The Story of Cunt II: Day Six [BDSM] [public] [humiliation] [forced] [MF/FF]

**Author’s note: my sincerest apologies, my lovelies. I somehow forgot about my new life as a pornographer and didn’t get day six out yesterday, as I had planned. Hopefully we can get through this without the need for a beating or spanking, but if it has to be, it has to be! Here’s day six!**

Cunt awoke to two things: a terrible smell and a hand on her crotch. She could have let the second go, assumed it was a psychosexual dream that was taking on physical properties, but that smell was like nothing she had ever dreamed before. She opened her eyes to see from where the smell was emanating. To her absolute annoyance, it was a recognizable face: it was that old pervert who had previously tried to grope her. She stood up, ready to yell at him to fuck off, but she felt so down and so desperate to get off that she just went with it.

This disgusting excuse for a human continued to rub her clit and she hated to admit it, but it felt good, as long as she ignored his presence entirely. He kept trying to kiss her, but she kept turning her head, not letting him get close to her face. This was a fuck; they were not about to make love. Unfortunately, he didn’t like that, so he stood to leave. In what may well have been the lowest moment of her life, Cunt was the one who begged for him to come back, offering her body to him, whatever he wanted. He made that known immediately when he came back and dropped his pants, exposing his foul cock, a cock that was at once despicable and irresistible. Cunt held her breath and put her mouth around his cock’s head, trying not to taste it. She began to move up and down his cock, reaching his saggy balls on the third push. Once she had gotten used to the taste, it wasn’t all that bad anymore. This old man wasn’t about tenderness, either, however, as he began to pump into Cunt’s skull, taking out decades of sexual dissatisfaction and misogyny in poor Cunt’s head. Cunt thought he would pump away until he came—she did not want his cum anywhere near her mouth but she may have had to just deal with it—but then he pulled out and, without warning, pushed her onto her back. She immediately screamed out in pain, landing on her new stripes, which just seemed to excite the old pervert, who immediately mounted her body and pushed himself between her legs, deep into her cunt, pounding away like a jackrabbit. Cunt had an almost immediate, incredibly shameful orgasm, but that was obviously not the end of it. The old man kept pounding away, grabbing at Cunt’s dress.

“Hey, watch it,” Cunt screamed, “don’t tear my dress.”

As if in direct response to her demand, the old man grabbed the top of Cunt’s dress and, through some strange old man strength, tore it right down the middle, exposing her breasts. It suddenly hit Cunt how exposed she was: she was on the side of the street, early in the morning, shoes missing—when they went missing, she had no clue—getting fucked by some sex pest. And now, she would surely not be able to eat any fast food until this experiment ended. And while she was contemplating it, a sharp pain brought her back to the world. This old freak had bitten her left tit.

“What are you doing?” Cunt asked, worriedly.

The old man didn’t respond, just continuing to bite her anywhere his mouth reached. Cunt kicked him off herself and turned on her stomach to try to get up and run, but the old man was already a step ahead of her. He pounced on her, pulled her down and pulled on the bottom of her dress, tearing that as well. Once he was on top of her, he quickly shoved his cock back into her, this time in her asshole. Cunt was no longer enjoying herself and it became apparent to her that no beautiful woman would be saving her this time. Cunt began to crawl with however little power she could muster, this creep still inside her, looking for some help, anything. She noticed someone walking by and yelled out to him for help, but he just kept walking and, for her trouble, Cunt simply got a smack to the back of the head. That’s when she saw it. Cunt reached her hand out as far as it would go and grabbed a fist size rock by the side of road. Using her last bit of power, Cunt twisted herself at the waist and smashed that rock into the old man’s face, creating a gash on his temple and covering her face in his blood. With a shriek, she smashed the rock on his face a second time and a third, at which point, he went limp. That was at least the second time this week this man had been knocked out and he still had not learned his lesson. Crawling forward once again, Cunt managed to free herself from the old man. Standing above him, her tits hanging out, her dress no longer dressing her, Cunt held the rock up and threw it full force onto the man’s head. She hoped he was dead!

Cunt heard some sirens in the distance, so she did her best to cover herself with what used to be her dress and began running. She considered reporting the situation to the police but knew how it would go: they wouldn’t take her seriously and would probably arrest her for indecent exposure instead. Cunt considered going to buy a cheap shirt or something to wear, but that’s when she realized that the old man had robbed her of her remaining change—thankfully he had left the tracker or else she would be fucked—and it was too late for her to go back. She had been here, wherever here was, for only six days and she had already gotten herself banished from half the area!

