Dorm Girls [MF]

So I was at uni, 3rd year, and this 1st year girl and I chat at the bar. She’s a freckly little redhead with no shame. Call her Heather. She eventually asks if I’ve had a one night stand, and when I say no she says she hasn’t either, then drags me to the bathroom. On finding out neither of us nor the machine have a condom, she gets me in a cubicle, kneels, and gives me head, starting out chatty but ending up very focused and gaggy. She swallows, takes a minute, then we go back to the bar. I then buy her a drink and, an hourish later, she gets me back to her dorm and a dormmate has slid a condom under her door for her.

Great night, she rides better than a cowgirl, and we both cum loudly and go on and off all night. I stay over, we spoon and say goodbye in the morning. Nice and fun all round.

Maybe two months later, I start seeing another girl. Really nice, blonde, funny, though she’s a bit insecure. Get back to her place one time and – long story short – she’s close friends with Heather. New Girl was, it turns out, there when the condom was slid under the door, and the loud night of sex is a running joke in the group – apparently Heather hadn’t been single, so it was gossip.

Neither Heather nor I bring up that I’m ‘the guy’

Anyway, on leaving New Girl’s room post-sex one night, bump into Heather. She’s in little pyjama shorts. She prods about whether I’m serious with New Girl, I say no, we’re both just having fun, and, after a few minutes chat, find some excuse to go to Heather’s room. Much quieter, but fucking amazing sex ensues – partly against the wall in the direction of New Girl’s room – amazing thanks to the illicitness and her whispering about New Girl. I’d already cum so was lasting better than any early 20s guy has a right to, and she *said* she’d never had it better, which, true or not, made me feel great.

But here’s the thing – I then went exclusive with, then married New Girl. Never told her about me and Heather – Heather and I both agreed she’d hate it back then, and the more time passed the worse it would’ve been. Heather was a bridesmaid about 8 years after our first night together. We’ve never done anything since me and New Girl went exclusive, and I’ve never told anyone… but sometimes I really want to get her alone. I see her maybe every two months, and spend the whole time imagining.

I’d like to tell you something happened since, but I’m keeping this to the less exciting truth ?



  1. A nice, relatable story! Cheers to growing up!
    The thing is, given the circumstances, age and what else, it becomes irrelevant to tell, but somewhat of a joy to remember.

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