The Story of Cunt II: Day Seven [last day] [BDSM] [public] [forced] [humiliation] [MF/FF]

Cunt knew that today would be different. How did she know that? Well, for one thing, she was definitely about to be arrested. On what charges? Well, the cops weren’t being forthcoming, as usual, but among their rambling, she heard indecent exposure and vagrancy. She tried to explain that she wasn’t a vagrant and that she was only exposing herself if you stick your face down her dress. The cop who was the visual personification of roid rage clearly didn’t appreciate this, because he quickly pushed his way up to the front and quickly flipped her over and cuffed her hands behind her back. Fuck! Cunt didn’t drive in her usual life, so she didn’t know how to flirt her way out of a ticket, let alone an arrest, so she just had to accept that she was being arrested when she found herself in the backseat of a cop car.

The roid rage cop and his buddy got into the car and began driving. What Cunt didn’t seem to realize was that they were simply driving in circles. If she had known that, she would have thought of a backup plan, but right now, assuming she was about to end up in a prison cell, Cunt went with her only option.

“Officers, please don’t take me to jail. I’ll do anything.”

“Anything?” the buddy asked.

“Anything,” Cunt clarified.

As if she had said the secret password, the roid rage cop pulled out his radio and made a call to the cars that were following him. They drove around for a bit, stopping in the middle of an abandoned parking lot. What the fuck? Was this the same parking lot? She wasn’t allowed to be here. Roid rage pulled her out of the car and tossed her onto the ground, where she landed on her knees and almost busted her face, with her hands still cuffed behind her. Her knees were fucked after this week, but her face was still safe from damage and she planned to keep it that way. As if preparing Cunt for an event, roid rage began walking around her and checking her out. He pulled her dress up to expose her ass and, seeing the welts, began slapping them, laughing at Cunt’s every moan and wince. He then walked around her and exposed her tits. Cunt wanted to ask that he not rip her dress but, remembering what happened the last time she asked for this one courtesy, she kept her mouth shut. Roid rage’s buddy stepped out of the car to greet the arriving cops. Roid rage wanted to enjoy himself in the meantime, however, so he got up close to Cunt and stood above her.

“Lick it,” he said.

Cunt just looked up at him, unsure what he was asking for.

“Lick my boot,” he clarified, “become a bootlicker!”

Cunt, seeing no other choice, stuck her tongue out and began licking the steel-toed tip of his boot, licking up to the laces. She knew that these boots had been accessories in many an atrocity, she could practically taste the brutality, but this was an act of brutality itself. She continued licking his boot until she heard a voice exclaim, “this bitch is nasty!” At this point, an unseen cop behind her pulled her up to her feet, unzipped his pants and stuck his cock into her cunt and began vigorously fucking her. Cunt began moaning, which was a clear sign of pleasure that these cops didn’t appreciate, since the cop who was fucking her saw fit to throw his arm around her throat and begin to squeeze to shut her up. This led to cheers and laughter, while Cunt struggled to breathe. Cunt tried to free herself, but one hand around her handcuffs disabled her. When she felt herself on the verge of passing out, the cop behind her pulled out and came on her back.

“Who’s next?” he yelled as the other cops descended on Cunt, all of their pants falling one after another. Not having any hands to jerk them off, Cunt had to take them all in her mouth in quick order, getting dragged by her head and hair from one cock to another, only really getting to breathe in those transition moments: the cops who were big enough wanted to occupy her throat, while those who couldn’t were content with just choking her or holding her nose. In the minds of these cops, Cunt deserved to suffer because she lacked underwear and slept outside. Once they were all hard, they flipped Cunt onto her back and took turns fucking her, vaginally, anally, dealer’s choice. Roid rage demanded to go last. He picked Cunt up by her hair and threw her against the trunk of the cop car, exposing her behind. She looked behind her to get a look at his shrivelled balls—she knew it—before he forced himself into her asshole and began pumping away, going balls deep each time. Cunt tried to bite her tongue, but she couldn’t hold in her screams anymore. She opened her mouth and screamed.


Cunt was definitely thinking it, but she didn’t think she said it. Especially not that loudly. That’s when she realized her thoughts had not come out of her mouth, they had come out from behind her. She felt the cock pop out of her ass, as roid rage turned to see who had rightfully called him and his loyal drove of pigs out. Cunt looked behind her shoulder and saw a less than welcome sight: there stood the sex workers who had punished her and banished her earlier that week.

“You piece of shit,” the mature brunette, standing front and centre, screamed at Cunt. “So, now you’re taking money to fuck pigs?”

“No, no,” Cunt screamed back, “I’ve been kidnapped.”

“No, she hasn’t,” officer roid rage contended, “this whore loves cop cock. She’s a bootlicker through and through, aren’t you, slut?”

