(LONG) He 21[M] gave me a car ride, I 21[F] gave him a different kind of ride: the day my best friend became my boyfriend.

*Hi! This is my first post here, and it’s kind of (well, actually, no: it’s **very**) long. I don’t remember all the exact details, and obviously I don’t remember every word of our conversation. I’m just paraphrasing from my rough memory, and embellishing them somewhat to make them more entertaining to read. The story itself, however, is real. There’s a lot of backstory included, so skip to the part after the line to get to the juicy parts. This happened a few years ago.*

I’ve known J since high school. We were in the same big friend group, but were never close personally. It was one of those friendships where it was fun to be with each other inside a larger group, but would never really hangout with just us two alone. As the teen years passed away though, and age ran its course, the group slowly crumbled by the time high school ended. Some friends moved out to pursue university in bigger cities, and the rest, we simply grew apart from. It was a bit sad, but such is life.

Surprisingly, J and I were the only ones who kept in touch. Aaaaand… it was mostly because of his car. On his 18th birthday during the summer after high school, he posted on Facebook that his dad gave him the keys to the family car, an old but reliable Toyota Prius. It also supposedly the day his dad finally retired and would not need it much anymore, so it was mostly his own now.

I messaged him a congratulations and a happy birthday greeting—surprisingly my first ever text to him. He thanked me, and I left it at that. But a few minutes later, my phone beeped again from another message from him: “wanna come take a ride with me? let’s test out the car haha”

I didn’t know how to respond at first. The idea was far from appalling, don’t get me wrong. But at this point, he was still on the outer ends of my circles of friends and being the introverted girl that I am, was afraid of potential awkward silence in his car. However, with a big chunk of my former friends gone, I realized that it wouldn’t hurt to at least try to keep the ones I have left.

I got dressed, and thirty minutes later he was outside my house, leaning on his new Prius waiting for me on the sidewalk. He looked a bit different from when I last saw him in school. He was still 5’8, still had that curly hair with which he rocked that seems-messy-but-actually-deliberately-styled look, still had hazel eyes, and still had a slightly dorky smile. But there was something different. Like he was more confident. Feeling no longer like a boy and now a man with his not-new but shiny car.

We didn’t really do much but talk and drive around town. To my surprise and relief, it felt very easy to be around J. There was no awkward silence. The silences during our time together was comfortable, usually after a topic of conversation naturally died down. Was I actually closer to him than I thought I was? Maybe, maybe not. But today was fun. Being a brand new driver, he was a bit… wobbly, to say the least. This gave me some mini heart attacks, but also a few giggles to share with him.

At first he talked about his new car, geeking out about it. He talked about all this stuff related to cars, most of which I didn’t understand and don’t remember, but I found myself amused with how passionate he was, especially his energetic hand gestures—which sometimes made him lift off his hands from the steering wheel for split-second

“Dude. Keep your hands on the wheel, you just might kill us,” I told him with a worried smile.

“My bad,” he says, before he resumed geeking out.

I couldn’t help but smile at him. He actually looked cute geeking out.

“Whatcha looking at?”

“Uhm… you?”

“Well duh, but why?”

“Just making sure you’re driving well so I don’t die before I can get to college, you know?”

“College, huh.”

I realized I didn’t know what his plans for the future are, so I asked him about it. Apparently he wasn’t planning to go to college and wanted to work right away. What kind of work, he didn’t know yet exactly, but that was the plan. From there, we segued way into our past friends. Where they are now, what they were planning to do, who we secretly hated, who we secretly had crushes on.

We ate dinner at a cozy family restaurant. He told me he had two goals: earn enough money soon to move out of his parent’s house and get a girlfriend, both of which he wished to accomplish ASAP.

“Why such the hurry?” I asked him.

“Why not?”

“Can’t wait to get laid?” I jabbed at him. I felt like we were comfortable enough now for me to do that.

He laughs while he was drinking water, and now there’s a bit of a mess.

“Gross. I say your chances are dim, J.”