Cunt had so many emotions running through her. She was afraid and worried about the next forty or so hours. She was starving for food. She was embarrassed by her current situation. She was horny and she was angry that she was still horny. If she had been a robot created in a lab, she would have surely exploded by now. She also wished she could take a damn shower. That’s when she came across a gym. This was perhaps the best thing that could happen right now. Cunt walked in and asked if she could take a shower. That was obviously the wrong question, because the girl at the door quickly asked her to leave. Cunt was tired of being told no, so this time, she wasn’t just gonna roll over. Without another word, Cunt walked past her and went looking for the shower.

“Miss, miss,” the girl kept calling after her, you need to leave,” but Cunt kept walking. The girl rushed her and put her hand on Cunt’s shoulder just as Cunt found the shower. As soon as she felt the hand on her shoulder, Cunt turned around, grabbed the door girl and pushed her through the shower door in front of her. She stepped into the shower and located the door girl, a modern girl, tattoos, piercings, short blue hair, you know the type. She was wearing a pin from one of Cunt’s local colleges, probably a recent graduate. Cunt, in a state of aroused rage, ran over to the girl and pinned her down, becoming the dominant one for once.

“You don’t know what I’ve been through today, okay?” Cunt told the door girl. “So, I’m gonna ask you to leave me alone and go about your day.”

The fear in the girl’s eyes was tangible and Cunt suddenly felt bad; she had become exactly what she hated. As she eased off the girl, the girl crawled out from under her, but instead of running away, she lifted herself off the ground, grabbed Cunt around the neck and brought her down on top of her, kissing her passionately the whole time. Great, Cunt really had a way of finding the right people, didn’t she?

“What else would you like me to do, mistress?” the girl asked; a bit corny, as far as Cunt was concerned, but it did it for her. Cunt told the girl to get up and lock the door, which she did without question or concern for her job. “Now, take those off,” Cunt demanded, “you are now my slave.”

The girl quickly stripped down, looking at Cunt the whole time, her eyes travelling down Cunt’s body. “Hey,” Cunt snapped, “I’m up here.”

“Sorry, mistress,” the girl replied, hungrily.

“Oh, what the hell,” Cunt said, “come here and I’ll feed you,” shoving the girl’s face into her once again exposed breasts, suffocating her, only letting her up to suck on her nipples. After this grew boring for her, Cunt quickly pushed the girl down to her knees and told her to eat her cunt. This poor girl had obviously been starving for pussy, because she did not so much as stop licking to breathe. Cunt had not had her cunt eaten that masterfully in a long time. She felt like she was going to leave her body. After coming, Cunt gave the girl a little tap on the top of the head—she meant for it to be a smack, but she had not really dominated anyone in years—which she took as a sign to stop. Cunt told her new slave to strip off her dress. After they were both nude, Cunt took the girl’s hand and led her to the showers. Before anything could happen, Cunt told the girl to run and grab her some soap and shampoo.

Upon her return, Cunt began to give her instructions.

“Turn on the water.”

Without skipping a beat, she turned on the water and focused it on Cunt. Cunt stepped under the water flow and felt the warmth envelop her. She ran her hands down her hair and felt the dust and dirt leaving her hair. The drain circled with grey water.

“Shampoo my hair.”

The girl quickly got to work, pouring shampoo on Cunt’s head and lathering it in. This girl was almost a foot shorter than Cunt so there was some struggle with this, struggle that Cunt enjoyed. She thought to herself that if she pushed the girl off her tiptoes, she would fall right on her ass, but she wasn’t feeling that sadistic. The girl began rinsing her hair and used the opportunity to push her body into Cunt’s, feeling her warm skin against herself. Cunt realized this and let it go on for one moment too long, before becoming demanding again.

“Soap me down.”

The girl grabbed the soap and began working her way down Cunt’s body, spending way too much time on her breasts before realizing Cunt’s total awareness and moving down. She eventually got to the welts on her ass, but decided not to ask, thinking it would ruin the fantasy. She continued to wash Cunt as the water rinsed her, until she got to her feet. She asked Cunt to raise her left foot, which she first washed, then rubbed, a bit too interestedly. Cunt immediately realized what this girl’s fetish was.

“Want to taste it?” Cunt asked.

“Yes, mistress. Please.”

“Go ahead.”

She took the foot in her hounds and raised it to her mouth, when she began sucking on her big toe, before attempting to insert the rest of the toes into her mouth. She then took Cunt’s foot out of her mouth and began licking her sole, from the toes to the heel.

Cunt was enjoying this almost as much as the girl, but she also wasn’t planning to stay here all day.

“Ahem. The other one?”

The girl snapped out of her daze and cleaned, massaged and tasted the right foot as well.

“Turn off the water.”

