The Story of Cunt II: Day Five [BDSM] [public] [humiliation]

For the first time in quite a while, Cunt woke up refreshed and satisfied: usually, it’s one or the other, if either. She felt incredibly sexy in this moment, believing that she could absolutely go from rags to riches. Someone as hot as her could just find someone to take care of her and fuck her every night. She stood up and began walking, ready to see what the world had in store for her today.

She walked past an old man taking a morning walk. She made eye contact, which he didn’t return. Okay, he’s probably too old anyways. She had to aim for a younger market. Walking past a group of cute twenty-something women, Cunt made a big show of saying hi to them, but the women simply responded and went back to their conversation, a few of them obviously laughing at her. They were too young for her anyway; she had experienced so much more of life than they had. She would never admit it, but she was feeling dejected by this. She remembered a time when anyone who saw her wanted to fuck her. Well, it was yesterday, but still.

Cunt found a construction site nearby and knew this would be the one. Any other day, she would avoid these sites like the plague, but she was still horny and she hadn’t been fucked for hours. She walked past the site, slowly and methodically, showing her beautiful body and her confident strut to the pleasure and amusement of no one. She walked back and still nothing. Her third trip, she attempted to pull the bottom of her sun dress up in a way that would suggest that she was unaware it was there, but still nothing. Then, she heard a voice.

“Hey, girly!”

Finally! “What do you want,” she responded to the sweaty construction worker who was catcalling her.

“This is a hard hat zone. You need to fuck off!”

If that wasn’t a sign to give up, nothing was. Cunt walked past the site and onto the main street, where she kept walking until she found a fast food chain location—not the same fast food franchise as last time, their competitor, in fact—and decided to have lunch; besides, she remembered what happened the last time she went into a fast food place. Cunt went up to the register—no one dragged her out this time, thank fuck—and placed an order. She tried to hit on the pimply college student behind the register, but he clearly wasn’t interested. She grabbed her food and sat down in an aisle, partially for comfort and partially so no one could see her hands. Cunt was unsure about the scientific consensus, but she knew one thing: this drug running through her blood was becoming stronger by the second. Away from the eyes of those sitting around her, Cunt was holding her crotch tight, as if trying to keep something from falling. She thought she was holding herself together, but every once in a while, a moan would escape her mouth. She tried to play it off as someone who was really enjoying her meal, but it didn’t matter: people were staring, some shaking their heads, others throwing insults her way. She was so ashamed by all this attention, so of course she kept getting more turned on. What was wrong with her body? After failing several times to get a fry into her mouth without a sound of pleasure escaping, she noticed someone looking at her; this wasn’t a look of disgust, though. She told him to come closer and he complied.

“Do you want to fuck me?” she asked, desperately.

“Pardon,” he responded.

Cunt tried to repeat herself quietly, “do you want to fuck me,” but the oblivious gut standing in front of her asked her to repeat herself.

“DO YOU WANT TO FUCK ME?” Cunt exploded, sure he would hear her this time.

“Yeah, right, do I look like I want an STD, ho?” he said, before leaving the store. Cunt went back to her food, disappointedly. She had finished her burger and was trying to finish her last few fries when a manager came up to her.

“I’m gonna have to ask you to leave,” the manager told Cunt.

“Why?” she responded.

The manager attempted to appear professional, but she had obviously been dealing with a lot of shit lately, so she simply responded “we don’t allow solicitation in here and it is an immediate ban.”

“Who’s soliciting,” Cunt replied, offended.

“Look, lady, you’re obviously a hooker trying to find a paying customer. I don’t care. Good on you. I just can’t have it happening here. Get the fuck out.”

Cunt stood up, picked up her remaining fries, shoved them in her mouth and walked out. Somehow, she didn’t expect this kind of treatment in a sun dress. Then again, she seemed to be so much more sought after in her last outfit. Cunt stepped out onto the street, desperate for a fuck. Well, if people think she’s a hooker anyway, maybe she should just give in and do it.

After finding a sit-down restaurant to grab a decent dinner with the professional woman’s money and masturbating once more, she began walking the streets again looking for a place where she could “solicit.” Cunt came across a street where a lot of beautiful women were standing about two metres apart from each other. She stood back for a moment and observed, just to make sure this was the place she was looking for. A car pulled up and one woman walked to the door. Cunt couldn’t hear everything, but she definitely heard the word thousand! Even the street walkers in this place were high-class. No wonder they all looked so fancy and dressed up. Cunt tried to walk over to stand among them without being seen. She was seen immediately, so she tried to act like she was just passing by when a car pulled up. This car was obviously being driven by some rich guy, but Cunt wasn’t even interested in the money. She just wanted to be fucked and if she got some money for lunch tomorrow, all the better. Cunt was beckoned over by a hand coming out of the window. Seeing her chance, she ran up, only to be met with a giant paper cup full of some unidentifiable liquid, smacking her straight in the chest and dousing her white dress. As if this day couldn’t get any worse, she was now standing there, any mystery created by her dress gone, drenched, being stared down by a group of sex workers who clearly didn’t want her there anymore. The car drove away quickly and left her standing there, dumbfounded. Cunt silently walked back to her original spot and dropped down to the ground, grabbing at her dress and shaking it to try to get it dry or at least separated from her skin. She felt sticky; it must have been a pop that was thrown at her. She sat there while the other women continued to make interactions, when a second car pulled up and asked her over. Cunt got down on all fours so she could push herself up to her feet and cautiously approached.