“Fuck you,” he jabs back. “Anyway, I mean who isn’t?” he winks in reply to my previous question.

“Fair enough,” I tell him before biting into my burger and sharing a giggle with him.

That wasn’t the last time he drove me. Soon, he found a job at an electric shop and I got admitted into a university on the outskirts of town, with both these places conveniently near each other. My place was only a slight detour from his path to work and so our arrangement began. He’d drive me to school in the morning, and my upper-middle class ass would regularly treat him to dinner. After all, he’d sometimes drive me home in the evening, too.

Needless to say, we quickly became bestfriends, even when this arrangement became less regular. We became each other’s go-to for sharing stupid memes and sharing music*—*which didn’t work out well, but was still a lot of fun: I, believe it or not, am a bit of a metalhead, while he was into rap. We’d take turns playing songs in his car, one of us completely jamming to the their own song, the other trying to comprehend the noise that the other called music. I’ll always remember the look on his face when I first made him listen to a death metal song. Oh normies.

I’d rant to him about my professors and he’d rant to me about my bosses. He’d ask for girl advice and I’d ask him for guy advice. Soon enough, he reached his goal of getting a girlfriend. I was happy for him, but I was also a bit sad. Partially because he’d spend less time with me (I honestly wasn’t able to make many friends in my first year or two of university), and partially because… admittedly, a part of me felt a hint of attraction to him. It wasn’t strong enough for me to do anything about it, especially with all the bestfriends-turned-to-lovers horror stories out there, but it was also present enough for me to imagine and hypothesize how a romantic relationship with him would go. I’m biased, of course, but I think we’d click well enough as a couple.

I got a boyfriend too. It was fun and healthy, but nothing too serious. It lasted a few months. Had a few hook ups here and there as well. His relationship ended soon enough too, only for him to find another girlfriend soon after. That went well, but lasted shortly too. There were stretches in time where we wouldn’t interact with each other much, due to work and academic responsibilities, as well as our respective lovers at the time, but we always kept in touch and our friendship remained strong. There was no feeling of distance whenever we’d meet to hangout after these stretches. At the very least I’d get a meme from him multiple times a week.

I won’t lie. I only had one boyfriend because my feelings for him gradually grew as time went on. I tried to date actively, but my emotions for him just weighed too much for me to develop any kind of interest in anyone else. So instead, I buried myself in my studies.

During my senior year, I was invited to a house party. I wasn’t that big on parties anymore during that time, their novelty grew stale to me over the years. But I had an idea. I realized that J never got to experience college parties. I wanted to see what he’d think of them, so I invited him to go with me, the party was a massive free for all anyway. He looked at me with a raised eyebrow while slurping on pasta when I invited him, but he accepted anyway.

I was feeling myself at the day of the party, so I dressed up well for it. I put on my best pair of jeans that hugged my legs, and a crop top that shows off some midriff and just a tiny bit of cleavage. But it was also because I wanted to see how J would react. 99% of the time he’d see me, in the most random, oft-unfashionable clothes. I know how to dress, I’m honestly just too lazy and uncaring to do it most of the time.

J met me with a shocked stare.

“Hello? Anyone there?” I say with a grin. I knew he was checking me out, and I gave myself a mental fistbump.

“What happened to the C I know? Yannow, the one who wears sweatpants and sweaters everywhere?”

“What happened to the J I know? Yannow, the one who didn’t check out his own bestfriend?”

He opened his mouth to say something, but he knew I won this particular round of roasts.

“I mean… okay fine. What can I say, you look great.”

“Go to horny jail,” I tell him as karate chop(?) his head, mimicking the famous meme, before heading to his car.

“Dude, that was a legit wholesome compliment!”

“Nu-uh. I still saw your dick boner up.”

“That did NOT fucking happen!”

I ignored his efforts to defend himself by celebrating inside. Throughout the car ride, I could see him stealing glances at me. My neck, my legs, my cleavage. I pondered whether or not to tease him, but I was too pleased and giddy myself to say anything about it.