The girl stood up and turned off the water and turned back to Cunt with her hands behind her back, as all of her research had shown that this is what dommes like.

“Ready for your reward?” Cunt asked.

The girl nodded before Cunt put her hand around the girl’s throat and pushed her against the wall of the shower. There it was again: that look of frightened arousal. This time, Cunt had no ill will in mind, though, as she brought her other hand down and began vigorously fingering her new slave.

“Tell me how much you like that, whore,” Cunt demanded.

“I like it a lot, mistress,” the girl replied.

“Does your boyfriend ever make you feel this way?” Cunt asked, unsure why, perhaps also trying to imitate the research material.

“I’m gay, mistress,” she replied.

“Oh, does your girlfriend ever make you feel this way?” Cunt corrected herself.

“I’m still closeted, mistress,” the girl responded in a heightened cadence, somehow this being the thing that pushed her over. She came with a scream and began crying. Cunt had certainly not signed up for this. The girl fell to the floor as Cunt lay down beside and held her to her chest. Cunt had gone through all of this herself as a queer woman and she always assumed she would have some great advice for a moment like this, but right now, she just sat there quietly, holding the poor girl to her chest and letting her cry. Once she had gotten it all out of her system, the girl turned around and kissed Cunt on her lips, thanking her for letting her get that out. Cunt provided some words of comfort and the two stood up and had a quick shower together, Cunt holding her slave the whole time, hoping this would be the incident that would allow her to come out of the closet. That’s when the door handle began to shake erratically. Fuck, someone was trying to come in. And the sound of keys suggested it was a manager. Cunt, suddenly feeling responsible for this girl, told her to grab her clothes and run out the back door. As soon as she was gone, Cunt walked over to grab her “dress” and do the same thing, but it was already too late. Cunt was asked for her membership and, when she was unable to present it, she was dragged out of the shower, in all her naked glory, and tossed out by security, her sun dress thrown out after her. Well, everything was already visible; should she even bother to put it on? Well, she did, she wrapped the damn cloth around herself and walked away from the gym proudly, because at least she was clean.

Cunt thought about her options for a second and decided to just sit down and beg again. She had nowhere to be and she was hungry, so it was really the only thing she could do. Of course, when she sat down, she remembered that she couldn’t do that either, so instead she just stood next to a wall and held her hand out like a character from some old Italian film. Well, she learned something about herself then: she definitely looked more desperate today than usual, because people began putting quarters in her hand. She began storing those quarters in her dress’ pockets and figured she would have enough for a meal by dinner time. That was when she was suddenly leapt on. Fuck, she was not in the mood for this, but before she could so much as throw a punch, she turned around and saw the girl from the front desk of the gym, except she was not at the front desk. Before Cunt could ask the first obvious question, the girl simply blurted out “I quit!” Cunt knew this was the same girl, but she looked different, more relaxed, more joyful, as if a big weight had been lifted off her back. With the biggest smile on her face, the girl blurted it out.

“I just called my mom and told her I was gay!” She screamed that last word, GAY, before becoming overcome with joy again and hugging Cunt, before handing her a bag. This bag contained a cute little red dress to replace her torn sundress—this one also had pockets—which was obviously picked by someone like this girl, someone in her early-20s who is still fascinated with the world, something that Cunt probably couldn’t get away with, but it didn’t matter. Cunt appreciated it a lot. Since she no longer had anything resembling modesty, Cunt simply stripped out of her sun dress, put the new dress on and switched out the contents of her pockets. She almost wanted to keep the sun dress, as a reminder of the professional woman who had rescued her, but before she could make a decision, she was already being dragged away by the girl. Cunt spent the rest of the day with the girl. She bought Cunt lunch—or was it dinner by then—before taking her home and making up for lost time. Cunt introduced the girl to the wonderful world of cunnilingus, but she seemed to be more interested in cuddling, wanting to be Cunt’s little spoon. Around nine, the girl’s roommates started returning home and, instead of making things awkward or outing her before she had the chance to do so, Cunt gave the girl a kiss and quietly snuck out the side of the house. Cunt went off in search of a nice place to sleep and prepare for the last day of her excursion. She could tell that the drug running through her blood, the APT-401, was beginning to wear off, so she was in a strange position, where she was less horny than usual, but she was still extremely aroused, feeling a sort of pain, the sort of thing you feel when you are stimulated after an orgasm. The last day was going to be this feeling for twenty-four hours. At least, she hoped so. What if Mistress’ contact had given her too much of the drug and she continued to feel this for the next week. No, it wasn’t worth thinking of such things. Instead, Cunt rubbed herself to completion and went to sleep on a field of grass in a nearby park.