“You’re kind of cute,” the car’s occupant said, “how much?”

Cunt hadn’t even thought about that. She realized she could probably say anything, but she did also realize that she was effectively homeless and any large amount of money could make her a target. She didn’t have much time to think so she just threw caution to the wind and responded, “a hundred bucks?”

“A hundred? What kind of cheap whore are you? I think I’m at the wrong place.”

“No, no,” Cunt tried to backtrack, not realizing that a low price could ever be an issue. “I meant a thousand? Five thousand?” She just kept saying numbers while grabbing at the potential customer, who, offended by the whole situation, simply pushed her onto her ass and drove away.

“What the fuck did you do?” screamed a voice behind her.

“You just drove off our best customer, you stupid bitch,” screamed another.

Cunt suddenly realized she was being surrounded by some of the angriest beautiful women she had ever seen. Despite being unaware of why she was being threatened, she began apologizing, dropping to her knees and begging for forgiveness, but it wasn’t coming. She felt at least three slaps to the face, even a punch, a lot of hairpulling, kicking, squeezing, just anything to make her see the error of her ways. Well, she had learned her lesson and…this was about the time she realized this was not the lesson as the women picked her up and dragged her away. Cunt tried to struggle, to fight back, not wanting to go with these strange women, but they were stronger than her and she had to go with their whims. Eventually, the procession stopped and Cunt realized that she was in an empty parking lot, obviously abandoned years ago.

“Are you going to kill me,” Cunt blurted out to the great amusement of the women.

“Not this time,” a mature brunette responded, standing in front of her. “The third conviction is death. The first is a caning.”

Cunt, never being a fan of canings, asked if they could just kill her, but that was clearly not an option. Before she could so much as think of a method of escape, she found herself held by all the women in a strange form of human bondage. Two women held her arms behind her, another held her in a headlock to ensure she can’t lift her head and two others held her feet. For all intents and purposes, she was absolutely immobile. The mature brunette walked away momentarily and came back with something that Cunt couldn’t quite see but saw enough of to recognize it as a pimp’s cane. She stood behind Cunt and pulled her wet sun dress up to expose her posterior.

“This outsider slut has been found guilty of running our business for the day. Seeing as it is her first offense and I believe she is unlikely to offend a second time, I sentence her to fifty canes and banishment,” the mature brunette decreed, before pulling her cane back and bringing it crashing onto Cunt’s ass. It would take a scientist to discover which came first, but the thwack of the cane and Cunt’s scream escaped at about the same time. A second crash and a third and a fourth solicited a similar response. It was after the fifth cane that the caner noticed Cunt’s soaking cunt, believing it to be a result of the canes.

“You’re enjoying this, you little slut?” she asked, angrily. “I guess I’m not hitting you hard enough.” The next canes came increasingly faster and harder, each being met with a scream and more arousal, leading to harder canes and so on. This was quite the conundrum and it was all Cunt’s weight to bear. By the thirtieth cane, the women grew bored of Cunt’s screams, so one by one, they began to remove their underwear—they were of no use to them tonight anyway—and began to shove them into Cunt’s mouth, each one silencing her a little more. Next thing she knew, she had a mouth full of panties, looking like a squirrel on a particularly fruitful day, before her mouth was taped shut for the last ten strokes of the cane. The marks had begun to raise into welts, a few of them bleeding already, and the strokes weren’t even done. The mature brunette had to find new locations to cane, so a few lines found themselves on her thighs. Her ass looked like a musical score, lines running everywhere. Stroke number fifty was a welcome arrival, if only because it meant the punishment was complete. She was hoping that her impromptu gag would be removed so she could ask for a release, but these women clearly didn’t want to hear her again. Just as quickly as they had grabbed her, the women holding her down released her, leading to two fun consequences for Cunt: first, being held in place, she didn’t realize that that caning had left her weak and unable to stand, which led to, second, her falling right on her recently destroyed ass, directly onto concrete. Cunt used all her power to turn herself over and began weakly crawling to get away. This was again met with laughter.

Once everyone had finished laughing at her pathetic attempts at everything, Cunt was picked up and thrown into the back of the car, joined by the mature brunette and three of the other women. She wasn’t sure where she was being banished to, but she was sure that these women were true sadists, as they spent the whole ride tormenting her, slapping her sore ass, grabbing and pinching her tits and nipples, punching her in the belly and attempting to stick anything they could reach into her cunt, not for pleasure, just because. Every time Cunt tried to stop them, her hands were slapped away. She was overjoyed when the car finally stopped. She was less overjoyed when she was, once again, tossed out of the car onto her ass.

“And if I ever so much as see you in my area,” the mature brunette threatened, “the second punishment is a much more permanent branding. Now, get!”

She wasn’t sure why, but that scared her enough to send her running. Or at least fast crawling. Throughout this night, Cunt’s ass had been torn apart and her hands and knees were full of cuts and she still hadn’t been fucked. She reached up and took the tape off her mouth so she could empty it out. This was definitely a change of pace from the night before when she felt on top of the world. Was Cunt really this worthless? Realizing that she couldn’t put any pressure on her ass, Cunt found a spot by the side of the road, lay on her side and went to sleep.
