My Summer Of Sex [MF]

I never thought I would end up hooking up with someone, but that’s exactly what happened.

After a series of hopeful conversations that didn’t go anywhere, and in-person meetings that didn’t click, I had basically given up on Tinder. But one day when I home for the summer during college, I reinstalled the app for the first time in almost a year and I immediately matched with someone. She messaged me first and and she was gorgeous. I was certain it was a scam at first, but the more we talked the clearer it became it wasn’t.

We clicked immediately and talked for hours. We had a lot of things in common, one of them being we were both night owls. It was midnight when we started talking and we kept going to ’till like 3 in the morning. We decided to meet the next night at her place.

We met in an shopping plaza parking lot beforehand as a safety precaution. It was late and in a quiet neighborhood so the place was deserted. She pulled up and confirmed it was me and then we got out of our cars to meet. She was even hotter than she was in her pictures. I was honestly shocked because I had a couple catfish scenarios before, so I was expecting the worst. I was surprised how short she was and how large her breasts were, things that weren’t apparent in her pictures. She was wearing a white tank top without a bra.

We shook hands upon meeting each other, which made it feel very formal, almost like a business exchange.

“Hi,” she said as she extended her hand.

“Hi, nice to meet you,” I said, shaking her hand, beginning what would become an informal contract.

When we confirmed each other were real and hot, I followed her in my car back to her house.

She lived in a house with other roommates, but she said we can hang out in the living room. We sat down on the couch in front of a large TV and sound system. The air conditioning was humming and made the entire place really chilly.

I was pretty nervous as I’ve never done anything like this. I was sitting on the edge of the couch facing the TV and she was sitting next to me with her feet crossed on the couch facing me. I was 23 and she was 30. She seemed so much more experienced than me, not just because she was older but because she seemed really chill as if she’d done this before.

We made some small talk. I was still kinda nervous and wasn’t really making eye contact. She seemed charmed by my shyness. “You know, I never got to hug you,” she said.

She stretched her arms out and I reached over and hugged her. She told me I can take off my shoes to get more comfortable, so I did and then crossed my feet on the couch, mimicking her.

She hugged me again, and then we kissed. At first we slowly kissed, then she looked at me and smiled, and then we started making out.

She stopped, smiled again, and then took her shirt off. It was very sudden and I couldn’t believe it was happening and I immediately got super nervous because I knew we were going to have sex.

Her breasts were amazing and I couldn’t believe how big they were and I couldn’t believe she was letting me see her like this.

She took my hands and put them on her breasts. I started massaging them and then I leaned in we continued kissing.

After a moment she pulled back again. “You should take off your pants.”

I was so nervous. I was thinking we might have sex, so I had shaved the night before and I was wearing these boxers that had this pattern of birds wearing hats that I thought were funny. I unbuttoned my tight jeans and struggled to pull them off. I kind of stood up on my knees on the couch and did this weird acrobatic move as I pulled the pants off my legs. While I was doing this, she leaned back on the couch while watching me, which made me of dumb and embarrassed. She asked if it’s okay if she’s smokes and I said yeah. I had already mentioned over text that I wasn’t a smoker and she was cool with that.

She took a hit of her bong while continuing to watch me struggle to pull my pants off. I felt like a fool but she seemed to be enjoying watching the lame spectacle.

I had forgotten about my dumb bird boxers and she smiled when she saw them, “I like these,” she said as she she exhaled smoke.

In that moment I felt like an ultra lame dweeb in my bird boxers while she seemed all cool and chill smoking the bong.

I made a weird smirk while I felt my face get hot. She smiled while watching me and took another hit.

I finally got the pants off. “Should I set them here?” I asked.

“Yeah that’s fine,” she said.

I set them down next to her shirt that she tossed on the ground. I don’t know why I even asked, I guess because I was so nervous and the place and situation was foreign and I still wasn’t really comfortable.

I kind of waited for a moment as I wasn’t sure how she would react to seeing me. I had sex before but the encounters that I had were kinda lackluster and it was also a while ago, so my confidence had kind of died down.

She could already see the massive tent in my boxers and was smiling as she took another hit. I was already thinking about this too much, so I pulled my boxers down and my erect penis bounced out.

