Peeking [MFF Voyeurism, Oral, Masturbation, Long]

I should not have peeked. To be certain, most sexually-starved individuals with a pulse would have at least been tempted to have done so under the same circumstances. Still, I should not have peeked.

It was partly my beautiful, over-sexed, very platonic roommate’s fault. Jenny was a goddess in a way. So close, yet always so far away. Always giving a tease, but leaving it just that, a delicious tease. Perhaps reaching out by sound when she was in the midst of passion with someone else, but that is as close a touch she dared give. I was her constant. She could fall back on me and know I wouldn’t take advantage of her when she was vulnerable after something in her life went south.

That said, she always sounds so fucking good when she was getting it on, even with the wall muffling her moanings, her breathings, her beggings, and her demandings. Tonight though, she sounded more heavenly than all of the angels singing in rapture. The sweet sound of her caressed my cock more directly than if her hand was wrapped around it, pumping it, milking it. Could anyone blame me if suddenly, for the first time, I was annoyed with just how well the wall muffled her voice, yet not well enough where thus, I justified just a quick peek?

So I journeyed into the hallway, barely even aware that at some point, I completely stripped out of my clothes, it was as if they just melted away. The sounds from the other bedroom were clearer, but now my eyes were jealous of what my ears feasted on. Eyes, ears and throbbing cock formed an alliance and sent a message to my brain, “Just one, very quick peek…” I took another step, like a drug addict knowing they are closer to their poison.

Her door was ajar and the sounds that hit me were rapturous. Sounds to be followed by scents that teach my swollen cock to somehow get harder and longer and hungrier for flesh. Perfumes mixed with incense mixed with the loveliest musk of cunt I’ve ever had the pleasure to indulge on. How could I not have taken another step? How easily I suddenly found myself standing on the other side of her door, inside her room.

Sounds clearer, smells richer. My mouth watered and was trying to join the treaty that now existed between my ears, eyes and cock. I was probably a doomed man, but I just had to push a bit forward. I just had to see just what was forming the music torturing my mind and my aching cock.

And then I saw her, Jenny, my gorgeous roommate in her naked wonderfulness. Her eyes fixed on her lover. Her left hand resting and caressing the space between her lithe neck and hunger-inducing breast. Her right hand hovering along her stomach, like it was lost and not quite sure what it should be doing.

The hand of her lover was just gyrating against Jenny’s mons with delicate fingers. I peeked. I peeked and kept peeking. I was mesmerized by what I watched. Like Jenny’s seemingly aimless right hand, I wasn’t quite sure where to go or what to do. I just watched and the growing alliance of lust within myself propelled me a bit more forward.

Enough forward to confirm that my roommate’s lover was indeed a woman as well. Something popped in my head at that realization. Had Jenny brought female lovers home before? I would not have believed so, but I rarely ever saw those she brought home, only heard once the passion ensued. I didn’t go out of my way to listen when she was in the throws of passion, as it were. Yet, in my lustful recollection, I did seem to tune out her lovers and only focused on her sounds when they were going at it. It was her projected sound that reached me. As if part of her was always purposefully including me in the moment. An aural dash of exhibitionism.

The sway of the lover’s breasts as she gyrated her hand against my roommate’s cunt was hypnotic and pulled my thoughts and lusts back to the present. That was, until her serpent sharp eyes fixed in upon me, catching me in amber. Those eyes sucked in my soul. Tasting it, learning it, wickedly seducing it. If my legs could have broken their alliance with the rest of me, they would have. That small part of me wanted to flee. There was danger here now. The lover didn’t stop touching my roommate Jenny, but she watched me with a mix of curiosity and something I couldn’t quite place. I could feel Jenny’s eyes on me now as well, but I couldn’t break the look of her lover’s sharp gaze.

I’ve had moments of deep lust in my life, but never in my life had I wanted to touch a woman so badly as I wanted to touch Jenny’s lover. Touch was an understatement. For all of the times I have masturbated thinking about fucking Jenny, now that I was naked with her in the same room, my lust was screaming to fuck someone completely different, her lover. Even my roommate’s deeper moan, while stirring, only made me ache more under the glare of the lover. Because I knew it was her that was the ultimate creator of the moan that Jenny released, and I hungered for that touch myself.

The lover was sinuous. With the exception of the swell of her breasts and her hips, she really seemed serpentine. Her eyes glowed greenish-gold or goldish-green, skin golden, shimmering and inviting. She gave her head a slight nod in a ‘come hither’ fashion, and my legs suddenly obeyed, as if they had a mind of their own. She placed her free hand against my cock, the touch brand hot and began to grind into my responsive cock instead of caressing it. Jenny and I both moaned together at the same time, with the same depth, touching through the lover, in proxy.

“Mmmmm…you lied to me,” the lover’s words cut the moment, directed at Jenny, my roommate. The next words she uttered slipped out between a slither and a purr, “you said he was nice, quiet, and shy. His energy is none of these things. It is fire. No, wait. It is water. A calm ocean set to enter a torrid tide. Have you ever been fucked by the tide, Jenny? I’ve always wanted to be…”

It sounded like a suggestion. It was a command. Her eyes drilled into me deeper then. Her stare was my moon. It pulled my lustful tides loose. But, it was her lustful smile that set my storm truly free.

