How I started sharing my girlfriend with my best friend during the lock down [MFM][consensual][wholesome][sharing][trust][threesome gonne sideways][cuckold]

We play the cards we are given. This has always been my motto in life.

During my 20s, I started experiencing difficulties in maintaining an erection. After seeing a few doctors, I was diagnosed with a venous leak. This is a condition that doesn’t affect my libido at all but makes it difficult for my penis to stay erect for too long and it’s something that progresses as you age. Needless to say, this was a kick in the balls for my ego. This problem was aggravated by the fact that I had come to expect failure. Everytime I got sexual with a woman, I had that fear that my penis would fail me and so it often did. This made me start avoiding relationships altogether.

Meanwhile my best friend who is a couple of years younger than I was quite the opposite. Always the ladiesman. Everytime we went to a party he would effortlessly hook up with someone and even though he is a player at heart, he has that kind of personality that girls just love. Most of the girls he was with were perfectly being fine in being a NSA fling. I was always amazed on hoow things just turned out for him. I’ll admit that I was often a bit jealous as well.

I remember him telling me he was going to hook up with the new intern at work and me telling him that it was going to be a bit difficult since she had a boyfriend. He didn’t skip a beat and just confidently told me that everything was arranged and she suggested he show up at her college dorm at the same time her boyfriend was taking an important exam and wouldn’t be done for at least a couple of hours. I actually thought he was bullshitting until I saw them the next day at work all over each other during a break. When I later talked to him about it he basically said that boyfriends are not his concern and that it’s the girl’s decision to fuck him or not and, based on his experience, having a boyfriend won’t stop most girls. I asked if he was ok in fucking taken women and he told me that he actually liked it as it was often uncomplicated (they don’t want people to find out) and he kinda likes the feeling that they have a boyfriend that is all romantic and pays stuff for them while he just goes there and fucks them and then leave them to their boyfriends. I don’t know why but this last part stuck with me.

Fast forward to a few years later. After consulting with a new doctor, I decide to try using those rubber cock rings to work around my problem. They are by no means infallible but they do help me keep an erection bringing penetrative sex back to the menu for me. Now, I developed all sorts of confidence issues due to this thing and it is something that I am still working out til this day but at least I felt like I could finally try having sex again.

After a few false starts, I was with my friend at a party on the week of my 31st birthday and we met this group of girls. I could already see the gears in my friend’s head spinning to decide which girl he was gonna hook up with. I decided to just play it chill. I wasn’t there to hook up with anyone and I just talked with them all. There was this one girl though. She was cute, smart and we found out we had a lot in common. We discussed music, books, movies. The conversation just seemed to flow really well between me and her. Let’s call her Jess. She was 24.

Later that night, my friend asked me what I thought of Jess and what I intended to do. I said I liked her and she is cute but I don’t know. He asked me if I was crazy and told me that we looked super cute together and that she likes the same “weird shit” that I do and kept pressing me to ask her for her number. I told him that I wanted to but I wasn’t feeling too confident (he knows of my erection issues). He bought me a whisky and told me to take one step at a time and worry about it later. When I still didn’t go to her and ask her for her number, he got up from him seat and confidently walked up to her. I saw him say something in her ears and he then left. Jess walked towards me and sat on the same seat my friend was sitting just before. She asked me if she could see my phone. I handed it to her and she asked me to unlock it. She then added herself as a contact and told me that my friend said that I wanted her number but was reluctant to ask.

Shortly after that party, Jess and I started dating. She was very understanding of my issues. Whenever I couldn’t keep my erection even with the cock ring, she didn’t stop. We just did other things to get each other off. Lots of kissing, touching, licking and fingering. It was a relief for me to finally be in a relationship and accept my issue. Play the cards I was given. Jess and I worked really well together. There was a lot of trust and love.