She looked at it and then looked at me. “I love your cock,” she said.

This made me feel really good. “Thanks,” I said. I felt kind of awkward but I also felt sexy and way less nervous now.

She took off her shorts and before I could even look at them she took off her panties. Her body looked so incredible, I couldn’t believe it. She had also shaved so she must’ve been planning for this.

“Want to do doggy?” she asked.


She got me a condom and then unrolled it onto my penis for me. She turned around and rested on the big overstuffed armrest of the couch and grabbed my penis and guided it to her vagina.

I was still on my knees on the couch and I moved closer to her and then slowly pushed myself all the way inside her. I then started pulling myself out and pushing myself in. I held onto her sides as I was colliding with her ass.

*I can’t believe we’re having sex right now* I started thinking as I was on my knees on her couch thrusting my penis into her vagina. This all happened so shockingly fast. I just met this person less than hour ago, she’s essentially a stranger, and now we’re naked and I’m inside of her. I remember thinking this is what hooking up feels like.

I still had my shirt on for some reason, maybe because we just got straight to it; there was hardly any foreplay or anything. I had wished there was. The shirt I was wearing was black and one of those stylish long ones and the end of it kept getting in the way and it was getting covered in her cum.

I remember looking over at the stairs wondering if her roommates were going to come down, as we were in the living room out in the open. I trusted that she knew something that I didn’t and continued thrusting into her.

So there I was, inside of a stranger, plowing her from behind. I looked down at her ass which was firm and like a bubble. I also looked around the room as I continued to slide in and out of her. It all felt surreal.

“You can go faster,” she said.

That broke my trance. “Oh, okay,” I said. I began to increase the speed of the thrusts.

“Faster, and you can go deeper too,” she said.

Our skin was now slapping together as I was slamming myself all the way inside of her. It seemed like it was too rough but she seemed to be into it.

“Want to change positions?” she asks.

“Okay,” I said.

I pulled my penis out and she turned around and noticed my shirt.

“Oh shit sorry!” she said.

“It’s not a big deal I should’ve taken it off,” I said. I pulled the shirt off and dropped it on the ground.

She rubs her hand down my chest and stomach and then grabs the base of my penis and opens her legs.

I hovered over her on the couch with my forearms on each side of her. I put one foot down on the ground and then I resume fucking her. I thought this view was hotter because I could see more of her body and I could see her reactions.

“I want you to come inside of me,” she said.

“Okay,” I said.

I was holding onto the edge of the couch and using it as a grip to more deeply fuck her.

“I’m going to come,” I say as I feel the cum rising up the shaft of my penis.

“Okay,” she says, and then pushes on my butt with her hand until I’m all the way inside of her.

My penis throbs as each stream of cum shoots into the condom inside of her vagina. As the pulsating starts to die down, I lower my head next to her and catch my breath. I then slowly pull my penis out of her and she hands me some paper towels that I use to pull off the condom and throw it away. She uses some paper towels to clean all of the cum.

Afterwards we watched Planet Earth while still naked, which was a strange feeling.

So that was my first hook up experience. It was very impersonal. We both used each other for physical pleasure and that was that.

I eventually left her house, and I wondered if that would be it. But we continued to talk over text. She said she had a good time, and we planned to meet again the next night.

And thus began an entire summer of us having sex.


The next night I come over and sat on her couch. We turned on Netflix and started playing the next episode of Planet Earth.

“You should take off your clothes,” she said.

“Okay,” I said.

I started to get hard after she said that. I was now way more confident, so I got up and stood right in front of her, blocking her view of the polar bears, and pulled off my shirt and took off my pants and dropped them onto the floor.

I had recently bought these tight black boxer shorts. It’s not something I would normally wear, but I wore them tonight because I thought it was sexy the way it stretched tightly over my crouch and highlighted how big my penis was. She also mentioned black was her favorite color so that’s another reason I wore them.

“I like your boxers,” she said.

“Thanks,” I said. She was sitting on the couch and I was standing next to her and my crotch was at her eye-level.

“But they would look better off,” she said.

