Whack a Mole Pt1 – Mary likes it rough (Blowjob Carnival Cont’d) [MF]

(If you’re familiar with my story intros, skip to the ———–).

**P.S. This part of the story doesn’t actually have a blowjob in it, so if you’re looking for that, skip to part 2 when it’s up.**

[Last time,](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iit8nb/rope_puzzles_mary_gets_tied_up_blowjob_carnival/) I (20, M) continued to entice you, dear reader, with stories of Mary (18, F), my girlfriend who threw me a Carnival-themed party and surreptitiously turned it into an extended birthday present of creative blowjobs. Each carnival table activity had its own card. Hidden inside was a sexy message with a tease about the kind of oral pleasure I’d be in for. Each was more erotic and intense than the next as we both dove together deeper into that lust-driven headspace, building trust in each other as we pushed our sexual limits together. We were almost done with 2 to go:

1. [~~Pop-Rocks and Assorted candies~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i28mdq/the_carnival_part_1_mf/)
2. ~~Pie-in-the-face~~ – [Monday](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ig6h27/marys_week_of_cumswallowing_1_blowjob_carnival/)[Tuesday](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ig6kip/marys_week_of_cumswallowing_2_blowjob_carnival/)[Wednesday/Thursday](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ig6o2m/marys_week_of_cumswallowing_3_and_4_blowjob/)
3. [~~Candlemaking~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iayy8p/6_wax_play_with_mary_the_blowjob_carnival_part_6/)
4. [~~Tea station~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i2d8wa/4_tea_station_the_carnival_part_2_mf/)
5. Whack-a-mole
6. [~~Bubble-maker~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i40aca/the_blowjob_carnival_part_3_mf/)
7. [~~Rope puzzles~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/iit8nb/rope_puzzles_mary_gets_tied_up_blowjob_carnival/)
8. [~~Hall of mirrors~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i7kzmh/the_hall_of_mirrors_blowjob_carnival_part_5_mf/)
9. [~~Ring Toss~~](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/i6f8po/ring_toss_the_blowjob_carnival_part_4_mf/)
10. “Freak show”

As you may recall, Mary was an outgoing natural leader, athletic dance squad captain, member of the student body leadership who also was a theater geek. She had an incredibly lithe body, legs for days that led to Aphrodite’s ass. And she had the most enchanting smile. Stretching the width of her pupils, her smile of perfect pearly whites was framed by full, soft lips that made the most fabulous curves. This was accented further by the most perfect collection of freckles and beauty spots across her cheeks, nose and forehead. That perfect face framed by a head of long, silky brownish blond hair that accentuated her beautiful pale skin. I thought she couldn’t possibly be more attractive.


Whack a Mole

The next afternoon, Mary called me. She started, “I don’t know if I’m supposed to apologize or what, but I wanted to say I feel a lot better about yesterday. I realized that I didn’t actually feel like a slut or something for what we did yesterday. I thought I felt out of control but it was actually the opposite. I felt totally comfortable *giving* you complete control. Like, I felt like what I wanted most in that moment was to give you whatever your mind or heart desired, even if it was my body. It wasn’t that I valued myself less and therefore was a ‘whore,’ it’s that I completely trusted you with respecting me and valuing me.”

We talked at length about trust and boundaries. It was an open and frank conversation about many aspects of our relationship and friendship. I shared that I was always really nervous because I knew she was so popular and I wasn’t exactly the super-fit athlete we’re brainwashed to think the “hot” girls want. I on was afraid to explore and push our relationship for fear of losing what I had with her. This was a revelation. She shared that she had always felt guys wanted to date her only because of her looks and so she had only dated some.

Before long though, the conversation turned explicit. We shared our fantasies with each other in increasing detail. I learned that Mary’s desire to explore her sexuality far outstripped my own but that she never felt safe enough to explore until we had been together for a while. She felt “unleashed” with me. I told her that the last few weeks of this birthday present had also unleashed me, making me feel more confident about sharing what I wanted from our sexual relationship.

“Ok, tell me one thing you want to do that I don’t know yet that you’ve been afraid to tell me.” I told her about a public sex fantasy of pretending not to know each other and picking her up at a club, fingering her on the dance floor, getting sucked off in the parking lot, fucking at her place and leaving before she wakes up. She asked if I would fuck her raw or with a condom. I told her in the fantasy we’d never know each others’ name so in that moment I’d imagine I wouldn’t care. If she wanted me to I would, because I’d do anything to fuck her.

I asked her what her fantasy was. She said she’d been living them out over the past week. “All your fantasies are blowjob fantasies?” “Lots of them are. I have a real oral fixation and it’s awesome to manifest that sexually through blowjobs.” “What about, you know, like actual sex?” I asked her, “Do you have any fantasies about that?”

