My husband doesn’t know I was creampied by two strangers in a public toilet, and I don’t know if the baby is his [MFM][Slutwife][Cheating][Creampie][Impregnation][Cuckolding][Australian]

*Author’s note: I do not condone the use of disabled toilets for those of us who do not require them. It is highly unethical. Also, cheating is bad, you naughty boys and girls.*

I ran down the Cairns Esplanade with tears on my face, perspiration soaking through my tight black tank top, sweating in the dry July heat. I was running away from the Holiday Inn, where I had left my husband minutes before. I was running from the man I had thought that I knew, thought that I could trust and with whom I could build a life. But that had been ripped apart. Where was I running to, though? I didn’t know. Oh, I didn’t know what was coming, either.

“I’m sorry.” He had said. “I thought maybe I’d change my mind someday, but I realise now that I won’t.”

So, he had thought he would change his mind about the one thing I had told him I’d always wanted, from the start. He had lied to me. He had lied, he said, hoping that someday the lie would become the truth, but it hadn’t.

He didn’t want children. He never had and he had “only just realised” that he never would. If I stayed with him, I would never be a mother. I had wasted twelve years of my life with a man who didn’t care that the thing I’d told him *from the start* that was most important to me in life would never be possible as long as I was with him.

Was it too late for me now? I was 34 years old. I was getting old. Almost the age of a “geriatric pregnancy”. When we were first married, he had said we were too young. As we got older, he became too busy.

Then my mother got sick. It was unthinkable that we would try to start a family when I had to be her full-time carer, watching her skin turn grey and hearing her hacking cough as the cancer metastasized and spread to her lungs. Before I knew it, I was in my thirties, we had a charming 4-bedroom house in a suburb with excellent schools ­– I should know, I was a teacher myself – and still no kids. I told him it was time, and he told me that he wasn’t ready to talk about it.

Our marriage wasn’t exactly stellar at the time, apart from his refusal to discuss growing our family. We had been making love less and less frequently in the past few years. We saw a marriage counsellor, but he told me after two sessions that she was an idiot and a waste of time and money. We decided that we just needed some quality time together. If we could only get away from it all for a couple of weeks somewhere relaxing, somewhere we could go scuba diving on the Great Barrier Reef and drink cocktails by the hotel pool. Maybe that’s all we needed to fix us.

And that’s when I’d finally forced the issue. The morning of the second day of our holiday. We hadn’t made love the night before. (He was “too tired” from the flight.) We hadn’t made love in six months. I woke him with a kiss and moved on top of him. I told him I had stopped taking my birth control, that it was my fertile window, and… and he blew up at me.

I understand I didn’t bring it up in the best possible way. Just to be clear, I would never have let him fuck me without telling him I wasn’t on the pill any longer. I would never have done that to him. But I thought if I just “surprised” him maybe he’d be receptive. Maybe he would see that the time was right.

But when would the time ever be right? My fertile years were slipping away.

He apologised for yelling, for pushing me off him. And that’s when he told me. That’s when I knew that our marriage was over.

After an hour of tearful recriminations, accusations, hurt silences, hope and despair, we had come to an impasse. He sat in the hotel chair, head in hands. I cried on the bed. I got up, put on my bikini and threw on my running clothes and got out of there. Where was I running to? What would come next? Oh, I didn’t know. I didn’t know yet.

Three kilometres down the esplanade and I found myself at the Lagoon, the touristy little fake beach with the saltwater pool, the sapphire waters packed with schoolkids on their holiday and young, sunburned mums, yelling and laughing. I stopped and watched a little boy in bright orange floaties awkwardly running to jump into the arms of his mother in the water, as she cried out in proud delight. The tears poured out again, then, watching the child’s joyful face as he took float.

*Too late,* I thought. *It’s too late for me now.*

The waters invited me. Why not? Might as well be inconsolably devastated in a body of water than inconsolably devastated in the heat, right?

As I was walking towards the change rooms, that’s when the man first caught my eye.

