New possible series, looking for feedback

Had someone mention they were interested in me explaining something in more detail, give examples etc. While explaining the topic my creative side came out and inspired me to throw this together. Its been a looong time aince ive written any literature so feedback would be greatly appreciated. If you guys like it i might see about finding time to continue it. I hope you enjoy, and thanks in advance!

My True Fear – Ch.1

As the moonlight breaks across the sky, I glance at the clock in my dash. It reads 9:30PM. This is much later than any other meeting I’ve had with my Dom. His call during work left my mind racing with thoughts and anticipations. “Do you have time to meet after work tonight? I know you work late, but I have something planned you will never forget. It will push you to your limits, and push your trust in me to its limits as well….” The way he ended the question made my breath catch. I had to take a moment to steady myself, as what could possibly be planned that would push my trust of all things to such an extreme. “I will be there.”, I said simply, not knowing what was in store for me, and not knowing how else to respond as the thoughts flitted across my mind like comets.

I could hear him settling himself, that long drawn out pause where I know he is breathing deeply to compose himself for me. After a moment, he quietly said “Prepare yourself, I will need you to be at your best tonight.”, and then hung up the phone. The rest of my day at work was a blur. I couldn’t tell you much, if anything, that I worked on. Most of my thoughts were on autopilot as I fell through a rabbit hole of possibilities of the night, both amazingly pleasurable, and dark and twisted. I couldn’t tell whether I was excited, scared, nervous, or some combination of all three and more I could not identify. I got home after work and cleaned myself up, taking a long time to decide what to wear and how to prepare. I decided on a simple elegant dark dress that stopped at my calves, a pair of black wedges, and did my hair in a long ponytail, as I know he loves. For lingerie, I opted for a simple black bra and a black strappy thong.

Stopping at the red light near his house, I found myself checking my makeup for the 11th time tonight, wondering if id missed anything, or if I should change something last second. Id applied dark eyeliner and mascara, making my green eyes sparkle in pop in the night lights from the moon and other vehicles. Id decided not to go heavy on the makeup, as I know my Dom prefers to see the true me, but a few dabs of foundation here and there never hurts. The light turns green, and in my thoughts, I miss it, having only the honk of the impatient driver behind me to stir me from my thoughts. I don’t have long left to think about things, as within 5 minutes I’ve pulled into the driveway of my Dom. He is waiting for me, eyes smoldering and calculating. He is dressed in a solid black button-down with long sleeves, a black undershirt, and black slacks. As I turn the car off, he begins to walk over and I can hear the click-click of his fine leather dress boots on the concrete. Why would he go through so much effort to clean up? What does he have planned?

He reaches my door and opens it, offering me a hand out of the car as if I’m someone of import. He has a small half-smile on his face, and I catch him looking me over as he closes the door behind me. I feel a small crack of lightning run through me as his hand touches the small of my back leading me to the door. He opens it and we walk in, setting my things down on his table and locking the car and front door. He glances at the clock after settling me on the couch, “Give me until 10, then come meet me in our room.” He squeezes my hand, and then turns and leaves me to my thoughts, closing the door to the room behind him. That room holds so many memories for me, and soon, there will be one more added to the many unforgettable moments we’ve shared in that room. The minutes seem to drag by for an eternity. I can hear him in that room, preparing for me.

In a mixture of eternity and no time at all, I’m jarred from my head yet again as the clock chimes deep and long as it strikes 10PM. Could 5 minutes pass so quickly yet take so very long? I take a deep breath and stand, straitening my dress and checking myself in the mirror. For some reason I find myself finding any reason to delay walking that short walk to the door. I glance at the room around me, comforting and elegant as he always tries to make it. The dark colors of the furniture mixing well with the warm colors of the wood beneath my wedges. I take a step and hesitate, hearing the echo of my shoe striking the floors. I bite my lip, both a stranger and best friend to the anxiety I’m feeling, the anticipation of what’s to come. I take another step, my body feeling like a lead weight as I bring it across the distance of the last few steps down the hall. I stand in front of the doorway, my hand on the catch, and take a final, deep breath. There is no going back once I open this door, I have to believe in my Dom, and remember that all he does is for me.