The party was boring and typical, and I remembered why I stopped going to them. Good thing I brought J (who wasn’t too impressed as well), with whom I spent most of my time there. We sat in the corner, sipping on beer, playing a game where we make up the backstories or predicting the future of people we saw.

“That one’s ending up preggy,” J points at a going to the bathroom, who was obviously waiting for the guy she was flirting with to follow her there shortly after. And the guy did, just barely 5 seconds after her.

“Mhmm,” I nod in agreement.

“That guy’s failing,” I point to a guy who seemed to be having a serious conversation in a group with two other dudes. “Probably in chemical engineering or something.”

The guy apparently saw me pointing at him, and gave me a confused look. I turn away nervously, only to be met with J’s laughter. “Yup, I do *not* wanna be associated with you. See you. Imma take a piss,” he said, heading to the same bathroom where the girl pointed at went. I wanted to stop him, but I was a drunk, he was drunk, and so decided against it. Let him embarrass himself too. And *of course* the door was unlocked too.

“Sorry, sorry,” J scrambled before shutting the door so loudly that the room looked his way for a second.

The party went more or less the same, and the strengthening rain pushed our desire to leave over the edge. It gets flooded quickly in our area, so we left immediately. But the streets flooded way before we could get home, and we had to stay at a gas station that was elevated from the street. We sat there with nothing to do but wait out the rain and the flood. Luckily, the streets usually drain as quickly as they flood.

“So what did you see in that bathroom?” I ask him.

“You… don’t wanna know,” he says with a smile.

“Come on… please?” I reply, mimicking a little girl’s voice.

He shakes his head at my silly gesture. “I saw Jesus.”

“You saw Jesus fucking a college girl?”

“Goddammit,” he bursts into laughter. It makes me incredibly happy making him laugh.

“Bad kissing, I saw bad kissing,” he continues.

“Details, my friend.”

“Okay, so the girl was sitting on the sink. The then the guy standing right in front of her dicking her down but then he was also like… sucking her face you know? Like high school style?”

“You act like you do it well.”

“Act? I *do* do it well.”

“You sure? I think there’s a reason your two ex girlfriends dumped you pretty quickly.”

“Hey hey, you know fully well I was the one who did the dumping for the other one.”

“I mean you could be lying.”

“I’m not. And the other girl dumped me not because of my bad kissing.”

“Yes, because she dumped you for your erectile dysfunction.”

“I fucking hate you, C,” he said with a chuckle, before sipping on a bottle of water.

“For real though, why did you break up with them? You never really told me why,” I asked.

“Well… it’s because there really wasn’t too much to tell you about. We just fell out of love I guess, realized we weren’t meant for each other. Or maybe we just wanted a fling, something casual. Whatever, it doesn’t matter. It was fun while it lasted.”

“Meant for each other, huh.”


“You sure you’re not just bad in kissing? or in bed?” I jab at him again. I consider our ability to transition from banter to real talk back to banter to be the best part of our friendship.

“Nope,” he says firmly. “I’m telling you, I take pride in my *skills*.”

I swallow, and muster all the courage the eroding drunkenness can afford me, pushing to the back of my head all the horror stories about friendships being broken because one falls for the other.

I move my gaze away from him. “Why don’t you prove it then?”

It took him a second to respond, and I could feel him turning his head to me.

“Excuse me?” He says, unsure whether or not to still keep up the banter.

I look back at him, and tilt my head forward a bit. “I said prove it. Those *skills* of yours.”

My heart was racing as we stared at each other. He was motionless as I edged forward slowly towards him. When my face was an inch away from his, I stop and look at him again. His gaze at me has gotten softer. I took it as a sign of consent. (DISCLAIMER: DESPITE WHAT I DID, I STILL ENCOURAGE EVERYONE: PLEASE ASK FOR EXPLICIT CONSENT IN YOUR SEXUAL ENDEAVORS. THANK YOU).

