The most intense four hours of my life [FF] – Part 1

It’s been a couple of months since I [finally got lady-laid](, and honestly it just keeps getting better. Neither of us are spring chickens, and while we may not have the flexibility nor the figures we once had, the experience and sexual knowledge more than makes up for it. We have to grab what moments together that we can, but it is so worth it.


We woke, snuggled together just as we’d fallen asleep. Our lips met, and we laughed as our nipples followed suit, seemingly magnetically attracted. We fit together so well.

She kissed me harder, deeper, moving above me. She wasn’t usually this dominant, but I was so here for it. Her body was warm against my side, and her mouth teased mine.

And then she bit my lip.

Not hard, just enough to let me know that this play was serious. She was in charge.

I tested her. I reached for her nipple, to tease it to firmness as I love to do. She batted my hand away. I tried again. She pinned my hand to the bed, looked me in the eye, and growled “No” under her breath.

I complied… for about 20 seconds. Each time I reached for her, she thwarted me, until finally her eyes glinted playfully at me as she snarled, “Put your hands behind your head and stay still.” I co-operated by putting my hands behind my head, but there was no way I could stay still. Her mouth was on my breast, licking and flicking and sucking my nipple to a peak, while her hand glided across my belly and over my mound. She teased me, exploring but never really touching, until my pelvis was dancing to the helpless pulse of desire.

She straddled my leg, pressing her knee up against me, and I was suddenly aware of just how wet I was as I ground my pussy against the welcome pressure. She rode my leg, too, subtly rubbing against me as she teased my entire body with her fingers and mouth. I was whimpering, my hands clenched behind my head, by the time she finally gave me permission to use them.

“Play with your nipples”, she breathed in my ear. I gladly obliged, gasping as I gently twisted them. I felt her twitch against my leg; she liked what she saw. She slipped her fingers between us, sliding them through my slickness to caress my clit, over and over, in time with my writhing and my quickening breath, grinning down at me as she rode my leg and brought me right to the edge…

….and stopped.

I whined in dismay, my words lost. I wriggled beneath her, desperately trying to get her fingers back onto my clit, to find that pressure to tip me over the edge.

She shook her head and laughed softly as she moved her hand away. I stilled, resigned to the fact that she was in charge and I wouldn’t be coming… yet. I pouted at her in exaggerated frustration. That teasing grin curved her lips as she kissed me, slowly and deeply. I relaxed into it. We had time.


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