“I do, but I don’t want to get ahead of ourselves. This is your birthday week, so I’ll share part of one with you. I fantasize that one day you’ll stop being so gentle.”

“What?” I asked, confused.

“Don’t get me wrong, I love blowing you, I love the way we share intimacy and I love the emotion and the gentleness and the way it feels and I crave that, too, but sometimes, as you can tell from this week, I want to, you know, be…” She trailed off.

“Like, *used?*” I cringed as I said it.

“No, no, that’s not it at all. That’s fun and all, but not what I’m getting at. Like I want to be in it together, where I’m not necessarily leading. I want it to be the kind of interaction that takes all our concentration to be a part of, where we never let up on the intensity for even a second until we need a break, then we stop completely, catch our breath, and then go right back at it. That doesn’t have to mean it’s necessary rough or aggressive, just upping the intensity. ”

I was caught off guard, “Have I been that passive this week?”

She laughed, “No, well, sometimes, but I think that’s because this is so far beyond where we’ve ever been and I sense you’re trying to be respectful and follow my lead. But I’m saying I want you to take the lead. There have been moments in there where you also took control – like when we did ring ross and you teabagged me or in the pool when you grabbed my head or during the candlewax one where you poured candle wax on my ass, or that whole week when you were surprising me with cum, and then yesterday, you were in the zone and completely in control. I loved that it took all my concentration to be ready for you at any moment. I think you broke through yesterday and I was both surprised and at the same time so turned on. It’s why I came so hard so many times!”

“Well, I think I can try to do more of that, though I don’t know that I know how. Is that something you’d like to see more of soon?”

“Yeah, actually, Whack-a-mole is a great opportunity for that. Can you come over tomorrow?”

We settled on a time. She said I should spend some time thinking about how I could up the intensity and take more control so she asked me to open the card.

>I have a at least a few thousand freckles all over my body. You’ve slapped a few on my ass. Whack the rest and win a prize!

“So what does that mean?” I asked.

“Throwaway! That’s the whole point. I trust you, I want you to make this an intense experience for us both. I want you to feel confident and in control that you can enjoy me and my body safely, knowing that my fantasy is that you won’t be so gentle this time around. I want you to be confident knowing that even if you go too far, I trust that it’s not because you disrespect me or don’t care, it’s just that when you push boundaries, sometimes you cross them without meaning to. Can you believe me?”

I could and I couldn’t at the same time. We set a time for the next day. I knew I wasn’t going to get antyhing else done the rest of the day, so I decided to devote my evening to thinking about this.I began to brainstorm, pulling up the picture she sent me from the Ring Toss day and taking notes. I watched the hall of mirrors blowjob again, pausing at various points. After an hour I had a list of every freckle patch and beauty spot she had. I thought about the word “whack” and its various uses. I wrote my notes and gathered my materials and set to work.

The next afternoon, I arrived, bag in tow. Mary greeted me at the door. “What’s in the bag?” “That’s for us for later.” “Oooh,” she cooed, “I can’t wait.” I set the bag down, pulled her close and kissed her deeply, pressing my lips against hers. “I Like the start of this already,” she said. I took her by the hands and looked her in the eyes. “Mary, I’m absolutely crazy about you. I trust you too. I will take the lead today, and I’m going to push my limits while trying to navigate yours. I’ve made a list of the things I think will push your boundaries and mine. Obviously you can always change your mind, but I thought we could be on the same page before we, you know, got started.”

“Wow, you did serious homework!” she exclaimed as she took the paper from my hand. She sat down at her kitchen table and intently read the paragraphs I had written her. “This is really great, it’s honestly a lot more than what I was expecting but I’m really excited about all of this. I appreciate you taking the time to explain what your feelings might be and what you’ll say and do. I think I can handle the physical element of it. I crossed one out though, not because I don’t want it, it’s just, I can’t cover it up afterward and I have to work tomorrow. But I want you to have and hold space for those feelings and experiences and and I’m totally okay being the way you do that. I’ll do my best to share with you mine in the breaks.”

“Are you ready?” I asked.