**————————SEXY PART STARTS HERE————————————**

I press my lips to his, softly at first. He lets out a small breath and so do I. I put a hand on his chest. It’s heaving. I move forward and kiss him again. This time, he kisses back. My heart races faster, but I begin smiling as our lips play with each other.

I couldn’t believe what was happening, and I had to pull away. We looked at each other, and there were words I wanted to say but he initiated the kiss this time. I cupped his face, and his hands went to my exposed waist. His touch was tense, I could feel his fingers shiver a bit. He was excited, I knew it. I was, too. I rub my legs together to temporarily satisfy the craving down there. Apparently, he saw that and smirked at me as he pulled away.

“Someone’s exc*—”*

I kiss him again, and told him to shut up between kisses. I kiss him hard this time*—*to shut him up. What I needed this time was dick, not banter.

I pull away again after a few seconds to remove my top, but he stopped me. “Leave that on. It looks fucking hot on you.”

I smile at him and remove my bra instead. Good thing I wore a strapless bra today. As soon as the bra falls off, he kisses me again, and his hand immediately going for my breasts. My body shivers as I feel his hand on them. He cups them, fondles them, and his thumb rolls my nipple. It felt great and I intensify the way I rub my legs together, making it obvious for him to see it. And of course he does because he plays with my boobs even harder.

I lower my hand to his bulge and rub him through his pants. “May I?” I ask him, still enjoying the sensation of his fingers on my nipples.

“Please,” he replies.

I pull down his pants, revealing the tent in his underwear*—*including a dark spot of precum on the tip. I remove his boxers too and wrap my fingers around him. He felt hot, hard, and heavy in my hand.

He lets out a deep sigh as I begin to slowly stroke him. “Kiss me,” I tell him.

He indeed kisses me as I gently pump my hands on his cock, letting out slight groans every once in a while. I was still rubbing my legs together, trying to both pleasure myself and put on a show for him.

“Your best friend is giving you a handjob,” I tease him.

“Wild,” he reaches for my pussy. “May I as well?

“My pleasure.”

I lower my head to his waist and lick the tip, before shoving him into my mouth. He reaches over me to pull down my pants, and pressed fingers into the wet spot in my panties.

I moan into his cock. He pulls down my panties, too, before navigating my slight bush to find my clit. Once he does, he circles it with his fingers. I bob my head up and down his length, resting my neck on his stomach. All of this was great, but my neck was starting to hurt from the tedious position (lol).

“Slow down, C,” he asks with ragged breaths. I do. I wouldn’t have minded if he came in my mouth, but there was also something super hot about keeping him teetering near the edge. But soon enough he lifts my head up from his dick, and pushes me gently back into my seat. He leans over to me this time, taking a nipple into his mouth and fingering me once again.

“Fuck,” I let out.

He was sliding his fingers around my entrance, just prodding at the opening before returning my clit to give it a few seconds of focus. His tongue rested flat on my nipple, moving up and down.

“Okay, fine,” I tell him between breaths. “Your *skills* have been proven.”

He winks at me before returning his face to my breasts.

“Told you.”

“Can you put your fingers inside? I wanna cum.” I’m an honest girl.

He does just that, pushing two fingers inside me while pressing the lower part of his palm on my clit.

I moan his name, and that makes him go even faster. An orgasm starts to build. I just sit there for a few dozen seconds, enjoying the constant rhythm of his movements.

I cum on his fingers, my body unable to resist the desire to spasm, my hand gripping his wrist in search for something to hold on to. Eventually, I lift his head from my chest and his hand from between my legs to let my body recover a bit.

“See?” He says smugly.

“Well… I’m glad you’re right,” I say and smile before kissing him.

“Move your seat back,” I tell him.

“I don’t have a condom. Can you just suck me off?”

“It’s okay, I’m on the pill,” I reassure him. A silly smile spreads on his face.

He adjusts his seat back, and I scoot over and hover around him. I grab his dick and rub it on my clit. He kisses me, and that restarts the lust in my pussy. “Can you still cum outside? I’m honestly just a bit on the paranoid side,” I tell him.