After one year of dating, Jess went on a trip abroad with some friends. They stayed at this backpacker hostel. I remember her letting me know they were all going to a party on this 5 stories nightclub that everyone said was wild. On the next day she called me feeling very guilty. She said that while at the party, people started hook up until she was left alone. She told me she was feeling lonely and horny and ended up making out with a guy. I asked her for a few minutes to process what she had just told me and called her back after half an hour or so. I told her that, while I wasn’t thrilled that it happened, I could understand how she suddenly felt lonely there after all her friends started hooking up with someone and that since she is abroad and will likely never see the guy again, I could consider it to be harmless fun and that I just prefered that she had told me before it happened. I wasn’t sure if i had just opened a Pandora’s box but I decided that since I trust her very much, I was okay with her having her fun abroad. She and that guy hooked up again a few times later during that trip and she told me every single time.

When Jess finally got back, I was unsure of where we stood in our relationship. It turns out things were pretty normal. We continued to love and trust each other. The guy wasn’t something she discussed often but it wasn’t a subject she avoided either. She told me everything that happened and I told her I was ok with it. In a way, this whole experience did nothing but increase the trust we have in each other. We started being more open with our sexuality and discussing our fantasies more frankly. I admitted to her that I found it hot that she fucked a guy on her trip and that I like knowing that my girlfriend has an adventurous side and is lusted after by other men.

The fact that I admited that her little indiscretion was pretty hot lead us to discuss the possibility of opening our relationship a bit. She asked me if I wanted to have sex with other women and I said that I probably didn’t. That while there are several women I see everyday that I find attractive, I don’t really feel like persuing sex with anyone else but that shoudn’t stop her. I told her that, especially since she is younger, she should live her sexuality to the fullest and we started laying out some rules. Even though I wasn’t necessarely interested in having sex with other women, I would live by that same rules as she did so this option would remain open to me as well. We decided that we would not in normal circumstances have sex with anyone from our social circle, that we would always let each other know everything that is going on and that either party can call it off at any time.

There was also the discussion about threesomes. We were both interested in the idea. She asked me if I wanted a threesome with another woman and I said that I prefer to focus on one woman only. She was happy with it as she already had tried a few threesomes with her old boyfriend and random girls but hadn’t tried two guys yet.

It was a shame for us that, after laying out the rules so carefully, the pandemic hit and we would soon be in lock down with no oportunitiy for her to fool around with other people. Or so we initially thought…

My best friend was visiting us just a few weeks before we all realised just how serious this whole pandemic thing was gonna me and we ended up hosting him through the lockdown. Things started pretty uneventful. We live in a medium sized flat so we have a guest room. Suddenly we were all living together during lock down. We had breakfast together, we worked out together, we worked remotely for our companies from the living room. We played games, watched movies. On Friday and Saturday nights, we began a tradition of simulating a nightclub in our living room. We’d turn off the lights and put on some music videos on the projector, drink and dance.

I started noticing that my best friend, let’s call him Leo, had a lot of chemistry with Jess. I noticed that particularly when they were dancing. My friend is quite an acomplished dancer (helps to pick up women). He’d sometimes spin Jess around our do some dance move that would leave her flushed.

Now Leo is the kind of man that likes one thing: sex. He architected his whole life around the fact that he loves to fuck new women and this is not only his hobby but his goal in life. He spends quite a lot of time traveling around Europe going wherever Tinder look more favourable. He was going crazy during lockdown. He buried himself in work to not think about the fact that he wouldn’t be fucking anyone anytime soon and got depressed about it sometimes. Whenever we talked with him about it, he would complain about not being able to fuck anyone in the foreseeable future.

I admit I felt a bit guilty everytime me and Jess retreated to our bedroom and left Leo alone. We actually started talking about it amongst ourselves one day when I was actually annoyed that he couldn’t seem to go without sex for a couple of months and he didn’t know how lucky he was that he was so successful as he was and should just learn to chill a bit. Jess, being a psych major, asked me what the deal was between us. I was a bit confused at first but she clarified by telling me that at times I seemed annoyed by him and at times impressed by his track record. I admitted to her that I felt a bit jealous of him. She asked if I wanted to be fucking random women as he did but I said it wasn’t that. I explained how I spent my 20s watching him score while I was scared of taking a girl home because of my erection issues. I said that I was indeed impressed with him nonetheless and I ended up slipping out that I noticed how he and her had chemistry. She didn’t deny and asked if I thought of Leo and her fucking. I said that it’s a scenario that I imagined quite a lot of times ever since she fucked the guy on that trip and I realised the thought of her having sex with other people was hot.