He was lying on the grass in nothing but a small, tight pair of blue board shorts. He was a muscular, hairy beast of a man, with a slight layer of fat and a not unappealing hint of love handles. He had a bronzed Mediterranean look to him, with square features, a prominent profile with a neatly trimmed beard and a profusion of black hair running from his chest down to a thick happy trail disappearing into his shorts. His thick wavy black mane was peppered with grey. I couldn’t see his eyes, as he was wearing a pair of wayfarers.

I didn’t realise that I was staring, but he certainly did. He sat up, smiled, and removed his sunnies, gazing straight at me. His deep-set eyes were the colour of the vacuum of space. “Hi.” He said, a brilliant grin appearing. I returned his greeting and, blushing, ran off to the change room.

I had never quite gotten the hang of flirting, and still had the urge to run away when I had inadvertently secured a man’s attention. I had met Travis when I was still at UQ, getting my Bachelor of Education. He was my best mate’s boyfriend’s best friend, and we were always in each other’s way at house parties and pubs. The first time we kissed, we were both almost too pissed to stand up. Us being together, it just made sense.

I’d only been with two other guys before Travis (random drunken hook-ups), and he was my first serious boyfriend. I had never learned how to flirt with men because I had never really needed to. I married the first one who took any real interest in me.

That isn’t to say that I was a stranger to male attention. I know I’m not hideous to behold. I don’t have the flattest stomach on earth; I’m no Instagram model. But I have an hourglass figure, big tits and a big ass. In my mid-30s, my honey-coloured skin was still supple, and I hadn’t started getting wrinkles yet. I’ve heard that the blonde hair doesn’t hurt either. I’d had a few times when I’d been drunk at the pub and considered going home with insistent strangers who paid no attention to my wedding ring, but I’d never been unfaithful to my husband. And never truly wanted to. It was not the sort of thing that I would ever do, right? Right?

When I walked back out the water in my orange halter neck bikini, I was a little disappointed not to see the strange man again. I soon forgot about it as I jumped straight into the shallow water and swam to the other end of the Lagoon to the fountain, plunging my face underneath the spray as young teenagers weaved around me.

I dove under the surface again and swam to the edge. It was then that I saw the man once more, a couple meters away from me, sitting and laughing with a mate. Their legs hung over the concrete edge of the lagoon into the water. I was going to dive back under, embarrassed, when I saw him catch sight of me and signal to his mate. “That’s her! I was telling you!” The stranger had told his friend about me?

“Hey, beautiful girl who said hi to me! Come here!” My face burned. I was on the verge of turning away, but something made me say, “Fuck it” to myself and I went to him. He was grinning widely.

“Okay,” I tried to venture with failed bravado, “I’m here. Hi.” He patted the spot next to him on the concrete and I hefted myself up to the edge to sit next to him.

“I’m Dave.” He said in a booming voice, “and this is Sam.” Sam waved, “G’Day.” His friend was darker than him, younger, with the gorgeous lush lips and almond eyes of a Pacific Islander. I wondered if they were a bit drunk.

“Kat.” I said, and then, lamely, “Katerina.”

Dave exclaimed, “Katerina! Beautiful name. Russian? I knew a Russian girl called Katerina.”

“Croatian, actually.”

“Zdravo!” He boomed.

I blushed again. “Zdravo. But I don’t speak Croatian. My mum did, but not me.” I felt that pang of sadness whenever I spoke of her in the past tense, so tried to move right past it. “You ever been to Croatia?” I realised right then that I was hiding my left hand under my thigh, obscuring my wedding ring. What was I doing? Just talking to a stranger, right? Nothing wrong with that.

“Yeah! Backpacked all through Eastern Europe in 2010. Dubrovnik is fucking beautiful.”

Sam unexpectedly piped up, “Ask her.” He said.

I felt a strange tension in my stomach.

“Nah, nah.” Dave shrugged off to his mate, suddenly looking embarrassed.

“I’m gonna ask her.” Sam persevered.

I looked at him, curiously. “Ask me what?”

Dave shot his friend a look, then turned back to me. “You’re going to have to excuse my friend. He’s had a few too many…”

He made the “knocking back drinks gesture” with his hand and a clicking sound with his tongue.