I pulled them down and my penis bounced out again and I kicked my boxers off into my pile of clothes on the floor.

I was now standing there completely naked and she was still in her clothes.

“Fuck,” she said, looking at my penis, which was throbbing at this point. It felt good having someone so gorgeous be turned on by me, the most insane confidence booster I’ve ever experienced. Without even realizing it, I was kind of pushing my waist out so it was closer to her face, which made my penis look even bigger.

She put her lips on my stomach and kind of tried to give me a hickey and then grabbed onto my penis.

I was oozing cum at this point and was kinda worried it was going to shoot onto her face.

While holding onto my penis, she looked at it, and then moved it up and started licking it. Before I could even process the pleasure she put her entire mouth on the head of my penis.

“I don’t normally give blowjobs,” she said.

“Oh, you don’t have to do it,” I said.

“I like you,” she said.

“Oh, thanks. I like you too.”

She smiled and then took off her shirt. I was once again blown away by her breasts. She took off her pants and took off her panties and then dropped them on the side of the couch as if she never planned on putting them back on. She had a beautiful vagina.

She took my hand and pulled me down on top of her.

I started kissing her.

“I don’t really like kissing,” she said.

“Oh, okay, sorry. Can I kiss your body?”

She nodded her head. I started kissing her breasts and licking her nipples. “Do you like that?” I asked.

She nodded her head.

“Do you want me to go down on you?” I asked.

She smiled and nodded. She spread her knees and I traveled downward. I looked up at her and told her I had no idea what I’m doing and she told me it’s okay.

I started licking her clitoris and moving my tongue around and she ran her fingers through my hair. I wrapped my hands around her thighs but she moved my hands away.

I continued to lick her more. I couldn’t tell if she was enjoying it because she wasn’t making any noise, but she was playing with my hair. I looked up at her and she was watching me and I asked her if it felt good and she said yes.

After a while she tapped for me to come back up.

“Thank you that felt amazing,” she said.

“Oh good,” I said, making an awkward laugh. It didn’t really feel like I did anything.

She grabbed a condom and handed it to me and smiled.

As I was putting the condom on she told me again how amazing my penis was.

We fucked and I came inside her again. Afterwards we watched another episode of Planet Earth while naked, and then I went home.

We met again the next night.

I came over and she opened the door and poked her head outside and waved at me. When I entered I saw that she was completely naked. My heart sank. Every time I was blown away by how amazing her body was. It was such an incredible sight: her standing there holding the door, her breasts squeezed together by her arms. The curve of her hips. I pulled her in for a hug.

“You should get naked,” she said.

“Okay,” I said.

She continued to look at me while smiling.

“Right now?” I asked.

She nodded her head.

I kicked my shoes off and stripped off all my clothes right there at the front door until I’m standing barefoot on the cold tile in front of the massive staircase, still not knowing who’s home. My penis is already fully erect from seeing her naked. I’m covering my crotch.

“You’re shy?” she asked.

“Yeah, it isn’t obvious?” I said.

“Yes it’s cute, but no need to be shy about that thing,” she said.

She takes the hand covering my junk and I follow her while looking at her amazing body from behind, ass cheeks swaying and all, my penis bouncing with each step. The feeling of walking through her house naked is so bizarre, but she was naked as well so it somehow felt okay.

“Is anyone home?” I asked.

“We’re good,” she said.

We enter into a guest room with a large bed. She jumps onto the bed and then pulls me to the edge of the bed and before I can even process anything she’s holds onto my penis and starts licking it and whacking it against her tongue without any notice. The amount of pleasure that radiated from the tip of my penis throughout my entire body was insane and overwhelming, and the entire sight and scenario of this was so incredibly hot I couldn’t believe any of it was actually happening.

Then she asked me if I want to come on her. I didn’t even know how to process what she asked.

“Uhh…” I started to say.

“Anywhere but my face,” she said.


She laid on the bed and then patted her hands on the comforter on each side of her. I climbed onto the bed and then got on my knees and swung my leg over her until I was hovering over her.

“Where you want to come?” she asked.

“On your breasts?” I say, still kind of unsure about all of this.

“Okay,” she said.

“Like this?” I asked, holding onto my penis and pointing it in the planned direction.