I open the door, and my hand goes to my mouth and I clutch the doorframe. The room has been completely changed since the last time I was here, only a week prior. I look around, all the comfortable furniture that we’d decided on together having been moved to the edges and sides of the room, the cross being banished to one side, all to make room for a black carpet and a dark cherry platform. The platform was absolutely stunning, yet terrifying to me for some reason. It had a strong wooden build to it, and elegant sloping legs the coiled down to rounded feet. The top had a supple black leather top, cushioned slightly for the user. Above it was a new light, a spotlight, casting light directly down onto it as if it were a priceless piece of jewelry. I catch the glint of metal on the corners, shackle rings, and it makes my heart begin to beat harder in my chest. It’s the most beautiful, and intimidating, thing I’ve ever seen.

He slips from the shadows behind the table and beckons me over. I regain some of my composure and shut the door behind me. I hear the click as the catch latches into place, and I cross the room to him. I run my fingertips across the cherry wood, feeling its smooth finish under my touch and seeing how the patterns in the wood swirl mesmerizingly on its surface. He places his hand on mine as I reach him and I look up to see him staring into my eyes. The darkness and hunger in them send a small chill down my spine, but they also begin to awaken that dark part of me as well, and as it stirs, so do my nerves. He slides his fingers over my bare arm, trailing his soft touch delicately over my skin as it traces a line of ice up my shoulder and to my cheek. “Thank you for coming,” He says softly, “Please remove your dress and lie down for me.” That simple sentence, his soft request, is more powerful than any harsh command to me, as this means he is holding back. It means what he has planned is so hard on himself as well, his nerves are forcibly being held in check under that calm demeanor. It means this will almost assuredly be a night I won’t forget.

I take the dress off and feel it slide down my body, softly piling onto itself. I pick it up and fold it, placing it in our normal place when I disrobe myself for him. I turn back to the table and he has 3 small wooden boxes on the table behind the new platform. I cross back to him and climb up on the table, the bright light making my skin glow as I flinch from the cold bite of the leather under my back. I look over and watch as he opens the first box. I see him reach inside and pull out a new set of cuff restraints. They are the same silvery-white as the rings on the table, and I lick my lips in anticipation. The cuffs are solid and have small ornate carvings on them with an inner coating of soft velvet and an ever so slight cushion. He takes all four out and walks back to the table, my pulse beginning to quicken as he places them near each limb.

“Give me each of your points please,” He says quietly, knowing that I’ll obey without question, and proceed to stretch my limbs to him as he moves to each corner of the table to adjust the length of the chains. I feel the soft yet secure grip of the new restraints, feeling the feeling I love so much of the tightness around my wrists and ankles. All too soon he has finished, and moves on to the second box. Out of this, he pulls a blindfold and some oil. My pulse skips a beat as he walks over, as we have never used a blindfold before. The thought of not knowing what or when something will happen is both enticing, and terrifying to me. He looks at me, setting the oil down, and reaches out to me with the blindfold in both hands. “May I put this on you….?” He asks, almost hesitant as he sees the dark suppressed panic deep in my eyes. I dare not speak for the tremor in my voice might break me, so I simply nod and raise my head. He slips the soft material over my eyes and ties it firmly.

He moves away and a moment later I gasp in surprise as I feel his touch across my one of my legs. His hands are warm, and the oil on them is soothing on my cool skin as he rubs the tension from my body. He moves from one leg to the other, then up my thighs to my stomach and sides. I slip into a daze, just enjoying the feeling of my body being touched by him and close my eyes under the blindfold, falling into his touch as he goes down each arm and my shoulders. I don’t hear him walk away, but his touch is suddenly gone making a part of me panic slightly as I lose track of my Dom in the room and the darkness of the blindfold. Then I hear the latch of the third box pop open and the hinge swing-out. Straining, I hear him pull 2 things out of the box and the clink of metal on wood as he reaches the table. I jerk slightly on my chains in surprise as a cold object is placed on my stomach, and he reaches down to remove the blindfold.