I was trading carefully now since we were in uncharted territories. I asked her if she found him attractive. She said that the fact that he is so successful with women in general makes it clear that he is “objectively hot” (her words). I then asked her if she ever thought about him while masturbating or having sex. “Every now and then” was her answer. I asked if she thought about him while having sex with me recently as he is living there with us and she asked me if I really want to discuss this. I said that I wanted to know and she told me yes. I took a few seconds to process that and told her to close her eyes and think about him. I then went down on her and gave her a couple of orgasms with my mouth. She later kissed me and then spoke in my ear: “You best friend is so hot. No wonder he travels around fucking whoever he likes”.

Things were interesting the next day. We did not discuss it after we woke up but it was interesting to see her dynamic with Leo. Everytime they got close, she would hesitate and look at me as if to check if I was ok. I guess this is what happens when your girlfriend admits to you that she lusts after your best friend. We discussed it again last night and I asked her if she’s like to have sex with him. She started to tell me that fantasy and reality are two different things but I interrupeted her. I told her to imagine that there could be no repercussions. Would she like to have sex with him? She didn’t hesitate “Of course”.

I told her that we could make an exception to our rules for him. That he is not the kind of guy that persues romatic relationships so I don’t see him as a threat to us. I remembered her that he was hiding his depression caused by lack of sex and that he’s likely enjoy this a lot since she is my girlfriend. She asked what I meant and I realised that i had slip out something that I didn’t intend and told her how years ago he talked about how he likes to fuck girls that are in realtionships and that it stuck with me. She just chuckled “yeah, I can totally see him saying that.”

We decided that we would talk to him on the next party in our living room. Just like any other Friday since the lock down began, we had dinner and then started preapring drinks, turned on the projector and put on some music. We danced and talked until enventually I called Jess and Leo out to the balcony so we could all smoke some weed. As we were smoking and talking, I asked him how he was hanging out without the clubs and random women. Being slightly drunk and high, he said something like “you have no idea what I’d give for some pussy right now”. I glanced over to Jess and we exchanged a smirk. Leo sensed something was up and shut up waiting for us to talk.

I reminded him on how me and Jess have an open relationship that is mostly open on her side and then I simply told him that Jess has a huge crush on him. She looked at me with accusing eyes but I just laughed and said there was no denying it. I told him how I noticed he and her had grat chemistry and asked if he would like to try a threesome with us that night. He was pretty excited with the idea. He said he had a lot of threesomes but they were all with two girls and told Jess how he attempted to arrange for us to fuck this girl when we were young but I chickened out and he had to fuck her alone. I reminded him again of my issue and how it affects my confidence but he ensured me it’s ok and he understands it. i tol them I was going to fetch some drinks and that maybe they should take the time to get better acquainted to each other.

I took my time and actually went to the bathroom before fetching us more drinks. When I got back to the balcony, he had one arm over her shoulder, one hand on her thigh and they were sharing a very light kiss. Jess smiled when she saw me and I gave them their drinks. I suggested we geet inside as it was getting chilly. Jess hugged me and kissed me. She asked if I was ok and reminded me that we can stop this at any time if I don’t feel like it anymore. I assured her it was ok.

Back in the livign room, a song we all love from our clubbing days was playing and we all started dancing. Jess kissed me again and then Leo started dancing with her just like he usually did. This time though, their eyes locked and they went for a kiss. This wasn’t the light kiss I saw them share in the balcony. This was a passionate kiss. It was deep and intense. Jess and Leo, in the middle of the living room with the projector projecting the music video over them as well as the wall. I was reminded of all the times I saw Leo make out like this with girls we met at a clubs but this time it was Jess. Leo was making out with my girlfriend and their chemistry was palpable. I knew Jess and I could tell just how much into it she was.

After we finshed our drinks and our little party, we got to the living room. We sat on each side of Jess and started kissing her all over. Removing her clothes and our clothes. I couldn’t help noticing it when Leo removed his trousers. He was already full mast. He wasn’t even touching his dick and his erection was firm and his penis was pointing upwards. Again, I was impressed but not as much as Jess. She grabbed it in her hand and gave him that “I’m impressed” look. Meanwhile, i put on my cock ring and started stroking my dick to get an erection.