I grabbed the lover’s wrist that was grinding against Jenny’s sweet cunt, and pulled it roughly away. Jenny gasped at the loss only to moan in wanton confusion as I licked her juice from the lover’s palm. I needed to taste girl-sex right then and that was the quickest way to get my desire. Our lover’s smile deepened and she finally took hold of my cock as a counterstroke to stealing her hand from its previous joy in Jenny’s wet pussy. Firmly the lover stroked my pulsing, angry cock, yet her grip fit me as if it always knew the shape and need of me.

I raged in my storm that she drew out of me. I raged in the lust of it. My hands found each of their cunts and gyrated against them. I felt both of them hump into my palms in reply. Their moans were a music of my illicit design. I feasted on the lover’s smile, now my lover’s smile. I listened to the music of Jenny’s moans. My deepest fantasy for so long was to just touch Jenny once, and now, even as intoxicating it was, she was a bit muted to that desire because of the other lover in the room. My fingers dove into both of their moist oceans. My storm churned their oceans to intense waves. Jenny’s waves were lost and wild. My serpentine lover’s waves were harmonious and controlled.

Sanity was lost. Lover’s eyes sparkled, her smile turned into something more dangerous than a smile, and much more inviting. She jerked my cock into the direction of her cunt, another silent command. Again, I obeyed my sinuous lover as I felt Jenny orgasm crash suddenly against my hungry fingers, freeing her pleasure and forcing my fingers out of her in an intense force of nature…

…freeing them so I can take hold of our other lover anywhere and everywhere. Until both of my slick hands found respite on her swollen hips. She in turn shoved the head of my cock into her cunt, her eyes commanding me to give her the rest. Daring me. Finally losing her control a bit and begging me.

I slammed home. It felt like home. It was home. It was more home than any place I’ve ever lived. I drive my cock into her cunt and for the first time in my life I understood what fucking really meant. I only thought I fucked my former lovers. I now understood the error of that fleeting thought. The moan my lover let out sent ripples through all of us. She was a complete stranger, this lover. I didn’t even know her name, but I had known her all my life. Perhaps I knew her from a past life. Regardless, I suddenly knew her fully.

We fell to the bed next to Jenny and we fucked. My hands buried in her hair as I sucked the moan from her lips. I could feel how I was fucking the moan from her body and feeding my mouth with it, feeding my soul with its deep harmony. Her sinuous legs snaked around my waist. I could feel her hands clawing into my back surging my storm ever forward. I could feel Jenny caressing my back as well, wanting some connection to this torrid storm. I could sense her other hand on her cunt. I felt like a force of nature, my serpentine lover saw through to my true self and drew out that nature, the goddess that she was

I fucked her with everything that I had. In that fuck, I learned through her cunt that her name was Alice. But, only the very closest to her could call her Ali. No one had ever been closer than me.

I fucked Ali with even more than I had. I learn through that fuck that Ali was a Cancer. I suddenly had this strong belief in astrology through fucking her, before it was rubbish to me. Her passion for it infected me. I felt her breast reverberate against me. It was if our flesh was nearly melting together.

I fucked her even deeper. I felt her soul moan into mine, “Give into me. Give into me. Give into me…”

We came together. I used to hate cumming with my lover at the same time. Now I understood why. Because that lover wasn’t her, wasn’t Ali. I was only ever meant to cum in sync with her. As soon as I gave into her completely, she completely opened up to me. And I fell in love. It was the silliest feeling, in this moment of insane lust, to fall in love, yet I knew she was mine because I was completely hers. It was the most marvelous feeling. I am barely aware of Jenny screaming, “Oh my God, oh my God!” I can only imagine what an onslaught our lust must have been on her. Anyone around us would have suffered wonderfully under it.

The moans, and grunts, and purrs fill the room in a complex orgy that three people should not have been able to create alone.

I orgasmed to every caress that Ali and Jenny inflicted upon my body. My cock fed Ali’s soul through her cunt. I was suddenly aware. Suddenly awakened. We shared a look that showed we know each other entirely, yet this was just the beginning of knowing.

My cock finally slipped free. I am still connected to Ali somehow though. The loss of the physical connection didn’t break the deeper one. I rolled off of Ali and let my hands caress her inviting flesh, flesh that I just discovered and started to learn, but somehow I felt I knew more intimately now than I knew my own. Ali purred. She slithered until my cock was in her mouth and she stirred it to growth again, while collecting our combined nectar off of it with a hunger that destroyed my humanity. I felt like something completely different now. Part god, part meal.

Then Ali’s lips were on mine, feeding me what we created together. Feeding me the aftermath of our storm, our cum, our lust. I felt different lips around my cock while Ali fed me her kiss. Jenny’s mouth nursed on me tenderly. In my dreams, Jenny was always a goddess. In the here and now, my goddess instead was Ali and she was feeding my mouth the magic we created together. Her tongue etched onto mine, “I need so much more…”

Jenny, moaned, worshiping my cock like a disciple as it stirred in her mouth, eager to answer Ali’s latest plea.

I was alive, for the first time in my life. I should not have peeked, for my old life is now a faded memory. I should not have peeked, because I have no idea what happens to the friendship Jenny and I shared, although in that moment it seemed better than it ever was. I should not have peeked, because now the storm that was me will never be caged again.

A storm, freed by Ali, my goddess, whom I just met yet have known all my life. Who I need to fuck again more than I need my next breath.

And my goddess smiled, her serpentine smile, as she pulled Jenny’s hair to free her mouth from my cock. Ali hissed and my storm returned.



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