Lost in the woods. (SCI-FI)

It started out like any normal day. I woke up, ate breakfast, went heading out for my morning jog through the woods. The light seemed odd that morning a strange glow seeped eerily through the trees. As I got further into the woods, I had a strange feeling that I was being followed. I had encountered bears and cougars on my runs before and you could feel their presence. This was different, it was like something else was stalking me. I started running faster and kept looking over my shoulder. I did not see anything but the feeling did not go away. I decided to cut off the path and wait to see of I was indeed being followed. I waited in between two large trees and watched the path hidden out of sight. I waited about ten minutes and no one appeared. I felt then it was all in my imagination and I headed back on the path.

Out of nowhere a bright light blinded me. I became disoriented and stumbled down the side of an embankment. I felt paralyzed and was struggling to breath. I then started feeling as though I was floating into the air. The last thing I remember before passing out was the feeling of icy fingers running over my face.

I awoke in a dark room, my vision was blurred and there was an odd smell. I tried to move but my hands and legs were restrained. As I regained my vision I could see that my clothes had been removed. I was laying on some sort of bed, it was very soft. I was completely naked but I was quite comfortable. The room temperature was pleasant. The odd smell seemed to be some sort of perfume. I struggled to move to get a better look at my surroundings. I was not sure if this was one dream or had I been abducted by some weirdo in the mountains. I laid there for a awhile wondering what was my fate. I then felt an odd sensation on my cock. I could see that there was some sort of pump full of a strange gel like substance attached to me. It was pumping and It felt like a fantastic blow job. I began to squirm with pleasure. It was the most intense feeling I had ever had. I came like I had never in my life, it just kept coming and coming. It was so intense that I blacked out again.

I then awoke in a small room there was a bed, a sitting area and a small table. I was still naked but I was no longer restrained. There was door but it appeared to be some sort of a two way mirror. There were no windows and the lighting was dim. I started banging on the door yelling somebody tell me why I am here. I didn’t know where the hell I was or what was going to happen to me. I sat down on the bed and stared at the door for what seemed like hours. Suddenly the door opened, I leapt to my feet ready for a fight. In walked in a strange creature. It looked like a women but with some strange features. Her hair was jet black and as straight as straight can be. She had two breasts, a shapely figure. Her facial features were very exotic. She was wearing a long robe looking thing full of colors. I demanded to know who she was and why I was here. She told me not be afraid and that I was not going to be harmed. She said that I was needed and to accept what was going to happen to me. She moved closer to me and the odd smell from the first room became much stronger. It was intoxicating. She pushed my down on to the bed, she was very strong and I could not resist. Her smell was like a drug.

She opened her robe and revealed her naked body to me. It was beautiful, the color of her skin was a pale teal she had a patch of black hair on top of her gorgeous pussy. She climbed on top of me and pressed her pussy on my mouth. She began to grind herself on my face. The smell and taste were unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was like the sweetest candy ever created. Her juices flowed into my mouth and down my chin. I felt a strange sensation in my stomach it was warm like I had just taken a shot of some fine whiskey. She started making strange noises and she moaning the sweetest sounding moan I had ever heard. I wanted to plunge my cock into the strange pussy more than anything I had ever wanted to do before. She let out a squeal and my mouth was flooded with her juices. She climbed off of me and put on her robe and left. I was laying there practically paralyzed rock hard with no way to relieve myself. My mouth was full of her sweet juices and I was still having that whiskey feeling.

A short time later the door opened again. This time there was a male looking creature that entered. I could not speak or move. He had the same facial features as the female but was a a little darker teal in color. He approached the bed and removed his robe. He had the largest looking cock I had ever seen. It was at least three feet long. I was panicking, what they hell is he going to do to me. I tried to move to fight him off but I couldn’t. As he came closer I could see what appeared to a pussy below his enormous cock. I was completely confused and terrified. He climbed on me and my cock slid deep into this things pussy. I have to admit it felt great. It started moving up and down and could feel my cock grow. I needed to cum so badly I was ok with doing it here. His cock started moving like a snake. It grew and moved towards my mouth. I tried to clamp my lips together, there was no way I was letting that into my mouth. It pushed its way between my lips and slowly slid down my throat. It pulsated in my mouth with every thrust of my cock in its pussy. This went on for what seemed like forever. I came so hard at the same time this creature filled my mouth with its seed. I again passed out.

I woke up later, I don’t know how long it had been, time meant nothing to me anymore. This time I had on a robe, and there was food on the table for me. I was starved and devoured the food they had been left for me. I didn’t care what it was. It was the best tasting thing I had ever eaten. I noticed my stomach was larger than it used to be. I am an avid runner and I have never had a belly. I thought I felt something move inside me. I was freaked out but a little bit melancholy at the same time. What the hell was going on?

The door opened and female creature entered the room. I asked for an explanation, what is happening to me. She smiled and said that she was part of an ancient species that has inhabited the Earth long before humans. She said that they live underground and have evolved far beyond the humans. She said that they have a complicated reproduction system that allows them to live longer lives by using hosts for their offspring. She went on to explain that prior to humans they used other animals to be hosts. Once humans came it was a much better match for this process. Since the male needs the host’s sperm to mix with his own to create the seed. Blending DNA builds a stronger offspring. She said she had planted her egg inside me when she came in my mouth. She then told me I was carrying her and her mates child. I was now their bonded host. She told me the child would be removed from me when it was ready and that no harm would come to me.

I was in shock, I couldn’t breath and I felt like I was going to throw up. She sensed I was in distress and moved over to comfort me. I smelt her scent again and immediately became calm and subdued. She dId not want me to be in distress to protect her child. She removed my robe and hers and began to stroke my growing cock. She pushed me down and slid her pussy down on me. She felt great, she was so very wet and warm. She fucked me for what seemed like hours, the drug like effect of her scent kept me from exploding. She finally let me cum. This went on for awhile.

My stomach was getting very large, I could tell there was something living inside me. It was surprisingly a very pleasant experience. On day the female came to my room and said it was almost time. I asked what would happen to me after the child was removed. She said I return to my life and that I would be taken again when they were to reproduce again.

I woke up in the woods in my old clothes, I got up an looked around it was summer when I went out running and now it was fall. I was full of energy and I ran back to my house. I thought it was all a dream but time had passed. I went in to my house and my stuff was all in boxes. I lived alone but my family lived near by. I called my dad and he was shocked to hear from me. He said they were about to declare me dead. He wanted to know where I had been, I could not tell him what happened or I would have been locked up in a mental hospital for sure. I just said I don’t know I hit my head in a fall in the woods. Nobody believed me and my family and friends treated me like I was a stranger. I did not know if I was crazy and imagined the whole thing, but the scar on my belly proved to me it was real. I sit now and wonder when I will get to return. Hopefully I will be writing to tell you all about it.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ik58ij/lost_in_the_woods_scifi