Sam spoke up again. “I reckon she’s keen.”

“He’s pissed at midday on a Tuesday?” I asked incredulously.

Dave explained. “Work got cancelled. Building site was unsafe. We get paid to be on the piss for eight hours.”

I was close enough to detect a slight boozy aroma from them. That part checked out. The booze was mixed with a hint of cologne and male sweat. I suddenly became aware that we were sitting very close, that I could feel the heat radiating off Dave’s skin. I don’t know what possessed me, but I had a sudden urge to glance down at his crotch. It was then I saw the outline of his dick. It was fucking elephantine. I almost gasped. It wasn’t just huge; it was semi erect. It was apparent that my presence was having on effect on him. The wet board shorts clung to it obscenely and I saw the outline of the ridge of his glans. I glanced away, disbelieving that I could have even considered checking out his package. *Slut.* I silently admonished myself.

That’s when young Sam instigated again. “You just checked it out, didn’t you?” He said with a grin.

I almost gasped. I’m sure I went bright red. I wish I didn’t blush so easily.

“Say again?” I played dumb.

“You know what I meant.” Sam said slyly.

Dave glanced at his mate again. I couldn’t see it, but if there was ever a time for a “shut the fuck up” look, this would have been it. But Dave was also leaning back on his hands, making no effort that I could see to hide his burgeoning erection. Did he want me to notice?

I realised right then that I should leave. Things were getting out of hand. I was still married, wasn’t I?

I was moments away from jumping back in the water and swimming away, but something possessed me.

“Sam,” I prodded, “What was the thing you were going to ask me earlier?”

He grinned gorgeously, and I heard Dave mutter under his breath “Don’t do it mate”, staring at the water.

“I was gonna ask if you wanted to fuck us. Dave said you wouldn’t, but I reckon you would.”

I couldn’t believe he just outright said it like that. I let my jaw hang open for a moment. Without a word, I jumped up from the side of the water and marched away from them, a bit shaken.

“Oh, come on!” I heard Sam calling after me. “I was just having some fun! Come back! We like you!”

It was time to go back to the hotel. I rushed to my locker quickly, hands shaking. There was a knot in my belly. I couldn’t believe I’d stayed talking to them! Sam was a creep. Wasn’t he? *Wasn’t he?*

I realised that I wasn’t just shaking with adrenaline. There was something else I was feeling. A certain prickly, tingly heat. A warmth between my legs. I thought about how achingly horny I would get every month as I was ovulating, and how it had been so long before my husband had put his dick in me. I’d practically *begged* him a few times, but there was always some excuse, even when he was around. Oh god. I wanted it. I *needed* it. My body was crying out. I *needed* to get fucked.

I kept thinking about Dave’s body. His smell. The massive cock that I wish I could have gotten a better look at. And in my lusty haze I asked myself, *Why not?* I had never done anything like this. I’d *certainly* never had two guys at once. I mean, sure, I’d thought about it. Watched a few choice videos on Pornhub of this very scenario. Who was I kidding? It had been one of my biggest fantasies, for years to fuck two men at once. Travis would *never* have agreed to a threesome, either. As far as he was concerned, doing it with the covers off was a kink. And they were both hot. I’d noticed Sam’s gorgeous smile, the labourer’s musculature rippling in the sunlight.

Now, I don’t know if you’re like me, but I think there’s a certain level of sexual arousal you can reach in which your judgement is just as impaired as if you’d had a half a bottle of Hendricks. And I was at that level, right then. I turned back. *Maybe they won’t still be there. If they’re still there, it’s a sign from the universe.* Sound reasoning, yeah?

They were still there. Dave looked at me expectantly. Sam grinned smugly.

*Don’t say it. Don’t do it. Walk away. Don’t say it. No, scratch that. Don’t pussy out.*

“So, if we were gonna… If we were going to… fuck.” I winced as I said it. I couldn’t believe I’d said it. “Where would we go?” I was trembling. I thought I might faint. For a moment, I hoped that it hadn’t just been a joke and I was being even more of an idiot than I had previously realised.

Sam jumped up. “I know a spot!”