“Yeah,” she smiled big, “Totally, let’s play whack a mole. Lead the way.” We moved her coffee table out of the way and I stood her in the middle of the living room room. “Okay, take your clothes off.” She began to do a sexy strip tease. “No,” I interrupted her, “just get naked.” I watched as she took quickly shed her clothing, tossing it aside. In under 10 seconds, Mary stood before me in all her naked glory. “Come stand in front of me. She approached. I walked around her and drank in her gorgeous shoulder length blond hair in soft curls, soft nose bridge, full wide lips, long neck, strong shoulders and toned arms. I admired the two strong lines up and down her back next to her spine pointing down to a toned, taut and yet by all rights thick ass. They stood atop two long, lithe legs hiding powerful dance muscles which showed whenever she wore heels or pointe shoes. I kicked her heels apart to shoulder width and set her arms by her side. I walked around to the front slowly focusing on her magnificent torso. She had prominent hip bones at the edges of a flat tummy, just slim enough to show the faintest shadow of the strong abdominal muscles underneath when she breathed. She had a line up the middle leading to her chest where I could barely just see the outline of her lowest rib but above which sat her large glorious gravity-defying, perfectly proportioned retrousse breasts capped by glistening pink nipples which had grown hard as I so overtly consumed her body with my eyes.

“You have freckles and beauty spots on every part of your body.” I took out a sharpie and knelt by her feet. I circled a mole on her right ankle. “On a scale of 1-5 where 1 is the least intense and 5 might leave a bruise, how hard do you want it here? There’s bone right underneath here, so I recommend one or two.”

“One,” she replied. I marked 2 on her skin next to the circle. In this manner, I worked my way up her body, leaving circles and numbers on her feet and calves. On the middle of her thighs she selected her first fours. I circled a mole on her left ass cheek. “How about here?” I asked. “What do you want?” She replied. “We’ll do 1-5” I said. We did the same for another freckle cluster on the other cheek. I then told her to bend over and spread her ass. She complied. “Did you know you have a mole between your ass and pussy?” I asked her as I drew a circle around a small beauty spot in the gap. Watching her asshole clench tight indicated she didn’t. “Oh my god, I can’t wait to find out what you’re going to do there. 4 please.” “You dirty girl.” I shot back, salivating at the thought. We covered two more on her pussy lips and I was suprised when she selected four. Along her abdomen and back she selected mostly threes. As I came to her breasts, I made a few small circles and she said, “Can we just play here by ear? I know you love my tits and God knows I want you to have fun, but it’s almost my period and they’re pretty sensitive today. Is that okay?” I nodded and drew “?” next to the circle. She giggled. “They’re boobs, have you never seen them before?” I laughed and playfully slapped her breast and enjoyed its bounce. “Oh, that was good, you can definitely go harder than that,” she said seductively. I didn’t mark her face because she had to work, but as I pointed to each group on her chin and cheek, nose and forehead, she selected to my surprise 3, 4, 2, 2.

I reached into my bag and pulled out my play instruments. I brought a wooden spatula, a feather duster and a leather tassel from an old jacket. They were labeled. 5, 1 and 3 respectively. “Where are 2 and 4?” I pulled my pants down over my crotch and my erect cock sprung out which I had awkwardly written a 2 upside down so she could read it and showed her my palm with the number 4 written on it.

“Fuck.” She said as she realized the double meaning of the numbers.

I turned her around and threw her down onto the love seat. I grabbed her ankles and pulled her legs up and over the arms of the seat. She lay [spread eagle in front of me.](https://i.imgur.com/TNTajPN.jpg) I started with her feet where the first circle had a 1 by it. I took the feather duster and tickled the sole of her feet. She giggled and tried to move her leg. I pinned her foot and slapped her firmly on the thigh where there was a number four. She immediately stopped, startled. “Oh my.” I could see her starting to understanding how this day was going to go. I went back to her foot and smacked the feather duster against her cluster of freckles on her ankle. I traced it up her leg to her calves where she had the first “2.” I smacker her a little harder with the feather duster and then pulled her leg straight and rubbed my cock and smacked it against her toned calf muscle a few times. I had my first drop of precum and squeezed it and wiped it off on her leg. She had 3’s on the back of both thighs and I had her hold her legs up on the air as I alternated between the feather duster and the leather tassel which I whipped around rapidly in circles, lashing her thighs. She winced for the first time. “Oooh,” she exhaled, “it kinda stings, it’s nice.” Once the back of both of her legs were pink, I spit on my hand and slapped the fours on the middle of her thighs again and pushed her knees together and thrust my cock between her thighs. I enjoyed the wetness and strong muscular ridges for a few moments before spreading her legs again. As the duster made its way to the middle of her legs, I could see she was starting to get wet. I ran it over her crotch, and her juices were pulled over her other leg as it continued its path. I took the tassel back to her legs, whipping it back and forth between her thighs. I added her pussy to it with the tassel, smacking her right tight, left, then down firmly over her labia. We locked eyes and I did that a few times before focusing entirely on her pussy, whipping the tassels over it repeatedly. She was biting her lower lip, breathing hard and staring me down as I kept up the energy. Without breaking eye contact she reached down and spread her pussy lips, pulling back her clitoral hood as I crashed the tassel over her again. “Ahh!” She exhaled in pain, now mouth open, nostrils flared, panting, “Don’t stop. Don’t stop!” with each breath. The tassels lashed her pussy half a dozen more times before she came in a screaming orgasm. She collapsed, closing her eyes, legs spread, her pussy dripping juices over the edge of the couch. I knelt in front of her bring my cock in line with her pussy. I gently slapped her labia with my cock, rubbing it up and down the vertical slit between her lips and over her clitoris. I gave it a couple of gentle pats with my hand to complete the 4 prominently marked on her labia.