Cunt struggled and roid rage slapped her about the face, trying to prove a point. Since these particular street walkers worked for the richest members of the city, the cops always turned a blind eye to their activity, but it didn’t mean that they were on good terms. However, if he could get them to brand Cunt’s ass, well, it would make him feel better about himself, that’s for sure. Finding one last attempt to prove that Cunt was there willingly, roid rage turned his back to Cunt and told her to lick his asshole. That’s where Cunt drew the line. She struggled, refusing to let her tongue anywhere near this pig’s asshole, but he was insistent. Seeing no other resort, tongue lowered her and drove it full force into roid rage’s balls, sending him crumpling to the floor.

“She assaulted a police officer! Get her,” bellowed roid rage’s buddy. Wrong place, wrong time!

“Ladies,” the mature brunette commanded, “protect the little whore!”

Like an army of Amazon warriors, the sex workers rushed the cops, taking them down before any of them could reach for their guns. The women didn’t have guns, sure, but they came equipped with mace, sharpened heels, tasers and, most powerful of all, the mature brunette’s trustworthy pimp cane. Cops were bleeding all around her. This sight was so unusual that Cunt didn’t even think about running until the mature brunette screeched at her: “Run, you idiot!”

Cunt, her hands still behind her, her dress having taken the familiar form of a belt, began to run, realizing immediately that she had no idea where she was going. Being lost wasn’t her biggest problem, though; that was about to come in the form of a big angry hog! Roid rage, having gathered his wits and still in a considerable amount of pain stood up and started running in her general direction. Cunt couldn’t see him yet, but she could hear his angry yelling in her direction. Cunt’s tits were already sore from bouncing while she ran; she couldn’t run any faster, but she realized she would have to when she heard a shot fire. FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!

Thankfully, roid rage was a terrible shot. Unfortunately, he had no problem with running and caught up to Cunt after running out of bullets. Cunt kept running, but hands behind your back, no shoes and your tits bouncing every which way are definitely not the best running conditions. Roid rage, finally reaching Cunt, leaped on to her back and dragged her back to the ground. HE shoved her head into the ground and began smacking her anywhere his rage-drunk mind would allow. Cunt raised her head enough to realize that she was in the middle of a street, surrounded by people. She took this opportunity to call for help. Help didn’t come, but roid rage did stop. He lifted her to her feet and that’s when she realized that she was surrounded by people recording her on their phones. Cunt assumed that this would inspire the pig, but it seemed like he had a bit of sense left. He grabbed her and dragged her away, the cameras following her. Of course, the people stayed in place, rich people not quite sure what to do after they start recording.

Cunt was dragged to an alleyway nearby and thrown against the wall of a dead end.

“There, now we won’t be interrupted,” roid rage said, laughing. “I’m gonna fuck all of your holes, then I’m gonna kill you. And I’ll get away with it.”

For the first time this week, Cunt actually feared for her life. Previously, she would have just let this pig fuck her, but now, it was a life or death struggle. Cunt was weak and disadvantaged, but she still wouldn’t give up. Roid rage tried to fuck her, but she refused to stay in place, so he slapped her as hard as he could, sending her crumpling to the ground. Grabbing her by the hair, he forced his dick into her mouth when a van drove into the alley.

“What the fuck?” roid rage said out loud, ready to beat the shit out of whoever was in the van. The back door of the van slid open and an elegant-looking woman stepped out: it was Mistress. Oh no, this pig bastard was gonna kill Mistress. Cunt took a deep pained breath to scream out to warn Mistress, but before she could, roid rage fell to his knees.

“Oh, hello, piggy,” Mistress sweetly said in his direction.

“Hello, Mistress,” he replied.

“Piggy?” Cunt said with a snort, which raised his ire, but before he could do anything, Mistress kicked him in the jaw and chastised him.

“What have you been doing, piggy?” Mistress asked.

“I was just trying to fuck this slut, Mistress,” he answered.

“Without permission?”

“I’m sorry, Mistress.”

“You, Cunt, come here,” Mistress demanded.

Cunt slowly crawled over to her, less because of reverence and more because it was easier to crawl.

“Did he hurt you?” Mistress asked Cunt.

“Yes, Mistress,” Cunt replied.

Mistress reached out to piggy roid rage and took the keys off his uniform, found the keys to the handcuffs that were around Cunt’s wrists and freed her.

“Okay, so hurt him back,” Mistress told Cunt, before turning to her piggy and adding, “and you don’t fight back.”

Cunt found herself with a renewed source of energy, kicking the pig bastard in the ribs until he fell over. This wasn’t sexual or pleasurable in any way, but she had certainly earned it, so Mistress didn’t step in. She did stop Cunt from kicking him in the head, however, suggesting something better.

