Me [M], 30, getting head from 21 yo park visitor [F], while her family was nearby.

So I volunteer on weekends at a local historic site park. I’m usually dressed in period costume (think colonial days, Revolution). There’s the main site and then a small old cabin off to the side. Anyway the girl, “J”, showed up last weekend with her family. We know each other already and had hooked up a few times when she was a freshman/sophomore in college when I worked maintenance at that school. Haven’t seen her in a year or more. I didn’t recognize her at first due to her mask, and I had never met her family. but her dad apparently is a big history buff and was asking me all kinds of questions (which was great, that’s the reason I volunteer) and she stood there quiet in short shorts and a tight top that showed off her shoulders and cleavage. I could see her smile at me and then it hit me who she was.
Her dad and mom and younger sister then went off to keep looking at stuff but she stayed behind to catch up, and actually made it clear to her family that we knew each other from the school. It was one of those rare movement when timing is perfect cause I was on my break (a full hour for lunch) and very quickly she started making it clear what she had in mind. So, we walked off to the little cabin I mentioned which has one wall facing the woods, she dropped to her knees and as a joke produced a bottle of hand sanitizer. After unbuttoning my colonial-style breeches, and giggling the whole way through she then said “hashtag covid” and began jerking me off with the sanitizer. I haven’t gotten any in almost three months and I told her I would cum quite quickly. She then put me between her lips and tied up her light brown hair and sucked me slowly for a few seconds before I shot a load into her throat. She swallowed, coughed from the mixed taste of sanitizer and cum, buttoned my pants back up , then stood up and simply said “you looked like you wanted to bang me before you recognized me so I figured I should help you out,” and kissed my cheek. We then actually caught up for real and spent the next hour talking about life. Her family were clueless.



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