I felt strange masturbating while she watched me, especially while doing it above her and her watching me from below. I didn’t really know where to look and when we made eye contact I kind of just nervously laughed because it was sort of embarrassing. I was running my eyes up and down her body and she was watching me the entire time. It felt weird because it was like I was just looking at porn and masturbating or something, but she seemed into it so I kept going. My balls were bouncing around while I was jacking off and she reached up and started playing with them.

Also because she was watching me I became self conscious of what kind of faces I was making. She was mainly looking at me jacking my penis but she also looked at my body and then at my face. When she looked at my face that’s when I would make a weird smile and she responded by sticking her tongue out.

“You like this?” I asked, not convinced.

She nodded her head. “I’m going to smoke,” she said.


She grabbed a bong on the table next to the bed and lit it and took a hit while I continued to pound my penis. She exhaled the smoke and watched me. I then realized maybe this was like watching porn for her. She reach up and ran her hand over my stomach and then moved my balls around with her fingers. She was watching real life VR porn.

Despite feeling awkward, the entire thing was strangely hot. I was naked and was stroking my penis while she was lounging back and watching me like I was some kind of engaging movie, taking hits from the bong like it was popcorn. The only thing that kept me going was her unreal naked body and the fact that she was enjoying it.

“Okay, I’m going to come,” I said.

She pressed her breasts together, and as if she was in control of my body with a button to activate me, all the cum immediately shot out onto her breasts. The cum kept pulsating out and it didn’t seem to be stopping.

“Damn, do you always come that much?” she asked after I seemed to stop and was now dripping out.

I was catching my breath. “No, not really.”

I noticed my cum was starting to run down the sides of her breasts, so I grabbed a towel and wiped my mess off of her skin.

I felt really embarrassed, but then she told me it was hot. With some of the cum still glistening in the light on her skin, she got up and asked me if I was hungry. I put the tight boxer shorts on and she put on panties and we ate and watched Planet Earth.

I came over again the next night. This time we just decided to watch Planet Earth. With clothes on. Without having sex. We didn’t really say anything, just periodically commenting on the cute animals.

But that didn’t last long.

She laid down on the couch on her side and I stretched myself out in response and she pressed the back of herself up against me, pressing her butt against my crouch. Naturally, my penis became hard as she began moving her tight butt against it. She was wearing these soft thin pajama shorts without any underwear, and if I wasn’t wearing these thick jeans I probably would’ve came right there.

She took my hand and pulled it across her and put it on her breast and squeezed my fingers onto it.

She looked back and smiled at me. “Want to have sex?” It was a rhetorical question.

“Of course,” I said.

She bent her legs up and and pulled her shorts off and dropped them on the floor. I took off my pants and dropped them on the floor. She didn’t take her shirt off and neither did I, probably because we were both already aroused and we could still have sex with them on. We only did what was needed to get the job done. My penis was pressed up against her ass with a ton of force while I reached over to the box for condoms.

While I was unwrapping the condom she grabbed my penis and started rubbing it against her ass. The only thing that was preventing me from coming right there was that I was bent in an uncomfortable position. After I put the condom on I started fucking her on the side while squeezing her breasts.

She asked me to go faster. I already thought I was going pretty fast but I gripped the sides of her and increased the speed of my thrusts until our skin was smacking together. I told her I was going to come, and then I did. I threw away the condom and then we sat on the couch and watched Planet Earth.

Each night I came over I started staying later. Eventually I was staying for multiple Planet Earth episodes. When we would get enough energy again, we would go right back to having sex.

One thing that was interesting to watch was what exactly made my penis hard. We would just be sitting there, and she was completely naked but we were focused on the TV or something else so my penis would be soft, but then she would get up to change the thermostat and I would watch her butt bounce or her boobs jiggle and then my penis would just stand up. Her just asking if I wanted to have sex again would make it grow.

She eventually started to make a game out of it, seeing what would give me an erection, such as moving her mouth close to it to pretend to give me a blowjob, or getting up and stretching her body in front of me. She then started trying to cause an erection by doing increasingly more subtle things, like just licking her lips or moving her tongue around or just looking at my penis and doing nothing else. It all worked, and she would laugh each time it happened. She would wait until I got soft again and then try and make it hard.