“Piggy, stick out your tongue and put it on the ground.” After he did so, Mistress turned to Cunt and told her to step on it. Cunt drove her foot into it like she was stomping out a burning cigarette.

“Feel better?” Mistress asked Cunt.

“A little,” she responded.

“Yeah? Well, I’m not,” Mistress admitted, demanding her pig to strip. She gave the boots to Cunt and threw everything else into the back of the van. She told her pig to stand up, so she could cuff him. As soon as she had cuffed him, she began fiercely kicking him in his shrivelled balls. Cunt liked the look of that, so she joined in. He began puking but they didn’t let up. He eventually passed out from the pain, so Mistress got the driver to put him in the back of the oven so they could drop him off on the main street before leaving. Roid rage found himself unconscious and naked in the middle of a road, surrounded by rich people filming him; his career was hopefully as good as over. This information definitely made Cunt feel a little bit better on the ride back home.

“How was it?” Mistress asked Cunt.

Cunt laughed, “it was incredible, but I never want to do it again!”

Mistress looked her over and saw her battle scars: the roughed-up soles of her feet, the welts on her ass, the cuts on her knees and tits, and the blood on her face, her own this time.

“Yeah, you look like you had fun.”

Cunt didn’t respond. That’s when Mistress realized that she had fallen asleep. Mistress was expecting this as the drug causes drowsiness when the majority of it leaves your system. Mistress moved to the far end of the back seat, so Cunt could sleep across it. She held Cunt’s head against her chest and cuddled her while she slept.

Before she knew, Cunt was being awakened, as they had arrived back at the dungeon. Mistress walked her back in, making sure she stayed upright. Cunt balanced herself by the front desk, but Mistress didn’t seem ready to have her stuff retrieved.

“There’s one thing I didn’t tell you,” Mistress said.

What could it possibly be?

She continued, “this drug has a strange side effect. When it’s almost out of your body, you get really tired, yeah, but the last remnant kind of goes in full effect.”

“What do you m-” Cunt said, before she realized exactly what she meant, falling to the ground in a level of agony and ecstasy that made the stage after the initial injection feel mild! Cunt was over-aroused. She screeched for help, for someone to fuck her. Mistress stood back, enjoying this. “Please, Mistress, pleasepleasepleasepleaseplease,” Cunt pleaded.

“But what will you do for me,” was Mistress’ response.

She should have learned better by now, but her mind was so far gone in this state that she responded, “anything, anything you want, you can fuck my ass, you can beat me, you can cut me, you can sell me, anything!”

“Oh, that’s sweet of you,” Mistress said, slowly, “but I’m not interested in that.”

Cunt could no longer talk. She was in an almost trance-like state, just mumbling for relief. Well, Mistress realized she couldn’t have fun with a mumbling fool anymore, so she grabbed her by the leg and dragged her to the back, leaving her on the ground. She walked away for a moment and came back with the largest ball gag she could find. She knew this was going to be loud and she didn’t want to get the cops called on her. After gagging Cunt, Mistress sat down next to her, her sadistic impulses as fresh as ever. She brushed her hand against Cunt’s clit, causing a muffled scream. She did it again and again, enjoying the resulting screams each time. She then inserted a finger up her Cunt, then another, then another, and then another, the thumb finally making the full hand. She began to stretch Cunt out, pumping her hand in a little more each time, her other hand rubbing Cunt’s clit delicately, torturously. Cunt’s breathing began to match the pumping, before it turned into moaning and screaming. Her cunt clenched around Mistress’ hand, before one loud scream indicated the arrival of an orgasm, but that orgasm wasn’t alone. As if setting off the flood gates, Cunt kept coming and coming, unable to control or stop them. After what felt like the millionth orgasm in a row, Cunt suddenly stopped. Mistress pulled her hand out and looked up to see that Cunt had passed out from overstimulation. After checking to make sure she was alive, Mistress lifted her and took her into one of the back rooms, where she lay her down to sleep.

Cunt woke up several hours later to find herself in a strange room. It took her a moment, but her memory came back. She finally adjusted her dress for the first time in what felt like forever and stood up, only to realize that her legs were particularly wobbly. Once again, she found herself on the ground on her hands and knees, but at least there wasn’t an attached fear this time. Cunt crawled out of the room, until she found Mistress. Mistress had ordered her some food, so she could have some strength to leave. After eating and resting for a moment, Cunt found herself on her feet, ready to go. She got her purse with her valuables back as well as her clothes. She put on her own shoes in place of the cop boots, but she opted to wear her new dress home instead. When she was ready to go, Mistress came around the desk, held her in a hug and kissed her on the forehead.

“Don’t be a stranger,” she told her.

“This probably won’t be the last you see of me,” Cunt replied, before stepping back onto the street to go back to her old, normal life.