She opened her eyes a few moments later and breathed a sigh. “Ready?” I asked her. “Yeah.” “Then turn around and get on your knees.” She [complied, extending her back to expose her glorious backside.](https://imgur.com/a/HPMISBx) I cued the first line from her that I had written down earlier. “What do you want?” “I want you to tease my ass.” I took the feather duster and ran it gently over her backside, into the deep valley of her ass and over the mole on her perineum and up the other side. I tapped each cheek, her strong firm ass ruffling the fluff of feathers. I tapped her taint with the feathers. “Mmm, my ass wants something harder.” I positioned myself behind her and smacked my cock against her ass. It gave the sexiest bounce. I hit each cheek a few times before I slid it between her ass cheeks gave a few firm smacks with the underside of the head of my cock over the tight bridge of skin. I let my cock rest in her ass crack. “Is that what you want?” I said, cueing her next line. She didn’t follow the script. “No, I want you to fucking beat my ass. I want to feel it next week.” *Okay, close enough.*

I grabbed the tassel and dragged it over her ass. She looked back at me over her shoulder. “Turn away, it’s better if you don’t know it’s coming.” She looked straight ahead and leaned back over her knees bringing her ass closer. I draped the tassel over her ass, dragging it all over the surface and letting the tendrils carress her curves. Her ass clenched reflexively as the whooshing sound of the tassel gave away the first hard whip on her right ass cheek. “More?” She nodded, still looking away. Again on the right cheek. I built momentum, now a regular stream of lashes. I could see red marks beginning to appear on her creamy skin. She had buried her face into the couch cushions. She flinched again as I whipped the tassel on her left ass cheek. As her left cheek began to streak red I began alternating one and the other. She was moaning into the couch cushion. She let out an audible scream as I smacked the tassel into her taint and over her asshole. “What?” I asked her roughly, “Too much for you?” She shook her head no. “That’s right, you love it,” and I slapped her right ass cheek hard with my palm. Her the vibration moved her whole body. “Yes, I love it! Fucking slap my ass! Harder!” I upped the ante, picking up the wooden spatula and laying into her flesh. Her [ass cheeks were bright pink all over](https://i.imgur.com/EhLqJFT.jpg) and she has snuck a hand between her legs and was vigorously rubbing her clit. As I kept on her ass cheeks, I pushed two fingers from my other hand into her pussy. She didn’t even flinch. I moved over her so my palm rested against her perineum. I lubricated my thumb with her pussy juices too and and began to finger her hard. Her pussy made sucking and wet sounds as I slammed my palm against the 4 on her taint, pressing my thumb firmly against her anus, and occasionally lashing her ass again with my other hand. Her moaning was to much for me and I pushed against her asshole and my thumb slid in. She began to buck against my hand and it wasn’t long before she came hard again. As her pelvic muscles contracted, I could feel her squeezing my fingers in her ass and pussy her cum running down and dripping off my knuckles.

I left my hand there until her orgasm subsided. She looked over her shoulder at me in a daze. I reached up to grab her face with my other hand and instead she opened her mouth and sucked my other thumb into her mouth. She bit down on the knuckle at the base and smiled, knowing I was enjoying having my fingers in her. She sucked my thumb and flexed and relaxed her pelvic floor muscles grinding her hips against my hand, teasing my fingers in each hole. She reached over with her hand and began to stroke my erect cock. I couldn’t believe her coordination and the incredible sight of her completely sex-drunk, enjoying me almost as much as I was her. I came in her hand, my cum landing on the pleather of the love seat beneath her.

We unwound our entanglement of limbs for our second break. We walked over to the kitchen and got ourselves water and sat down at the table. We didn’t say anything for a few minutes. She broke the silence. “This is amazing. I love how much control you’re taking, it’s an absolute rollercoaster I’m on and I’m loving it. I hope you can see that, if only by how hard I’m cumming.”

I expressed my appreciation at her acknowledgement and she confirmed it wasn’t too much, “In fact,” she said, sitting back biting her bottom lip and cupping her breasts and squeezing them suggestively, “I can’t wait to see what you’re going to do to my tits and face.”

To be continued…

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ikrmjt/whack_a_mole_pt1_mary_likes_it_rough_blowjob