I came over another night. We tried the 69 position. It’s definitely overrated. She got on top of me and I lifted my head up to try and lick her clit and it was a surprising sensation when she stated licking my dick. It felt good but maybe we weren’t doing it right because it was kind of hard to focus on both things. I remember thinking, “wow we’re doing the thing,” but also feeling underwhelmed.

I came over another night. We were sitting on her couch and started talking about fantasies. I told her I thought doing it outside sounded kind of exciting.

We took off our clothes and went into her backyard that was surrounded by plants and trees. The cold air blow against my crouch was a foreign feeling, and I felt this instinct to cover myself. There were some houses off in the distance on a hill with the lights on, and they could maybe see us if they had binoculars, but other than that it was pretty low risk. We put a towel on a lounge chair and we had sex. The moon illuminated our bodies which was pretty hot.

Later that night she told me she wanted to try anal. We spent a lot of time researching the safest way to do that, and we eventually tried doing it in the shower. Ultimately I think it’s another thing that’s kind of overrated. It’s more the idea of it that’s “hot” or whatever. She started rubbing her clit while I slowly pushed myself in and out of her ass with the help of a ton of lube.

The next night we tried having sex standing up while I held her. I wasn’t strong enough to lift her up and down for more than a few times, so she laughed while she got on top of my collapsed body and bounced on my penis.

The next night I went down on her. I was moving my tongue around her clit. Planet Earth was playing in the background and I could hear David Attenborough’s voice. I started thinking about what we must look like from an outside perspective, and I was imagining the narration and slow motion cinematography.

*”The male human licks the female human’s genitalia in preparation for mating.”*

But obviously we weren’t doing it for mating. Why were we doing this? Because it feels good? I guess so. But there has to be another reason. Because we’re lonely? It has to be more than sex? Because can’t we just masturbate by ourselves to get that pleasure? We didn’t really talk much so I had a lot of time to think.

So all of this continued for the rest of the summer. Basically us having sex non-stop and only taking breaks when we got tired. I started wearing gym shorts without boxers to her house so it would be easier to take off my clothes and because I had a boner so much of the time it made wearing skinny jeans uncomfortable.

I made a joke the first time I wore the shorts.

“Easy access,” I said.

She laughed. “Let me see.”

I pulled my shirt up and pulled my shorts down. My penis was already getting hard.

“I love it,” she said.

I spent more time at her house naked than I did dressed.

I made a joke that I should hang my clothes on the coat rack and then pick them up before I leave.

“You can do that,” she said.

I laughed. “This is nuts,” I said as I hung my shirt and shorts on the rack and left my shoes at the door.

There were some days I didn’t go over to her house, surprisingly. On these days we texted, and they were usually sexual. We were using Snapchat to tease each other with sexy pictures that expired after 1 second.

I never thought I would be sending nudes to anyone but I was sending pictures of myself to her. On Snapchat it tells you when someone views a picture a second time and that made me feel sexy. She would send videos of herself masturbating and said I was turning her on. The whole thing was super hot.

We planned on meeting again and and before I left I made a joke about how I’ll just show up in boxers this time as everything else won’t be needed.

“Those aren’t necessary either~ ?” she replied.

“Then I guess I’ll drive over butt naked,” I said, as a joke.

“I dare you too!” she replied.

“That’s way too risky!”

“It’ll be fun!”

“Not for me!”

“If you do it I’ll give you a surprise when you get here ?”

I am not a crazy adventurous person at all. I’m super shy and don’t take a lot of risks. But, for some reason, this girl had me under some kind of spell that I’ve never experienced before. You always hear or read about these things in books or movies, but you don’t really understand until you experience it yourself.

So here I was, in my car at night, wondering why I was about to do something so dumb. I video called her and she answered.

“I can’t see anything!” she said when she saw a black screen instead of my face.

I turned the light on in my car for a few seconds and then turned it off again.

“Ahh there you are! That shirt should be off!” she said.

“One second I need to check if there’s anyone.” I looked around. It seemed pretty deserted. “This is crazy,” I said.

