feel good knowing she was worried and cared about me. As the physical progress so did my nerves, knowing that the last examination would be inspection of my cock and balls. I had been put on blood pressure medication already so my erections were a lousy excuse for one anyway. When it came time i laid back and shut my eyes as i felt her hand cusp my balls asking me to cough. When she concluded I’d never felt more embarrassed in my life. The semester came and went and with that so did the stress and a drop in my average blood pressure. I was told going into surgery that there would be slight side effects and if I had any questions all I had to do was call and I would be taken care of. The surgery came and went without a hitch, the only downside was I was put on medication to mellow me out and drop my heart rate to make sure and minor fixes weren’t just burst open by a surge in blood flow throughout my body. A week came and went of me being so tired I slept roughly 14 hours a day and barley had the energy to walk. Finally after the 7th day I stopped taking the medication and immediately saw myself return to my normal energy level. After two days I had more energy than I had ever had in my life. I woke up in the mornings and felt like I could run a marathon, some mornings I actually tried to. Finally the snow began to set in and my morning runs were out of the question do to the blizzard that had blanketed my home town in a foot of snow. I started to shovel people’s driveways in my neighborhood for a way to make a little extra money and keep up the exercise. After two weeks of stopping the medication I began to catch glimpses of myself in the mirror and see more muscle definition. A couple more weeks pass as I continue my routine of shoveling snow and running. My one month check-up comes around as the thought of dread fills my mind, it was bad enough and old friend of mine had to examine every inch of my body once, but a monthly check up for who knows how long. I could feel my pride and ego die off the second the thought crosses my mind. The 10 minute drive across town feels like and hour, but honestly I wish it was. Every step we took closer to the waiting room my heart beat grew faster and faster. I was taken to the waiting room. Praying she wouldn’t be my nurse again, inevitably the door opened and she slid in with her incredible tits and ass hugging scrubs. He blonde hair fell to the top of her ass, and her classes set on the end of her nose. She looked completely worn out and beautiful all at the same time. The second she saw me her eyes lit up, “well if it isn’t my favorite patient”. She said with a smile, I let out a light chuckle to make it seem like I wasn’t a ball of anxiety. The examination began with a weight check, “WOW” she exclaimed, “from 300 to 280 in just a month, that’s pretty impressive”. Next was a height check, this time she seemed more confused, “either you’ve hit another growth spurt or I entered your height wrong because I have you as an inch taller today than an month ago”. She brushed it under the rug as a mis-input or mis-calculation from my last appointment. The next step in the physical was my range of motion, a variety of stretches. Immediately i could tell something was different about her. At my last appointment she sat in the chair and simply told me what motion to do; this time she stood next to me, placing her hand where she wanted me to stretch, adding in some new stretches such as my inner thigh. Holding her hand on the hem of my boxers and I propped my leg up on the table and stretched. “Okay, the dreaded turn your head and cough and your all done”. I went to lay down as she grabbed my hand and pulled me back to my feet “a..actually we have a new procedure on these, more effective for what we’re looking for”. The curiosity of what she meant threw me off and made me forget I was nervous. “I check you in a standing position, a more normal position for the testicles and penis”. “What does standing matter” is what was crossing my mind before I realized she had removed my arsenal herself. “Fuck…” I heard her half whisper and half moan under her breath. “Something wrong” I said worriedly. “N-no, this is a personal question, but I need to know so i can tell the doctor. Have your erections returned to normal yet?” My mind began to race as to what the problem might be “no, I can only get it up about half way”. Her eyes shot open “you mean to tell me this is you half hard?” She said with a hint of astonishment in her voice, she placed her hand against my hip as she slipped her thumb under my shaft and raised it up. “No not at all, I’m no where near half way hard” my words mixed with the fact that my cock hanged limp over her thumb. She stood to her feet and was completely red. “Are you still taking any form of medication prescribed to you from the surgery?” She asked with a little bit of excitement in her voice. “Yeah, I’m still taking a smaller dose of my initial blood pressure meds”. She seemed to have a sigh of relief as she said “okay that explain the random jump in size, raising your blood pressure is temporarily increasing the size of your penis.” Her words threw me off for a split second, “I’m on medication the lowers my blood pressure” I said extremely confused. She turned around and laid her tablet on the counter top. “Hunny I’m gonna need you to sit on the bed”. Still very confused I followed her orders and began to pull up my boxers and sit down. In a flash she grabbed my hand and with a shaky voice said “nnn-n-no, take them all the way off” she said with a weird look in her eyes. I set on the edge of the examination table as she pulled her chair up and sat in between my legs. “So let me get this straight, you are still on blood pressure droppers, you haven’t had a full erection since surgery, and you are currently completely limb arousal wise”. I began to think she was going to tell me my surgery had given me erectile dysfunction. I nodded my head in approval, her eyes grew wider than anyone id ever seen, her mouth hit the floor. “S-so what that means is, your limp penis has grown nearly 3 times its size in a month?” I immediately looked down, what I saw swinging between my legs was something I had never even gotten close to fully erect. What was maybe 3 inch flaccid only a month ago, was now maybe 7 to 8 inches. The next thing I saw was her place the head of my penis in the palm of her hand and run her thump over the tip. “So.. I-I need to run some… tests to see if everything is working right” her other hand began to cup my balls. “Roughly how long does it usually take you to get a full erection?” I began to scoff, in the moment I felt my ego and pride grow the size amount as my cock. “I don’t know, how you’re doing it right now, I’ll be flaccid all day”. I said with a shit eating grin on my face. She moved from just a thumb to full strokes up and down my shaft. Another minute or two passes and no change in mass. “Maybe, if I had some visuals it would go up faster”. Without hesitation she took her scrub top off without only one hand, only taking her hand off my cock to drop her top to the floor. The second her boobs popped out, they began to bounce with each stroke. I was mesmerized, she began to laugh. “You’re not the only one with secrets you know”. I thought she meant her massive hidden boobs, I was proven wrong with her next move. Even though I was still completely soft (damn blood pressure) she took me from tip to base without a second thought. Swallowing me so deep she pushed her glasses from the top of her nose back onto her face with only my pelvis. And as fast as she stated she stoped, as she pulled her mouth of my cock, spit connected her mouth back to me. She stood up and whispered in my ear “stop taking your blood pressure medication, and come shovel snow out of my drive way in three days”. She gave me her address on a little slip of paper as she got redressed. Right before she left, she whipped around and said “oh and by the way, I need to see you at full mass for out private consultation, so no ejaculation for the next three days, no matter how bad it gets”. She laughed, “and with how… engorged your blood flow has made you, i wouldn’t expect to sleep that third night of I were you, it’s hard to sleep with a cock that hard… put you’ll know where to find me if it’s an emergency”. She said as she blew a kiss on her way out.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/il1tks/a_heart_problem_becomes_the_saving_grace_part_1_mf

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