Dave let out a whistle. “Are you serious?”

I capitulated. “Well, I mean, if you don’t want to…”

He cut me off, leaping to his feet. “Oh, we definitely want to. I just can’t believe you came back. I’m *glad* you came back.” I glanced down again, and the erection was no longer a semi. It was rock-hard and preposterously distended. For the first time I wondered, would it even *fit?* I’d never had anything that big inside me. It suddenly seemed even more real and I felt light-headed.

“Follow me!” Commanded Sam. Dave shrugged. I began to suspect this is not the first time Sam had picked up a woman at the Lagoon. It wasn’t that surprising, I suppose. He was hot, and confident as hell.

I also realised it would be the first time in my life I’d fucked a new person (new *people*) entirely sober. We followed Sam and he led us to a disabled toilet. I must admit that I baulked at first. But at that moment I felt a hot, slow stroke down my bare arm as Dave ran his hand down it and then I felt the heat of his body as he leaned against my back. A thrilling hardness nestled against my buttocks, and I shivered as he whispered in my ear, “I can’t wait to be inside you.”

I had goose bumps, and I felt ready to buckle at the knees. I felt a rush of heat to my cunt and I surged forward into the breach, crossing the threshold of no return, which happened to be the open door of a public toilet at a recreational facility in Cairns.

They locked the door behind me, and Sam immediately grabbed me and bent down to rush his lips against mine. I thought he was going to kiss me forcefully, but he held back at the last moment, teasing me, and giving me a moment to build up anticipation to receive his tongue. I felt Dave’s hands come around me from behind, sliding over my soft stomach, then pulling me back toward him. He leaned down and kissed my neck, sending chills down my spine. As Dave’s hands travelled down my body, Sam finally made contact with my mouth, opening his soft lips and cracking open my mouth with his tongue. He slid his hands around my back and moved in closer to me so that I could feel his muscular hairless belly against mine, and hard cock against my crotch.

Sandwiched between their hot bodies with their tongues on my neck and in my mouth, the hardness of their desire pressing into me from both sides, my pussy dripping with anticipation, I realised that I hadn’t even *considered* what we would do for contraception.

I pulled my mouth back from my lip lock with Sam. “Do either of you have condoms?”

I heard Dave exhale behind me. “Oh shit.”

None of us had a condom. To their credit, neither of them were dicks about it. We agreed that oral was best.

Dave took charge then. “Lie down and spread your legs.” He ordered me. I shivered as I pressed my back into the cold tile, trying not to think about how filthy it was, and spread my thighs, my increasingly drooling pussy still hidden by the fabric of my bathers. Sam lay down beside me and brought his hand between my legs, pulling aside the fabric to expose my neatly trimmed pink pussy, and I gave a moan of pleasure as his deft fingers slowly massaged my clit. The older man brought his mouth down and parted my vulva with his tongue. The sensation of Sam’s fingers and Dave’s tongue working in unison to pleasure me quickly ramped up level of arousal and I fell into a dreamy sex-haze. I wanted to return some of the pleasure they were giving me.

I pushed my hand into Sam’s swimming trunks then and for the first time felt the raw flesh of his penis, hot and hard in my hand. It wasn’t as enormous as his friend’s, but it felt good to have my hand around it. He helped me ease off his shorts then and his beautiful hardness sprung free. It was smooth and circumcised with a slight upward curve. I wanted it in my mouth, but for the time was happy to stroke it firmly in my fist.

I loved what was happening between my legs, but I began to urgently want to play with the monster cock that I knew was hiding in Dave’s shorts. I sat up slightly and told him to come up and kiss me. As he did so, I reached up my hands, temporarily neglecting Sam’s erection, to pull off his board shorts. The moment of the reveal had me gasping. The well-veined shaft was practically the length of my forearm, and as thick as my wrist. I have never seen a penis before that was large enough to instil actual fear, but that dick made me as sexually excited as it did afraid.

The older man started French-kissing me then, and I noted his make-out style was much rougher and more dominant than that of his friend, and he alternately sucked on my lips and forced his tongued into my mouth. I grasped his cock with both hands, revelling in its near-mythical immensity.

