My Son Wakes Me In A Surprising Way Part 3 (MF| Mom/Son | Incest | Reluctant | Taboo)

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After my wild son left the room I did not know what to do. I climbed out of his bed, grabbed my crumbled nightgown, and ran back to my room. The morning had been a complete shock to me so far. It was time for me to get a break to think to myself for a moment. There was no way I could deal with my son if that even is my son anymore. He seemed more like a stranger who had taken over his body. It was as if I did not know him anymore. I locked the door to my bedroom. Then I sat down on my bed with a long sigh. I had to use my nightgown to wipe off my son’s cum that was starting to dry on my stomach.

My hands were in my palms as I tried to decide the best way to handle this family situation. The hardest part to get my mind to accept was the way he made me feel. He was my son and it was something that I could not let happen, but he was the first man to give me an orgasm in years. As my marriage with his father went on, I became less satisfied with my older man. His dad was nearly 8 years older than me and I was in my early 40’s. This was supposed to be a woman’s sexual prime. That made finding a punishment for my son so much harder. I did not want to be too strict because a part of me secretly enjoyed oral this morning, but he had to know this could not happen again.

In my room, I got about 25 minutes of peace to myself before hearing the knock at the door. It had to be Seth, I could sense his energy outside of the door. I tried to ignore his knocking until he continued for a few minutes. Then he said loudly through the door, “Please do not hate me, mom, I just can not help myself sometimes.” That was the first sense of him being humane all day. The apology was a good start, we still had more to talk about though. I asked him. “Are you back to normal? Can we talk now?” He was silent for a moment, then said, “Now would be the best time, before anyone else gets home to find out.” I stood up from my bed, going to the closet to grab some clothes.

There was no way I was going to answer the door naked. I also needed to make sure that I was dressed modestly so that my son did not take it as me trying to seduce him. That meant putting on clothes that were not sexy or revealing. I slipped into a black t-shirt and put on a pair of grey jogging pants, there was nothing sexy about this outfit. Now I felt like I was prepared to open the door. As I opened it slowly, I could see that Seth was now wearing a pair of red basketball shorts while leaned against the hallway wall. I asked, “Are you sure you can control yourself now?”

Seth said, “Yes mom, I am calmed down.” The door opened wider to allow me to come out, I decided at the moment that talking near a bed was not the best idea. He followed me to the living room couch to have our conversation. His behavior seemed like whatever had taken him over this morning was gone. This was the son that I was used to being around, the son that I have loved since he was in my uterus. Seth sat down on the couch first, inviting me to join him. For the moment I decided to stand, I was still was not fully believing he was back to normal.

My first question was about his actions, “What made you get so wild this morning Seth?” He paused for a moment, then looked up at me with a concerned look on his face. My son described his reasoning, “I honestly had been thinking you were a sexy woman for years now. It had been months since I had found a woman to be with, so this morning when I walked into your room, I lost it.” Seth stopped while waiting to see how I reacted. I did nothing but stand waiting for the rest of the explanation. Seth went on, “You looked beautiful in bed, your legs were exposed from the blanket being kicked off. I tried to tell myself that you were still my mother, but I could not help it. I had to get a closer look.” He paused again, hoping for a reaction that I was keeping inside.

He took a longer break than last time before starting again, “When I got closer, I could see that you were not wearing panties. Your pink mound looked wet. It was begging for me to assist in being pleasured. When I started to touch it with my finger, your body was into it.” Seth stopped a final time, this time my silence would not make him continue. That forced me to ask him a question. I asked, “Do you think my body’s natural reaction in my sleep is consent?” Seth looked up at me with a shameful face. It seemed like I was getting through to him.

The look on his face changed from shame to the intense stare that he had all morning. It was as if the monster took over again while glossing over his real eyes with a dead stare. Seth said in a deeper tone, “Your body enjoyed it, mom. You can deny your attraction for me, but your body can not hide it from me.” His aggressive tone had a power to it that I could not resist. It felt like I was being controlled by his words. My son was speaking like a master manipulator. He said, “Mom you will realize that you need me as much as I can tell your body needs me. Dad can not please you the way I can. We can be together, keeping it a secret from everyone. You just need to accept me as your new lover.”

There was a long moment of silence before I could see that his erection was back. I could see the massive bulge growing in the loose basketball shorts. Before long it was a long rod that ran down his inner thigh. Seth caught me glancing, “See mom you can not resist me.” He grabbed onto his boner through the fabric of his shorts. My son squeezed his dick for me. I did not want this but the attraction was something that I had no control over. My body craved having a young man with a big dick again, it had bee too long without it.

That was the moment I accepted that my son was no longer just my son. He was a man that wanted to have me sexually. I felt that I did my part as a mother to try to stop it, knowing that I could have tried harder. At the time it seemed useless, besides my body was reacting naturally at the moment again. I could feel myself getting wetter underneath the sweat pants. My lips opened slowly to tell my son how I felt about this, “This is not okay Seth, you are my son. I do not know why you are doing this but I can not fight you anymore. If this is really what you want then I am willing to try for you. There have to be rules for us though.” An evil grin grew across his face when he heard me submit to him. Seth knew that he was the one in control now.


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