He removes the blindfold and I look into his eyes, they have a sharpness to them that wasn’t present moments ago. The darkness and hunger are stronger, and the hesitation is gone. He has committed to whatever he had planned, and the thought of that sends another shiver of fear through me. I’ve never seen this level of intensity to him. “Look down,” he tells me, not with a harsh edge to his voice, but the cold steely finality that breeds no arguments from me. I look down and my eyes go wide as I see the sharp beautiful edge of the blade resting on my stomach, its cold steel chilling my skin. He reaches back into the box and pulls out a small device, almost like a candle. I’ve never seen anything like it, but he sets it down on the table and gently plucks the knife off my stomach, twirling it deftly in his long nimble fingers. “Do you trust me?” he asks without looking at me, picking another tool out of the box, this one a long metal rod. I can’t answer, and my breathing stops as I watch him slide the knife down the edge of the rod, the scraping sound imprinting on my ears each time. After two passes of the knife, he pauses halfway through the third and glances up at me.

“Well…?” is all he asks, before completing the stroke.
I blink and try to gather my wits and my voice, the former still eluding me as I stare at the naked edge of the blade. “y-y-yes, I do Sir” I say, immediately falling into a role that has become a part of my soul, and speaking words so engrained in me they might as well have been the first words I ever spoke. He smiles a soft smile, one without malice but with hunger, the same hunger I’ve seen in his eyes every session since our first. That same hunger that still makes me feel like a caught rabbit starting down a wolf. He sets the rod down and gingerly presses the blade against the flesh of my leg, and I involuntarily snatch the limb, causing the chains to jerk tight and my breathing to quicken as my body realizes I have no way to escape this. He presses the blade against me and drags it backwards, keeping the tip on my skin but the sharp edge facing out as I follow the line he traces with the knife with my eyes, unable to look away. This thrill, this terror, is nothing I’ve ever felt before.

I watch him drag the knife up my thigh, across my waist, and down the other thigh. He gently picks the knife up away from my skin and looks at me. I stare back at him and glance down at the knife as it glides through his fingers, pirouetting between them as he flicks it back and forth. He walks up to my stomach and I flinch as he once again presses the knife into my skin, and begins to slowly drag it up my side, onto my shoulder, and down my arm. All the time he does this, his eyes don’t leave me, but my eyes can see only the glimmering steel that slowly scrapes its way across my skin. He finishes the stroke, and repeats it across my body and down the other arm, taking care with the creases of my elbow and tracing the folds of each finger. Then the knife spins in his hand and begins its slow path back up my arm. I begin to shorten my breaths as I realize he hasn’t stopped once he reached my shoulder, only slowed his pace as the edge slowly creeps closer up to my collarbone to my neck.

The fluttering in my chest deepens as my heart starts to pound. I can feel the knife against the side of my neck, its blade biting slightly into me as it rests above my artery. My breath comes in small puffs and my eyes begin to dim as the panic slowly builds in me. The tension in my body is unreal, my legs and arms strain against their bonds, only for me to then grip the edge of the table in my desperate attempt to control the compounding fear that’s beginning to race through my body. He leans down and gently moves a lock of hair out from in front of my ear and whispers to me “Do you still trust me?”. Without waiting for an answer, he slowly drags the knife across the front of my throat. My eyes are locked on the ceiling, as I see nothing, hear nothing but the pounding of my blood as my mind focuses on that sharp stinging sensation that slowly spreads across my bare neck. After a moment of continued stress and panic, I realize the feeling is gone, the sting of the tip of the blade is missing. I blink and come back down from the height of my fear, only to look at my Dom and see the pleasure in his eyes as he knows what I’ve just experienced. “This is only the beginning, my sweet,” he says, smiling.