I don’t know if it was the new situation but, even though I was super aroused, I was having a lot of difficulty keeping my dick hard. I was kissing Jess and touching her all over while she was giving this beautiful blowjob on Leo and my dick would go hard and soft, hard and soft. I decided to give it some time but somehow I felt like I wasn’t gonna get a sufficient erection for tonight.

I backed of a bit and let them continue. They were going at each other with such lust. Eventually Leo noticed I wasn’t part of the threesome anymore and asked if I was ok. Jess stopped as soon as she relised I might not be ok. I told them I was having some difficulties. Jess told me it was ok and we can all try again another day. I told her it was fine but she and Leo seemed pretty intent in stopping everything. I was touched in a way. They forgo all that lust to make sure I am ok. I told them to carry on. That I didn’t mind stepping back and I would step back in if I felt like it. Jess told me there was no need for that and they were stopping.

I realised at that time that I dodn’t want it to stop. I told them that I could see how they lusted after each other and I didn’t want to be the reason they stopped. Before they tried to assure me again that it was ok, I told them I would actually feel bad if they stopped because of me. Leo told me it wasn’t fun if we weren’t all into it so I decided to finally admit something that I lacked courage to until them. I told them that this was something I was not quite ready to admit so I was only going to say it once. I said that the reason Jess and I opened the relationship is because I like the thought of her being desired and free to fuck other men. I told them that I like that she fucks other people and that I always fantasised in one day watching. I asked them to do it for me. I knew how much they wanted tjis and they didn’t need to feel guilty because I wanted this to happen and I would get off on watching them. That night I saw Jess and Leo have sex for the first time.

It was amazing seeing them explore each others bodies for the first time. It was often slow and sensual and then it would shift to rough and animalistic and back to slow. Seeing him on his knees on the bed and Jess his her legs locked around him as he held her in the air was almost as hot as what came next: seeing his body completelly cover hers as he fucks her. Their faces pressed close together as they felt each other’s breaths and shared deep kisses.

After that night, we laid out the rules for what was to come. Me and Jess were still a couple and Leo was still my best friend and, at the same time, he was now Jess’ FWB at least for the duration of the lock down. They were free to kiss, and have sex as much as they wanted and I’ve I ever stopped being ok with it, I would let them know. Over the next few days, they fucked again, we had and actual threesome, I fucked Jess alone, she also fucked Leo alone while I was shopping.

Our dynamic actually worked pretty well and things went pretty smoothly. Everything was done with respect and sometimes a bit of teasing. One night Leo took Jess to our bedroom while I was in the kitchen cooking us all dinner. when dinner was ready and they rejoined me all sweaty and smily, I joked with Leo asking how he was enjoying his stay and if he would rate us 5 stars on AirBNB.

“Are you kidding? This is the best airbnb ever. I get to fuck a hot girl while her super cool boyfriend cooks me lunch? I’d write you guys a detailed review. You know how to keep your guests happy.” – Leo said jokingly.

“It’s more like you were paying your rent in there, dick head” – Jess said laughning

“Yeah, you were all over my dick’s head with that pretty little mouth” – and with this they shared a kiss.

It’s been 1 month now since Leo left and he is now back at his hook up routine from what we see on his instagram. Sometimes I go down on Jess while she checks out his instagram and moans his name. We are not sure if Leo is gonna continue to be her FWB as this pandemic might have been the extenuating circunstance that made us temporarely ditch our rules. Whatever we decide, I feel like Jess and I are still gonna have a lot of exciting adventures together.



  1. I’m sure he’s a good guy, but your friend Leo seems like such a tool. Like boo fucking hoo, you’re depressed because you haven’t had sex for 2 months. Go eat a dick, Leo.

  2. Hot story. Great to hear that your relationship still seems to be intact After and and the experience even helped. Sometimes you read that the woman gets dick drunk and make her partner feel inadequate, but you two seem to have good communication.

    May I write you a PM about that venous leak issue?
    Because I have been thinking lately If I might have something similar.

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