I broke free from his kiss for a moment and hazarded, “Would you… could you maybe just slide it along my pussy lips for a bit?” I just wanted to feel that contact, even though it was slightly risky. He immediately obliged me, sliding the colossal head against my hot wet cunt lips and I trembled in pleasure. I began to rock my hips back and forth, straining to feel more. Sam reached up to the clasp at the front of my halter neck then and undid it, allowing my tits to spring free. He leaned down to suck on my erect nipples while his friend held himself above me, rubbing his cock along my slit. I hiked up my knees and wrapped my legs around Dave’s ass, trying to bring him in closer to me. The feel of his naked cock spreading my vulva but not entering me was driving me insane.

I couldn’t stand it any longer. “Put it inside me.” I moaned. He asked me if I was sure and I just told him to make sure he pulled out before he came, and it should be fine.

He bucked his hips forward then and began the task of stretching me open. With a dick that size, even with how turned on I was and how much I wanted it, I knew it would hurt a bit when he entered me. The head and the first few inches were fine, but I could certainly feel the strain. “Oh god! Go slow. Go slow.” I begged him. He pulled back a bit and pitched forward again, this time getting it a bit further inside. He let out a sigh of pleasure as my velvety hot vaginal canal hugged his engorgement. I realised that Sam was wanking himself now, excited to watch his friend destroy my unaccustomed pussy. I had never been stretched so much. I wondered if this was something they did together regularly.

I took deep breaths, doing the best I could to relax my muscles and breathe through it. He pushed gently forward once more, and I could feel him bottoming out. I looked down to see my nether lips and I couldn’t believe that that thing was inside me. It hurt slightly, but it also felt unbelievably intense and wonderful. He put his whole weight on my then, and I tightly wrapped my legs around him as the full length of his torso pressed into my stomach and breasts, and he kissed me ravenously. We fucked like this for a few minutes, and the pain dissolved into a sensation of intense, building heat and waves of pleasure. My orgasm was building. Sam whispered in my ear, “You look so fucking sexy. I can’t wait to fuck you next.” At that, I cried out and felt my whole body start to shake as I was taken over by orgasmic contractions.

Dave grunted, “Oh, yeah, cum on my cock.”

After the waves of climax began to die down, I decided to switch positions so I could play with both more easily at the same time. I got into doggy position and without me needing to tell him, Sam immediately got up on his knees and forced his beautiful cock into my mouth, the head pushing straight to the back of my throat. I savoured the taste of his salty precum as I pressed my mouth all the way down on to his thick black pubes.

Dave slid into me from behind, more easily this time, but still causing me a shudder of delight as I felt him stretch me open. He started to pound me mercilessly then, pistoning in and out of me as his friend grabbed me by the hair and began to pump his dick into my mouth, causing me to gag and drool, my eyes watering at the effort of being throat-fucked.

I felt pain in my knees, my throat and my cervix from the hard floor, and the pounding cocks inside me, but the endorphins of my recent orgasm had made me high and I was still in a state of total ecstatic abandon.

There was a sudden shock as Sam shot his load into my mouth without warning, then, still cumming withdrew and coated my face and hair with his jizz, wanking his cock to drain every drop.

He hadn’t lasted long! It didn’t seem to be softening, though. Was he one of *those* guys? I had only heard about this sort of thing from my girlfriends. Could he keep going?

While Sam came on my face, Dave cried out, “Oh fuck yeah!” Watching me painted by his friend’s cum seemed to drive him that much closer and he picked up pace, hammering even faster. He was going to have to pull out soon. I should really have reminded him to pull out…

But I didn’t tell him to pull out. No.

My horny brain-mouth connection bypassed my reason and I heard myself say it. “Cum inside me, Dave. Cum inside me. Fucking do it. I want to feel it.”

He didn’t argue. Grabbing my hips, he unloaded in me. Feeling the rhythmic bursts of his seed pumping into me brought about my second orgasm and this time I was close to screaming as the hot feeling ripped through me.