“It’s hot!” she replied. I could see her on the screen and she was wearing the tight tank top she usually wore, my favorite one because she she wore it without a bra and her nipples would poke through.

It was warm out but I felt cold because I was nervous. *Fuck it* I thought, then pulled my shirt off and put it in the passenger seat.

“Okay,” I said.

“Let me see!” She said.

I turned the light on for a few seconds and she saw me shirtless.

“Yes!” She said. “The shorts too?”

“Not yet,” I said. I pulled those off, then turned on the light and held the phone up at she could see my naked self at the steering wheel.

“Damn! You’re really doing it!” she said.

“Yeah, for you!”

“I can’t wait to see you!”

I set the phone in the speedometer pointed at me while I drove. When I passed under a street light it would light me up for a brief second and she would cheer.

It was summer and still hot at night, so if someone saw me it might’ve just looked like I was coming from the pool. Unless they were in a truck.

Once I arrived, I asked if she could open the door so I can bolt in. Once I saw the door open, I got out of the car and sprinted, my flaccid penis flying around like crazy. As I approached her door a flood light blasted my entire naked ass for the whole neighborhood to see, but hopefully just for a fleeting moment as I blew through the doorframe. She closed the door as she was busting out laughing.

“Sorry I forgot about the light!” she said. She looked at me and then she busted out laughing again.

“What’s so funny?” I asked.

“You’re wearing shoes!”

I looked down at my blue running shoes, which looked strange when they were the only thing I was wearing.

“Oh yeah, I needed them to drive,” I said.

She was now laughing so hard she was doubled over clutching her stomach, which is when I noticed the surprised she had for me.

She was wearing this super sexy maroon lingerie with a dress part attached and the entire thing was see-through and it made her skin glow.

I was getting aroused but now there was nothing to hide it, not that the tent of my gym shorts really hid anything.

After she stopped laughing and wiped the tears from her eyes, she saw me standing in only my shoes with an erection, awkwardly looking for a place to put my hands.

“Ah I see you noticed my outfit, I’m glad you like it!”

“You look amazing,” I said.

She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the guest room. “There’s a second part to the surprise.”

She pushed me onto the bed. Before I could ask if she wanted me to take my shoes off she grabbed my penis and ran her tongue all the way up the bottom of it.

I let out a groan. She laid down on her stomach in between my legs and then pulled on my balls with her lips. She ran her tongue up my balls, all the way up my shaft, and then submerged the head of my penis all the way into her mouth.

Miraculously I didn’t blow my load, but she was so incredibly hot I almost couldn’t hold it back.

She then started pumping my penis with her mouth at a really fast pace. “I’m going to come,” I said. She continued to go at it while I frantically tapped her shoulder. “I’m coming!” I said again. Maybe she was just so into it she didn’t hear me.

She didn’t take her mouth off and I ejaculated while she held her lips against my shaft which was throbbing like crazy. The cum oozed out of her mouth and ran all down my penis and onto my crouch.

She took her mouth off and my cum was dripping off her lips. She looked at me and licked it off and swallowed it. “And that was part 3!” she said. She wiped the remainder of it off her lips. “That was fast, you must’ve liked it.”

I was still catching my breath from the overload of pleasure. I almost felt numb since it was so much all at once. The entire thing happened so fast it didn’t feel real.

She got up and spun around and the dress part of her lingerie lifted into the air like parasol, revealing her amazing ass. “You hungry?” she asked.

“Yes, for you,” I said, feeling lame after I said it. She smiled. “You set that joke up for me didn’t you?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“Want me to eat you out?” I asked.

“Yes,” she said.

“Can I take a shower first?” I had my hands on skin trying to stop the cum from running onto the bed.

She had this massive shower with this smooth stone floor and multiple rainfall nozzles.

I turned on the water with my wrist so I wouldn’t get cum everywhere.

“Want to take a shower with me?” I asked.

“Of course,” she said.

I was already hard again from watching her bounce around in her sexy lingerie, but then she began to strip it off and I felt like I got even harder.