“Of course.”

With that, I angle myself above him and slowly sit on his cock. He groans, and I had to stifle a moan that would be incredibly loud if I didn’t. I had to get used to the feeling of getting penetrated again for a few seconds. It had been a year since I last had intercourse, and I was not the type to use sex toys to penetrate myself with masturbation. The pleasure was simply too sudden and too overwhelming that I had to catch my breath.

“You okay?” J asks me, a bit of worry in his eyes.

“More than okay,” I respond as I begin to move.

I grind on his cock, savoring the satisfying fullness and friction that it was giving me. It was a fantastic fit. He reaches around to grab my ass cheeks, rubbing them and squeezing them.

“I never thought this day would come,” he says in a mix of a moan and a chuckle.

“You mean you’ve always been waiting for this day to come?”


My heart skips a beat.

“What do you mean?”

“I don’t know,” he says sarcastically, but I knew what he meant.

“Well, I know I have,” I lean in to whisper in his ear.

I could hear him swallow. I lean back again to get a good look at his face. A soft smile slowly spreads on it. And on mine as well. He pulls my face to his and kisses me hard. I respond by bouncing just as hard on his cock.

He looks down at our point of contact and he snickers.

“Why?” I ask him, and follow his gaze. I was creaming all over his dick, white spots of my wetness was on his shaft.

“You really wanted this dick, huh?”

“Yeah, you complaining?”

“Nothing. God, you’re getting so wet on it.”

“Yeah, I fucking love it” I wrap my arms around his head and give him a quick kiss. “I’m having the time of my life on it.”

It was a bit weird, being directly affectionate with him in this way considering our interactions have always been filled with banter. But I meant it.

“Fuck no,” he says before kissing me.

My heart has been filled with such warmth that I barely notice the orgasm building up in me once again. He starts kissing my neck, and it’s a nice sensation, but I’m done with light foreplay now, so I lift up my crop top to expose my breasts. He gets the memo as he shoves one in his mouth, and massages the other. A few seconds of that puts me near the edge. I reach down to rub my clit, and grind myself on his cock to another strong orgasm. I kiss him again, riding both his cock and my orgasm, moaning into his mouth.

As the orgasm died down, I soften my kisses as well.

“Fuck, good thing you stopped,” he said with a nervous laugh.

“What, why?

“I was about to cum. I forgot your request not to cum in you,”

“Well, close call… but it’s okay. You can if you want to.”

“Are you sure?”

“Actually, not really… I’m sorry,” I apologize.

“You have nothing to apologize for. I like actually seeing it too,” he smiles at me.

I smile back. Yeah, he’ll be a good boyfriend.

I started moving again, focusing on bouncing up and down his length this time to maximize his pleasure.

“Fuck,” he says, before soon giving me mini thrusts from below.

I kiss him hard again, bouncing as fast as I can on his cock before lifting myself up from it. I catch his dick as it flops out from me with my hand and start stroking immediately.

He moans my name. Within a few short moments, his load erupts from the tip, covering my fingers, my stomach, and even my breasts. I stroke him all throughout his orgasm, only stopping when he signals me to.

“Fuck,” he says through a sigh.

I laugh at him, he laughs at me, and we kiss once again.


This has gotten so long, so I’ll keep the epilogue short: we talked properly about our feelings after fucking and (as you can tell from the title, lol) we began dating for real soon after. I hope you enjoyed! If you want to see that conversation and/or hear more of my sexcapades with J in another post, please let me know. I’ll gladly write more!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ijfo1t/long_he_21m_gave_me_a_car_ride_i_21f_gave_him_a


  1. Thats what every poor bastard beeing in friendzone dreams about, i hope its true ?

  2. Word on the street is the longer the better. Very nice story, would love to hear a follow up.

  3. One of the best, most real stories I’ve read here. Liked hearing about the build-up and the culmination. Keep going.

  4. Thank you all for the kind comments! I’ll try to whip something up soon :)

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