Before I knew what was happening, Dave had slid out of me and Sam was behind me to replace him. He *was* one of those guys! The massive hot, slick load of cum inside me made it the easiest thing in the world for him plunge straight into me and he immediately started jackhammering me with ferocity. “Wait, wait!” I gasped. My knees were killing me from being pressed into the hard floor, and my cervix had taken a beating. I directed him to change positions and lie down behind me in the spoon position, our legs scissored in between each other as he slid into me again, this time more tenderly. Dave lay in front of me, his cock spent, but kissing me passionately and pressing his chest against my sensitive breasts as Sam sawed in and out of me. The feeling of being pressed in between two hot bodies as every erogenous zone in my body was stimulated at the same time was too much for me.

Incredibly, I began to feel another orgasm come on. I hadn’t cum this many times in a row since I’d first started dating Travis. He had turned lazy after years of marriage, and the few times we had been intimate in recent years, he had taken a one-and-done approach and would roll over to go to sleep the moment he’d cum without caring whether I had climaxed or not. I told Sam I was about to cum again, and to cum with me.

He let out a deep groan and increased his speed as my contractions started, and before I knew it, I felt yet another hot wet load released inside me. My orgasm seemed to last longer than the two previous ones this time, and I began to lose all sense of time and space, as if the only thing that existed in the universe were these three bodies pressed together, bound by sweat and cum, moaning and gasping and screaming into the void around us.

I wondered for a moment where the screams had come from before I realised that they were my own. When I grasped that I was the one screaming, I screamed louder, in joy, in transcendence. I think I may have blacked out for a moment. My vision went.

When I came to, Sam had collapsed on the floor behind me. My legs were shaking, and I wondered how I would walk out of there. The three of us stayed on the floor for a couple of minutes, just kissing and embracing before we had to inevitably part.

They pulled their shorts back on and I readjusted my bathers. Before he got up to go, Dave gave me a sly look and grabbed my left hand, momentarily rubbing my wedding ring between his thumb and forefinger. “Your husband’s a lucky man.” He said. “I hope he deserves you.” Before I could reply, he jumped up and opened the door. Sam followed behind him and turned to look at me. “Glad you came back, sexy!” He winked and they were gone.

As I stumbled towards the showers still on an endorphin high, but beginning to come down, the enormity of what I had done began to hit me. The self-loathing and paranoid ruminations began to flood in.

How could I have done that to Travis? How could I have put myself at such *risk*? What if they had been murderers or rapists? What if they had AIDS? What if I was *pregnant*? I should get the morning after pill. And then I laughed. There was no fucking way I was getting the morning after pill. I realised right then that letting them cum inside me hadn’t been a temporary lapse in judgement. It had been what I’d really wanted all along but hadn’t been willing to admit to myself.

With mixed emotions, I did my best to rinse the cum out of my well-used cunt. I didn’t want him to smell it on my when I got back to the room. But I didn’t try to wash it out to thoroughly. The idea of their warring sperm driving itself up into my womb excited me. I didn’t want to let go the memory that quickly. I liked to think about how if I stuck my fingers up far enough inside myself, I could pull them out and taste their cum.

When I got back to the hotel room, Travis flung himself into my arms. He told me that he was sorry, that he couldn’t lose me. That he’d been a fool, that he would do anything to keep me. And then he started kissing me and pulling me onto the bed. Without discussing it or the implications, we fucked, and he came deep inside me.

A few weeks later, I got all my tests back from the GP. Thank god, I didn’t have any STIs, but I was pregnant. I didn’t know how Travis would take it, but he told me he was happy and couldn’t wait to be a dad.

It’s almost eight months later and I’m due soon. I can’t wait to be a mother and I’m happier than I’ve ever been in my life. Things aren’t perfect with my husband, and to be honest I’m not sure how enthusiastic he is to be a father. Our sex life certainly improved after the holiday in Cairns. It’s possible that the child I’m carrying is his. But with our mutual blonde hair and blue eyes, if it’s not his I think it might be apparent immediately. I will cross that bridge when I come to it. I’ve been trying not to think about it too much. I might have to raise this child on my own. I think I can handle it, though, if I must.

Whatever happens, I don’t regret a thing.


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