I still had my shoes on and I almost stepped into the water with them on. I can’t describe the feeling, but it felt so weird already being naked and not going through the process of removing clothes. I was also only wearing shoes and nothing else, which was completely throwing off my sense of self or where I even was. Having the shoes on made it feel like I wasn’t naked, but then every movement I made reminded me that I was. You don’t notice the clothes against your skin until they’re not there anymore. It kind of felt like one of those dreams where you’re naked in public.

I took off my shoes and rinsed off. She was watching me the entire time, then after I was done she stepped into the shower with me.

“Can I touch your body?” I asked.

She nodded.

I ran my hands up the sides of her body, along her curves and then up onto her massive breasts, which I lifted up and pressed together.

“I want to make you cum,” I said.

She smiled and nodded and then sat down on the floor of the shower. I got down on my knees and the water was flowing all down my head and body like I was in a waterfall. She laid all the way back on the floor and spread her legs and I got down on my arms and moved my head between her legs. I started moving my tongue around her clitoris really fast, determined to make her cum.

“Not too fast,” she said.

I started moving my tongue slower and then moving my lips around her clit. I looked up and she nodded.

The whole thing was super hot and I still couldn’t believe I was licking this gorgeous woman’s vagina. She ran her fingers over the top of my head and rested her hands there while I moved my lips around the lips of her vagina.

I moved my hands up onto her breasts and started squeezing them as I continued to lick her. Again I wasn’t really sure if she was enjoying this or not because she wasn’t making any noise but her hands were still on my head so I assumed that was a sign she was.

I tried to shake things up by doing different motions with my tongue like spiraling around or moving it in an upward motion.

After a while she tapped my head. “Okay, thank you.”

“I want you to come,” I said.

“I already did,” she said.

“What, really?!” I said. “I didn’t even know!”

“Yeah, it’s not like porn,” she said.

I felt embarrassed. I guess I did just assume there would be some kind of dramatic body convulsion and loud moaning like in porn.

“Oh, I’m dumb,” I said.

“No, you’re cute.”

We got out of the shower, dried off, then sat on her couch naked and watched more Planet Earth.

Since I had no clothes she gave me a pair of her gym shorts which were really short on me, showing all of my thighs. I walked back to the car and waved to her in my tiny shorts and she laughed while watching me from the door.


So this whole thing probably sounds like a dream come true. And for some people maybe it is and they wish they could be me. But I wasn’t looking for casual sex and I kinda just stumbled into this on accident.

I was looking for more meaning in these encounters but she was looking for something laid-back with no emotions involved. She told me multiple times that she wasn’t looking for a relationship and I said I understood but I guess I didn’t really understand.

It was probably for the best that the summer eventually came to an end and I had to move back to college.

On another night we’re sitting on the couch in our underwear. “So yeah our last night before I move back,” I said.

“I’m going to miss you,” she said.

“I’m going to miss you too,” I said.

After a moment, she said “you should get naked again.”

“Of course, don’t know why I’m still wearing these.”

She laughed as I stood up and pulled down my boxers and my penis flung out.

“I’m going to miss your cock,” she said.

“I’m going to miss your breasts,” I said.

She pulled me down and closer to her until my penis was up against her breasts. She pressed her breasts together onto my penis which started pulsating against her skin.

I started moving my entire body so my penis was rubbing against her breasts. I was bent in a weird position and I was reminded of the strangeness of all of this.

“Want to have sex one last time?”


We had sex a couple more times that night. We hugged goodbye, and said we would stay in touch.

I wasn’t sure if we actually would stay in touch, but we did. Mainly just small talk about different things. We would sometimes say sexual things when it was clear we were both bored or lonely. And we sometimes would send naked 3 second snaps to each other. 10 seconds if we were really proud of it.

After a while the messages started to become more sparse, and now it has basically stopped. I’ll still hear from her once in a blue moon, though, but it’s never more than a couple messages.

So yeah. That’s my story. Even as I write it out, it didn’t even feel like it actually happened. When you’re living in a certain world it just starts to become normal and sometimes you don’t recognize the insanity of it until you look back at it in hindsight.

We never sent pictures outside of the expiring Snapchat ones, and I think that’s the perfect metaphor for the fleeting summer experience that disappeared in an instant.
